Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding nutrition’ Category


The three main components, which calculated the backbone of your diet – the carbohydrates, proteins
and fats.Other components that help
the body to recover and gain strength – is (BCAA – branched-chain
amino acids), creatine, glutamine, amino acids.BCAA.
Leucine, isoleucine and valine are found in all proteins of animal origin, and even in
greater concentration – in milk and eggs.BCAA can be used directly
muscles to recover and build new tissue and the liver to form
of glucose.Studies have shown that BCAA prevent or reduce the breakdown of muscle
tissue associated with weight training.In addition to the use of protein drinks, which
by definition, contain the BCAA, BCAA, take 4-6 capsules before and after training to improve
muscle recovery and to prevent their collapse.

The mighty athletes of yesterday's day, such as Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sergio Oliva,
ate in the day and a half a kilogram of steak a day, which gave them their size and strength.
Today, their diet is revised.Meat contains creatine, energy substance that
helps with heavy strength training.Pound steak contains roughly 5 grams
this substance, which also helps to produce adenosine three phosphate – the main source
energy (which is derived from glycogen) for training with weights.Raising the level of creatine
the body can stimulate protein synthesis, while, as the lowering of creatine
interferes with the normal growth of muscle tissue.Creatine in the form of drugs – it's easy
way to deliver fuel to your muscles without having to have red meat in large

Possible question – how long must I use creatine? Values ​​it has, if
Creatine reserves are full, then you're ready to go.Studies have shown, however, that glucose
improves the absorption of creatine.Perhaps this is why many pros include creatine in their
after training meal.Consume creatine can be in various forms, one thing is important – in
body, it does not accumulate in excess of, so feel free to consume their 5-20 grams per
day and everything will be alright.

This "conditionally essential" amino acid is needed in stressful situations, such as
in heavy training.Some experts define it as "the immune amino acid".When
glutamine from muscle tissue, where it is stored, delivered to the immune system, positive
effect is to maintain the immune system, and negative – is that it consumes,

shortage of glutamine and may delay muscle growth.When the concentration of glutamine and
returned to normal levels, reduced ability to synthesize muscle tissue
squirrel.For restocking and glutamine in the muscles and tissues to prevent the collapse of the day
need to consume 15-20 grams of glutamine and.

Amino Acids.

Amino acids – the building blocks that comprise the protein structures, muscle fibers, such as.The body uses them for its own growth.Recovery.strengthening and development of various hormones.antibodies and enzymes.In total there are 21 amino acid.nine of them – the so-called "essential" (the body can not synthesize them into self-sufficient).others are called "irrelevant".The essential histidine are.isoleucine.leucine.lysine.methionine.phenylalanine.threonine.tryptophan, and valine.These amino acids enter the body with meat, fish, eggs and dairy products.Separately, there are two so-called "semi-essential" amino acids, cystine and tyrosine.They differ from the others….
"Minor"- Alanine.arginine.asparagine.aspartic acid (aspartic acid).oic acid glutamine.glutamine.glycine.proline.serine and taurine.Amino acids, ready to eat, produced by various manufacturers in different combinations.For professional use drugs are divided even in the pre-and post-training.morning.Evening and t.Dr..

Essential amino acids.

Shout of the main ingredients in the growth and synthesis of body tissue.The main source – animal products.Experiments on laboratory rats have shown.that valine povyshaetmyshechnuyu coordination and lowers the body's sensitivity to pain.cold and heat.

Promotes growth and tissue repair.A large number found in hemoglobin and is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.Allergies.ulcers and anemia.The lack of histidine can cause weakening of the hearing.

Comes with all products.containing the complete protein – products.

Comes with all products.containing the complete protein – products.Needed not only for body protein synthesis, but also to strengthen the immune system.

Good sources – cheese, fish.One of the important components in the production of carnitine.Ensures proper absorption of calcium, participates in the formation of collagen (from which then form the cartilage and connective tissue) is actively involved in the production of antibodies.hormones and enzymes.Recent studies have shown.that lysine.improving the overall balance of nutrients.may be useful in the fight against herpes.The lack of progress can be expressed as.inability to concentrate.irritability.damage to the vessels of the loss.anemia and problems in the reproductive sphere.

Good sources – cereals, nuts and cereals.Important in the metabolism of fats and proteins, the body uses it also for the production of cysteine.Sulphur is a major supplier.disorder that prevents the formation of and nails, helps to reduce cholesterol levels.increasing the production of lecithin liver, lowers the level of fat in the liver.protects the kidneys; involved in the withdrawal of heavy metals from the body, regulates the formation of ammonia and clears away the urine.that reduces the load on the bladder, affects the hair follicles and support hair growth.

An important component in the synthesis of turn.decompose of protein synthesis.An important component of collagen.elastin and protein enamel involved in the fight with the deposition of fat in the liver, and supports a smoother operation and digestive tract, taking part in the overall metabolism and digestion.

Is primary in relation to niacin (vitamin B) and serotonin.which.participating in the processes of the brain controls appetite.sleep.mood and pain thresholds.Natural relaxant.helps to fight insomnia.inducing normal sleep helps to fight with the state of anxiety and depression, helps in the treatment of migraine headaches, strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of spasm of the arteries and heart muscle, together with lysine fights for lowering cholesterol.In Canada and many European countries designated as an antidepressant and sleep aid.In the United States to include such use with caution.

One of the "essential" amino acids.Used by the body for the production of tyrosine and three important hormones – epinerfina.norepinerfina and thyroxine.Used by the brain to produce Norepinerfina.substance.which transmits signals from nerve cells to the brain, supports us in a state of wakefulness and responsiveness, reduces hunger, works as an antidepressant and helps improve memory.

Semi-essential amino acids.

Used by the body instead of phenylalanine in protein synthesis.Sources – milk, meat, fish.The brain uses tyrosine in the development of norepinerfina that enhances the mental tone.Promising results have shown attempts to use tyrosine as a means to combat fatigue and stress.

If a diet sufficient cystine.the body can use it instead of methionine for protein production.Good sources of cystine – meat, fish, soybeans, oats and wheat.Cystine used in the food industry as an antioxidant to preserve the vitamin C in products.

Nonessential amino acids.

Is an important source of energy for muscle tissue.brain and central nervous system, strengthens the immune system through the development of antibodies actively involved in the metabolism of sugars and organic acids.

Retards the development of tumors and cancers.Clears liver.Helps growth hormone release.strengthens the immune system.helps produce semen and is useful in the treatment of kidney disorders and injuries.Needed for protein synthesis and optimum growth.The presence of arginine in the body helps to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat stores.Also useful for liver disorders such as cirrhosis of the liver, such as.Not recommended for acceptance by pregnant and nursing women.

Asparagine – aspartic acid
Actively involved in the withdrawal of ammonia, harmful to the central nervous system.Recent studies have shown that aspartic acid may increase resistance to fatigue.

Important to normalize the blood sugar.increase of efficiency of the the treatment of impotence.the treatment of alcoholism.helps to fight fatigue.brain disorder – epilepsy.schizophrenia and simple inhibition.needed for the treatment of gastric ulcers.and promoting a healthy digestive tract.In the brain, glutamine is converted into a marketing acid important for brain function.If you use should not be confused with glutamine acid glutamine the action of these drugs differ from each other.Glutamic acid is considered a natural "fuel" for the brain.improves mental ability.accelerates the treatment of ulcers, increases resistance to fatigue.

Actively involved in providing oxygen to the process of formation of new cells.Is an important participant in the production of hormones responsible for strengthening the immune system.

Helps to bind and excrete long-chain fatty acids.The liver and kidneys produce carnitine from the other two amino acids – glutamine and methionine and.A large number of ships in the body meat and dairy products.There are several types of carnitine.D-carnitine is dangerous because it reduces the production of an independent body carnitine.Preparations of L-carnitine in this regard are considered less dangerous.By preventing the growth of fat reserves, this amino acid is important to reduce weight and reduce the risk of heart disease.The body produces carnitine only in the presence of sufficient lysine.iron and enzyme Q19 and V69.Vegetarians are more sensitive to a deficiency of carnitine, because their diet is much less lysine.Carnitine also increases the effectiveness of antioxidants – vitamins C and E.It is believed that the best utilization of fat daily intake of carnitine should be 1,500 milligrams.
Contributes to the development of growth hormone.which in combination with L-arginine and L-Carnitine promotes recycling in the metabolism of excess fat.Is required for the liver and immune system.

Extremely important for proper functioning of joints and ligaments, is also involved in maintaining health and strengthening the heart muscle.

Participates in the storage of liver and muscle glycogen, is actively involved in strengthening the immune system.providing its antibody; generates fat "bags" around nerve fibers.

Stabilize the excitability of membranes which is very important to control epileptic seizures.Taurine and Sulphur are factors.necessary for control of many biochemical changes.taking place during the aging process, participates in the liberation of the body from free radicals, pollution.


Natural steroids

You know that the addition of a beneficial effect on the body, but only when you are dieting.In principle, the additives are as follows – they change your diet.Products that you eat can also be considered as a supplement.Practically, most professional bodybuilders perceive food as a nutritional supplement.They eat foods.not because they are pleasant to the taste.but because they contribute to a better metabolism.We offer several products to consider, in terms of their natural anabolic qualities.Add them to their primary products.that you eat.that all possible valuable quality of food digested by you.Most of these products do not provide you with a large set of nutrients.than a food additive.but their advantage is.they are natural in nature and within the constituent substances they have a higher biological value.We advise you to add these 14 foods to your menu and set the standard of food additives..


Unless you are a native of have never included in the menu of a bodybuilder is the most useful product for you.herring.Regardless herring cooked (smoked.pickled or salted).it contains more creatine.than any other product on the planet.Creatine is one of the most important nutrients for a bodybuilder.because it increases muscle volume and.eventually.makes you stronger.Moreover.Creatine helps deliver nutrients to the muscles.that accelerates the process of recovery and growth..

Dosage: 200 g of herring eat 1-2 hours before exercise.that will provide your body with 40 grams of quality protein.12 grams of healthy fats.more than 3 grams of leucine.stimulating muscle growth, and about 2 grams of creatine..


Eat more grapefruit, when you work on pelvic muscles.Citrus fruits help burn fat.A recent 12-week study up extra polgreypfruta or drank 250 g of grapefruit juice a day and does not alter its standard nutrient diet.lose an average of 2 kg.many of them lost weight at 4.5 kg.Perhaps the reason for this effect lies in the fact.that has the properties of grapefruit reduce the blood levels of insulin and glucose.that has been proven in research projects.The manifestation of this effect is due to the soluble fiber pectin in grapefruit.Pectin prevents the entry of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which leads to lower insulin levels in the blood..

Another possible reason for the properties of grapefruit reduce weight.related to the content of naringenin in grapefruit complex.This reduces the effect of flavonol natural detoxification and metabolism of some drugs.It also slows the process of dissolution of caffeine in the blood.that promotes weight loss.because so prolonged thermogenic effect of caffeine.which leads to burning fat.If you are taking prescription drugs antihistamine.soothing srestva.calcium.cholesterol-lowering pills or immunosuppressinye funds.before turning on the grapefruit into your diet.Check with your doctor..

Dosage: 1 grapefruit (2-3 times per day) contains about 130 g of naringenin.only 90 calories.more than 2 grams of fiber.half of which is pectin.20 g carbohydrate.2 g protein and 90 grams of vitamin C.Since there is a possibility.that grapefruit reduces insulin levels in the blood.should not take it in food for at least 2 hours after exercise..


Yogurt is made by adding certain cultures of bacteria in milk.which convert lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid.that makes yogurt sour and thick.Live cultures to help maintain long anabolic state.maintaining balance in the gastrointestinal tract by restoring their microflora (which many sought through intensified and supplementation).Yogurt helps to improve absorption of protein.what a positive effect on the immune system..

Yogurt is also a good source of calcium.which.According to modern scholars.helps fight fat by inhibiting the hormone secretion.producing fat.And of course, yogurt is a source of milk protein.Buy yogurt with live cultures, which is written on the package Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilis.We do not recommend buying yogurt, which is added sugar..

Dosage: Yorgut can be eaten any time of day, just not immediately before or after exercise.One cup of yogurt, low fat contains 156 calories.13 g protein.17 g carbohydrates.4 grams of fat.about 500 mg calcium, about 1 g of each type of amino acids and more than 1 g of glutamine.When buying yogurt.look for the label printing of the National Association of live and active yogurt be sure.that you selected yoghurt least.100 million cultures per 1 g of the period specified expiration date..

Green tea

Green tea has a myriad of useful features.including contributes to weight loss.restoration of the joints.improvement of liver.and prevents cancer.cardio – vascular disease.and even.the results of recent help fight AIDS.Active material.possessing these useful properties are flavonoids called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).EGCG has antioxidant properties.which leads in most cases to the appearance of beneficial effects on the health of the body.Substance accelerates the metabolism, thus preventing dissolution norepinerfina.Green tea may also accelerate the absorption of fats.In the joints EGCG destroys the enzymes that break down cartilage..

Dosage: One large cup of green tea provides the body with 200 mg of EGCG.Drink 2-3 cups per day.and you will have the perfect metabolism.your joints ache and stop your whole body will be an excellent form of..


Coffee once recognized adverse health.but recent research has uncovered many useful qualities of this drink for body builders.In addition to improving efficiency of coffee has a thermogenic effect on the fat in the body.Caffeine also increases the effectiveness of thermogenic substances in coffee.If you drink coffee in about 1 hour before training, the effect of caffeine is much more noticeable.Coffee to strength training is also accordance with the results of a recent is more effective.than aspirin in relieving pain in muscles.It means.that you wash your practice more efficiently.and the pain in your muscles will not bother you..

You may not know about it, but coffee also has properties beneficial to the health of your body.Recent studies have shown.that drinking coffee is not more than three times per protect yourself from the danger of contamination of the second group with diabetes.occurrence of liver disease gallstones..

Dosage: Drink a day for 1-2 large cups of brewed coffee, each of which contains 100-200 mg of caffeine.(In instant coffee generally contains less than 100 mg of caffeine.Larger cup of caffeine some networks may contain up to 500 mg of caffeine.).


Broccoli contains a large amount of indole – 3 – carbinol (I 3 C) and is closely related to the derivative diindolulmetanom.phytochemicals, naturally occurring.which reduces the effect of the hormone estrogen.making it a weaker version of it in the liver.This reduces the level of involvement of estrogen in the process of fat accumulation and dehydration.In addition, this substance increases the anabolic effects of testosterone.According to a recent study, it also neutralizes the harmful effects of DHT.that ultimately leads to increased levels of "useful" testosterone.and dehydration and fat accumulation does not occur.Dosage: Consume a day or a few cups of fresh or boiled broccoli.This volume will that your body has more than 100 mg I 3 C.120-4000 micrograms of sulforaphane (a potential means to fight cancer).more than 80 milligrams of vitamin C and above 40 mg calcium.


In spinach contain large amounts of glutamine.amino acids.which promotes muscle growth and enhance immune.Since the spinach for 90% of the water, you need to eat it in large quantities of fresh.Thus it remains all glutamine.Spinach also contains octacosanol.This component has a large number of healthy substances (in particular for the cardio – vascular system).But the most useful for bodybuilders his property, that is what makes your muscles oktakoanol more.You can not get it in the right quantity.eating a salad with spinach.but in the salad contained in its natural form.Try to use a dietary supplement with octacosanol and still have regular spinach.So, you really will become a much stronger.

Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin.korotenoidy.protect the body from free radicals and preserve your vision – you want to continue to admire your physique and in the future.

Dosage: For salad use fully all the spinach leaves from a large package 300sotgrammovoy.This volume will provide your body with 1 g of glutamine.only 65 calories.8 grams of protein.6 g fiber.almost 300 mg of calcium.8 g of iron.80 mg of vitamin C.16 mg beta-carotene and 35 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin.Do not eat spinach before training, because it contains fiber slows the digestive process.


Tomatoes contain two valuable phytochemicals – lycopene and flavonoid katrenoid quercetin.Lycopene is a complex antioxidant.which protects the body against heart disease.cancer and especially of prostate.Lycopene is more active in the products.made from tomatoes (ketchup.tomato sauce.tomato paste).themselves than in fresh tomatoes.

Quercetin also has antioxidant properties and prevents clogging of the arteries.It also acts as an other words, helps the body recover faster after an exhausting workout.which had been damaged as a result of some muscle groups and appeared pain.

Dosage: According to recent studies to develop the necessary protective reaction of the body need to eat per day 6 and a half of tomatoes, or 10 servings of tomato-based products.One cup of tomato soup provides the body with more than 25 mg of medium-sized tomato contains 3 mg of the substance.and in one glass of tomato juice – 22 mg.


In the red pulp of the watermelon and.especially in his white obodochke contains large amounts of amino acids tsitrulina.Tsitrulin – an amino acid.which the body turns into arginine.producing nitric oxide.which helps to pump up your muscles with blood.nutrients.hormones and oxygen.making them bigger and stronger.

Red meat is an excellent source (the best.than tomato) of lycopene.antioxidant.responsible for the functioning of the heart.which also prevents many types of cancers.If you want to be in great shape and live long, add watermelon to your diet.

Dosage: One hour prior to workout on Eat 2350-gram piece of watermelon, eating him up to the green cover.This volume will provide your body with 3 g of producing nitric oxide citrulline.and also give 50 g of carbohydrate energy.In addition your body will be filled with 600 g of water.which will provide you with the necessary moisture and will help increase the muscle cells.


Garlic – is another vegetable that helps your muscles to grow and for which costs extra time to rinse your mouth.This is akin to an onion in allicin.diallilom disulfide.dialilom trisulfide and other sulfur-rich components.that help the body fight disease.But the most important property of garlic for bodybuilders is its ability to stimulate testosterone production and prevent the formation of cortisol.So.Garlic is most useful in a number of products for bodybuilders.which should be used before exercise.provided.that you notify about your partner.Allicin is also regarded as a useful agent in the fight against cancer.heart disease, and even the common cold.

Dosage: One clove of garlic contains more than 4 mg of allicin.Eat it before a workout.


Onions and garlic are related plants.and both are rich in sulfur-containing components.who betrayed them and such a sharp odor and is filled with many useful substances.One of these components – allyl propyl disulphide (APDS).which increases insulin release and prevents it from deactivating liver.In both cases, the level of insulin in the body increases.This property makes the onion strange, but useful choice for a snack after a workout.

If you combine the onion with a cocktail of whey protein.carbohydrates and helps the body to better absorb the nutrients they.Salad onions are almost as sweet as apple.Try to grab one bulb as anything on your training.If you can quickly get to the kitchen after a workout.Prepare yourself scrambled egg whites with chopped onions in a tomato and.In the bow also provides a large amount of quercetin.

Dosage: Eat one small onion after a workout.

Sunflower seed

Sunflower seed brim full of arginine and glutamine, contributing to an increase in muscle.It also contains a beatin, which includes the methyl.And he, in turn, the body uses to repair joints and protect the liver from a variety of harmful chemicals.including alcohol and steroids.If you take a dietary supplement in the form of Glycocyamine (precursor of creatine).then you should take in food and sunflower beatinom.which helps to recycle Glycocyamine in creatine.Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

Dosage: Eat half a cup of sunflower seed during the day.In this volume contains 12 grams of protein.15 g carbohydrate.more than 7 grams of fiber (for which you should not eat this product before training).about 3 grams of glutamine and? g of arginine.


Parsley accelerates the digestive process and reduces the level of estrogen.Among the more useful properties of parsley can distinguish its ability to neutralize your breath after garlic or onion.

Flavone apigenin.found in parsley in small quantities.produces an effect similar to I 3 other words, it protects the body from the estrogen.Parsley prevents the accumulation of fat.dehydration and suppression of testosterone.produced by the hormone estrogen.

Apigenin is also a powerful antioxidant.It has been proven.that it protects cells from oxidation of DNA.thereby.maintaining healthy skin cells as.and muscle.

Dosage: Three beam or tablespoon chopped fresh parsley contains about 10 mg of apigenin (which in some dietary supplements is presented in a similar dosage).


Every bodybuilder is recommended to eat more blueberries.Scientists at the University in Medford (Massachusetts) analyzed several varieties of fruits and vegetables for the presence of antioxidant properties in them and came to the conclusion that.that the blueberry has the stronger property fight against free radicals.In blueberries contain the highest possible amount of anthocyanin.This powerful antioxidant helps to protect the structure of blood vessels.including capillary.that saturate the muscles with blood.nutrients and oxygen.The stronger and healthier is your structure of blood vessels, the larger and stronger your muscles are.

Anthocyanins also helps to work your brain cells.It has been proven.blueberry that helps to improve memory.recovery of brain cells and prevents dementia.

Dosage: Add a half cup of blueberries into your protein shake before bed.Berries provide your body with more than 70 mg of anthocyanin.activating the brain.only 40 calories and 10 grams of carbohydrates.and 2 grams of fiber and 3 grams of fructose.

Natural steroids


Minerals in our body operates multiple functions.As structural elements, they are part of the bone.found in many enzymes.catalyzing the metabolism.Minerals found in hormones (eg, iodine in the thyroid gland).Is well-known role of iron, a component of hemoglobin.With his participation is transport of oxygen.Minerals activate certain processes.involved in the regulation of acid-base balance in blood and other organs.Sodium and potassium are involved in the transport of various substances into the cell.ensuring that its operation.Important is the role of minerals (potassium.calcium.sodium and magnesium) in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle.
Sufficiently high and constant content of salts in biological fluids.especially potassium and sodium salts.contributes to the conservation of water in the cell.which is important for its proper functioning and preservation of the form.
Needs of the organism in various minerals varies widely.The highest demand in sodium.Part of this element comes from the food: salt in the daily bread ration for healthy males are 3.5 g and 3-5 g is added to food during its preparation.Thus, a day consumed 10-15 g of salt.This quantity is sufficient for the needs of the organism in sodium.Typically, sodium chloride (table salt) consumed more than necessary.Salt is added in order to whet.widely used products.canned with salt.Increased consumption of salt is not desirable.since this leads to a thirst.increased water consumption and water retention in the body.A systematic excess in the diet of shown by research.contributes to the incidence of hypertension.
Another mineral element.potassium.contains almost all the products.the need for it is estimated at about 4-6 grams per day.In the usual range of products contains 5-6 g of potassium.More than half of which comes from vegetables and fruits.including potatoes, about 2 g.Suppliers of potassium are the bread and cereals, and foods of animal origin.Potassium – an important element of the cell, in contrast to sodium it does not contribute to water retention in the body.Potassium is an essential function of his involvement in the regulation of excitability of the muscles.primarily of cardiac muscle.Lack of potassium may lead to convulsive contractions of skeletal muscles.reduction in contractility of the heart muscle and cardiac rhythm disturbance.
In justifying a higher potassium content in the range of products to take into account the specific features of its metabolism in the body.Under the influence of neuro-emotional stress and specific hormonal changes in athletes is an increased output of potassium from the cells in the blood and its loss in the urine.If you regularly recurring periods of neuro-emotional stress in the body can cause potassium deficiency.Vegetables – the main source of potassium, so the inclusion of vegetables in the daily diet is mandatory for all.Sometimes, to compensate for the deficiency of potassium salts are used to.
Calcium – a key part of our body.The need for this element is relatively small – about 0.8 grams per day.Calcium plays a role in regulating the excitability of the nervous the mechanism of muscle contraction.Clotting.The standard range of products for cooking provided by the content of about 1.2 g of calcium.mainly in foods of animal origin.Calcium salts contain a lot of dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese.They account for more than 60% of calcium from the set of products.Contained in dairy products calcium is well absorbed from other foods to digest it worse.With an increased content of fat in the diet reduces the absorption of calcium.Some other food substances (oxalic acid, phytin) also violated its exchange.
Of great importance is the content of phosphorus in the diet and its relation to calcium.The optimum ratio between calcium and phosphorus – 1: (1.5-2.0), in which both elements are assimilated better.The main body contains the amount of phosphorus in the bones.The most important high-energy compounds (ATP, creatine phosphate, etc..), Is the battery energy for all body functions, contain phosphorus.He is also a member of many other substances – proteins, catalysts, nucleic acids, etc..Need an adult to phosphorus is 1.2 g per day.Phosphorus is found in almost all foods.Of products of animal origin phosphorus is absorbed better.than from plant foods.but its content is quite high in the grains and vegetables are good suppliers of phosphorus.With bread and dough comes around 0.6 g of phosphorus.with cereals and pasta – 0.25 g; vegetables standard diet contained about 0.33 g of phosphorus.
Of the total amount of phosphorus, more than half comes from animal products.High intake of organic phosphorus (mainly in the form of lecithin) is one of the factors.preventing the occurrence of significant violations of lipid metabolism and normalizes cholesterol metabolism.
Mineral metabolism and the need for minerals are interrelated.Especially clearly it is established with respect to calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.Magnesium is involved in regulating the excitability of the nervous system, muscle contraction.Magnesium is required is less than the calcium in their diet optimum ratio is 0.6:1.Need for magnesium an adult is about 0.4 grams per day.The main sources of this element are the bread and cereals.which accounted for half of the magnesium.cereals and bread, so in certain amounts included in the daily diet.In vegetables contain 0.14 g of magnesium [Hereinafter, the content of elements contained in 100 g of edible part of the product].In animal products less magnesium (0.12 g).
Trace elements – a large group of chemicals.which are present in humans and animals in low concentrations.expressed in micrograms per 1 g of tissue mass.These concentrations are in the tens or hundreds of times lower than the concentrations of so-called macronutrients (calcium.phosphorus.potassium.sodium.magnesium.chlorine.sulfur).Trace elements have expressed a mutual influence.associated with their interaction at the level of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.Transport and participate in various metabolic reactions.In particular, an excess of one micronutrient can cause a deficiency of another.In this connection special importance is the careful balance of food rations for their microelement composition.and any deviation from the optimum ratio between the individual trace elements can lead to serious pathological changes in the body.
If insufficient intake of mineral components in the body can compensate for some time, created the deficit by raising them from the tissue depots.and with excess revenues – increased excretion.
Fabric Depot have strong body reserves macroelements (calcium.Magnesium – the bone.Potassium – the muscle.Sodium – skin and subcutaneous tissue).while the reserves of trace elements in tissues of small.This explains the low adaptive capacity of an organism to a deficiency of micronutrients.
The most studied of the micronutrients iron is.Need it the body is low: 10 mg per day for men and 18 milligrams for women.Iron is found in bread (10.0 mg), vegetables (10.5 mg), meat, fish, poultry (by 7.4 mg).On the other products (cereals, milk, cheese, cottage cheese) iron goes low (about 1.3 mg).The norm is taken from the absorption of iron intake to 10%.Although animal products contain less iron is absorbed, it is better.Elevated levels of iron in the diet can guarantee against unwanted dysfunction blood-forming organs.Excess iron is easily excreted from the body.
Issues related to body iron occupy a central place in the general problem of adequate nutrition.due to the.on the one hand.the specific role of iron.on the other – the fact.that iron-status – one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, even in highly developed countries.
The results of research..have greatly expanded our understanding of the importance of iron.that makes for many of the new address practical issues evaluation of athletes ferrostatusa.Organization of preventive and therapeutic measures in detecting iron deficiency.development of new high-dosage forms of iron, etc..
Of particular interest, this problem is to sports practice.between the level of security since the body of iron and physical performance was a direct relationship.It is determined the participation of iron.above all.aerobic metabolism at the level of at least four of its units:

  • Blood oxygen transport by hemoglobin
  • transport and deposition of oxygen in muscle myoglobin
  • electron transport in the respiratory chain cytochromes and cytochrome oxidase,
  • activity of a number of NAD-dependent dehydrogenases and succinate dehydrogenase.

In the case of iron deficiency affects all stages of aerobic metabolism.but in the first place – a system of tissue respiration.due to a very high renewal rate gemosoderzhaschih particular cytochrome.This fact gives grounds to argue.that metabolic.due to iron deficiency at tissue level.mogug have more severe biochemical and physiological consequences for the manifestation of maximal exercise performance.than hematologic.
The risk of developing iron deficiency states in active athletes trainees is high enough.that for reasons as exogenous.and the endogenous nature.Against the backdrop of a very large physical and neuro-emotional stress.firstly.significantly increases the natural loss of iron from the body through the gastrointestinal tract.kidneys, and especially through the skin and then.secondly.increased synthesis of adaptive iron-containing proteins – hemoglobin.myoglobin.cytochromes.zhelezozavisimyh dehydrogenases.
Increased demand for iron is not always possible to satisfy the expense of food iron.In such situations the only way to ensure a high level of functioning systems zhelezozavisimyh aerobic metabolism is the redistribution of the total pool of iron.In the first backing.and then – of tissue iron zhelezozavisimyh other systems.Among the latter are currently in the immune system.system kollagenoobrazovaniya.detoxification of xenobiotics (including drugs).inactivation of biologically active substances.and lipid metabolism of neurotransmitters and.
In close connection with the exchange of iron in the human body is the other trace elements – copper.content of which is an average of 75-150 mg.Copper is found in many organs, its highest concentration in the liver, brain, heart and kidney.The basic amount of copper (50%) found, however, in muscle and bone tissues.The liver contains 10% of the total amount of copper in the body.
Copper is involved in the construction of a number of enzymes and proteins.Great is the role of copper in the provision of physiological and biochemical processes during exercise.It is associated with this element in the regulation of biological oxidation and the generation of the synthesis of the major connective tissue proteins (collagen and elastin) and in iron metabolism.
Copper – a trace element hemopoietic.actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of other ferroprotoporphyrin.The function of copper in hemoglobin synthesis is closely related to the function of iron.Copper is necessary for the conversion of dietary iron in organically bound well as to stimulate the maturation of reticulocytes and red blood cells to turn them into.In addition, it promotes the transport of iron in the bone marrow.
Daily demand for copper is about 80 mg / kg for infants.40 mg / kg – for older children, and 30 mg / kg – for adults.Among the foods most high copper content in the well as in seafood.leguminous.buckwheat and oatmeal.nuts and very low in milk and milk products.
An adult's body contains a large amount (2-3 grams) of zinc.The bulk of zinc concentrate in the bones and skin.The level of zinc was highest in semen and prostate.It is high enough concentration in the bones and hair, internal organs, it is much less.Zinc is found in organs and tissues predominantly in organically bound form in the form of easily dissociating compounds with protein.
The biological role of zinc is determined by the need for normal growth.development and maturation.maintenance of reproductive function.for blood.vkusovospriyatiya and smell.normal course of wound healing processes, etc..Zinc is essential for normal function of the pituitary, pancreas, prostate and seminal.
Zinc influences the activity of pituitary hormones, adrenal and pancreatic.Under the influence of its compounds increased the activity of pituitary gonadotropin-releasing hormone.Participation of zinc in the implementation of the biological action of insulin: there is evidence.evidence.that the hypoglycemic effect of insulin depends on the zinc.which is always present in insulin.Zinc has lipotropic properties.normalizing fat metabolism.increasing the intensity of the breakdown of fat in the body and preventing the fatty liver.
This active role of zinc in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and fat determines its high importance in the diet of athletes and sportsmen.especially with loads of aerobic nature.and individuals.Overweight and Diabetes.
With food grown man should receive 10-22 mg of zinc per day.Pregnant women – 10-30 mg.lactating women – 13-54 mg.The greatest need in the zinc appears in a period of intense growth and sexual well as during exercise.The main dietary sources of zinc are meat, poultry, hard cheeses, as well as legumes and grains, some.High zinc levels in shrimp and nuts.Milk and dairy products are poor in zinc.
An adult human body contains 12-20 mg of manganese.His level is particularly high in brain, liver, kidney, pancreas.
Manganese is essential for normal growth.maintenance of reproductive function.processes of bone formation.normal metabolism of connective tissue.He is also involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, stimulates the biosynthesis of cholesterol.The introduction of manganese has a hypoglycemic effect.In the blood and tissues of patients with diabetes reduced the concentration of manganese.Suggest that manganese is involved in the synthesis or metabolism of insulin.
An important aspect of biological effects of manganese are its lipotropic properties.He warns the fatty liver and contributes to the overall utilization of body fat.Manganese is also closely associated with the processes of synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids.The connection between this element with the function of the endocrine system.its effect on the sex glands.sexual development and reproduction.
Reliable information about the physiological needs of the person absent in manganese.It is believed.that the minimum daily requirement for manganese in adults is 2-3 mg.and the recommended level of consumption – 5.10 mg.The most characteristic symptom is a severe shortage of manganese well as weight loss.dermatitis.nausea.vomiting.Manganese stimulates the growth of.Manganese deficiency is a manifestation of growth retardation.Thus it becomes clear.that needs adequate amounts of manganese in the diet is very important for power.developing physical activity.especially in boys.
The manganese content in products.eggs is low.whereas cereals.legumes contain it anymore.
The chromium content in an adult is less than.than many other trace elements.and is only 6-12 mg.Significant (up to 2 mg) of chromium is concentrated in the skin, as well as in bones and muscles.With age, the chromium content in the body in contrast to other trace elements progressively decreases.
Chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid maintaining normal glucose tolerance.Its apparent role in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism.The introduction of chromium patients, in some cases causes a marked reduction of blood cholesterol.
Chromium is an activator of several enzymes (fosfoglyukomutazy, trypsin, etc..).Very high levels of chromium detected in some nucleoprotein fractions.however, the role of chromium in the metabolism of nucleic acids remains unclear.
Chromium is found in foods in very low concentrations.In a typical mixed diet, he comes into contact with a number of.only slightly above the lower limit of the physiological needs of adults in the trace elements.When constructing an unbalanced diets.monotonous diet fairly quickly there is a relative deficiency of chromium.With the food a person should receive 200-250 mcg of chromium per day.The chromium content is highest in beef meat.bird.leguminous.pearl barley.rye flour wallpaper.The highest biological activity of chromium differ baker's yeast.liver.Wheat meal.
Along with zinc.manganese.copper and iron chromium is the most valuable micronutrient athletes during prolonged aerobic exercise.when the role of carbohydrates and fats in the body's energy supply increases substantially.especially in the competition period.
An adult human body contains 20-50 mg of iodine.of which about 8 mg concentrated in the thyroid gland.Iodine is contained in water and food in the form of inorganic iodide, rapidly absorbed from the intestine.
Iodine – the only currently known trace elements.playing an active role in the biosynthesis of hormones.He participates in the formation of thyroid hormone – thyroxine.Up to 90% of the circulating blood organic iodine accounted for thyroxine.This hormone controls the status of energy metabolism.the intensity of the basal metabolic heat production and the level of.It actively affects the physical and mental development.differentiation and maturation of tissues.involved in the regulation of the functional state of the central nervous system and the emotional tone of human.effect on the cardiovascular system and liver.Thyroxine interacts with other endocrine glands (especially the pituitary and gonads).has a marked effect on the water-salt of proteins.lipids and carbohydrates.increasing the metabolic function.
Iodine deficiency in humans leads to the development of endemic goiter.what constitutes a violation of the synthesis of thyroxine and inhibition of thyroid function.This disease is endemic and typically occurs only in those areas (biogeochemical provinces).where the iodine content in soil.water and local foods significantly reduced.
According to some studies.occurrence of the disease is associated with the level of content in the soil and local food manganese.Fluorine.cobalt and other well as calcium and phosphorus.Of great importance in the overall prevalence of goitre have poor nutrition and lack of dietary protein.fat, etc..
In areas where iodine deficiency is endemic goiter in the most affected school-age children.boys and girls at puberty.which is a reorganization of the endocrine system.
In the current socio-economic conditions.when the use of complex.expensive fertilizer.containing trace elements and iodine, including.drastically reduced.dropped and the iodine content in foods.especially in continental regions.
Iodine is unevenly distributed in nature.The greatest number of its concentrated in sea air and soil in coastal areas.where indicated and the highest content of iodine in the local vegetable products (cereals.vegetables.potatoes.fruit) and products of animal origin (meat.milk.eggs).As the distance from the sea iodine content in the external environment is gradually reduced.The lowest content of iodine in the environment are different mountain areas.where the water.soil.air and local food is very poor in iodine.The physiological requirement of iodine is 100-150 mg per day.
The iodine content in the same product varies considerably depending on its concentration in soil and water in the area.Exceptionally high content of iodine in marine algae (up to 160-800 mg/100 g of dry kelp.200-220 mg/100 g of dry seaweed).A large amount of iodine found in marine fish and seafood.The iodine content in meat, dairy products averaged around 7-16 mkg/100 g edible portion.
Storing and cooking food processing lead to a significant loss (65%) of iodine.If you use iodized salt for cooking loss during thermal treatment are 22-60%.
The physiological role of fluoride in bone formation and significant processes of formation of dentin and enamel.Sufficient human consumption of fluoride needed to prevent dental caries and osteoporosis.
Fluoride is unevenly distributed in the body.Its concentration in the teeth of 246-560 mg / kg, in the bones – 200-490 mg / kg, and the muscles do not exceed 2-3 mg / kg.Fluoride also plays an important role in bone formation and normalize calcium and phosphorus metabolism.With age, the amount of fluoride in the body (mainly in the bones) increases.Deposition of fluorine in tooth enamel occurs mainly in childhood in the formation and growth of permanent teeth.
Daily demand in fluorine is not certain.For the body is equally unfavorable as the excess.and lack of income fluorine.optimum fluoride intake is very limited.Excessive intake of fluoride causes fluorosis development.manifested mottling of tooth enamel.Fluorosis – endemic.occurring in those areas.where the fluoride content in water is greater than 2 mg / l..The content of fluoride in such water can be reduced by using a special ion exchange water treatment in.providing its defluorination.Insufficient intake of fluoride in the body leads to the defeat of the teeth.manifests itself in the intensive development of dental caries.
Cobalt – one of the most important trace element involved in hematopoiesis.He is involved in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin and stimulates hematopoiesis in such a way.Cobalt is the basic source material for the synthesis of endogenous vitamin B12 in the body.In the largest amount of cobalt contained in the pancreas.Apparently, it is associated with the function of this gland and is involved in the formation of insulin.Addressing the need for vitamin B12 is in addition to entering in the composition of its food is also due to the synthesis of intestinal microflora of cobalt.and dietary.
Cobalt is distributed in the natural foods in small amounts.but in the mixed diet of it is meet the needs of the organism.This trace mineral found in water (river.lake.Maritime).in marine fish and animals.Body's need for cobalt has not been established (approximately 100-200 mg / day).
The biological role of nickel is not enough elucidated.In its biological effects observed much in common with the promotion of cobalt in the processes of hematopoiesis.Nickel is found in large amounts in plant foods.growing in soils "nickel" sea.river and lake water.the body surface and the majority of marine animals and fish.Especially a lot of it in the liver, pancreas and pituitary.The demand for nickel has not been established.
The main biological significance of strontium is to build which the content is 0.024% in terms of ash.


The glycemic index foods

Carbohydrates taste to achieve phenomenal "pump" muscle and.all believed.are the most healthy of all nutrients.And what are the disadvantages of carbohydrates?
The downside here is the accumulation of fat.The constant diet of carbohydrates with a predominance stimulates insulin turn.causes a rise in body fat level.Of course, as a bodybuilder you need to consume large amounts of carbohydrates.But the art find a balance between their type and time of admission.because not all carbohydrates are the same.
Consumption of large quantities of "wrong" carbohydrate "wrong" time of day can turn even the genetically gifted bodybuilders like to bloated fat endomorph.Try to offer an effective method of carbohydrate intake, it is easy to fit into the daily routine.As already mentioned, this particular type of carbohydrate intake at a certain time.Such a strategy would maximize the "dry" muscle mass with minimal fat.
If you want to lose weight, the products from the left column / high glyco.index / is better to use less of the right / low glyco.index of / more.When weight gain – on the contrary, respectively

Glucose 100 Fpyktoza 20
Honey 87 Sweet kaptofel 48
Carrots 90 Beans 30
Kaptofelnoe pyupe 80 Chechevitsa 25
Beans 75 Apelsiny 40
Vinogpad 68 Apples 36
Bananas 65 Fpykty spedney band 30-40
Syhofpykty 65-70 Hleb with otpybyami 64
Tpopicheskie fpykty 60-70 Kopichnevy pis 60
Kykypyznye flakes 85 Oves 48
Bely hleb 76 Pancakes from gpyboy myki 45
Bely pis 70
Pancakes 66
Foods with low glycemic index
Peanuts 21
Soybeans 25
Rice bran 27
Red beans 27
Cherry 32
Fructose 32
Dry peas 32
Brown beans 34
Barley 36
Grapefruit 36
Lentils red 36
Whole milk 39
Dried Beans 40
Sausage 40
Lentil 41
Beans 42
Green Lentils 42
Black beans 43
Apricots 44
Crushed peas yellow boiled 45
Skimmed milk 46
Nonfat yogurt fruit 47
Rye 48
Vermicelli 50
Products with an average glycemic index
Yogurt flavor without fillers 51
Spaghetti, boiled 5 minutes 52
Fresh Pears 53
Spaghetti wholemeal 53
Apples 54
Brown beans 54
Fish sticks 54
Barley bread 55
Plums 55
Ravioli stuffed with meat 56
Apple juice 58
Canned peas with meat 58
Spaghetti White 59
Peaches fresh 60
Canned peas 60
Oranges 63
Canned pears 63
Thin noodles 65
Quick-cooking rice, boiled for 1 minute 65
Grapes 66
Pineapple juice 66
Peaches canned 67
Instant noodles 67
Green Peas 68
Grapefruit juice 69
Chocolate 70
Ice cream skim 71
Barley flakes 72
Yam 73
Orange juice 74
Beans, canned 74
Lentils green, tinned 74
Wheat groats fast food 77
Bananas 77
Sweet potato 77
Oat bran 78
Buckwheat 78
Sweet corn 78
Figure brown 79
Oatmeal cookies 79
Fruit Cocktail 79
Popcorn 79
Mango 80
Boiled potatoes 82
Bread pita 82
Honey 83
Rice vermicelli 83
Pizza with cheese 86
Pea soup 86
Hamburger 87
Oatmeal 87
Ice cream 87
Scones 88
Raisins 91
Beet 91
Rye bread 92
Macaroni and Cheese 92
Black Bean Soup 92
Saccharose 92
Potatoes, steamed 93
Pineapples 94
Semolina 94
Pies 95
Bagels 96
Cornpone 98
Wheat bread 99
Mashed potatoes 100
Foods with high glycemic index
Carrots 101
White wheat bread 103
Bagels made with white flour 103
Watermelons 103
Wheat flakes 105
Corn chips 105
French Fries 107
Doughnuts 108
Waffles 109
Wheat bread 112
Dry rice breakfast 117
Quick-cooking potatoes 118
Cornflakes 119
Baked potato 121
Quick-cooking rice, cooked 6 minutes 128
Glucose 137
Maltodextrin 137
Maltose 150

The glycemic index foods

A few tips on nutrition

A few tips on nutrition

If your goal is possible to build muscle, you need to ensure that when you eat during the day.Carbohydrates as glycogen, which is consumed and supports you during a workout bodybuilding.must be replenished during the meal.also need protein as the main construction material for your muscles.

Meal after training you spent on training restores energy and improves the absorption of amino acids your.Expended during exercise glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles when the reserves are depleted the body begins to use protein from muscle tissue or from food in the form of amino acids a source of additional energy.Protein breakdown back into amino acids provoked cortisol – stress hormone.To reduce cortisol levels and reduce the impact of its elevated levels may be the hormone insulin.which is produced with proper nutrition after your workout.

After training in bodybuilding your body needs about 25% of the daily value of carbohydrates.A man weighing about 65 kg and consuming 500 grams of carbohydrates per day.must receive training after 125 g for 1-2 hours after school.Consuming 180 grams of protein per day.athlete must divide their protein intake to six devices at a time to give not less than 30 grams.Good nutrition primarily.In the first place – no starvation diets.First of all you need to bring their food in order.that your body gets all the nutrients you need.and at the same time to remove all unnecessary.How can this be achieved?

Here are some tips:

A.Teach yourself to a morning of eating, do not go no breakfast at home.

2.The elementary rule is not carried away food before bedtime.If you come home late.make a small snack sufficient protein to prevent catabolism and go to bed.

3.Try to divide your meals at regular intervals.Eat at least four times a day.optimally be eating no less than 2.5.3 hours.The basic amount of food to try to take the first two meals.

4.No need to reduce consumption of fats in the diet to a minimum.Removing fat from the diet can disrupt the metabolism.impair vision and well-being.damage to the skin and hair.fatty acids are involved in many metabolic processes in the body.Eat vegetable oils, a small number of eggs and cheese.

5.Sweet and flour products will disappear from your certainly does not mean.that one cake will put an end to your body.

6.Gradually displace from the junk food: well as various snacks such as crisps and t.Dr..

7.One must be careful with alcoholic affects the gastric a result of what you eat more.Alcohol is also a poison that leads to many undesirable consequences.

These small rules are universal and they are suitable for all.for those who want to lose weight and those who want to add a few pounds to the weight of his body.Mainly due to non-compliance with these rules small thin can not recover.although says he eats everything.and people with excess weight loss can not lose weight.

The only difference is.that people who are overweight must eat less calories than spending.but for people who want to increase the weight of the body must consume more calories than spending.Compliance with these rules will help you to effectively train and build muscle mass.

How do you calculate the required amount of calories?

For people who want to lose weight: you have to eat about 1.5 – 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, 2 – 2.5 grams of carbs (it should be complex carbohydrates from vegetables, cereals), 1 g fat..5 – 2 g (basically, cereals and vegetables).

For people who want to gain weight: you have to get at least 2 – 2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of dead weight and up to 4 grams of carbohydrates.Fatty acids should be increased to 1.5 – 2 g per 1 kg of body weight.Data on most products.content in these foods of nutrients and calories can be found on our website or literature on nutrition and dietetics.Also do not forget to consume the optimal Amount of minerals and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Source bodybuilding portal

A few tips on nutrition


Vitamins are organic small amounts is absolutely necessary for normal physiological and metabolic processes in the body.The volume of food the vitamin is low, but their value is enormous for the body.Most vitamins are not synthesized by the human body and must come from food and in food supplements.The best source of vitamins are fresh whole foods.To ensure reception of fresh food in quantities.needed for the growing bodybuilder.difficult even under ideal conditions.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C – is the "king" muscle "mass".That depends on vitamin C absorption of dietary protein and the subsequent synthesis of new protein structures.particularly in the muscles.Vitamin C is a powerful stimulator of muscle anabolism.However, bodybuilders take it should be carefully.This vitamin is synthesized by the body itself.Excessive intake of vitamin C from food can block their own production of vitamin like it does with sex hormones while taking artificial hormones – steroids..

Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)

Athletes have an increased need for pyridoxine.because it is involved in all processes of growth of protein tissue.and above all in the muscle.The best sources of vitamin – natural.These include yeast, liver, cheese, cabbage, potatoes, peas, buckwheat.

Thiamine (vitamin B1)

This vitamin is important for bodybuilders, catastrophically, because from it depends entirely on carbohydrate metabolism.If thiamine in the body is missing, eaten carbohydrates are not the body accumulate toxic intermediate products of carbohydrate metabolism – lactic acid and pyruvic.

Vitamin D

Because of this vitamin in the body is the absorption of calcium and phosphorus – two minerals.extremely necessary for muscle contraction.Lack of vitamin D leads to a drop in strength and strength endurance.Interestingly.that vitamin D may be formed in the body itself under the action of sunlight on the skin.mainly.ultraviolet spectrum.That's why a moderate stay at the beach turns into an increase of the physical tone.Studies have shown.artificial ultraviolet irradiation weightlifters in the solarium of the results leads to an increase of 4-5%.

Niacin (Vitamin BS)

This vitamin is involved in 60 metabolic processes designed to extract energy.In the case of an acute shortage of niacin the body itself is able to synthesize it from amino acid called tryptophan.Once niacin in the form of the drug "nicotinic acid" was used by professionals before entering the runway.Loading dose of the drug exhibits krovetnyusnye vessels.and because a competitor is more relief.Take niacin at high doses (50-100 mg) during the training can not be predsorevnovatelnogo.This vitamin blocks and almost completely ceases to "burning" of fat.

Vitamin E

Higher doses of vitamin E is widely used in modern sport in times of shock training.This is explained by the ability of vitamin E to regulate muscle activity, preventing fatigue.Simultaneously, vitamin E acts as an important regulator of protein metabolism in muscle and affects the normal functioning of the glands of the field.Those, in turn, continuously provide the most important bodybuilding hormone – testosterone.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is involved in the creation of new muscle cells.It is clear that the deficit can be reduced to zero post-exercise recovery.Second, vitamin A determines the rate and amount of glycogen formation in the body.So.depend on it not only the density of the muscles and their volumes.but also the capability of the bodybuilder to the high-intensity.requiring high huge problem is the fact that this vitamin is well absorbed only in its natural form.Tablets and capsules can help a little.Today, however,.in this age of canned and stored food for a long time.a daily rate of vitamin A through food.practically.not.This is due to the fact that vitamin A is easily destroyed in the air, under the action of sunlight and acids.That's because for a bodybuilder to deliberate enrichment diet products with high content of vitamin A oil.

Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Between muscle volume and the assimilation of vitamin B2, scientists noted a steady relationship.This is explained by the participation of riboflavin in protein metabolism.Studies have shown that practicing any sport cause an increased consumption of vitamin B2.In this regard, professional athletes must take it further.Excellent source of riboflavin are eggs, liver, buckwheat, oatmeal.

Biotin (Vitamin H)

This vitamin plays an important role in the metabolism of amino acids.and in the processes.providing muscle energy.Often it is biotin deficiency causes slow growth of muscle "mass".Lack of vitamin may arise by virtue of a common habit among bodybuilders eat eggs raw.In the human intestine biotin communicates with another compound of egg protein – avidanom.As a result, formed indigestible compound that destroys any sense of biotin method.While receiving raw egg white and is considered among bodybuilders, more efficient.but it stands to give not only because of the blocking of vitamin H.Raw eggs carry a risk of severe gastrointestinal disease – salmonella.

Cobalamin (vitamin B12)

The main importance of this vitamin for bodybuilders is.that it directly affects the growth of involved in the processes of protein metabolism and amino acid synthesis.In addition, it activates the energy balance in the body.It is also important.that he supports the livelihoods of the nerve cells of the spinal cord.through which the overall management of the muscles of the body.Vitamin found only in animal foods such as liver, beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, fish.According to some nutritionists, consumption of white bread, especially yeast, impairs absorption of vitamin B12.That's why bodybuilders recommend eating only black bread yeast does not.if not go with the grain for cereals.


The diet of the novice athlete

So.if you really decided to start construction of its need to know exactly.what and how it needs to do.The process of forming body includes three basic components – a nutrition.exercise and lifestyle.Today we talk about food.If you want to successfully meet the challenges of building your just need to gradually build the very beginning of your diet.In this process must be consistent, gradual and persistent.The revolutionary adjustment are not needed here – and even harmful.

* During the first 5-6 weeks of regular workouts gradually give up the unhealthy food – confectionery.fatty foods.animal fats.white bread and rolls.all kinds of cola.Eliminate from your diet sausages and smoked meats, canned and semi-.Make a list of products for.that you will use to meet the nutrient requirements and maintain good health and performance.Sources of dietary protein should be lean.Fish and Seafood.eggs.bird.milk and low-fat dairy products.Legumes.

* Strive to.that during the first three months of regular weight training to get the natural products of about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight per day.The best natural sources of carbohydrates – a cereal.except semolina and polished rice.dark varieties of pasta.muesli.potatoes.better baked.Vegetables and fruit.Do not lean on juices – they are a lot of sugar.Bread with bran or better grain, unleavened.The sources of fat have proved themselves vegetable oils.fatty fish.Nuts.can be a bit of butter and (!) lard.Fat should be at 20-22 percent of daily calories.

* Teach yourself to a fractional power supply within the required number of calories.If you ate three times a day, then arrange for a lunch.After 2-3 weeks, add another meal an hour before bedtime – for example, some low fat cottage cheese and nuts.Do not try to form a habit of not eating after 6 pm.It is ignorant archaism, it is harmful for both muscle and for fat loss!

* Answering your questions online.I very often see such statements….."The first 2-3 months of training you do not need any supplements.but good vitamin-mineral complex! Above need to adjust the usual food for flawless functioning of your body and a rational mode of the day.After 2-3 months organize your pre and post exercise meals in accordance with the objectives.that you are putting yourself.It may be small (15-25 g) serving of whey protein 30-45 minutes before training and after training portion of the gainer.- Is if you are trying to increase muscle mass.And if you're working on fat burning program, 5.8 tablets BCAA and / or 1-2 teaspoons of glutamine.By the way.when working on a lot of these supplements can combine.and training for fat burning – add 3.1 grams of L-carnitine before exercise.After another 3-4 weeks you can enter morning portion of whey protein.and a month later, add a portion of the protein complex or in tablets at bedtime.bringing the total daily dose of 2-3 grams of protein.depending on your goals.

The overall percentage of calories.obtained from dietary supplements should not exceed 20-25% of the total daily caloric intake.Six months after the beginning of regular exercise you can already experimenting with the whole range of food additives.depending on the like to achieve.The principle of gradualism in the formation of an optimal diet is very important.A sharp change in the usual diet not only effectively.but also potentially dangerous to health.primarily the digestive system.Very often, the gastro-intestinal disorders.that arise when taking a particular product due to sports nutrition is not the low quality of the product.and intake of a large number of substances.which previously had not received.Who rarely comes to mind during the first visit to the gym to put myself 100 kilograms on the bar for bench press.but taking the standard dose for experienced athletes, protein (or something stronger), many are trying to.barely touching the hardware! Do not make the mistakes of others – there will be other people's problems.

* And one more thing.Modern food additives – it's hi-tech products of high biological value.and they can very significantly improve the progress in your lessons.- With the rational use! But we must not forget two things: first.almost all of them are derived from conventional products.And with this magic powder sonorous name "protein" – it's just a concentrated protein food.neither more nor less.Therefore, questions like "how many pounds of muscle I incremented.By using 2 packs of whey protein Tvinlab company? "to say the least.incorrect.And, secondly, it supplements.As I said.the number of calories.obtained from different types of proteins and other sports nutrition products.should not be greater than 20-25% of the daily amount of calories you consume.It seems to be little.But.on the other can in this situation.half of the protein necessary for you to get out of proteins.and this is very important.especially if you want to restrict caloric intake, or taking large amounts of protein in a large muscle mass.So.with the help of sports nutrition, we can solve the problem.practically unachievable with conventional products!

Sports Nutrition Products.with the rational use of.will have a significant help in solving any of your training objectives.Good luck!Michael Klestov

The diet of the novice athlete

Do I need to drink milk?

Milk as if specially designed for bodybuilders.Two cups of skim milk contains a hefty dose of protein.more than 170 calories.almost 80% of the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin huge set (see "nutrient contents of two glasses of skim milk).But the thing – so many people can not tolerate one of the dairy ingredients – lactose.Milk for them – a nightmare: stomach cramps, abdominal growl, gas and diarrhea.What's the matter? It turns the body of sufferers do not have enough lactase – the enzyme.which causes breakdown of lactose.- And so can not digest milk.Any pair of glasses causes confusion and chaos in the entire digestive system.

What is milk intolerance.and why some bodybuilders can not eat dairy products? If your gut splits lactose is not completely.that undigested lactose reaches the large intestine.where he was happy to consume the putrefactive bacteria living there.and in the gastrointestinal tract occurs a lot of problems.Bacteria.eating lactose.produce acid and gas.and this leads to colic.seething and heaving stomach.If before digesting milk no difficulties.if they appear in the future? Unfortunately.These difficulties arise at any time and at any age.The lack of lactase in the digestive tract may develop after undergoing dysentery and other diseases of the digestive system, resulting from treatment with certain medications.particularly antibiotics, as well as after abdominal surgery or radiation.Generally speaking, with age the ability to digest lactose decreases.It is known that children learn better milk than adults.What to do if you love milk, but it is indigestion?

Is it possible to develop their ability to digest lactose? You can.with approximately the same do you train your muscles.We must not give up milk, and gradually "train" themselves to him.Studies have shown.that.Following this advice.People with lactose intolerance after a while were able to safely drink up to 250 g of milk due to adaptation of intestinal bacteria.In addition.You can eat fermented dairy products: cheese.yogurt.hard cheese.- They help to deal with lactose intolerance.Completely abandoning dairy products, you will only worsen its relations with the milk.Most dairy products are excluded from the diet can not be.Intestinal bacteria feeding on lactose, should be at least a little fed.Otherwise they will become extinct, and the bacteria that produce gas, on the contrary – active.And you will become even worse lactose intolerant.

Maybe it will be better digested lactose, if you drink milk with meals? Without a doubt.As established nutritionists.70% observed in patients with lactose intolerance digestive problems are reduced.If the milk enters the stomach, along with other food.Was useful for acidophilus lactose intolerance? Acidophilus – milk which bacterial culture is added.He is often recommended for various digestive disorders.for example.with lactose intolerance.diarrhea and constipation.but research medicinal properties of acidophilus are not confirmed.Some think that it increases the number of bacteria acidophilus in the colon.But in fact it is an empty fiction.Stomach acid destroys bacteria acidophilus, and they simply do not have time to reach the large intestine.So if you like the taste of acidophilus.Drink it in health.- But the magic of therapeutic effect is not worth waiting.Do I need to give up dairy products for lactose intolerance? Severe lactose intolerance – when the body does not take any dairy products – is a rare.Most often it happens that some dairy products digested better, and others – worse.Possibly.a handsome serving of ice cream does not hurt you.but from two glasses of milk will begin colic and must be remembered.that the bodybuilder dairy products – a good source of nutrients.

Experiment with your diet.Even if you have trouble digesting lactose.some of the dairy products to include in your diet is still possible – but good nothing of this does not happen.Why is it.that of milk fattening? Because of the milk is really fattening! Moreover.even milk with low fat content is still very high-calorie product.Today, many dairy products: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese – are produced with low-fat.Athletes.who are serious about their nutrition.should be selected dairy products or low-fat.or no-fat.Is it true.that the milk – the main source of calcium? Milk is really the main natural source of calcium for the body.For those.Who does not like milk or does not assimilate.there is an excellent replacement: calcium-fortified orange juice or mineral water with high calcium content.

Do I need to drink milk?

How to eat right on time

Carbohydrates and proteins – are the two main components of food, which keeps bodybuilding.Carbohydrates give the body energy, proteins provide the growth of muscle cells.The biggest problem builders reduces power not only to receive these components in sufficient to receive them in time.It is this aspect should be the focus of a bodybuilder! That it should be considered the basic bodybuilder!

It is known that carbohydrates entering the body through food, "preserved" there, turning into glycogen.Glycogen is deposited in the liver, and at a high level of preparedness of athletes – and even directly into the muscles.In training.when energy demands are extreme muscle.reveals glycogen body "canned" and puts its contents in case.By the end of exercise muscle glycogen stores are depleted so.that the body is forced to seek an additional source of energy.In the course of going muscle protein molecules.They "explode", as if the uranium isotopes, releasing the missing energy.Force is added.however, the muscles "lose weight"! To avoid this.after a workout should take no less than 50-100 years of carbohydrates in the form of fresh fruit.natural juice or soft drink.which is a glucose dissolved in water.

Timely carbohydrate intake, not only insures against loss of muscle volume.but also leads to accelerated and more full replenishment of glycogen stores in the body.Only for 30-40 minutes after the last body is able to rapidly approach "to absorb" a dry sponge – water.Then t.n."Carbohydrate window" closes.Further, glycogen accumulates ultraslow rate.It means.that a break between workouts may well not be bring power back to normal.That is why carbohydrate intake immediately after exercise dramatically important for a bodybuilder.

Every athlete is different genetic characteristics of digestion of carbohydrates.For some, the preferred drink for someone – juices, for someone – fresh or dried fruit.How to get into the "top ten"? It's just.Of physical activity not only tired muscles, but also the psyche.Increased energy body by carbohydrate intake and refreshing effect on it, and the next.So if you eat carbohydrates, and after 5-7 minutes, felt the return of vitality and enthusiasm.hence, this form of the product is right for you.From sports products best for today is "Flex faye anabolic igniter" (Flex Fire Anabolic Igniter).He established a research center Joe Uaydera and specially designed to receive a half hour after your workout.


Within 60-120 minutes after a workout open "protein box".Its importance for the subsequent growth of muscle "mass" is huge.If this two-hour period to a protein mixture.metabolism almost immediately enter into a phase of anabolism! It is noteworthy.that the same effect can not be achieved intake of protein.for example.meat.Protein should be easy to adopt the form of a drink.For this purpose, fit all types of concentrated protein, intended for dilution with water or milk.Food after the workout bodybuilding until recently was presented as a two-step separate process: first carbohydrate.then the protein.However, recent studies show.that the carbohydrate mixture, add a little protein or free amino acids in addition to tablets.for example."Amino shevbl assets" (Amino Assets Chewable).This circumstance is taken into account in the preparation "Flex faye": together with carbohydrates and amino acids it contains.

In a dream

During sleep, digestive system, practically, does not work.Energy.required to maintain the life of the organism.extracted in the process of catabolic reactions of destruction of muscle cells.However, on their own energy costs are low, and because the muscles 'lose weight' slightly.In general catabolic effect of sleep worth neglected, if not for one circumstance.When you awaken, your body is dominated by the inertia of the catabolic reactions scored.Go to physical activity requires more energy.and catabolic reactions are amplified because.If you act too late to breakfast, you really will lose muscle!

Bodybuilders and professionals do not usually eat breakfast with heavy meat dishes.Since in the stomach has not roused from sleep.and digestion of food will go to work.Instead, they use a mixture of digestible protein.Here is an example of such a "breakfast" Flex Wheeler.who have had at 6:00 am: 4 cups skim milk.two portions of "Mega Mass" (Mega Mass 2000).6 raw egg whites (all mixed into a homogeneous mixture with a mixer).Total – 100 g of protein.This Flex adds 6 tablets of free amino acids (Amino Assets Chewable).

Catabolic effect of sleep, as noted, is not great, however it should slow down the following method.Just before going to sleep to take three different supplements: protein mixture in water or milk.amino acids in the protein pills and tablets.The protein mixture to assimilate almost instantly.Amino acids are freed from the membrane in the stomach a little later and later will be assimilated.Turn protein into tablets come somewhere in the morning.So.flame will slowly smolder anabolism in your muscle all night.restraining catastate-cal reactions.

It should be remembered.that the activity of all body systems is minimal at night.protein and thus "support" energy should be small.Since Flex Wheeler.before sleep.takes no more than 25 grams of protein.diluted in a glass of juice.2 tablets of free amino acids and a couple of pills of protein.


Insulin – a hormone involved in the assimilation, storage and disposal of sugar in the body.Meal is accompanied by a reflex reaction – increased levels of insulin in the blood.It would seem, whether it relates to the "rolling"? It turns out that the most direct.Studies have shown that insulin plays an important role in protein synthesis.

As you know, the assembly of new protein molecules inside the cells is.Their shell is passed into the free amino acids from which protein molecules are constructed and.The problem is that the amino acids pass through the cell walls slowly and with great difficulty.With this and a related increase in slow muscle.

Insulin was found to dramatically increase the permeability of membranes! Anabolism increases!
This discovery led to the creation of a sensational technique Supply is needed during exercise.triggering the secretion of insulin!
The general scheme is as follows.30 minutes before a workout should be implemented method 100 mililitrov carbohydrate mixture of high quality.This leads to increased levels of insulin in the blood several times.The second method of the same amount of carbohydrate is 15 minutes after the session started and then every 15 minutes until it is finished.

This scheme has been repeatedly tested and demonstrated unprecedented efficacy.The rate of growth of muscle volume – and this is documented! – Twice.than with injections of steroids!


A.For 30 minutes before workout, take high-quality protein and carbohydrate increase the level of insulin in the blood and raise the tone of the energy;
2.Take a high-mix every 15 minutes of maintain elevated levels of insulin in the blood;
3.20 minutes before the end of the workout, take at least 50-100 years of high carbohydrate;
4.Take a large portion of the protein drink within 90 minutes after your workout to stimulate anabolism;
5.Before bed, take a small amount of protein amino acids and protein in reduce nighttime catabolic reactions;
6.Early in the morning, take a large portion of high-quality protein-carbohydrate mixture to neutralize the catabolic and "launch" day of anabolic reactions.

How to eat right on time

Bodybuilding: nutrition for athletes

Professionals repeat each other, word for word: The more you eat.the more you become! In fact correctly.but in fact many slozhnoctey.If you begin to eat everything, that weight gain may be illusory.Yes, the scales show impressive figures, but behind them is not worth anything, other than the.Can only help out a special nutrition program, balanced by the canons of Nutrition.About it and will be discussed further.


You eaten the food most convenient to measure not grams and kilograms do not, and calories, units of weight, and one energy.Why? Yes, because you are wasting energy when you work or go to the gym.As a result, it is easy to figure out what your energy balance.In fact, it is very easy.If you consume more energy.than it spends.then your energy balance will be reduced each day with a positive balance.This, in turn, will mean a weight gain.Surplus unspent energy topiva will be the form of fat the form of glycogen in the liver and right muscle cells as an additional protein.It is clear.if you stand on the scales.then they will register growth of body weight.and this growth will continue exactly much you eat to satiety.

If you consume less food in the form of energy.than it spends.then the lack of fat.carbohydrate and protein will be replenished from the previously accumulated stocks.and then directly from biological tissues.Clearly, the energy balance is negative, and you begin to melt like a candle.
And finally, if you get the food as much as wasting, then body weight will remain unchanged.
From the foregoing it is clear.that the growth of muscle "mass" is possible only in conditions of positive energy balance.
The total energy value of diets are counted.adding together the energy components of proteins.carbohydrates and fats.However, energy is incomparably poorer protein than fat and carbohydrates.The difference is so great that our practice, "pays no attention" to the proteins as a source of biological energy.The main sources of energy for it are carbohydrates and fats.Moreover.depending on the type of physical activity, body prefers more or fats.or carbohydrate.As for bodybuilding, there is unbeatable source of energy are carbohydrates.They predetermine the general physiological tone of a bodybuilder, and ultimately the success of his training.

Anabolic and anti-catabolic

Carbohydrates – the main energy component in the diet of a bodybuilder.prejudice to its total energy supply.Massyvozmozhen growth only under conditions of excess carbohydrates.Lack of Energy.arisen due to lack of carbohydrates in the diet.catastrophic effect on the training.because the builder is not able to develop that intensity of muscular effort that leads to muscle growth.At the same the recovery period the physiological processes in the muscles also need a powerful energy-fueled.So the low energy and vitality here leads to paralysis of muscle growth.

Professional Mike Frankos.winner of the tournament, "the Arnold Classic 95".said.that daily consume at least 600g of "clean" carbs just to maintain the average level of intensity of training.During bulking carbohydrates need more! In this sense, carbohydrates are the main anabolic factor in bodybuilding workout.
Positive energy balance promotes hormonal changes in the body.that lead to muscle growth.Carbohydrates cause insulin secretion.hormone.which provides a link amino acids and glucose from the blood into the muscles.Insulin, thereby indirectly increasing the pace and quality of protein synthesis, going inside the muscle cells.
Erroneously considered the main and only testosterone stimulates intracellular anabolic.Yes.Testosterone increases protein synthesis.but the process will be idle.if the container is not secured by protein synthesis amino acids – fragments.of which are "mounted" protein molecules.Thanks to the insulin.amino acids within the muscle cell is not an example of more.therefore the impact of protein synthesis is obtained by an entirely different.

Some scholars are inclined to believe.that the main anabolic factor in training to be considered is the insulin.And in such a statement is a reason: protein synthesis without amino acids is like building a brick without.In addition, insulin facilitates the entry of glucose into muscle cells.and turn.prevent catabolism – the destruction of the protein molecules to produce amino acids and their subsequent transformation into glucose.It appears that insulin is also anti-catabolic.
It should be added.that carbohydrates as intense training in the form of glycogen are deposited directly into muscle tissue.visually increasing the amount of muscle.This kind of stock to help train exceptionally powerful.significantly increasing the ceiling of muscle strength endurance.


Fats are called compound, consisting of t.n.fatty acids.For the sake of these same fatty acids and we absorb fats.The fact that the fatty acids in some ways similar to the amino acids: among them are interchangeable, t.e.such.that our body needs to synthesize their own.and essential.we must get from food.These include linoleic fatty acids and linoleovaya.According to their biological properties, they are associated with vitamin.In fact,.These acids are actively involved in the formation of cell membranes.connective tissue.phospholipids.lipoproteins and pr.But the most essential fatty acids are involved in the formation and functioning of the prohormone of prostaglandins.In short.deficiency of essential fatty acids provokes hormonal disorders.that.of course.negative impact on the results of the training.Pertinent question: Does not enhance anabolism supplementation of these acids in the "pure" form? The first experiment firms have already started production of this new type of "fat" food additives.

Nonessential fatty acids are of two kinds: saturated and unsaturated.
The source of the former are mainly animal fats, and secondly – plant.
It is established that the unsaturated fatty acids play a major role in the human body.Lack of such acids leads to a reduction in testosterone production and inhibition of anabolic muscle.lowers immunity.In addition, only in the presence of these acids may mastering essential for bodybuilding vitamins B.Laura Kreaval.kulturistka-professional.assures.that in her training was a real coup.when she refused to diet with minimal fat.Now she takes daily 2-3 teaspoons of peanut butter and lozhhi says.that its power has increased amazingly.Bodybuilders should pay attention to a special kind of food additives.including fatty acids "omega-3".isolated from the fat of in cold seas.It is amazing.but these fatty acids actually lower cholesterol levels! At the same time.fats can not be too carried away.Scientists quite well established.that in the case.When unsaturated fatty acids are from 5 to 15 percent of calorie daily to faster recovery.increase positive nitrogen balance and strengthen immunity.But.when the proportion of fat increases to 30 percent.and becomes even higher.the effect is the opposite – immunity falls.anabolism worsens.increased fatigue and even falling reproductive function.


After the water proteins are an essential component of cells, except for the fat.They are necessary for the synthesis of hormones.enzymes.and construction within the muscle cell specific contractile and structural elements.Although protein is the main material for the growth stroitelnnym all biological can be used by the body and as an energy source.For this purpose, the protein molecules break down muscle tissue to the level of amino acids.and amino acid side chains are transported to the liver.where are converted to glucose.Hence the advice – immediately after training to make amino acids with side chains in free form – this should prevent catabolism – the destruction of muscle protein.However, this threatens only to bodybuilders that have a negative energy balance.If the food is enough carbohydrates and never comes to an emergency splitting the body's own biological tissue.

The norm of protein intake are approximately 2 g per 1 kg of weight.If the amount of protein will be less.that muscle growth will not: amino acid levels in the blood remains too low ensure that protein synthesis in muscle cells.However, a big mistake to think that too much protein can cause an increase in anabolic.No, the protein has not found the application will only put out of the body.Protein synthesis, as already stated, is entirely dependent on the total energy of the body.If it is low on muscle growth have nothing to hope, even if you take megadoses of protein.This rule is you must learn to dead! Your main reference in the diet – is the energy value of the diet!

Nutrition Plan

The reason for the "stagnation" Performance is often the state of overtraining.when fatigue causes a hormonal imbalance and upset the whole physiology of bodybuilding.However, more often "stagnation" is the lack of calories in the diet.If you have stopped energy balance was neutral: the food you get just enough much you spend.Count the calories in their diet for 5 days and divide by 5.You will get the average daily number of calories, which also makes you grow.

Suppose you have 2,500 calories come.So you must add at least 20% of this amount to maintain growth.Released about 500 calories.Do not try to increase this number! If the calories will be balance will shift toward fat – you'll start to get fat.
So, now get 3000 calories.How many here to be fat in grams? Counting mechanism is simple.Need to calculate 10% of total calories and divide the result by 10.The result will be the number of fat grams.In our case, you should take no more than 30 daily grams of fat.and the only plant.but not animals!
As for protein, they should be 1.6-2 g per 1 kg dead weight.Let's say you weigh 80 kg.Then the protein you need at least 140-160 years.Now we calculate the energy value of such a large number of proteins already known to you and 30 grams of fat.Summarize all and subtract 3000 calories.Get the number of calories that must occur in the carbohydrates.Knowing the energy value of a product of can easily convert your normal intake of carbohydrates in grams.
In order.who is lazy to deal with specific calculations.I present here is an approximate power scheme in 3000 calories.

Eating a

1 whole egg + 3 protein
2 slices of cheese
3 pieces of wholemeal bread
250 g orange juice

Ingestion of 2

180 g of canned tuna
1 loaf
A bowl of salad made of fresh vegetables with one tablespoon of vegetable oil
1 apple

Ingestion of 3

240 g of chicken meat
2 cups cooked rice
2 rolls

Ingestion of 4

A portion of the replacement power supply with two cups of orange juice

Ingestion of 5

250 g of boiled fish
400 g of boiled potatoes
A bowl of salad made of fresh vegetables with one tablespoon of vegetable oil

Eating 6

2 yogurt or ice cream

Bodybuilding: nutrition for athletes


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