
TribestanVydayuschayasya victory of Bulgarian sports science! Finally created a completely safe.natural medicine.actually competing with steroids!

From the magazine "Muscle & Fitness"

I remember when I first heard about Tribestane.That was three years ago.Then came the editor ex-British champion in powerlifting Tony Fitton.We sat with him for a cup of coffee along with an Australian businessman – a manufacturer of sports nutrition Tim Horwood.The conversation somehow turned invisible for all kinds of stimulants.and Tony asked me.I had heard something about the strongest stimulant Bulgarian Tribestan on the basis of some kind of grass and could not buy it in America.About Tribestan I then never heard of, and generally treated to Tony ironically.From time to time, the world security officials and builders shocking rumors about all sorts of "miracles" because of the "Iron Curtain".What they say about a mummy from Russia, Chinese herbs, like ginseng and lemongrass.And now some of the Bulgarian Tribestan.However, Tony has continued to insist on: do.everything else is really nonsense.Tribestan works really well.- So how does it work? -Idly wondered, Tim Horwood, a dog who ate at the sports supplements.Increases testosterone levels! – Tony said with conviction.In response, we burst out laughing with forces are not the most well-read people in the world.but to hang them on the ears of this bullshit – it's too much! Grass increases the levels of sex hormones – well, one must think of this!

Immediately I promised Tony.that in the coming days I will gather all the literature on Tribestanu and prove.that we are talking about the latest fraud.Tim, in turn, promised to.that if I could get will test them for serious guys and also prove to Tony.that this Tribestan – crap.

I easily found.that manufactures Tribestan Bulgarian state pharmaceutical company, "Co-pharma".A week later I was in the hands of a sample – a lab with a cardboard box of 60 wafers brown tablets.Another week I went in search of an interpreter.which could translate to me from the Bulgarian flyer with the rules of the drug.When I read it, I finally realized that I was dealing with blatant fraud.Imagine.the leaflet has been written.though the drug raises the secretion of testosterone in men.but if it takes a woman.then Tribulus increase her level of…estrogen.This is the same as say, the drug equally well, and treat diarrhea, and cough.

Part of the tablets I sent Tim in Australia.and the rest decided to take himself.I will not come until the literature on Tribestanu.I ordered the New York Library.

Since the drug.I was trying to convince leaflet.increases the natural secretion of testosterone.I had to feel increased sexual desire.At the same I have often taken steroids.I could appreciate the effect of the drug and yet in another way – training intensity should be increased.As the pace of recovery.

A week later, I was surprised to feel.that my libido.really.improved! In any case, the person did not leave his wife blissfully contented smile.As for the hall.then there was a complete picture of steroid use – the weight I.that is.throw.not knowing fatigue.The forces were beaten over the edge: instead of three times a week I began to train all six.

I confess I felt like I "goes the roof".What is fact? And can.Bulgarians trying to fool us all head and simply slipped into his ordinary Tribestan steroids? But if there is no.I am dealing with a true miracle – a kind of legal steroids! The only difference.that the Bulgarian herbs have no side effects.Yes, and what these effects may be receiving from the crushed stalks of plants? On the Internet I found a list of drugs.are approved for sale in the U.S..Tribestan there, alas, was not.I difficult the path to the sport truly effective drugs! Suffice it to recall the story of the whey.Today it is the most effective form of protein.and yet.physicians educated about its unique learning is no more.nor less than 50 years.

It was then, and arrived in time package with the scientific literature.From it I learned that preparation Tribestan is made in Bulgaria in 1981.But in fact.herb Tribulus terestis.from which the finished product.been used in folk medicine for centuries Bulgarian to treat various sexual disorders.

The effect of herbs Tribulus terestis was again rediscovered the Sofia Institute of Chemistry and Pharmacy.One of the objectives of the institute – search for nonhormonal agents for the treatment of the sexual sphere disorder.There is grass and has been isolated the active ingredient, called protodioscin.

Animal studies have demonstrated.that taking Tribestan for 7-20 days enhances spermatogenesis – sperm production.and improves survival and sperm motility.

It is interesting.that the potential benefits of Tribestan for the athletes was evident to the founders of the drug.and they did not hesitate to try it for bodybuilders.weightlifters and powerlifters.Here are the results of tests.Admission is only 3 tablets Tribestan (250 mg) for 5 days (this will not monthly steroid cycle!) Led to increased levels of testosterone in the blood…30%!

What is the secret of the drug? However, no.The secret – it is too weak.Sensation – that's the right word! Tribulus acts directly on the human brain.increasing the production of any-teneiziruyuschego hormone (LH).the very.which is the beginning of a long chain of hormonal.terminated by the secretion of testosterone gonads.You feel the difference? Steroids, on the contrary, jammed the brain.So when you complete the cycle, your brain is no longer able to manage the work of the gonads.He has forgotten how to allocate N.With such a fundamentally Tribestanom you are not threatened.

Studies show that Tribestan (rare) causes the secretion of estradiol mirror.It would seem.this is good.because this hormone increases the production of growth hormone.which leads to a tangible addition of muscle mass.However, in individuals.genetically predisposed to gynecomastia.Tribestan is able to trigger the development of this disease.

Bulgarians reacted to the testing of magical qualities Tribestan is responsible.Its action they rechecked for 212 patients of the Military Medical Institute.It is amazing.but the effect of the drug was 100 percent! It means.that all subjects Tribestan acted the same way!

Perhaps most important is that Tribestan not found adverse effects.And his overdose nobody can.The dose that killed laboratory rats was 10 g Tribestan per kilogram body weight.

By the way, while I was studying Tribestan, it allowed for sale in the U.S..And now, almost all of Tribestan.produced in Bulgaria.exported to America in the program for earning hard currency.

And now for the Tony.He tested the drug on friends, powerlifter.And he also knocked down – the drug worked! Exactly how steroids!


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