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Answers to frequently asked questions.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

ž What is a protein blend?

Protein powders are a mixture of it with a high (90-100%) in protein.In principle, something they look like baby food highly digestible and easy to prepare.Ho bear in mind.that if it were not sung beautifully in their advertising.made from simple ingredients from milk.of eggs.Meat.and thus be better than their counterparts natural they can not.Therefore, novice first year and a half of training is to forget about these supplements doroguschy.and focus on the

ž What are amino acids?

Amino acids, a component of protein (muscle).In the course of training will not escape the process of catabolism – protein breakdown.Organism "firing" not only carbohydrates, fats, proteins and.Especially if in the process of training is inadequate supply of carbohydrates.That's why were invented all sorts of megamassy and Energy.At amino acid has two functions: 1) they align the amino acid profile – with the usual food you can not get the desired set of amino acids to build proteins.2) "aminki" – as though it had already digested food.they bypass the process of digestion of rhenium enter the blood directly into the stomach.Thus, taking them after a workout you quickly restore destroyed protein.

ž What is energy?

Energy is a carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein (with a predominance levodov y) of a mixture.They drink their usual pre-workout energy to stock up with energy in the classroom.and after exercise to speed recovery.

ž What is creatine?

The main supplier of energy in the body is ATP (adenosine triphosphate).With the destruction of ATP released a number of energy.which is used to physical work.As a result, the molecule of ATP loses one phosphate atom and molecule is obtained by ADP (adenosine diphosphate).which can be considered a weaker version of the ATP molecule.Unfortunately, its own reserves of ATP in the body may last only a few seconds of.Thus, in the long run stocks have continuously replenish ATP.One of the ways in which the body resumes supplies of ATP – the use of another molecule, creatine phosphate.The use of creatine (as creatine phosphate) is the main way.which replenishes the body's own stocks of ATP during intense short run (eg.sprints or weight lifting).Side effects were noted, but creatine is still poorly understood and there just can not say anything.Hovichkam he always does not need.

ž Is it worth it to drink vitamins, and what, exactly?

Vitamins should definitely drink.For starters, will be very useful compote of some good multi-vitamin complex (Supradin.Vitrum.Centrum) and ascorbic acid.On the day you need to drink a multivitamin well and two or three askorbinki.Negative effects can not be afraid according to the medical reference book.tolerated dose of ascorbic acid is equal to 1 gram.and in one pill 0.1 gram.So overdose or does not get.and benefit from this so particular.Ascorbic acid is a potent anti-catabolic.Yes, and in any case do not forget about apples, oranges, bananas and other fruits and vegetables.Haturalny product can not be replaced by any pills.ML: It is worth noting Complivit vitamins (you can safely take on 2tabletki per day) or One-A-Day Maximum (a bit expensive.but of the better).

ž I swing for the third day of a protein drink I start?

Buy a three dozen eggs, chicken, curds.Lunched eggs with cocoa.dined chicken with buckwheat.and ended day one hundred grams of cheese (preferably low fat).Between meals, apples, carrots, salad.That you have enough on your ears.

ž Prompt, what to eat with lots of natural protein?

Good question.Okay, the ideal is a protein of eggs (its nutritional value is equal to 100%).It is followed by chicken meat (especially chicken breasts in their lowest fat).Then, do not forget about the rest of the meat (pork, beef).Also useful for cheese (it has, above all about what, in bulk calcium, which is important).It was the animal protein.Of proteins of vegetable origin should remember soy beans.

ž And what a high-b screwed?

If you are not predisposed to be overweight safely lean on flour.An excellent source of carbohydrates are simple pasta and sweets.If you are by nature quite chubby, it is better to have a variety of cereals (millet, oats, semolina).Heplohim source of carbohydrates can be cocoa.

ž Or maybe actually make your own protein drink?

Well.The easiest option is to beat with a mixer cheese with milk until the liquid.and during the evening (or after a workout), it to drink.For taste, you can add sugar or jam.If you want something zabatsat ponavorochennee.I recommend to take 2.3 tablespoons cocoa 3 eggs.half of a ripe banana.Pour all the milk and beat with electric mixer.Get a good cocktail, which is to drink 15-20 minutes after training.

ž I've been smoking, this is reflected in the classroom?

Very bad.For a natural bodybuilder.not taking steroids.smoking is a sure way to counter the growth of mass.Throw.

ž I'm here every night a couple hours of basketball drove it as nothing?

Nothing.but this mode is also not conducive to weight that if you continue to do'll get the relief.but lean body.

ž Why do muscles ache after exercise?

Immediately after exercise muscle ache because of the lactic acid poisoning.Lactic acid is the end product of glycolysis at moderate loads safely removed from the muscles through sweat and urine,.With loads of intense anaerobic lactic acid has no time to be displayed and irritates the nerve endings.To speed up the output of lactic acid is useful warm (it was warm, not hot) shower.Ha next day muscle ache as a result of muscle fibers mikrotravmirovaniya.This pain is typical for beginners.Later, during workouts, the body adapts and the pain threshold increases.If the pain the next day, a very strong and hinders the clearly shows the redundancy of training loads.

ž Can I workout after the sauna to go? Fatigue well removes.

Not worth it – it creates a strong pressure on the heart.It is better to take a shower room temperature and just relax.

ž How much sleep should an athlete, a bodybuilder?

8:00 absolute minimum.More is better.You must get up himself, with no alarms and other stuff.Lying down to early and desirable but at the same time.

ž Why do not all these methods are suitable for beginners?

The fact that the training scheme and a beginner level with a four-year veteran is not the same.Hovichok best progress from basic exercises.but Kutch.that this stage was.forced to invent some new ways to shokirovaniya of the organism and further increasing muscle mass.Methods such heap from the pain of training (all exercises are done in all sets to failure) to the power cycle.But.repeat.All these techniques are necessary when the classical style classes "on mass" no longer gives the former effect.So if you're a not try to grab the pitching technique-pro it will give you the worst result.proven over the years than heavy basic training.Here are a year or eighteen.when you get stronger.become massive and in a Prek-RAAS time notice.that the progress of a stopped…at this point and it's time unusual techniques.

ž How would I shake the shock upper chest and shoulders?

I noticed a curious effect if you've always done on the chest / shoulders standard compote on a flat bench presses.presses on an incline bench.presses barbell / dumbbell sitting and standing razvodok.then shock the muscles to stimulate muscle growth is possible as follows (this.true.need to bench with adjustable tilt) lie down on a horizontal 2 sets.lift one division, the case-eat 2 sets.And so long as the bench does not take a vertical position.Finishes, respectively, zhimom rods sitting, leaning back on a horizontal bench.Weight as the load transfer from the chest to the shoulders (and the higher the bench the more work the shoulders and lower chest) should slowly drop.The focus of this technique is.the chest and shoulder being worked out under non-standard angles.and this gives them an incentive to increase.Mass, I tried this method does not, but me and my partner it worked well enough.So if your results in the mass of the chest and shoulders stood up, you should try your luck.

ž Power cycle why do I need?

Oh, the power cycles need it and cool thing.Hujno they were when you entered the congestion and improve your results will no longer.The meaning of the power cycle redraw the scheme of training.and start doing basic exercises to practice the maximum weight and low reps (1-3).Here are the positive aspects of such training:
a) the body gets the shock of the new method of training.
b) the work includes a different type of muscle fibers.
a) you start to grow your working weight
Having been occupied in this style lifterskom can go back to regular training on the 'mass' and you certainly will add a couple of pounds! The method of power cycles as well to.and helps to virtually all.Some builders insist.that usually swing in the style of the force.and only occasionally arrange training for mass.Haskolko justified such an approach is up to you.but then.that year must arrange two or three power cycles conclusively.

ž How to eliminate weaknesses in the squat and bench press?

In general, the Delta Force as part of the shoulder girdle is growing along with the results in the bench press.I even know the methods that do not provide additional exercises.They need to do if there is a problem in the main exercise.If you find it hard to tear off the bar from the chest.a weak shoulder girdle as a whole and to make further presses the bar or dumbbells while standing and dips with additional.weight.when slack in the middle of the bench.recommend that disappoint the average delta.If at the end of must pump the triceps.And to improve the squat should be increased wheel-side quadriceps (hack squats in the simulator.extension and squats on the coarse-dee).as well as the lower back.buttocks and hamstrings – there can help the deadlift in legged.hyperextension and slopes with a barbell on your shoulders.

ž It is interesting here is gone, what's the difference between a squat lifters and builders?

The main difference between squat lifterskogo from kultovskogo directed by the legs and position the bar on the back.Cults put the bar almost to the top of the trapezoidal.lifters at the bar is much lower – somewhere in the 3 cm below the top of the rear beam deltoid.Builder put his feet rather narrowly – no wider than addition.sometimes enclose anything under the heel problem Builder maximally loaded quadriceps force – because of the specificity of this.The task of powerlifters squat with the weight as much as possible.and therefore an ideal technique squats should be subject to the following rules: – as to facilitate the work back – and this from a low position on the back of the bar – reducing the time (remember termeh) – to ensure maximum efficiency of joints and quadriceps while passing the corner – a broad statement of the feet.In addition.while driving as there is a significant difference: the a rule.working in the squat on low amplitude – below parallel, no builder does not fall.lifter has the same weight as a the highest point of the quadriceps.Located in the hip joint.Op-tilas below the top of the quadriceps at the knee – the so-called passage of the angle (below 90 degrees).This specificity requires a squat technique: first.broad statement of the feet – much wider than shoulders.secondly.projection of the knee all the way down the rod movement should be clearly above the middle of the foot.

ž Body-building – if not harmful to health?

The human body is designed for movement and adapted to physical stress.The fact that the growth of muscle mass as a result of exercise is said about it.The modern world often attracts people to a chair in the workplace or restrict it too low physical activity.Hence the mass of sick people.organisms whose work in slow motion.weakened immunity.metabolism is reduced to the accumulation of fat and toxins in the body…Reasonable exercise change the picture: activate the metabolism.that strengthens the immune system and helps to remove unwanted substances from the body.Of course, it is difficult to advise to do bodybuilding person working as a loader or a blacksmith.Excessive loads are harmful primarily for cardiovascular system.Loads must be permanent.otherwise "vzdergivaniya" of an organism can affect its status.

ž What type of addition to know your body?

Type of addition of the body – not just its it responds to exercise.Accurately define the type of.You can choose for themselves a more effective training regime.allowing to achieve the desired effect as soon as possible and not harmful to your body.

ž How best to start training "from scratch"?

Putting ourselves any targets, do not forget about the principal – to strengthen their health.It should not be from the first workout to change this goal! It is not recommended abruptly quit his body under heavy loads.In addition, it can negatively affect the pace of development of your body in the future.There have been cases.when novices trained on the six (!) once a week.terribly surprised at the lack of muscle growth and unhealthily protruding from under the skin veins.

ž Do the exercise on the potency?

The fact that intense exercise reduces the potency, the known fact.Participation in sports.for example.recommended for adolescent boys 13-17 years for the suppression of hypersexuality in a natural way.In general, the measured load only improve the functioning of all body systems, including sexual.In other words.moderate sports no one ever becomes impotent.and.opposite.will preserve their health for longer.than those scoring your body.Overload the same beat on all the systems of your body, including sexual and avoid them.99.999 out of 100 chance of becoming impotent are used in sport ANY chemicals.

ž It is true that regular exercise bring up aggression?

There is no true.Opposite.aggressiveness in people.not carrying out their emotional and physical whom does not include athletes and bodybuilders.For sexual activity and muscle mass of the body responds the same hormone – testosterone.excess of this hormone is leading to hypersexuality and aggressiveness.Bodybuilders "spend" some of these hormones to your muscles.Watch for people.which has long and successfully train.unlikely to exist among them nervous and aggressive a rule.calm and relaxed people.

ž What to eat?

Again and again I will say that bodybuilding diet should be rich in vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates.A must eat regularly and at least three times a day.In no case need not have forced.In no case need not look any system power or to consult about this with the "knowledgeable" people.The fact that the food is very individual.Your body knows himself what he needs.If you normally exercise.then after a workout do not ever want to eat a piece of bacon or chocolate.if there is an alternative: a chicken.Salads.cereal.fruit.Eat only organic foods.Well.of course.smoking.alcohol (in any dose.even beer and champagne).drugs.heavy animal food (pork: meat and fat.Other animal fats) will defeat your efforts to absolute zero.

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Dictionary of words occurring in bodybuilding.

Range of motion-The length of the trajectory of the projectile in the exercises.

Anaerobic exerciseTraining-directional power."Anaerobic" means "without oxygen" and is short.short intense bursts of energy.

Atrophy-Reduce the volume and level of muscle strength.

Aerobic exerciseLong-exercises performed with the participation of large muscle groups.Long enough to increase heart rate to the provision of training effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Balance-With regard to the addition means good overall body proportions.All your muscles must be evenly developed.

BandagesSafety, bandages, wound on his knees during squats.

BlocksDevices with pulleys and cables attached to weights to be used in exercises.

Blocks for crossing arms-A special device to work out the internal sections of the breast due to traction handles blocks of the position of divorced parties-up to the position of the hands.when they are crossed in front of chest.

Block machine for traction-Trainer.where you sit or stand on your knees and pull the handle down to your chest or behind your head (develop lats).

BanksWell-developed (natrenerovanye) hands. which the load on the muscle sharply decreases due to transfer it to other muscles.participating in the.

Endurance-The ability of muscles to develop a sustained effort over a period of time.

Exit at "peak"-1) Denote any situation in an exercise in which you are striving for maximum isolation of individual muscles.For are doing the exact concentrated bending arms at the achieve a "peak" biceps, 2) preparing for a competition.

VascularityCharacterizes the degree of filling your veins.arteries and capillaries of the blood (how well it filled with your muscles).You need to have a low percentage of fat under the skin and a large amount of glycogen in the muscles.look to the venous.

Head-straps-Is worn on the head unit of belts and chains.having means for fastening burdening and is used in the exercises for the neck muscles.

Gravity boots-Footwear with hooks that allow to hang upside down to stretch the muscles and tissues of the back.

Breast machine-Device for the development of the pectoral muscles.

ChestShort title, small and large pectoral muscles.

Bent neckSpecial bent-neck for ease of study of the biceps and triceps.

Hypertrophy-Increase the muscle as a result of training.A synonym for muscle growth.

DeltoidsShort title-deltoid.

Fat in the bodyLevel-deposited in the body fat.

BurningMild discomfort,.perceived in the muscles they were exploring exercise maximum intensity.It is not dangerous, and simply means.that nerve endings in the muscle signal of surplus products.cause discomfort.and that muscle requires more oxygen.

Closing posturing-Do athletes freestyle program, taking place in a highly competitive.

Go to a maximum of-Overcoming the maximum value of weights in one repetition.

Isokinetic exercise1) exercise with variable direction of motion resistance.varying in different parts of the amplitude, and 2) exercise at a constant speed of burdening.

Isometric exerciseMuscle tension, while maintaining its fixed length, of course this will not be moved.These exercises are usually performed at a wall or to any stationary object.

Isotonic which the length of its size and weights vary.and the voltage remains constant, the rise of free weights is a classic example of isotonic exercise.

Intensity1) the degree of effort invested in training, 2) percentage of the maximum weight training rounds.

Cardiovascular training-Exercise, which strengthens the heart and lungs.

Kinesiology-The science of muscles and performed with the help of their movements.

CompetitionAthletic competition, freestyle program.

Circuit trainingLong-occupation with the immediate transition from one exercise to another.

Straps-Stiffening.attached to the wrists and neck to the bar to ensure a reliable grip in traction exercises.

MagnesiaPowder, which is applied to the palm for secure grip shell.

Mats-Special floor mats for exercise.

Mental approach-Statement of the problem and the positive focus on the upcoming performance of its.

Muscle tone-The state in which the muscle is in constant slight tension and it looks tight.

Dead pointNarrow-amplitude which gravity and adverse location of bone levers makes the most difficult movement.

In my mind-muscle connection-Refers to the extreme concentration and mental representation contract and relax the muscles during exercise ".Thus you get the skills to control the work of trained muscles.This facilitates the conduction of impulses from the brain to the muscles.

Slant board-Bench for abdominal workout.

Increase ofHard-training and a high-power products for a permanent increase of weight and volume of muscle mass.

National ChampionshipAmateur male and female top-level competition in four weight categories.

Skill-Best of the trajectories on which the barbell or dumbbell is doing its path during exercise.This helps to maximize impact on isolated specific muscle.

Pumping-Filling.injection of blood into the muscle through exercises with a large number of repetitions.causing a temporary overflow it this muscle.

Gloves-Used to protect and secure grip palm shells.

Plyometric exercises-Exercise in which muscles are loaded suddenly and stretched, and then declined rapidly.For their athletes should perform, say, jumping off the bench and quickly vsprygnut to another bench.

Mobility-The ability to stretch the muscles and mobility in the joints.

StriationHigh-relief of muscles, their linear "striations".

Potozaderzhivayuschie tapeFeeds from the cotton cloth, worn on the wrist or forehead to absorb sweat in training.

Pulls, tears in the skin-Induced more rapid growth of muscle and adipose tissue compared with an increase in skin surface.

Time to push-Wide.sturdy belt around the hips with a chain.which can be enhanced drive from the bar or dumbbell for additional complication during certain exercises.such as dips.

Press-Short name of the abdominal muscles.

Program-The set of sets and repetitions, performed consistently in each class.

A pause for rest-Time to relax between sets to a single exercise or between exercises.

OverloadProgressive muscle-training, with increasing intensity.Usually achieved by a gradual increase of weight training rounds ".

Warm-up-A series of exercises that increase blood circulation in preparation for training.

Free weights-Dumbbells and barbells (as opposed to simulators).

Leg Curl-Exercises.Lying on his stomach.with summing up the heels to the buttocks.overcoming the resistance (to strengthen hamstring).

SymmetryForm or shape of the body, balance, bone and muscle structure.

Scott Bench-Insulating Bench curls (almost vertical support for training the arm muscles).

BackShort title-lat.

Medium sections, Abdominal muscles, including upper and lower abdominal and oblique abdominal muscles, and other.

Force-The ability of muscles to develop a certain value efforts.

Tendon-Tape (or cord) strong fibrous tissue, muscle attached to the bone.

Symmetry1) Quality of the bone structure and muscle mass.If the lower part of the body is proportional to the upper torso, and if the length is related to the length of have an attractive symmetry;
2) the level of the body in different views (top, bottom, and t.n.).

Testosterone-The main male hormone that regulates the overall growth and stimulating blood flow.

TrapeziumShort title-trapezius muscles.

Training "to failure"-An exercise to as long as you are no longer able to perform the subsequent repetition.

Training Time-Safety equipment.which is worn on the abdomen to support the back.let us presses.Squat.Become rods, etc..

Training effectTo increase the functional capacity of muscles as a result of the applied load increasing to them (progressive overload).

Calming exercises-A series of light, partly aerobic nature of exercise, and stretching, the final training.Cooling down gradually reduces the workload on the heart.

Heaters shins-Equipment that is worn on the leg to keep it in a hot performance.

FasciaFibrous connective tissue.which covers.supports, and separates from each other all the muscles and muscle groups; connects the skin to the underlying tissues.


Form1) characterizes the degree of formation of muscle.their fullness and roundness, and 2) the balance of the muscles with skeleton.

Forced repetition-Performs with a partner to complete the limit forces the last couple of reps in the approach.

Schikolotochnye weightsSpecial-weights.attached to the ankle and provide additional burdening of exercises involving the legs, can be mounted on the wrist for an intensification of exercises for the hands.

EstrogenFemale sex hormone-.

TractionThis action removes-distal part of the body from its center, or moving from the fixed attachment of the muscles.

ButtocksShort title, the gluteal muscles (small, medium and large).

Dictionary of words occurring in bodybuilding.

Map of the body

Map of the bodyIn order to properly deal with, you need to know the physiology, so look our muscles.

Front view

Front view

Back view

Rear View.

Map of the body

What happens if you leave the training?

Aerobic exercise not only burns fat – they strengthen the heart and vascular system.Are you afraid of.that with the cessation of "pitching" your muscles atrophy? But about the same thing happens with the heart and blood vessels without an aerobic training.With what speed and under what "angle" is a "sliding down"? There is a perception.that with the cessation of exercise the athlete loses all.that has turned out over the years.

This is not entirely correct statement.You will lose only part of the "acquired".or all.they had – it depends what physical shape you come to the "timeout".Every bodybuilder with a tremor in his heart thinks about.that a break in training.caused by the disease.injury or other cause.can throw it far back and undo years of effort.What is it – or far-fetched fears well-founded concern? To tell the is also true.and other.In any case, a break in training means a loss of many sporting achievements.of course.depending on the individual physical.But a well-trained athlete.that enough time was devoted to aerobic exercises.will retain its shape.even if forced to "simple" lasts a few months.Let's look at the effect on the cardiovascular system lack of exercise.


Body's ability to absorb oxygen.transport it to tissues and used for fuel oxidation (V02 MAX) – is a common and reliable indicator of the cardiovascular system.Aerobic exercise increases the V02 MAX.a break in training.on the contrary.leads to a drop of this indicator to a "sedentary lifestyle".although the speed and the "angle" of this fall can be different.It all depends on the degree of fitness of each individual.A well-trained athletes V02 MAX plummeted in the first three weeks after cessation of exercise.but then the process slows down.And in the next three months V02 MAX index for these athletes is much higher.than in untrained men.As for people with low to moderate aerobic training.then they have in the first three weeks of the absence of training does not work practically does.But then the index of V02 MAX they begin to fall with catastrophic speed in the shortest time and reaches its lowest level.

The volume of the heart

As to.termination of the effect of training on heart size and thickness of its walls.scientists have received conflicting reports.It is known that long-term aerobic training leads to hypertrophy (increase) in heart.But with their termination, it may decrease or might keep former size.Two studies have shown.that during the "idle" diameter and density of the heart of its walls are reduced.and the other two did not reveal any more or less significant changes.However, these data should not be relied.because perfect methods for measuring the heart muscle does not exist yet.

Filling and pulse rate

But fairly clear.that the filling pulse (the amount of blood.Combustion with each heart beat) decreases with the cessation of exercise.According to one study.12 days in the pulse loses 10 percent of its filling.and for two weeks – about 12 percent.According to scientists, this is due to the overall decrease in blood volume and plasma.In addition, as it turned out, with the cessation of exercise increases the maximum pulse rate.And it does not speak in favor of the endurance of the cardiovascular system.On the contrary, the ideal maximum heart rate should be less filling and – more.Meanwhile.the control group distance runners after a 10 "bestrenirovochnyh" days average maximum heart rate was 192 beats per minute.With regular training, this frequency was their 183 shocks.And yet, in most cases, well-trained athletes in the first two to three weeks after cessation of exercise heart rate varies slightly.

The strength and skill

The main question.who cares normal "pitching – what impact a break in training for athletic prowess.strength and endurance.I must admit, the answer is disappointing.Even the powerfully trained athletes without training squander their strength.For example, swimmers after four weeks of "downtime" losing 13.6 percent of the maximum force of hands.And marathoners fifteen days after the termination of training by 25 per cent reduced endurance.In short, the loss can not be avoided.But to accurately measure the scale of these losses is almost impossible.because it is necessary to take into account the mass of individual factors: the physical form.experience.intensity of training before the break.selection of exercises and so on.However, to reduce losses to a minimum still possible.To do this, do not sit in Sydney, and do something.Let's say you are temporarily unable to "swing metal".Well, go do something else: walking, cycling.Let this lightweight version of the exercise, but still better than nothing.And if before the break you had time to accumulate a lot of baggage, you will be able to maintain its form and content.And when the hard times left behind, be able to quickly catch up.

"Power and Beauty"

What happens if you leave the training?

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