Archive for the ‘Pharmacology’ Category

Do all steroids are raising a lot?

Synthetic hormones.steroid hormones called androgenic and anabolic to penetrate cells and stimulate numerous intracellular reactions.including protein synthesis.Androgens and anabolic steroids, what is more important?

Androgens, steroids, anabolic steroids, steroids, androgenic and anabolic effects…What are these terms? What do they mean? Or all this scientific slaver was invented only in fool our heads? In fact,.maybe it's just different names for the same – synthetic hormones? If you consider yourself a "special".try to say.what methandrostenolone – an anabolic steroid? androgen? androgenic anabolic? Correct answer: and then.and other.and third.If you think otherwise, do not despair.These few pages will get you enough then sagely advise.Did you know.that as a feedstock for the production of sex hormones the body uses cholesterol? Yes.the same cholesterol.doctors believe that the enemy of humanity's number one.Cholesterol deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels annually destroy more people.than all other diseases.together.

The paradox, but the same cholesterol gives life to human reproductive system, and ultimately all of us.What is cholesterol? This is a long molecular chain.Enough to rearrange it "links".something to throw.and add something.and cholesterol is converted into sex hormones – testosterone and estradiol.The first is responsible for male sex, and second – for women.The difference in the functions of a huge, however, structurally both hormones are surprisingly similar.The reason you have already known: they have a common "daddy" – cholesterol.And testosterone.and estradiol in the medical language called steroids same time steroid or steroid hormones are also called dozens of biochemical way or another connected with the sexual sphere.For protect against pregnancy, women take drugs.which also belong to the steroid hormone.Cortisone ointment, which treat eczema – also from the category of steroid hormone.Glucocorticoids, corticosteroids, and estrogens – are also steroid hormones.In this sense, the term "steroids" used in bodybuilding, not quite accurate.The term "steroids" is meant only those hormones.who raise the muscle.Meanwhile, steroids such as glucocorticoids.allocated to the adrenal glands.on the contrary.destroy muscle tissue.(Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining).


For men sexual characteristics include not only the genitals and facial hair.but a large proportion of muscle to total body composition.Of steroid hormones in the development of male sexual characteristics correspond to only a few and most important among them – the testosterone.Its functions are generally classified as androgenic and anabolic.Androgen – is the formation of sex organs, hair growth on face and body, deepening of the voice.Anabolic – the development of the musculoskeletal system of male type (strong skeleton and strong muscles).At one time,.creating artificial steroid hormones.scientists thought it was.that will be able to separate the anabolic effects of androgen.The idea is good, but as it turned out, an impossible.

Cells do not "purely" anobolicheskih and "pure" androgen receptor.There is only one type of receptor.calculated for that through him automatically "run" both types of reactions and androgenic.and anabolic.It should be emphasized.that female upper body muscle cells of these receptors is much less.than in male.- Hence the difference in appearance between men and women.As a result, an artificial steroid hormones gave a long.but the exact title – steroids and anabolic androgenic.True.Many doctors prefer to call them steroids or androgenic steroids.that is shorter.androgens.The bottom line is that the term "androgenic" refers to "amplify masculinity".So what is the name allows for a clear boundary between this type of synthetic steroids and other.for example.those.that are used as a to use a different name – anabolic steroids? However, the concept of anabolism involves growth of any biological tissue.In this sense, estradiol is also an anabolic, because fat stimulates the growth of.There were times when the name of "anabolic steroids" almost came into use.The creators of nandrolone decanoate.methandrostenolone and oksimetalona claimed to be the "parents" absolutely exceptional hormones.who have no androgenic effect.As for advertising purposes, they have distorted the already known to you the name of synthetic analogs of testosterone.Turned out "anabolic steroids".but later confirmed the practice.that such an "application" was pure bluff – all drugs have an androgenic effect.Meanwhile, the slang mot "anabolics" that bodybuilders use, has a reason.Scientists have learned how to create synthetic drugs with "skewed" in one way or another, either in the direction of androgen.either side of the anabolic.For example.Although Anavar.Deca-Durabolin ®.Winstrol or Anadrol and androgens are.their anabolic effect which is stronger.than "natural" testosterone.In particular, the anabolic effect of Deca-Durabolin ® 280% more.


In step androgenic steroids are many "white" spots.In theory, acts as an androgen.Each cell has special sensory receptors.Figuratively speaking, they look like the tentacles of sea the water rushes by plankton tentacles.and the blood carries the receptor by various biochemical compounds.If the connection is "fit" the receptor, it captures it exactly like tentacle anemone zazevavshegosya crustacean.When the body there is a need to enhance protein synthesis.then he gives the corresponding command in the muscle cells.It is clear that the word he can not do this.Comes to the rescue mechanism of hormonal regulation of cunning.In the blood testosterone secreted., and each molecule becomes the "messenger".which carries the cells of the news of the beginning of the synthesis of new protein.

Accession of testosterone to the receptor cells generates command pulse.who "runs" a myriad of biochemical reactions.Again, in theory – of androgen receptors in cells is not so much.In any case of testosterone, which secrete the sex glands, enough to take them all.Then where do anabolic androgenic steroid supplementation? That's just not clear.The more.that in the medical world There is an obstinate belief.that taking artificial steroids reduces the number of cells in the androgen receptor.Conversely, when testosterone levels are low, receptors become more.Like, this is an adaptive response – so the cells increase the chance of capturing rare testosterone molecules.Meanwhile, there were heretics who have undertaken to challenge this view.And what do you think? There is evidence.that in practice the situation is exactly the opposite way: in castrated animals, the number of receptors in muscle cells falls.and for re-injection of testosterone injections – increases.but still proportional to the amount of hormones: testosterone more – more receptors! Now it becomes clear.why today's bodybuilders thrive on androgens to such huge sizes, their muscles become more sensitive to seems.and not observed in androgen plateau – the more of them in a "pump".the more receptors there.Well, the more receptors, the higher the degree of assimilation of the muscles of androgens, the more steroid hormones is feasible.that without them, remained a distant dream in bodybuilding – continuous anabolism.With regard to androgens act paradoxical pharmacology rule: the bigger the better.

Summarize.Androgenic steroids – a kind of synthetic testosterone.far surpassing its anabolic properties.They are not only fabulously accelerate protein synthesis in muscle.but also make it.for the story on here than simply no place.- Block the action of catabolic hormones.The result? To understand, just look at today's elite proffi..

Do all steroids are raising a lot?

Long advantage of short courses

Speaking with many bodybuilders.I often hear the statement.that steroid policy should be long.I myself am an advocate of short courses, followed by a short rest.However, I would like to delve into their thoughts on the understand.why my system is more beneficial for muscle growth and a safe and healthy.

A very large number of competing bodybuilders (read pros) because of preparation for competition.demonstrations of.guest posing and t.Dr..remain on the course of anabolic steroids for 8 months and then take a break at 3-4 months, then again to begin a new cycle.I could not help smiling when I hear that there are athletes who remain in one great cycle of years.For these guys, and GR course Primobolan is considered a "recreational".In this article I will use for example the course "for 8 months and 4 months of rest" and course "8 weeks and four weeks of rest".

I think.very important to understand courses are rather specific for doses.duration and used drugs.I plan my courses so that the last day of the blood should not be a single steroid.To do this you need to know the time of action of various drugs in the body and long they will affect the level of testosterone in the blood.For example.testosterone cypionate will remain in the body about 12-14 days.while testosterone propionate.preparation.acting much faster.cease to influence the level of testosterone in the blood after 2-3 days.That's why many doctors recommend a weekly injection of testosterone hormone replacement therapy instead of injections once every two was done previously.Now doctors know.that makes no sense to allow the level of testosterone in the blood fall to the base only to.then to raise it again.

I say this in order.that.After reading this one thought.what you can do an eight week cycle of cypionate and decks.and then make a four-week break.then to start again.In fact,.making it.people will be on the course 10 weeks.and two weeks left to rest.that is not that the body recovered and brought the well as the receptors do not have time to wean from the drug and the subsequent reception will not be as effective.

I have dealt with a lot of people who gained 10 kg following my technique, "8 +4".In fact, the human body simply can not produce muscle fibers without stopping.Staying on course 8 months people should gain about 5 kg per month, T.e.40 kg for the course.If this were so.then everyone would look like a bodybuilder, Mr. Olympia, after two years of training and steroid use.Imagine a motorcycle.If you're always going to press on the gas, the engine will eventually break.Sure.You overtake the other in the early.but eventually they will overtake you.when you fix the motor on the side.because you do not feel the natural rhythm of the engine.Everything in life is to follow the natural rhythm to achieve maximum results.

The human body has an amazing ability to adapt to any changes.If you do not eat for several days carbohydrates.but then again, add them to your diet.the body will store more of their number in case of another "carbohydrate gap".The same body will do with protein and water.The organism also notes.When you enter into it any foreign substance.and responds accordingly.For example.if you enter 2000 mg of testosterone (and I do not recommend you do so).The next day nothing "wrong" with you does not happen.But.after a long period of testosterone.body ceases production of its own for him coming from the outside.I am not a scientist and I have no reason to argue that, apart from logic and personal experience.

From the above it is easy to see the benefits of a steroid cycle.ending in a couple of weeks the body begins to reduce or suspend production of testosterone.It seems that the body is much easier to recover after a short course (8 weeks) than after a long.I am surprised that some people.who think.what is "cool".when their testicles shrink to the size of a newborn because of their steroid cycles.I can only speak for myself.but adherence to these courses, and excretion of drugs after 6-8 weeks of never made me testicular atrophy.and I like it!

Besides.that your own hormonal system ceased to function will produce less testosterone.than eight boy! Those 130 kg.with whom did you go last 6 months.slowly roll down to 105 by the end of your four-month hiatus.What is the logic in that? If you follow the eight-week course.for which the gain of 8-10 kg.after four weeks of a break you will lose no more than 2 kg (which will be mainly water).You can easily keep your size in four weeks.Then you begin to recruit new muscle on a new cycle, instead of restoring lost 15-20 kg.So.three eight-week courses after you weigh 25-30 pounds more and are willing to recruit more! It is much better.than wait for 4 months and see how goes so hard to gain mass.

I know.this is not the best (and quite radical) example.but let's compare steroids with a matter.harmful to the body (to be honest.Alcohol is a million times more harmful.than the most toxic of steroids.but it illustrates my point).What do you think.that is more harmful to the body.drink every day for 8 weeks.and then make a 4 week break.or drink 8 consecutive months and the rest 4? The fact.that the body will be better able to recover.if you give him frequent rest.after a breach of his work.What hurt him for a long time.and then give the rest.

In conclusion,.I would like to emphasize one final point.which seems rather ironic in this topic.If we compare the actual time on the course and real time leisure for 12 months.will.there is no difference between the four courses in 8 weeks + vacation and rate in 8 months + Leisure.However, if you follow the system that I described, the results are remarkable.I hope.that you found this information useful for your purposes.because nothing makes me happier.What kind of big and beautiful athletes in the sport.and in any.

Journal of GEAR UZR

Long advantage of short courses

Steroids and power

Although.effect of anabolic steroids to increase strength their studies was examined association between anabolic steroids and manifestation of the power athlete.Experiments were carried out with one of the weightlifters universities in Moscow.with athletes.involved in athletic well as individual athletes.specializing in athletics.

In addition to the power performance.studied the morphological features weight and body surface.magnitude 8 kozhnozhirovyh folds.absolute and relative amount of fat component of body weight.absolute and relative amount of lean well as the perimeters of the breast.Shoulder.forearm.femur and tibia.All anthropometric measurements were determined by the method adopted by the Institute of Anthropology of Moscow State University.

Body weight is largely unaffected by athletic training and functional point of view is divided into lean mass and fat reserve.Lean body mass is linearly related to such functional oxygen consumption at rest and during work.blood volume and cardiac output (Miller and Blyth.E.H.Berkowitz).Buskirk and Taylor found a high correlation between lean mass and maximal oxygen consumption (r = 0.91) and Hahn and Clark – between the level of basal metabolism and lean mass (r = 0.7-0.8).All this suggests.components that change in body weight reflects the nature and direction of the body metabolism and is a very informative indicator of morphofunctional.

Dynamics of changes in some morphological features before and after one month of the experiment.during which subjects (students of the Institute of Physical Culture) trained three times a week with weights for strength.held at the Table.5.

Change of morphological characters in ÓÐÏÒÔÓÍÅÎÏ×ÜËÓÐÅÒÉÍÅÎÔÁÌØÎÏÊ and control groups before the experiment and poslemesyachnogo
Table 5.

Options Indicators Shift P Reliability
before the experiment after the experiment
Weight, kg 76.3 *
P = 0,1
fat, kg 10.89
lean mass, kg 65.45
fat,% 14.45
lean mass,% 85.55
arm circumference, cm 32.2
Hip circumference, cm 56.81
extensor muscles of the trunk strength, kg 169.7
thickness of the fat folds, mm 4.35

* / Here and below – the top figure athletes experimental group, lower – the control.

Subjects in both groups trained with weights.but the subjects of the experimental group used anabolic steroids and regular long-acting.To compare the effectiveness of anabolic experimental group was divided into two subgroups.One subgroup received daily Nerobolum: if the weight exceeds 80 kg athlete – 15 mg per day.if it was below 80 kg – 10 mg intramuscularly other subgroup took retabolil: if the weight exceeds 80 kg athlete – 1 time in 7 days.if less than 80 kg.1 time in 10 days.

As seen from Table.5, under the influence of training and anabolic steroids have been significant changes in all of these morphological features.Particularly noteworthy increase in body weight at 2.64 kg of lean mass and at the same time for 3.55 kg (difference is statistically significant at P<0,0001). В то же время количество жирового компонента уменьшилось на 0,88 (достоверно при Р<0,05). Это позволяет считать, что увеличение веса тела у наших испытуемых произошло за счет значительного увеличения тощей массы тела, большую часть из которой составляет скелетная мускулатура, и снижения жирового компонента веса тела. В контрольной группе также произошли подобные сдвиги: увеличение веса тела и тощей массы, уменьшение жирового компонента и толщины кожно-жировых складок, но эти изменения статистически недостоверны (Р>0,05).

These data confirmed the hypothesis.that the rapid increase in the morphofunctional indices respectively and the rapid growth of muscle strength using anabolic steroids in sports training gives good results.

The change of morphology and ÆÉÚÉÏÌÏÇÉÞÅÓËÉÈÐÏËÁÚÁÔÅÌÅÊ eksperimentalnoygruppy athletes before and after one month of the experiment
Table 6

Options Indicators Shift P Reliability
before the experiment after the experiment
Weight, kg 78.35 *
P = 0,02
fat, kg 8.83
Weight, kg 69.37
extensors of the trunk, kg 169.42
PWC170, kgm 1287
P = 0,05
IPC, Jr. 3429
time of.with.and.m.M / sec 143.7
time / sec 141.2
thickness of the fat folds, mm 3.46
P = 0,1

* Here and below – the top figure athletes who used retabolil, lower – Nerobolum.

As seen from Table.6.which shows the changes in morphological and physiological characteristics under the influence of taking anabolic steroids and regular long-acting.intramuscular injections had significantly retabolil greater effect on increasing the studied morphological characters in comparison with the reception Nerobolum.This is also confirmed in the study of changes in static void main muscle groups of the forearm flexors and well as the flexors of the foot.which was measured in a dynamometer.M.Abalakova with a dial indicator on how b.M.Rybalko.

It should be pointed.that there was a significant increase in strength in the larger muscle groups extensors of the trunk (20.15 kg) and extensors of the hip (20.2 kg) and flexors of the foot (25.8 kg).while in the other groups examined growth was minimal.

Thus, summarizing the data presented in Table.5 and 6.we can conclude.that steroids significantly increased the weight.lean body mass.extensor strength and body fat significantly reduced component of the body.Comparison of the effects on these same indicators of anabolic steroids and regular long-acting, as is evident from Table.6, can be preferred retabolilu.

In the same experiment, the influence of anabolic steroids on indicators.reflecting the quality of endurance and speed.As seen from Table.6.value PWC170.on which we are judged on the development of endurance.increased by 10% under the influence of retabolil and 4.8% under the influence of Nerobolum.Similar changes have taken place in respect of the IPC.

This allows us to recommend the use of athletes retabolil.specializing in sports.associated with the development of endurance: intramuscular injection of 1ml retabolil 1 time in 10 days for athletes.whose weight exceeds 80 kg.and 1 time in 14 days – for athletes.whose weight is less than 80 kg.

It was also studied the effect of anabolic steroids on the expression of the speed.because some researchers have suggested.that the increase in body weight and muscle strength adversely affects the speed of movement.The subjects were given the task – as soon as possible to make straight flexion and extension of the upper extremity.The experimental results showed.that steroids significantly reduced the time.taken to move the right hand.but was unable to identify.some of anabolic steroids – normal or prolonged – to give preference.

On such indicators as reduction of the soleus single time ( And gastrocnemius muscle (about.with.and.m.) Marked preference should be given retabolilu.after the injection is significantly reduced during a single reduction of both muscle groups.t.e.increased speed of muscle contraction.while receiving a few apocryphal Nerobolum increased during a single contraction (Table.6).

Evidence of the influence of anabolic steroids to speed the quality of athletes we have.examining the effect of anabolic steroids in weight lifters in the manifestation of force in time.The subjects were given a task – to show the best results in the deadlift and as soon as possible to achieve values ​​of the force.equal to 25.50.75 and 90% of the maximum.The measurements were made at the beginning and after 20-day collection.One group of athletes did not take steroids.another – received Nerobolum 15 mg per day.and the third – 1ml retabolil 1 day a week.The athlete group.not using steroids.result in lowered its maximum thrust at 18kg (10%).and to achieve 75% of maximal force reduced the time to 4 ms (4%).The athlete group.using Nerobolum.increased its result to the maximum thrust of 30 kg (12%).and to achieve 75% of maximal force reduced the time for 7.7 ms (6.5%).The athlete group.receiving retabolil.increased results in a maximum force of 17 kg (12%).and to achieve 75% of maximal force reduced the time for 7.5 ms (9%).and the other athlete of the same group has reduced the time to reach 75% of maximum force at 27 ms.(20%).

The experiment revealed.that all the athletes had reduced the time to reach 50, and 75% of the maximum force.that would show the correct liner athletes to compete.

So.The experiments did not confirm the frequently expressed concerns that.that taking anabolic steroids.accompanied by an increase in muscle mass and muscle strength.reduces the speed performance of shown by our study.the use of anabolic steroids in conjunction with leading sports training, along with an increase in strength and speed to increase opportunities for athletes.manifested in the movements we studied.

Of anabolic steroids used by us the best effect on the development of strength.speed and endurance provided long-acting anabolic – retabolil.Retabolil dignity must be considered and then.In contrast to its application Nerobolum qualified athletes gives greater strength gains.speed and endurance.but less weight gain.Athletes are less unskilled retabolil adds weight to a greater extent than Nerobolum.Therefore, highly skilled athletes.particularly specializing in sports.associated with endurance (cross country skiing.biathlon.cycle.speed skating and rowing.Athletics – middle and long distance).as well as in sports.where to refrain in their weight categories ( and not have excess weight (gymnastics.fencing).to improve athletic performance and accelerate recovery processes should be used long-acting steroids.

Steroids and power

Characteristics of the chemical training

"In the journal" World Power ".in his article "The concept of an explosive movement," I carefully considered the issues anatomicheskime.causing the growth of power.In this article I examine the physiological factors affecting the growth of mass.The table below (thanks to Fred Hatfield).components of muscle tissue and their percentage of the total volume.

Mechanisms (factors) Estimated contribution to the increase in muscle%

- 3 capillarization.5
- Mitochondria 15-25
- Sarcoplasm (cell fluid) 20-30
- The connective tissue of 3.2
- Muscle fibers 20-30
- Glycogen 5.2
- Sub-cellular substance 2.1
- Interstitial Substance 5.3
- Reserves of body fat 10-15

(These figures are approximate and are extrapolated based on various sources note.Fred Hatfield)

No need to have seven understand the training.aimed at increasing.should be varied.that is.each component of the muscle needs to grow qualitatively or quantitatively.therefore training bodybuilder must combine a wide variety of exercises and techniques.same intensity should vary periodically.The fastest increase in muscle fibrils way to increase size and strength.As already mentioned in the "Concept of explosive movement" optimal intensity for the potentiation of muscle fibers increase 8.6 repetitions with a weight of 75-80% of maximum.But.what happens to the cell.when it is exposed to an anabolic steroid? Steroid molecule penetrates into the gene-amplified cells depressor matrix proteins.increases the permeability of cell membranes for micro-and macro-.In addition, anabolic steroids dramatically increase the synthesis of CP (creatine phosphate).What does it mean? This effect dramatically increases the strength endurance.that is.if the physical training with 80% of the weight you can perform from 4 to 10 repetitions.then the use of AS (anabolic steroids) can dramatically increase the number of repetitions of the increased reserves of creatine phosphate and ATP resynthesis of his efforts (adenosine triphosphate) push the threshold of lactic acid.

The main differences between training with AC from natural training

A.Strengthening the accumulation and re-synthesis of ATP and CP.
2.The displacement of the nitrogen balance in favor of the delay.
3.Sudden water retention.

Giganstkie muscle is not necessarily an attribute of great components of the "inflated fabric" may be the mechanisms and substances are not directly connected with a large force (mitochondria.fat.sarcoplasm).Sarcoplasm.mitochondria.sub-cellular substance.glycogen ranged from 30 (the usual training) to 60 (when using high doses AU) percent of muscle volume.AC increases the percentage of a sarcoplasmic.2.5.5 times this is due to a sharp increase in water retention, micro-and macro-.Sharply increased glycogen synthesis.

Trenig in conjunction with the AU.

So, steroids increase the synthesis and resynthesis of ATP and CP it can dramatically increase the number of repetitions.But the amount of muscle athlete using large doses of the AU also depends on the sarcoplasmic.Effective filling sarcoplasmic depends directly on the capillary filling during exercise.On the one hand.for the growth of fibrils requires training with an intensity of 75-80% of PM (predelnoggo maximum).on the other increase in sarcoplasmic depends on a strong inflow of blood needed blood pamping.this is achieved by a large number of repetitions with an intensity of 50-60%.

A few words about the training exemption

It is known that aerobic training with high intensity caused by a sharp burst of adrenaline.Approximately the same effect as "pampingovy" training training a large number of repetitions to failure.Adrenaline natural stimulator of growth hormone.rapid release of adrenaline during training causes a sharp increase in growth hormone after the workout.In light of all vysheskazannog, training should be short not more than two extreme approaches.

For the growth potential of mass and volume…

From the above.for an athlete.applying AC dosages far in excess of therapeutic.would be logical to.weight load of the muscle tissue of the type 60-70% of the maximum number of repetitions and 15 and above – type "pampingovy" (not less than 5 minutes in the basic exercises).then the "blood pampinga" pause should be blood flow unabated no more than 1-2 minutes.However, the experimental variation kulturity combine strength training with pampingom.Some do it in one workout, some split into two.The statement.that more than 50% of muscle mass most bodybuilders – it sarcoplasm.continuously for long periods of time using bolshie dose AU.not bespochveno.There are samples of muscle tissue that is confirmed.In other words, the muscles most bodybuilders use the AC is a bluff.And there is nothing strange in the fact.that after stopping the AU bodybuilders "blown away" as ragged inflatable toys…"

Dr. syringe – From "Pump the muscles"

Characteristics of the chemical training


EkdistenSuschestvuyut steroids of plant origin.representatives of the so-called fitoeklizonov.The most promising in terms of anabolic action of a drug ekdisten (formerly ratibol).derived from herbs and plant roots bolshegolovnika carthamoides (synonym Leuzea carthamoides).bolshegolovnika tselnolistnogo.Sem.Compositae.Available drug ekdisten Pilot Plant, Tashkent Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences Ouse.SSR in the form of tablets containing 0.005 g of active substance.

Ekdisten has a strong, tonic, and that the essential effect of anabolic.The molecular mechanisms of action similar to ekdisten anabolic steroids (binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells.transferred from the cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus.where controls the synthesis of nucleic turn, control the biosynthesis of protein). shown by numerous spite of steroid structure.ekdisten devoid of harmful side effects of drugs exogenous testosterone and anabolic steroids.Long-term use ekdistena even at high doses (8-10 tablets per day for 1-2 months) does not cause disturbances in the content of the main body of hormones (cortisol.somatotropin.testosterone.insulin.thyroid-stimulating hormone) in blood.not appear to have any side effects on liver.Ekdisten is not doping and can be used without any restrictions in terms of doping control.The use of ekdistena (2-4 in Table.), Together with additional protein intake promotes anabolic action (on the power corresponds to 40% of the effect of equivalent dose of methandrostenolone).For bodybuilders recommended acceptance ekdistena (1-3 tablets 2-3 times daily after meals) during periods of intense work with heavy weights (anaerobic energy zone).as well as in periods of sharp increase of the exercises (developing load).Duration of admission from 10 to 20 days.Then, for a period of supporting loads, you should take a break from taking the drug for 10-15 days.As already pointed out.reception ekdistena useful to combine with the consumption of protein drugs and vitamins B6.B12 Sun.

Ekdisten one of many herbal drugs with anabolic properties.Ekdisten derived from herbs and plant roots bolshegolovnika carthamoides (synonym Leuzea carthamoides).bolshegolovnika tselnolistnogo of the family Compositae.Alas.Like all other similar can not compare in strength with anabolic / androgenic steroids.

Yet the use Ekdistena can bring many benefits to the athlete.

Ekdisten the molecular mechanisms of action similar to that of anabolic steroids (binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells.transferred from the cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus.where controls the synthesis of nucleic turn, control the biosynthesis of protein).

Therefore Ekdisten may be an acceptable substitute for anabolic steroids and correct application leads to significant acceleration of recruitment of muscle mass.

In addition Ekdistena in Russia and other sterols are made.for example: add "Leveton".which in addition to vitamins C and E.contains an extract of the roots of Rhaponticum (this gives about 2.5 mg in each tablet ekdistena).Recently, the drug has been extended Tribusponin "(Tablets of 100 mg) produced Georgia.This drug contains saponins, made on the basis of other vegetable – Licorice.In recent times a strong distribution among athletes received the drug Tribestan because of its high quality.

The most appropriate use of ecdysterone on the stages of aerobic power loads relatively low intensity.but significant in terms well as the transition to the stress of high intensity.approaching a critical.In the first case of reception of these drugs contributes to muscle gain in the second version – stabilizes the muscle.preventing decay by accelerating the synthesis of essential proteins.

It should be remembered.that ecdysterone is a matter of so-called cumulative group B (in the first place – B1.B2, B6 and folic acid).Such a surplus is created by the additional intake of specific vitamin B complex (such as "Bevipleksa").or by the use of multivitamin complexes.



TestosteronTestosteron – chief representative of androgen (male) hormones.It monitors the development of secondary sexual characteristics in men.The most important source of testosterone are Leydig cells of the testes.In much smaller amounts of a hormone produced in the adrenal cortex and ovaries.Testosterone maintains spermatogenesis.stimulates the growth and functioning of the gonads.responsible for puberty.The hormone has an anabolic effect, mainly in relation to bone and muscle.Due to direct effects on bone marrow and activation of synthesis of erythropoietin in the kidney testosterone stimulates erythropoiesis.Hormone needed to maintain libido and potency.
The normal concentration of testosterone in the blood increases after intense exercise.decrease in concentration occurs after ingestion of glucose.

The basic amount of circulating testosterone is associated with testosterone-glycoprotein estradiolsvyazyvayuschim.Biologically active form of the hormone testosterone is free.
In men, there is a diurnal rhythm of testosterone release.The peak discharge accounts for 7-00 hours at least – for 20-00 hours.After 60 years there is a progressive decline in hormone levels.
In women, testosterone levels are on average 10 times lower than men's.Increase in its concentration may interfere with normal menstrual cycle.therefore the determination of testosterone is necessary for identifying the cause of infertility.with signs of hirsutism.Increased levels of testosterone in women with polycystic be syndrome.adrenal / ovarian tumors.

Normal values ​​of testosterone in serum:


Taking oral contraceptives – 0,13-0,83 ng / ml

Not taking oral contraceptives – 0,09-1,09 ng / ml

Postmenopausal women – 0,12-1,3 ng / ml


to 50 years – 1,66-8,77 ng / ml

after 50 years – 1,56-5,63 ng / ml


Turinabol oral

Turinabol oralnyyDeystvuyuschee Substance: ÈÌÏÒÄÅÇÉÄÒÏÍÅÔÉÌÔÅÓÔÏÓÔÅÒÏÎ.

Trade names:

Oral-Turinabol 5mg tablets: Yenafarm Germany.

Oral-Turinabol 1mg tablets: Yenafarm Germany.

Turanabol 10mg tablets: British Dragon, Thailand.

Oral – Turinabol oral steroid.which was developed in the early 60's at the firm Yenafarm and appeared on the market of the then GDR.Along with the clinical use of the drug was in the GDR doping means.From the outset to remove any ambiguities say in explanation of the following: Oral-Turinabol is before.000 Yenafarm.its no problem to buy this steroid has a predominantly anabolic effect on the body.this effect is closely linked with a relatively low androgenic.On a scale of 100% is the impact of 6%.anabolic 53% (for comparison: the action and Dianabol – 45% of the androgenic.Anabolic around 90%).T.of.Oral-Turinabol has a somewhat weaker effect than Dianabol.Hence, it is not a steroid for a lightning accumulation of force, weight and muscle mass.The results soon – in a solid gain in muscle mass and strength when taking the drug for several weeks.The athlete will not be in this ottekshey appearance, when receiving testosterone, Dianabol or a Anapolona50.Clearly showed that the effectiveness of this drug is highly dependent on the dose.

Experience has shown that athletes in bodybuilding takes on 40-50mg per day.And many of these doses enthusiastically talk about the good results: the accumulation of solid muscle mass.clearly marked high tide forces.and low water retention in the body.Side effects.caused by estrogen.are extremely rare.Not for nothing are so fond of the drug weightlifters and powerlifters athletes, they know the value of its properties.We are familiar with two athletes.which take in certain phases of training for 20 tablets 5 mg daily and look bulky and muscular and still shake lying over 240kg.and squat almost 380.In addition, without taking any other steroids on.T, on the basis of their qualities, – the right steroid for competitions, for both: men and women.Particularly pleased with the drug in competition with doping controls, degraded in the body, and its breakdown products are excreted in the urine in the shortest time.But just to answer the many days before a competition can take the drug.that in doping control stay clean.difficult.

From reliable sources we do know that athletes who take a single steroid.and even if doses of more than 10 pills a day.stop taking it exactly 5 days before the test.and tests and trials have been negative.In favor of the drug, and this information is the fact.that the name of Oral-Turinabol has never appeared in the list of positive samples urinovyh.We talked with some of the big sports athletes.their opinion is that enough to stop taking the drug for 7-8 days before the event.and all will be well.if.of course.the drug was taken alone without support of any other steroid.These days before the competition can be overcome with Andriol.subject to the termination of his admission to 48 hours before the test.Within 14 days of a dose of 20 mg per day there is some suppression of its own production of testosterone.which, however, re-normalized after 5 days of discontinuing treatment, and even later still rising.Interestingly, this reduced production of testosterone a week after the cessation of O.T.may rise to levels exceeding those prior to his admission.This possible inverse effect can not be overestimated in the calculation of the doping controls.The relatively rapid recovery of its own testosterone production apparently is that comparison with other steroids lowers testosterone levels in 10-25% of normal.while Dianabol.for example.30-40%.Possible side effects depend generally on the dose and are differentiated by sex.In women, depending on the predisposition to the phenomena of masculinization.their appearance may at doses above 20 mg per day and a long drug intake.Men can greatly reduce their own production of testosterone.Gynecomastia at About.T.Judging by the experience, appear very rarely, and the effect on electrolyte and water balance in general very much.

Turinabol oral


TribestanVydayuschayasya victory of Bulgarian sports science! Finally created a completely safe.natural medicine.actually competing with steroids!

From the magazine "Muscle & Fitness"

I remember when I first heard about Tribestane.That was three years ago.Then came the editor ex-British champion in powerlifting Tony Fitton.We sat with him for a cup of coffee along with an Australian businessman – a manufacturer of sports nutrition Tim Horwood.The conversation somehow turned invisible for all kinds of stimulants.and Tony asked me.I had heard something about the strongest stimulant Bulgarian Tribestan on the basis of some kind of grass and could not buy it in America.About Tribestan I then never heard of, and generally treated to Tony ironically.From time to time, the world security officials and builders shocking rumors about all sorts of "miracles" because of the "Iron Curtain".What they say about a mummy from Russia, Chinese herbs, like ginseng and lemongrass.And now some of the Bulgarian Tribestan.However, Tony has continued to insist on: do.everything else is really nonsense.Tribestan works really well.- So how does it work? -Idly wondered, Tim Horwood, a dog who ate at the sports supplements.Increases testosterone levels! – Tony said with conviction.In response, we burst out laughing with forces are not the most well-read people in the world.but to hang them on the ears of this bullshit – it's too much! Grass increases the levels of sex hormones – well, one must think of this!

Immediately I promised Tony.that in the coming days I will gather all the literature on Tribestanu and prove.that we are talking about the latest fraud.Tim, in turn, promised to.that if I could get will test them for serious guys and also prove to Tony.that this Tribestan – crap.

I easily found.that manufactures Tribestan Bulgarian state pharmaceutical company, "Co-pharma".A week later I was in the hands of a sample – a lab with a cardboard box of 60 wafers brown tablets.Another week I went in search of an interpreter.which could translate to me from the Bulgarian flyer with the rules of the drug.When I read it, I finally realized that I was dealing with blatant fraud.Imagine.the leaflet has been written.though the drug raises the secretion of testosterone in men.but if it takes a woman.then Tribulus increase her level of…estrogen.This is the same as say, the drug equally well, and treat diarrhea, and cough.

Part of the tablets I sent Tim in Australia.and the rest decided to take himself.I will not come until the literature on Tribestanu.I ordered the New York Library.

Since the drug.I was trying to convince leaflet.increases the natural secretion of testosterone.I had to feel increased sexual desire.At the same I have often taken steroids.I could appreciate the effect of the drug and yet in another way – training intensity should be increased.As the pace of recovery.

A week later, I was surprised to feel.that my libido.really.improved! In any case, the person did not leave his wife blissfully contented smile.As for the hall.then there was a complete picture of steroid use – the weight I.that is.throw.not knowing fatigue.The forces were beaten over the edge: instead of three times a week I began to train all six.

I confess I felt like I "goes the roof".What is fact? And can.Bulgarians trying to fool us all head and simply slipped into his ordinary Tribestan steroids? But if there is no.I am dealing with a true miracle – a kind of legal steroids! The only difference.that the Bulgarian herbs have no side effects.Yes, and what these effects may be receiving from the crushed stalks of plants? On the Internet I found a list of drugs.are approved for sale in the U.S..Tribestan there, alas, was not.I difficult the path to the sport truly effective drugs! Suffice it to recall the story of the whey.Today it is the most effective form of protein.and yet.physicians educated about its unique learning is no more.nor less than 50 years.

It was then, and arrived in time package with the scientific literature.From it I learned that preparation Tribestan is made in Bulgaria in 1981.But in fact.herb Tribulus terestis.from which the finished product.been used in folk medicine for centuries Bulgarian to treat various sexual disorders.

The effect of herbs Tribulus terestis was again rediscovered the Sofia Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy.One of the objectives of the institute – search for nonhormonal agents for the treatment of the sexual sphere disorder.There is grass and has been isolated the active ingredient, called protodioscin.

Animal studies have demonstrated.that taking Tribestan for 7-20 days enhances spermatogenesis – sperm production.and improves survival and sperm motility.

It is interesting.that the potential benefits of Tribestan for the athletes was evident to the founders of the drug.and they did not hesitate to try it for bodybuilders.weightlifters and powerlifters.Here are the results of tests.Admission is only 3 tablets Tribestan (250 mg) for 5 days (this will not monthly steroid cycle!) Led to increased levels of testosterone in the blood…30%!

What is the secret of the drug? However, no.The secret – it is too weak.Sensation – that's the right word! Tribulus acts directly on the human brain.increasing the production of any-teneiziruyuschego hormone (LH).the very.which is the beginning of a long chain of hormonal.terminated by the secretion of testosterone gonads.You feel the difference? Steroids, on the contrary, jammed the brain.So when you complete the cycle, your brain is no longer able to manage the work of the gonads.He has forgotten how to allocate N.With such a fundamentally Tribestanom you are not threatened.

Studies show that Tribestan (rare) causes the secretion of estradiol mirror.It would seem.this is good.because this hormone increases the production of growth hormone.which leads to a tangible addition of muscle mass.However, in individuals.genetically predisposed to gynecomastia.Tribestan is able to trigger the development of this disease.

Bulgarians reacted to the testing of magical qualities Tribestan is responsible.Its action they rechecked for 212 patients of the Military Medical Institute.It is amazing.but the effect of the drug was 100 percent! It means.that all subjects Tribestan acted the same way!

Perhaps most important is that Tribestan not found adverse effects.And his overdose nobody can.The dose that killed laboratory rats was 10 g Tribestan per kilogram body weight.

By the way, while I was studying Tribestan, it allowed for sale in the U.S..And now, almost all of Tribestan.produced in Bulgaria.exported to America in the program for earning hard currency.

And now for the Tony.He tested the drug on friends, powerlifter.And he also knocked down – the drug worked! Exactly how steroids!


Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone enanthate enantatTestosteron Substance: testosterone enanthate.

Trade names:

Androtardiya (discontinued) 250 mg / ml: Schering France.

Dura-Testosterone 200 mg / ml: Farmeks USA.

Eparmon-Depot (long-acting) 125 mg / ml: Texcoco Gormone Japan.

Primoteston Depot (long-acting) 250 mg / ml, Schering UK, Finland Leyras.

Test 250mg/ml 250: B.M.India

Dough-enanth 100 mg / ml: Geymonat Italy.

Dough-enanth 250 mg / ml: Geymonat Italy.

Testosterone-Depot 50 mg / ml, 100 mg / ml, 250 mg / ml: Galenika Yugoslavia, Hemofarm of Yugoslavia.

Testosterone Depot 250 mg / ml: Ienafarm Germany.

Test.Prolongatum 100 mg / ml, Polfa, Poland, Testostoviron Depot 100 mg / ml: Schering Belgium.

Testoviron-Depot 250 mg / ml, Schering, Germany.Austria.Belgium.Switzerland.Denmark.Spain.Greece.Netherlands.Poland.Sweden.

Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml 250: Aburayhan, Iran.

Tsidoteston 250 mg / ml: IDC, Egypt.

Testosterone enanthate – testosterone ester.Testosterone enanthate is responsible for the normal development of male sexual characteristics.In the absence of testosterone might almost complete alignment of the functional.anabolic and mental functions "(from the instructions on the drug firms' Ienafarm" "Testosterone-Depot").

These lines clearly show how important and effective hormone testosterone is.Testosterone enanthate is one of many active chemicals testosterone.

The man he produced in the normal androgen deficiency conditioned by hypogonadism (1) and anemia (2).It is surprising that Testosterone is used in general medicine women and children.The boys and teenagers he is used to treat growth.a (Instructions for use.Testosterone-Depot.Ienafarm) in women drug is used as an "adjunctive treatment for certain forms of mammary tumors in postmenstrual cycle".(Instructions for use Testoviron-Depot-250, Schering).In bodybuilding – a steroid to build muscle mass.And it does not matter what you think of Dianabol th, Paraboline, Anadrol 50, and t Finaject.Dr… если речь идет о силе. мышечной массе и и быстром прибавлении в весе. тестостерон – был и остается здесь “королем королей”.Testosterone – a European thing, corresponding testosterontsipionatu sold in the U.S. (see.also Testosterontsipionat).Testosterone – seen from the many trade names.long-acting steroid.providing a long duration of effects on the body.Depending on the metabolic and hormonal system, the drug – 2 – 3 it is theoretically possible very long intervals between injections.Although Testosterone enanthate is valid for a few weeks.inject it in bodybuilding.triathlon and weightlifting still more.all at least once a week.This makes sense, has a blood half-life of only a week ("Doping – banned drugs in sport".Dirk Klazing and Manfred Donica.pp.66)

The decisive advantage of Testosterone enanthate is still a.that this substance is a very strong androgenic effect and has more intense everyone can easily use it in the shortest time to add much to the strength and mass.Fast and strong gain in weight is associated with a significant accumulation of water, retention of electrolytes and water.Accompanying pleasing effect is incredible strength gain.which goes hand in hand with the accumulation of water in the body.Weightlifters and powerlifters athletes.especially from the high weight categories.appreciate this quality product.For them, and Testosterone Sustanon (see.also Sustanon) – Steroids number 1, which is reflected in the dosages.Doses of 500 mg.1000 mg or even 2000 mg per day – not uncommon.note – on the day.not a week! Sports.which require brute force.aggressiveness.zeal.- The predominant area of ​​Testosterone.Muscle Mag International, July 1992, pp..71: "Professional football players – fully androgirovany.Athletes paeurliftinga more steep cornering.Professional wrestlers have even quit the stuff.And they have testicles the size of a raisin ".Denizl Dacheyn, Handbook of steroids, 2 "…doziroka within 2000 – 4000 mg per week is not uncommon.Such megadoses use primarily football and powerlifting athletes ".Strong accumulation of water has other benefits.Testosterone helps to.who have problems with complains of pain in the shoulders and crunch.and the.whom their intervertebral discs showed signs of wear already.

For athletes, bodybuilding Testosterone induced accumulation of water – a double edged sword.Of course.You can quickly become a massive and powerful.but after a couple of weeks in the mirror is often quite smooth.flat.watery.edematous muscle.It looks as if inflated with air to these dimensions and its voltage is not nothing at all.Who does not believe.Let try to see the so-called "champions of bodybuilding" in the offseason and during the building.when they absorb an incredible amount of "dough".Another issue of Testosterone in.that he has a strong degree of aromatisation.t.e.conversion to estrogens.As a result, the body stores little fat.In addition feminization (gynecomastia) are not in this unusual.But here we must strictly differentiate, phenomena are located mostly in certain dependence on the predisposition to them.There are athletes.that even at a dose of 1000 mg or more per week do not suffer from the phenomena of the feminization.zhironakopleniya and accumulate only a small amount of water.if not accumulate.while others are in the form of one ampoule Testoviron-Depot complain of pain in the nipples.Yet, supplementation of Nolvadex and Proviron dose of 500 mg per week should be taken into account.Well in the "dough" that, as already mentioned, it works on anyone, whether beginner or Mr. Olympia.Testosterone is also strongly stimulates regeneration processes in the body.Therefore, it is fast acting with regard to increasing the vitality.tidal energy and accelerate the phase compensation.This is the reason.Some athletes can train 6 times a week and even twice daily for several hours while becoming heavier and stronger.That.who 2 hours later after intensive training can re-train the legs.know.that operates here, "dough".Athletes.who take Testosterone about the surprisingly strong effect of the pump during the workout.This "steroid pampas" occurs due to increased blood volume with an improved supply of oxygen and a large number of red blood cells.That.makers megadoses of Testosterone.experiencing strong pump in the thighs and calves, even during normal walking on stairs.Despite this, we still would advise beginners to steroid courses to stay away from all forms of testosterone.Let me explain: in order.who have never taken not need any testosterone.pripasut let him in the future and take it only if.when the "lighter" steroids will no longer act on them.For advanced athletes can already advise reception Testosterone.where either only the.or in combination with other drugs.

To build up mass Testosterone enanthate combines well with Anadrol 50.Dianabol th.Deca-Durabolin, and Parabolan.In kchestve example – a combination of 100 mg Anadrol 50 per day.200 mg of Deca a week and 500 mg of Testosterone per week.After 6 weeks, you can replace Apapolon 50, for example by 30 mg Dianabol per day and.In principle, Testosterone is well combined to increase the mass of any steroid.Apparently, between Androgen-testosteronepantatom – and anabolic steroids, sinergestichesky effect.Those.who accumulates too much water with Testosterone enanthate and Dianabol or Anadrol th.those.Who has more power interisuet without weight gain over 10 kg.he should take Testosterone enanthate together with Oxandrolone or Winstrol.The total dose adopted, as already mentioned, a very varied and ranges from 250 mg per week up to 2000 mg per day.We believe that of course the dosage for most athletes lie within the 250 – 1000 mg per week.Higher doses are not normally required.A dose of 500 mg per week is accepted as a rule, at a time, so once injected 2 ml.A higher dose is better divided into two injections per week.The height of the dosage should be primarily focused on the level of athlete.its goals and methods of previous steroid.Swimmers and bodybuilders outdoor pools.speakers at the disco.dose of 1000 mg of Testosterone enanthate per week is not needed.We learned that the dosage of Testosterone, many geared primarily to the purse.And since it's not the cheapest testosterone, majority, fortunately, take a little.Others go to the cheaper Omnadren and "click" paste without end.

Testosterone enanthate has a strong effect on the arc "hypothalamus – pituitary – testes".The activities of the pituitary gland due to negative feedback infringed.that affects the internal production testbsterona."Ienafarm" in the instructions for use of the drug "Testosterone Depot", describes the possible consequences: "When vysokodozirovannoy testosteronpreparatami therapy is often necessary to be considered a termination or reduction in testis spermatogineza.and.therefore.and a decrease of magnitude "."Schering" manufacturer widespread in bodybuilding Testoviron – Depot 250.gets in his instructions to the same basket, "With long-term use and vysokodozirovannom Testoviron – Depot 250 may be a phenomenon of termination or reduction of seed formation in the testes and.therefore.reducing their size ".The logical conclusion of the two vysskazyvany requires additional intake of HCG.Those who take Testosterone enanthate should be every 6 – 8 weeks to introduce HCG.Injection of 5000 IU every fifth day for 15 days (total: 3 injections will help reduce this problem).Acceptance of HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and Clenbuterol is usually at the end of treatment with testosterone.The introduction of these drugs helps to overcome the emerging catabolic phase and again increases the androgen testosterone.This can be reduced in any case, the advancing force and weight loss.The same.who, after several weeks of Testosterone stops taking it without the introduction of the above quickly the weight and excellent once supple muscles becoming less.Even a slow wean yourself, t.e.gradual reduction of dosage, does not protect against this apparent fiasco.The only possibility of an athlete – to receive testosterone-drugs (HCG.Clomid.Cyclofenil).anti-catabolic substances (Clenbuterol.Ephedrine).very expensive growth hormones, or switch to a more soft steroids (Deca-Durabolin.Winstrol.Primobolan).Since most of Testosterone can be massive and strong.But few are able to keep this form after discontinuation.This is one of the reasons.why the really good athletes powerlifting.Bodybuilding.weightlifters and t.Dr..almost a full year are "on drugs".

Side effects of testosterone enanthate – is primarily a phenomenon.due to its strong androgenic effect and an increased accumulation of water in the body.As a rule, they are the cause of the frequent when taking Testosterone hypertension (3).Having high blood pressure by nature or acquired it while taking the drug should be monitored regularly by a doctor about it.In this case, you should take antigipertonik (4), such as Kataprezan.Many athletes suffer while taking strong acne vulgaris Testosterone (acne).particularly noticeable in those parts of the spin.chest.shoulders.hands.slightly less than the face.This is especially threatening to athletes receiving long Testosterone.Interestingly.that these phenomena occur in some right after the discontinuation.that says the opposite effect.In severe cases, you can use the drug, "Roaccutane".Feminization, especially gynecomastia, require the taking of anti-estrogens.Manifested at the beginning of the drug sexual overstimulation with frequent erections – is normal.In young athletes.along with signs of virilization testosterone "can lead to accelerated growth and maturation of preferential overgrowth stop the process posta body ".("Ienafarm" instruction on the long-acting testosterone) success is achieved mainly higher athletes.youngsters already on this basis should carefully consider the decision: whether to take steroids.especially general.

Observed and other side effects testosterone enanthate: testicular atrophy.reduced spermatogenesis.and above all, increased aggressiveness.Whoever directs this aggressiveness to their training, rather than on their surroundings, can not worry.Unfortunately this is not true of some athletes who take Testosterone enanthate.Testosterone and Finaject – are the main causes of insanity of one or another.And above all, high dosage partly to blame for the antisocial behavior taking the drug.There is something like "Superman Syndrome".Dzniel Dacheyn in his book: "Handbook of steroids.2 "is very touching describes the problem:" Recently, we have a lot of read and hear in the media about the "steroid psychosis".although it would be better to call them "psychotic megadoses of androgen…"Men of the increased aggressiveness are dangerous and become real idiots.Just try it once to take a ride on public transport during rush hour with a 300-pound hungry bully.mordovorot is decorated with acne ".Although Testosterone enanthate is destroyed in the liver.chemical is slightly toxic in reasonable doses to the liver.therefore, changes in the indices of the liver are not as at the 17-alkylated oral steroids alpha.Something very interesting to find an athlete on the toxicity of testosterone on the liver in the book "Dope" Dirk Klazinga in collaboration with Manfred Donica and other.There, on page.60.written: "The early studies (Kryuskemper.1975) imposed a sentence steroids with respect to their toxicity to the liver.Then it turns out: testosterone and its esters are not toxic to the liver or toxic, but only slightly.And this is confirmed by clinical studies.when testosterone was taken even when already damaged liver (alcoholic liver tsiroz) and did not cause additional damage to it or any changes (to other people.1988, Clay.1982) ".Potential side effects include a reduction in voice frequency and accelerated hair loss."Some steroids can cause hair loss.This is more related to androgen.than to anabolic steroids.and especially to variations of testosterone (Daniel Dacheyn.Guide to Steroids.2.pp.6) "

Women should avoid taking Testosterone enanthate, may arise due to the effects of androgens accompanying.They are described as "Ienafarm" in the instructions for use of the drug "Testosterone-Depot": "In women with testosterone should be considered with such symptoms of example.acne vulgaris.hirsutism (5).androgenetic alopeziya (6).changes in voice.less hypertrophy of the clitoris and unnaturally increased libido.Changes in voice and alopeziya irreversible, hirsutism and clitoridauxe only partially reversible ".Women who are not afraid of this, you will find today in many championships.In our opinion, athlete must be content with a dose of 250 mg Testosterone within 7 – 10 days, no more.Yet in bodybuilding and especially in powerlifting has occurred in women and higher doses.and even at shorter intervals.

Another.a very interesting side effect of testosterone enanthate is mentioned in American magazines on bodybuilding, "Muscle Media 2000".June-July 1993.pp.45.Treat it as a positive or negative readers judge."Several years ago, the English" Lenset Medical Journal, "wrote.that testosterone (anabolic steroids against all) is suitable as a noticeably effective contraceptive method for men.During the year, a thorough research on 230 men and came to the conclusion.that weekly injections of the hormone testosterone are reliable.durable and effective.Discovered that weekly injections are the means of contraception with a guarantee of 99.2%.Figure higher than birth control pills (93%) and the drug is much better than any of condoms (88%).Studies have shown.that the effect of injections after their termination is completely reversible and that testosterone injections cause the least side effects ".Although it is not true to the theme of this book.but it at least justifies the need for testosterone-drugs during and after the course of treatment with Testosterone.Very long acting Testosterone taken by athletes in their "steroid intervals" are increasingly.Injection of 250 mg every 2 – 3 weeks helps maintain strength and mass.Is there any sense in a dose – no doubt, fact is that it is effective.With respect to the championships with doping controls Testosterone – an interesting testosterone is found only through a "testosterone / epitestosterone – index".advice: do not exceed the critical ratio of 6:1.Daniel Dacheyn."Ask the Guru": "Past research has shown the military.that can be used up to 300 mg of Testosterone or – propionate a week and do not step over the ratio of 6:1 ".And yet we do not recommend using this information practically.But in the GDR prezhdney it perfectly functioning.More on this in his book "Dope" Brigitte Berendonk.

Testosterone enanthate

Testosterone cypionate

Testosterone cypionate tsipionatTestosteron – Substance: testosterone cypionate.

Trade names:

Andro-Curve 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Kim U.S..

Andronad 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Pasadena USA.

DT.ate 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Vedzhin Aiden USA.

Dep-test 100 mg / ml: Whitefish USA.

Dep-testosterone 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Royko Mountain USA.

Dep Andro-100-200 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Forist USA.

Depo-Testosterone 50 mg / ml, Upjohn U.S..

Depo-Testosterone 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml, Upjohn U.S..

Depotest YuOmg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Hayreks U.S. Kay USA.

Duratest-100-200 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Hawk USA.

Sip Malodzhen 100 mg / ml and 200 mg / ml: Forist USA.

Test-C 200 mg / ml: Fortech USA.

Testadiate-Depot 200 mg / ml: Kai USA.

Testatsip 200mg: D.M.India

Testeks Leo (Elmu) prolongatum 100 mg / ml, 250 mg / ml: Leo Spain.

Testodzhekt-Lag/ml, 200 mg / ml: Meyrend USA.

Testred Cypionate 200 mg / ml: JCN USA.

A look at the list of trade names testosterone cypionate clearly shows.that this substance is sold almost exclusively in the U.S..There's testosterone cypionate is the most popular and most widely used testosterone.Although testosterone cypionate is known in Europe, the availability of it here is almost zero.The only original and legally European drug "Testeks Leo prolongatum" produced by "Leo" and is only sold in Spain.It comes in two types of concentration: 100 mg / ml and 250 mg / ml.And since we have some athletes use this unfortunately.practical information on the chemical.In order not to fall into a rant.We would like this to seek the advice of the American spetsliterature.In a widely rsprostranennoy in the U.S. book "Handbook of anabolic, 5th ed.. 1990″ Натаниэлл Филлипса можно прочесть о тестостеронципионате следующее: “Это растворенная в масле инъекционная форма тестостерона.It has a strong androgenic and anabolic effect.Depo-Testosterone (cm.list of trade names) quite easily aromatized.Occurring with it to demonstrate how the accumulation of water is often a problem.It is relatively toxic to the liver, but significantly reduces the body's own testosterone.Depo-test gives a most tremendous increase in strength and muscle mass.Combined with many steroids and treatment forms – to build mass.This drug – a favorite of athletes testosterone.Although the gains.achieved with testosterone.enormous.loss of strength and mass as the discontinuation of the drug are significant.The reason for this is primarily a suppression of testosterone.

Some athletes talk yet about the small losses in mass and strength.If during treatment with Nolvadex at the same time take.slowly reduce the dose and at the end of treatment to start receiving HCG.If you take the medication in reasonable doses, its benefits exceed its negative side.The current dosage for men – 1 – N mL per week, women also should avoid its use.If you consider the quality of streaming testosterotsipionata.notice.that is very similar to Testosterone.Thus Cypionate – Testosterone is an American long-acting.whereas Enanthate – Europe.Almost everything written in this book about Testosterone, also applies to cypionate.Americans think.that cypionate stores more in the body even more water.than enanthate and so it has more "kick".We think that most athletes will hardly find the difference between the drugs.Daniel Dacheyn in his book entitled "Guide to Steroids.2 "says:" If an athlete is not particularly responsive to water does not distinguish enanthate and cypionate.They are so similar that one sell instead of another ".So advice: Avoid buying medicines issued for cypionate with the American label, best you will purchase conventional enanthate.On the basis for today's situation is completely eliminated export of the drug in Europe.Sold on the black market drugs, "Lemmon"."Goldlayn"."International Pharmaceutical" – fake and contain no cypionate.Those who have access to the original Spanish drug.achieved very good results with doses of 250 – 1000 mg per week.

Testosterone cypionate


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