What happens if you leave the training?

Aerobic exercise not only burns fat – they strengthen the heart and vascular system.Are you afraid of.that with the cessation of "pitching" your muscles atrophy? But about the same thing happens with the heart and blood vessels without an aerobic training.With what speed and under what "angle" is a "sliding down"? There is a perception.that with the cessation of exercise the athlete loses all.that has turned out over the years.

This is not entirely correct statement.You will lose only part of the "acquired".or all.they had – it depends on.in what physical shape you come to the "timeout".Every bodybuilder with a tremor in his heart thinks about.that a break in training.caused by the disease.injury or other cause.can throw it far back and undo years of effort.What is it – or far-fetched fears well-founded concern? To tell the truth.it is also true.and other.In any case, a break in training means a loss of many sporting achievements.of course.depending on the individual physical.But a well-trained athlete.that enough time was devoted to aerobic exercises.will retain its shape.even if forced to "simple" lasts a few months.Let's look at the effect on the cardiovascular system lack of exercise.


Body's ability to absorb oxygen.transport it to tissues and used for fuel oxidation (V02 MAX) – is a common and reliable indicator of the cardiovascular system.Aerobic exercise increases the V02 MAX.a break in training.on the contrary.leads to a drop of this indicator to a "sedentary lifestyle".although the speed and the "angle" of this fall can be different.It all depends on the degree of fitness of each individual.A well-trained athletes V02 MAX plummeted in the first three weeks after cessation of exercise.but then the process slows down.And in the next three months V02 MAX index for these athletes is much higher.than in untrained men.As for people with low to moderate aerobic training.then they have in the first three weeks of the absence of training does not work practically does.But then the index of V02 MAX they begin to fall with catastrophic speed in the shortest time and reaches its lowest level.

The volume of the heart

As to.termination of the effect of training on heart size and thickness of its walls.scientists have received conflicting reports.It is known that long-term aerobic training leads to hypertrophy (increase) in heart.But with their termination, it may decrease or might keep former size.Two studies have shown.that during the "idle" diameter and density of the heart of its walls are reduced.and the other two did not reveal any more or less significant changes.However, these data should not be relied.because perfect methods for measuring the heart muscle does not exist yet.

Filling and pulse rate

But fairly clear.that the filling pulse (the amount of blood.Combustion with each heart beat) decreases with the cessation of exercise.According to one study.12 days in the pulse loses 10 percent of its filling.and for two weeks – about 12 percent.According to scientists, this is due to the overall decrease in blood volume and plasma.In addition, as it turned out, with the cessation of exercise increases the maximum pulse rate.And it does not speak in favor of the endurance of the cardiovascular system.On the contrary, the ideal maximum heart rate should be less filling and – more.Meanwhile.the control group distance runners after a 10 "bestrenirovochnyh" days average maximum heart rate was 192 beats per minute.With regular training, this frequency was their 183 shocks.And yet, in most cases, well-trained athletes in the first two to three weeks after cessation of exercise heart rate varies slightly.

The strength and skill

The main question.who cares normal "pitching – what impact a break in training for athletic prowess.strength and endurance.I must admit, the answer is disappointing.Even the powerfully trained athletes without training squander their strength.For example, swimmers after four weeks of "downtime" losing 13.6 percent of the maximum force of hands.And marathoners fifteen days after the termination of training by 25 per cent reduced endurance.In short, the loss can not be avoided.But to accurately measure the scale of these losses is almost impossible.because it is necessary to take into account the mass of individual factors: the physical form.experience.intensity of training before the break.selection of exercises and so on.However, to reduce losses to a minimum still possible.To do this, do not sit in Sydney, and do something.Let's say you are temporarily unable to "swing metal".Well, go do something else: walking, cycling.Let this lightweight version of the exercise, but still better than nothing.And if before the break you had time to accumulate a lot of baggage, you will be able to maintain its form and content.And when the hard times left behind, be able to quickly catch up.

"Power and Beauty"

What happens if you leave the training?

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