Long advantage of short courses

Speaking with many bodybuilders.I often hear the statement.that steroid policy should be long.I myself am an advocate of short courses, followed by a short rest.However, I would like to delve into their thoughts on the matter.to understand.why my system is more beneficial for muscle growth and a safe and healthy.

A very large number of competing bodybuilders (read pros) because of preparation for competition.demonstrations of.guest posing and t.Dr..remain on the course of anabolic steroids for 8 months and then take a break at 3-4 months, then again to begin a new cycle.I could not help smiling when I hear that there are athletes who remain in one great cycle of years.For these guys, and GR course Primobolan is considered a "recreational".In this article I will use for example the course "for 8 months and 4 months of rest" and course "8 weeks and four weeks of rest".

I think.very important to understand that.my courses are rather specific for doses.duration and used drugs.I plan my courses so that the last day of the blood should not be a single steroid.To do this you need to know the time of action of various drugs in the body and then.how long they will affect the level of testosterone in the blood.For example.testosterone cypionate will remain in the body about 12-14 days.while testosterone propionate.preparation.acting much faster.cease to influence the level of testosterone in the blood after 2-3 days.That's why many doctors recommend a weekly injection of testosterone hormone replacement therapy instead of injections once every two weeks.as was done previously.Now doctors know.that makes no sense to allow the level of testosterone in the blood fall to the base only to.then to raise it again.

I say this in order.that.After reading this article.no one thought.what you can do an eight week cycle of cypionate and decks.and then make a four-week break.then to start again.In fact,.making it.people will be on the course 10 weeks.and two weeks left to rest.that is not enough.so that the body recovered and brought the toxins.as well as the receptors do not have time to wean from the drug and the subsequent reception will not be as effective.

I have dealt with a lot of people who gained 10 kg following my technique, "8 +4".In fact, the human body simply can not produce muscle fibers without stopping.Staying on course 8 months people should gain about 5 kg per month, T.e.40 kg for the course.If this were so.then everyone would look like a bodybuilder, Mr. Olympia, after two years of training and steroid use.Imagine a motorcycle.If you're always going to press on the gas, the engine will eventually break.Sure.You overtake the other in the early.but eventually they will overtake you.when you fix the motor on the side.because you do not feel the natural rhythm of the engine.Everything in life is to follow the natural rhythm to achieve maximum results.

The human body has an amazing ability to adapt to any changes.If you do not eat for several days carbohydrates.but then again, add them to your diet.the body will store more of their number in case of another "carbohydrate gap".The same body will do with protein and water.The organism also notes.When you enter into it any foreign substance.and responds accordingly.For example.if you enter 2000 mg of testosterone (and I do not recommend you do so).The next day nothing "wrong" with you does not happen.But.after a long period of testosterone.body ceases production of its own hormone.t.to.enough for him coming from the outside.I am not a scientist and I have no reason to argue that, apart from logic and personal experience.

From the above it is easy to see the benefits of a steroid cycle.ending in a couple of weeks after.as the body begins to reduce or suspend production of testosterone.It seems that the body is much easier to recover after a short course (8 weeks) than after a long.I am surprised that some people.who think.what is "cool".when their testicles shrink to the size of a newborn because of their steroid cycles.I can only speak for myself.but adherence to these courses, and excretion of drugs after 6-8 weeks of never made me testicular atrophy.and I like it!

Besides.that your own hormonal system ceased to function properly.you will produce less testosterone.than eight boy! Those 130 kg.with whom did you go last 6 months.slowly roll down to 105 by the end of your four-month hiatus.What is the logic in that? If you follow the eight-week course.for which the gain of 8-10 kg.after four weeks of a break you will lose no more than 2 kg (which will be mainly water).You can easily keep your size in four weeks.Then you begin to recruit new muscle on a new cycle, instead of restoring lost 15-20 kg.So.three eight-week courses after you weigh 25-30 pounds more and are willing to recruit more! It is much better.than wait for 4 months and see how goes so hard to gain mass.

I know.this is not the best (and quite radical) example.but let's compare steroids with alcohol.as a matter.harmful to the body (to be honest.Alcohol is a million times more harmful.than the most toxic of steroids.but it illustrates my point).What do you think.that is more harmful to the body.drink every day for 8 weeks.and then make a 4 week break.or drink 8 consecutive months and the rest 4? The fact.that the body will be better able to recover.if you give him frequent rest.after a breach of his work.What hurt him for a long time.and then give the rest.

In conclusion,.I would like to emphasize one final point.which seems rather ironic in this topic.If we compare the actual time on the course and real time leisure for 12 months.will.there is no difference between the four courses in 8 weeks + vacation and rate in 8 months + Leisure.However, if you follow the system that I described, the results are remarkable.I hope.that you found this information useful for your purposes.because nothing makes me happier.What kind of big and beautiful athletes in the sport.and in any.

Journal of GEAR UZR

Long advantage of short courses

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