Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding nutrition’ Category

Gainers: catering for beginners?

Consulting with his.more experienced fellow training or a consultant in the sports nutrition shop about the use of special often hear in response to.that.mole.use of t.n."Whey" is recommended to take a novice athletes with insufficient muscle mass.

More experienced advise "pure protein".saying it.that.mole.from the "weight gainer" fatten.and high-protein product will help build a "dry"."Pure" muscle.

Let's see if this is.

Creatine (from the English Gain (the increase.increment)) is called specialty products.has set out to provide food supplements and athletes consisting of single or multi-component protein.carbohydrates and fats.Ratio of macronutrients among themselves similar to their ratio in the recommendations for the compilation of the classical diet balanced diet (with a slight decrease in the proportion of fat).Between a "Gainers" differ in the ratio of macronutrients.and in fact.what products these nutrients in them are.Comparative characteristics of the ratio of macronutrients among themselves in some.represented in the domestic market of products.presented in Table.A.

Table 1.

As we have seen, the percentage of protein in these foods, up to 50%.Now back to the topic of this article.Why do these products are only recommended for beginners or athletes with a very fast metabolism.arguing the advice set risk excess fat.The fact.that in the minds of mass bodybuilder carbohydrates play a minor role in the process of muscle hypertrophy this case is associated with increased risk of adipose tissue.Is this true?

Firstly.You can not give priority or unnecessary or marginal call any of the macronutrients – proteins or.or fat.Each of them is equally important for the life of a human body (by the way, including the fat).Relations between them are known.and it is desirable to keep them the same as during the recruitment of muscle mass.and during reduction of adipose tissue.changing only the total daily caloric.(The only exception is predsorevnovatelny period of "drying" high-level athlete.with his schedule carbohydrate intake.But it is rather an exception to the rule).

Remember.increase in fat tissue in your body is not due to intake of any specific nutrient (eg.fat or carbohydrate).and the excess of the total caloric content of your diet on energy costs (regardless of what form did these nutrients in your diet).In oil well may turn into surplus and protein (eg.through the formation of pyruvic acid – a metabolite of carbohydrates.which can be converted into acetyl-CoA – the raw material of the biosynthesis of fatty acids).

Secondly.We all know that carbohydrates play the role of an energy source for the life of our body.It was in that its primary function as an indispensable factor in food.Approximately 50-60% of the body's energy requirements met by carbohydrates.

But this does not exhaust the role of carbohydrates.They are involved in plastic the physiological activity of the different systems of rights.especially in the central nervous system (as a source of energy for nervous tissue).

Of carbohydrates to a certain extent on the normal activity of the pancreas and adrenal.Together with proteins, they form some hormones and enzymes.secrets of the salivary and other generators mucus glands and other.biologically important compounds.

Consider the dynamics of biochemical processes, recovery of muscle work.During this period, a transition from the catabolic processes of metabolism to anabolic processes focus.contributing to the reconstruction of damaged cell structures.fill wasted energy resources and restore the endocrine and fluid and electrolyte balance of the organism.Restoration of one of energy substrates.used during the exercise – glycogen – takes place during the many hours and even days.According to the sports physiologists' achievement marked supercompensation of muscle glycogen content requires at least 2-3 days.Restriction in carbohydrate intake during the period of rest after work…negative effect on the rate and absolute amount of carbohydrate replenishment resources.Figure 1 shows the course of recovery of intramuscular carbohydrate resources after a period of 20 min exhausting exercise.


Effect of carbohydrate intake with food for the restoration of glycogen in the muscles during rest after work: 1 – a diet high in carbohydrates, 2 – protein-fat diet, 3 – no food

In this case we know.what a huge role in the energetics of muscle activity during exercise plays a glycolytic ATP re-synthesis mechanism.That glycolysis is the main route of energy production in submaximal exercise is through him we have the opportunity to hold another training session this size and with this level of intensity.that ensure the launch of adaptive mechanisms.directed.including.and the synthesis of protein structures.

The third.In the end,.glycogen stores in muscles up to 5% of their volume (and according to some experts.more).A trifle, you say, but not be neglected and the five percent.

So, I hope I was able to put forward strong arguments in favor of carbohydrates.Now try to figure out how to choose wisely, "Gainers" for the organization of the food.What should be taken into account when choosing these products?

    The percentage of nutrients between.Here, you should independently review their usual'll add "weight gainer".as well as the rate of its metabolism.and draw appropriate conclusions.

    Manufacturer.Naturally.that preference should be given a large producing firms.existing for a long time in this market and have a decent reputation.Critical of the recommendations of the shop assistant in a shop Sports Nutrition, firm-retailer interested in selling the goods given by the manufacturer of the.that is their dealer.a contract to supply large and m.n.I would single out those manufacturers (those which are represented in our market).as Twinlab.Prolab.Weider (USA).Multipower.Sport & Fitness.Incospor (Germany).

    Composition.Due to the.that the product is written on the label as a rule in must have a minimum knowledge of him the worst.come to the store.taking with a dictionary.The fact.that the composition of a product of sports nutrition can have on your priority.

Compare, for example, the composition of two such "weight gainer" like Super Gainers Fuel Twinlab firms and firms Prolab N Large.What we see on the label under the heading "Ingredients":

Super Gainers Fuel: Maltodextrin (a complex carbohydrate).SUPER GAINERS FUEL animo acid complex (consisting of milk and egg white protein enriched with branched chain amino acids.L-glutamine and L-carnitine).SUPER GAINERS FUEL vitamin and mineral complex (including chromium picolinate and alpha-ketoglutarates).creatine monohydrate.banana flavor.aspartame.

N Large: Maltodextrin, Cross Flow Micro Filtration Cold Processed Ion Exd Whey, Fructose, Natural Flavoring.

You can see how different the composition of these products.Arm yourself with a dictionary and try to translate the names of all the components in these products.You will see.for example.that the carbohydrate portion of N Large (maltodextrin and glucose) has a higher glycemic index.than.than in the Super Gainers Fuel (maltodextrin).Moreover, the protein component of N Large (whey) is absorbed much faster.whereas multi-protein in SGF will increase the content of amino acids in the blood more gradually.So.N Large can be recommended as a good replacement mixture immediately after training.SGF and more suitable as a supplementary food during the addition to the basic diet (between meals).

Also see, from which products are manufactured protein components of these products.Some people have individual intolerance of certain types of protein: or egg.

In addition to these recommendations I want to draw attention to the individual likes and dislikes in relation to the different sports nutrition products.simply put."Likes and dislikes".It is a question of taste, texture, individual response of the gastrointestinal tract, and the like.In the end,.Though this is a specialized.but that considerable importance is the happy you drank a cocktail.or stuffed it in a.eyes closed and holding your nose.

Experiment, try, look for.

Good luck!

Used Books.
A.H.And.Volkov, D.H.Worn, A.A.Osipenko, On.H.Korsun.Biochemistry of muscle activity.
2.Wilmore J.X., Kostill D.A.Physiology of sport and physical activity.
3.H.A.Fomin.Human Physiology.
4.Metabolism during physical activity.Edited by M.Hargrisa.

Gainers: catering for beginners?

Effects of food shestirazovogo

So.who seek to create an anabolic effect on muscle mass preservation.often recommend small, frequent meals at regular intervals.Are usually advised to eat at least some protein food every maintain optimal levels of amino acids in plasma.that provides a positive nitrogen retention.most beneficial for muscle growth.In practice.Many builders are trying to have small portions of 4.8 meals per day.not necessarily include food firm consistency.and may represent a protein shake.

There are several reasons for the benefits of eating small servings of food more often.In addition to maintaining a positive nitrogen balance.smaller meals let you eat more calories throughout the day with a reduced probability of synthesis of fatty deposits.Several studies have shown.that an identical number of calories.divided by 4 or more meals.leads to less accumulation of fat deposits compared with the use of the same number of calories in two portions.This is due to a more controlled release of insulin.

Large portions of food cause a large rise in insulin.and turn.contributes to the conservation of calories as fat.Lower insulin secretion as a result of the meal, it usually means that less fat is synthesized.A significant exception to this rule – this is what happens within 2 hours after exercise.At this time, the increased secretion of insulin – this occurs when you use protein-carbohydrate cocktails – helps accelerate the recovery of muscle glycogen synthesis by increased absorption of amino acids and more.

Although the use of smaller portions of food makes sense.recent studies have not apply to older people.In the course of the study of older women.the results of which were published last year.was marked by increased nitrogen retention and protein synthesis.when participants consumed daily amount of protein in two portions.that is rhythmic power supply circuit.This is because.for protein synthesis in older people requires a higher level of amino acids in the blood.It is ironic.but at the most of the processes in the body slows down with age.extraction of amino acids in the digestive tract increases.

A higher degree of absorption of protein from food in the elderly leads to higher levels of amino acids.which is required to ensure the reactions of protein synthesis.This explains the paradoxical discovery.stating.more rare meals increases protein synthesis in elderly people.

This same group of French scientists.who discovered the effect of the delay depending on the age of the protein.recently studied the effect of protein consumption by smaller and more frequent doses of the example of a group of 16 women.average age was 26 years.After a 15-day adaptation period of women within two weeks on a diet.providing a.7 grams of protein per 1 kg of dry weight.They used a daily rate of protein at one time, or four.

Although previous studies have shown.that frequent consumption of small amounts of food leads to greater retention of nitrogen in young people.A new study found no significant difference in the use of the total amount of protein in one portion or dividing it into 4 portions.Common sense dictates.that if the body of young women are not able to absorb amino acids with the same efficiency.and that older women.separation of protein for a few meals will lead to greater retention of nitrogen.But in this case it was not the case.

In this study, was not taken into account the level of physical activity of young participants of the experiment.But it is not difficult to guess.that if they did.for example.high-intensity weight training.then use more frequent servings of protein would be of more benefit.than its use at one time.The basis for this assertion is provided by the results of previous studies.showing.The synthesis of muscle protein reaches a peak within 48 hours after weight training.It seems obvious.that regular intake of amino acids – that is a key factor in increasing protein synthesis in muscles – still makes sense in terms of training data. research rather relate to sedentary women.than the young and physically active.But then.with regard to older women.still true: they use more useful most of the lower doses of provide increased levels of amino acids in the blood.required for protein synthesis in elderly people.

Effects of food shestirazovogo

Green tea

The usefulness of green tea
The composition of green tea contains the following components:

Tannins – a group of simple and complex phenols, polyphenols and flavonoid compounds.Vegetable tannins are relatively resistant to digestion and fermentation.They all astringents.causing the fibers of the skin and mucous membranes to shrink.and structural proteins shrink.That useful? A cup of green tea after a meal can improve digestion.As a means of digestive green tea used in Asia for thousands of years.

Catechins – this is one of the categories of polyphenols.Green tea catechins are a considerable number of.more epicatechin (EC).epigalokatehin (EGC).epicatechin gallate (ECG) and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).The latter is about 10-15% of catechin and the pool is the most powerful of them.Its antioxidant activity about 25-100 times greater than that of vitamins C and E.Cup of green tea for about 10-40 mg of polyphenols and provides a greater effect antiokisidativny.What portion of broccoli.Spinach.carrots and strawberries.That useful? A good portion of antioxidants in the system after a hard workout – this is.that stop the damage.system inflicted by free radicals.

Flavonoids – plant pigments and a brightly colored chemicals.present in most fresh fruits and vegetables.These may enhance the body's defense against infection, and their deficiency can alleviate bruising.That useful? It is clear that training will not go better if you are unwell.

Theanine – an amino acid, rendering the brain tranquilizing effect.Theanine is quite different from the antioxidant catechins and polyphenols.because of which the most used and green tea.That useful? I personally feel very peaceful feeling from a couple of cups of green tea.Green tea gives you a world without compromising motivation and mental activity.

Bodybuilding and Fitness

As a pre-workout product green tea is a great alternative to a mixture of ephedrine-caffeine-aspirin (ECA).Yes.I know.ECA that there is no substitute.but listen: a huge number of people.including myself.I do not like the action of ECA on the system.I get nervous and lose my temper easily.Green tea is great.because it contains some amount of caffeine and theanine.that relax you mentally.but can effectively physically.

Scientists say that the consumption of green tea can raise metabolic rate by 3%.To do this, you just have to drink three cups a day.Do you think that is why you rarely see a fat Asian? This is not a kung-fu.This green tea!

A little about tea

All types of tea derived from a single source.Tea – a plant of Camellia.Black tea, Chinese black tea and green tea are derivatives of the plant.The color of tea is determined by the method of processing tea leaves.After collecting the tea leaves are fermented and then heated to stop the fermentation process.That depends on the duration of fermentation, the level of caffeine in tea – the longer the fermentation.the more caffeine.Green tea contains the least caffeine of all teas, because it is the shortest fermentation.Hence, too, derive all of its unique properties.- Fermentation destroys a lot of useful substances in tea leaves.


Green tea has become a full tool in the arsenal of any fitness enthusiast.That's why recently we hear about the latest bomb in the supplement industry – green tea.However, no supplement can compare to a natural product.The history of green tea consumption in Asia goes back thousands of why should you deny yourself in a product with such a solid reputation?

Dave Greaves

Green tea

Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin

Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirinStudy the role of beta-agonists to control fat deposition.muscle hypertrophy.body's response to physical activity over the past 10 years has been the subject of many scientific papers.First you need to say.that the system of beta-agonists in the body is one of the most important signaling systems.In order to a system of beta-agonists works and what role this work played by caffeine.ephedrine and aspirin.must first understand what are the beta-agonists, and what they do.

On the surface of many cells of the body (in this case we consider the muscle and adipose tissue) are beta-receptors.These beta-receptors and grab hold of substance called beta-agonists (adrenaline and noradrenaline).

When the beta-agonist captured beta-receptor.Last initiates a series of chemical reactions.which lead to the formulation of the active substance.which is engaged in moving the information.C-AMP (C-EyEmPi).C-AMP in turn activates enzymes that are saturated with phosphorus (phosphorylate) proteins.Why is this interesting?

Many of these proteins are enzymes and phosphorus saturation activates some of these enzymes and deactivates the other.In fat cells enzymes are activated that trigger lipolysis (fat).In muscle cells enzymes are activated.speed up metabolism and cause a chain reaction of other important.that control muscle growth.type of tissue and the total concentration of enzyme.

And how in the system wedged ephedrine.caffeine and aspirin? Ephedrine increases the production of beta-agonists, and even acts as a beta-agonist.Caffeine inhibits the decay C-AMP.Aspirin inhibits the negative feedback, which may reduce the production of beta-agonists.So.three of these substances.taken along.improve the system of beta-agonists on three or four stages of its.

The role of ephedrine as lipoliznogo agent has been known for some time.We prove that the technique of therapeutic doses of ephedrine may be moderately effective in the treatment of obesity.The problem is that.that the initial effect of lipolysis in the application of ephedrine will soon disappear due to the negative feedback mechanism.

To solve this problem in a set of designated drugs were added various additional components.including caffeine and aspirin.The result is a very effective combination to combat obesity (designated doses were 20 mg of ephedrine.30 mg caffeine and 80 mg of aspirin.that can be roughly compared with the reception of one standard tablet ephedrine.cup of coffee and aspirin).In fact.over time the effect of the combination of E-K-A (lipolysis) not only did not is the case with most medications.but even amplified.

Action E-K-A was evaluated in terms of positive and negative effects.The positive effects attributed lipolysis and increased protein synthesis (people.taking the E-K-A.gained more muscle mass.than those.who took a placebo).

Interestingly, the positive effects did not disappear with time.Adverse effects, palpitations and tremor lasted several days and disappeared without a trace.In fact.after a year of taking the course did not experience unwanted side effects.but continued to have a positive impact in the form of lipolysis and protein synthesis.To date, it remains the E-K-A acts in healthy adults.exercise.

But.based on the.what we know about the system of beta-agonists.positive effect is quite possible.It is also important to note.that when testing a large number of people dropped out some of the.which has discovered an incompatibility with some of the drugs or the E-to-A overall.So.we can conclude.that for most people rate E-K-A is quite possible.but some people may be incompatible.Before the beginning of the course is recommended to consult a doctor.

The system of beta-agonists may cause other processes except for a set of lipolysis and muscle mass.For experiments with chickens.beta-agonists have been much stronger growth stimulants.than steroids.(Believe want – there is no.but poultry farmers do the same.and what we are – growing more and more muscular chickens).In seems.that beta-agonists cause muscle growth without external influences in the form of physical exercise.that can not every steroid.However, in experiments on rats, beta-agonists were not effective and their impact on the human remains to be seen.For example.such well-known Clenbuterol.can cause the transformation of so-called "slow" muscle in "fast".It also prevents muscle atrophy due to downtime.

Other studies have shown.that beta-antagonists (active substances.that block beta-receptors and keep them from working) cause muscle atrophy due to the transformation of "fast" muscle in "slow".These studies show.that beta-agonists may play an important role in the formation of "fast" muscle fibers and in the construction and.possibly.increasing muscle mass.There is no doubt.that during exercise of high intensity, a large amount of beta-agonists (adrenaline and noradrenaline).Perhaps these beta-agonists are needed to stimulate growth of muscle tissue.

It should be noted.some beta-agonists can be dangerous (for example.clenbuterol and cocaine) and not authorized for noted above.Although the combination of E-C-A for the majority of people turned out to be harmless (and not prohibited to use!).for some it may act before the course is strongly recommended that consultation with a physician.

Mike Prevost (Mike Prevost Ph.D.)

Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin

How to clean liver

Based on medical statistics, the main danger for today remains heart disease.No other disease is not carried away as many lives as these.That's why cardiology is the most important branch of medical.But today in the layout of forces within medicine there are some changes.associated with the new threat – pollution.It is no exaggeration to say.that in our days on the planet do not syschetsya no environmentally safe corner.Even the Arctic ice and those containing an industrial toxins.

In this sense, human life is directly related to the liver – the body.that outputs from the body caught in a poison.

The study of the liver doctors for a long time limited to two diseases: cancer, hepatitis – a severe form of viral infection.If doctors in the survey found no signs of liver disease data, it was believed that the liver is healthy.Studies conducted in recent years have shown that it is not so.The liver, which does not contain cancer cells and virus hepatitis, has, too, can be patient.In the fight against multiple toxins.coming in with breathing and blood it turned out.may lose their filtering "saturate" cores just like cleaning the water filter forgot to change time.and just as she becomes a source of intoxication.

It is clear.that the liver's ability to neutralize toxins outside is not so great – otherwise people would not have known of poisoning.The liver is designed by nature as an internal "filter".objective of which is to neutralize harmful by-products of many.formed during the metabolism well as withdrawal from the body of excess hormones of different species (this helps to maintain optimal hormonal balance in the blood).The fight against industrial poisons – this is an additional burden on the liver.which eventually may be partially.if not completely paralyze the activity of the liver on the metabolic toxins.

However, this is not the only cause of liver dysfunction.A survey of American in areas with more or less clean environment.showed.that very many of them are hidden forms of liver dysfunction.The explanation is simple.The liver can not cope with the amount of toxic products of protein metabolism.which is formed by the consumption of large portions of protein.especially in the form of concentrated powders.The situation is exacerbated by the fact.the liver and bodybuilders as working at the limit due to heavy training stress.They are also accompanied by the formation of large amounts of internal toxins.As a result, the liver can not cope with the collapse of her stress and ill.

How to help the liver's own? Because the liver – this is a real filter.then we must first clean the filter.This is not difficult: it is enough to sit a week or two for rice-vegetable diet.Thus it is necessary to exclude any method of proteins, including protein.And so it is useful to walk in bath or sauna.Exiled from the liver of toxins will be released along with the then.At the same time you need to drink plenty of pure water – no less than two liters per day.The kidneys begin to operate in emergency mode, accelerating the excretion of toxins.

But the hunger for cleansing the liver is not.The fact.that during fasting the body extracts energy from the inner tissues.protein splitting cells.This process is accompanied by the release of toxic substances, causing the liver to work forcefully.

However, the above-described procedure of detoxification – for those who purifies the liver prophylactically.If the liver is a serious problem, you have to go to the doctor and get special treatment.

How to put a diagnosis? To begin with.that malfunction of the liver may manifest as chronic fatigue and general malaise lung.bodybuilder who is often mistakenly regarded as a sign of overtraining.Other symptoms include: waking up at night feel hot and stuffy, and you got drunk quickly.even a small fraction of alcohol after heavy eating you sickened sense of fullness and satisfaction.

Another very important sign – that the loss of flexibility in the joints.With violations of the liver joints "dry" them if not enough lubricant.If you feel.that you find it difficult to bend your knees or joints of the should always consult a doctor.

If you find that your liver is, in fact, hit, do not panic.Modern medicine is strong enough to cope with this kind of dysfunction.After a course of treatment you will be completely healthy and able to go back to the gym.

Author: Saul Rubin

How to clean liver

The truth about soy protein.

Recently popular around in a circle of athletes soy protein had many disputes.Is it so useful and they say about him? What is more useful than soy protein.serumal.egg or casein? In late 2001, was ninth annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Physiology of muscle contractions.She was presented the results of over 48 athletes of the experiment.

All participants were divided into three groups, and within six weeks they received protein.The first group consumed a soy protein, the second – serum, and the third – a placebo.During the period of athletes continued to train with weights.As a result, the test results showed high effectiveness of soy protein.The participants who ate it at 3-5% more than the rest of increased dry weight.

Soy has a number of advantages.First, at 35% contain more amino acids than other proteins of animal origin.Second, in soybeans contain arginine, which is beneficial for strengthening the immune system.And.thirdly.isoflavones.are also composed of soybean.protect the body from diseases of the cardiovascular system and breast and prostate cancer.But for every barrel of honey are known to fly in the ointment is.Which in this case is the fact.that soy contains a small amount of methionine.the important amino acids for the body.Modern manufacturers of soy protein is now additionally include the methionine.thus increasing its "appeal" to the other proteins.

It is believed that soy protein affects the activity of the thyroid gland.This fact was the purpose of the experiment by scientists.the results of which are announced on Food and Nutrition Conference.held in 2001 with the support of the American Dietetic Association.The results of the test have been conflicting.The group that took soy protein, decreased production of thyroid hormone levels of T4.In another group, no changes.

In the end, as another experiment conducted in 1996 on the gymnasts, the results were reversed.Group consumed soy protein, showed an increase in thyroid hormone T4.From the data obtained it was concluded that.that the benefits of soy protein directly depends on the amount of consumption of those products conjunction with whom he comes into contact with.It is no wonder that the in Asia and the daily users of its soy diet.never have problems with the thyroid gland.The reason? In terms of residence or a natural product?

The truth about soy protein.

The role of fats in increasing muscle mass

Our body is constantly going on many important and necessary processes.Maintenance of nitrogen balance in this list is not in last place.Every day, from the body with urine output degradation products.And the number of its content of nitrogen can be judged on what function was performed by protein consumption.The organism used it as an energy fuel – it can be concluded.if a high nitrogen content.

Otherwise, the protein is to "build" achieve the latter.must include in your diet as much food containing fat and consume protein in muscle was.But there is one "but" … The more fat consumed.the more they inhibit the production of the hormone testosterone.He is responsible for ensuring that the body can use food protein to build muscle mass.

This indicates an experiment conducted by scientists.Two groups of volunteers who took part in it, eat differently.The diet of the first group attended 30% of the share of fat, in the second – 40%.But the rate of nitrogen, contrary to the theory, was lower in the intervention is it worth to increase muscle growth and consume a lot of fat and advised by us theory?

There is no single answer does not exist, each bodybuilder's all happening in his own.The main thing here is that the advice – this is to observe a.If you eat protein.practice and do not grow in the can.should switch to the inclusion of fats in food.Possibly.your body is accustomed to using protein consumption of energy for the body.and.adding fat sends the protein to build muscle mass? And in their training including aerobic speed up fat metabolism in the body.That the same positive effect on your appearance.

There is one important fact many.The use of synthetic fats in your diet will lead to.that these same fats do not go to the energy exchange.and especially not to build muscle.and straight to the accumulation of fat cells.Therefore it is better to add to your diet crude vegetable or peanut oil.eating it every day for 1-2 tablespoon in the morning.

Sure.Not all builders have the opportunity to measure their nitrogen balance and keep it in the positive side.but if you watch more carefully for its size.the increase in muscle mass does not make you wait a long time.

The role of fats in increasing muscle mass


Man always strives for perfection.Sports world gives many opportunities to improve themselves and become stronger, more beautiful.But we need to work hard to achieve significant results.The organism is reconstructed, it requires a perfect, balanced and high-calorie diet.To this problem there is a modern approach.

He meant by a use of special additives for sportsmen.The sheer number of.Only need to determine which are right for your body.Protein supplement in this case we can take an important role.They are of two types of.This is a direct food additive, equipped with a protein and Creatine.

The first rapidly restore muscle after loading, the second play their role to increase.Beginners especially carefully to relate to the question of the proper development of the organism.As.when the body is just beginning to restructure.he gets not just a load of.for him it is stress.that often leads to muscle damage.Here to the aid of protein additives.Gainers also belong to a class of professional sports.

Of food raw materials do drugs, enrich their protein or proteins obtained.They differ in their content of various protein.Protein – is the foundation of the structure of tissues and cells.They were assigned the role of important processes in our body.Growth, thinking, muscle contraction and metabolism: for all this is in the protein.A muscle tissue, without water in it the solution, 75-80 per cent is made up of protein.Protein supplements are soy, milk, whey and other.

From the available protein is the most valuable serum..This protein meets the high requirements of protein the highest standards in terms of amino acid profile and its effectiveness.In addition,.through it increases the activity of immune.that simply must be at an increased energy metabolism.The composition of such drugs include vitamin and mineral supplements.

All this leads to the whey protein not only qualitative, but also an effective.The product is designed for increase the biological value of the main power.enrich its protein.This form of protein available for a wide range of consumer.

For athletes speed and power sports.weightlifters and bodybuilders, is more suitable soy protein.Its components – plant soy concentrate.It provides the necessary charge of the activity and eliminate the negative effects of a well after a heavy load.Its content in the body leads to faster muscle growth and increase in strength properties.Soy protein is well balanced and so well assimilated.In dietary terms, this most valuable form of protein.He is able to prevent the development of vascular disease and heart, regulate weight, strengthens bones.To all of what has been said up to 35% soy contains more amino acids than other proteins.

Virtually all leading an active lifestyle, perfect and milk protein.It is based on milk proteins.Contains a small presence of fat.The main merit of his performance increase can be attributed.Stamina.effective recovery and building muscle.

Word of additives may discourage an understanding of something artificial.But with the right, the normalized their use of the benefits they have.Since the body itself the right amount of protein for us does not produce.


The role of water in sport

Athlete you need a lot of water – are the main reasons for this: It's that simple at first glance.but.this is almost always overlooked.Because water is the source of life.About 70% of the land covered by water, and the same is contained in our body.Demand for water is needed for all metabolic processes, including protein synthesis.And the most can help your body.if the exercise intensity.- Is to consume plenty of water.

A.You do not get it in sufficient quantities

Gas-water, coffee and other caffeinated drinks are not considered.Although it is a fact.caffeine in both drinks can increase water loss by increasing urine output (urine and the formation of the particular the kidneys).When this happens, the body begins to store water.

Conventional wisdom tells us that 6-8 glasses of water – an amount sufficient for the whole day.If you exercise intensely, you need more liquid.In this case, on the average estimate polgallona-gallon (1 gallon – about three.8 liters) per day.depending on your level of physical fitness.

2.Water cleanses the body of toxins

Water flushes toxins from the human body and other end products of metabolism.Water is especially important if you stick to a diet high in protein.This helps remove excess nitrogen, urea (a toxic substance – urea) and ketones.If you absorb a lot of food to gain weight, then you should take more water.This way you can help your kidneys to better fulfill their hard work.

3.Water helps to metabolize fat in the body

With insufficient water, the kidneys fail to work properly.When this happens, a lot of you consume goes to your liver.The liver converts "stored" fat into energy.But when the liver does the work of the kidneys, it burns quite a bit of fat.And among other things, the water still reduces feelings of hunger.

4.Water reduces the moisture retention

Contrary to popular belief.drinking water can really help you get rid of excess "water" weight.When the water comes a little, the body sees the lack of water and begins to accumulate.This water is stored in the extracellular domains.In other words, your skin, subcutaneous filled with water, looks lethargic and swollen.

5.Water has always supported you in the form

A small amount of water and your body takes it from other organs such as colon.When this happens, you have constipation.In addition, the water allows you to better digest food.This is especially important when you consume more than 4 000 – 4500 calories a day.

6.Water helps those who consume too much salt

If water retention for you – a haunting problem, it may be, in the diet there is too much salt.The more salt, is more the body tries to hold water in the body (to reduce the concentration).Either reduce the number of available salt, or increase the amount of water.

7.Water helps supplements work with the best returns

Additives.such as not operate at full capacity.because they retain water in the muscle cells.therefore, the conditions for increased protein synthesis.necessary for muscle growth.That the processes taking place at the proper level, you need lots of water.Also, if you train very intensively, you need more vitamins and key mega.Many water-soluble vitamins and is water disclose their potential.

The role of water in sport

Low carb diets. Are they compatible with the sport?

Quite often, people.beginner bodybuilding.has some excess weight.from which he would not mind to get rid.Moreover, any beginner bodybuilder even understand.that sharply restrict the food intake.and especially protein intake it can in no case.Often, the first thing that comes to mind – is to limit the intake of carbohydrates.Here they are thinking people, empty calories, getting rid of them I have nothing to lose.

Glycoprival diet has long attracted the attention of those who choose to monitor their weight.The main thing that peck at people who choose such a diet is the lack of hunger and quick results.Really.should sit on the Atkins of U.S. astronauts.Kremlevka.Points diet (lots of names.but the essence of one!).as within a week you noticeable weight loss is guaranteed.

List of approved products staggering human.decided to himself into something limited: the meat of any and a number of products.which contain virtually no carbohydrates.but in them to excess protein and fat.Moreover, a few days on the diet decreases your appetite as if by magic.

It would it is – an ideal.which is suitable for ladies and losing weight for a person.bodybuilders.Alas, have to disappoint you, is not so simple.

Let us analyze what happens in the body, located on a rigid diet glycoprival.Lack of carbohydrates prevents the body to burn fat.In ordinary life, the amount of energy.derived from fats and carbohydrates forty to sixty.that is, hold the palm carbohydrates.If a person performs some physical exercise.then the more the body primarily utilizes the "flame" which then must burn fat.You can conduct a simple analogy: who stoked the furnace, he knows first firewood, charcoal and then.So, what happens if the carbohydrates in the body is not found in sufficient quantities.

1) Fats can be oxidized, "burn out" to the end, produced their oxidized residues: ketone bodies.Such a condition called ketosis the body.That robs you of appetite – the reason for loss of strength.apathy.dizziness.vomiting, and even a number of not very pleasant symptoms.

2) Without glucose the brain suffers, it's only available for a fuel.

3) If you exercise, then you are wasting energy.The first energy reserve of muscle glycogen is.which builds all of the same that the growth of muscle fibers in the diet slows down sharply glycoprival.

4) As mentioned above, the allowed foods contain a lot of fat, so a lot of calories.Reduced weight in this case is primarily due to dehydration.The organism takes the water, including of muscle cells.At two pounds of weight loss in this case have lost pounds of muscle mass.What here bodybuilding?

In general,.weigh all the "pros" and "against" and be sure to include carbohydrates in your diet (each day to five grams per kilogram of body weight).

Low carb diets. Are they compatible with the sport?


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