
EkdistenSuschestvuyut steroids of plant origin.representatives of the so-called fitoeklizonov.The most promising in terms of anabolic action of a drug ekdisten (formerly ratibol).derived from herbs and plant roots bolshegolovnika carthamoides (synonym Leuzea carthamoides).bolshegolovnika tselnolistnogo.Sem.Compositae.Available drug ekdisten Pilot Plant, Tashkent Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, Academy of Sciences Ouse.SSR in the form of tablets containing 0.005 g of active substance.

Ekdisten has a strong, tonic, and that the essential effect of anabolic.The molecular mechanisms of action similar to ekdisten anabolic steroids (binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells.transferred from the cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus.where controls the synthesis of nucleic acids.in turn, control the biosynthesis of protein).

But.as shown by numerous studies.in spite of steroid structure.ekdisten devoid of harmful side effects of drugs exogenous testosterone and anabolic steroids.Long-term use ekdistena even at high doses (8-10 tablets per day for 1-2 months) does not cause disturbances in the content of the main body of hormones (cortisol.somatotropin.testosterone.insulin.thyroid-stimulating hormone) in blood.not appear to have any side effects on liver.Ekdisten is not doping and can be used without any restrictions in terms of doping control.The use of ekdistena (2-4 in Table.), Together with additional protein intake promotes anabolic action (on the power corresponds to 40% of the effect of equivalent dose of methandrostenolone).For bodybuilders recommended acceptance ekdistena (1-3 tablets 2-3 times daily after meals) during periods of intense work with heavy weights (anaerobic energy zone).as well as in periods of sharp increase of the exercises (developing load).Duration of admission from 10 to 20 days.Then, for a period of supporting loads, you should take a break from taking the drug for 10-15 days.As already pointed out.reception ekdistena useful to combine with the consumption of protein drugs and vitamins B6.B12 Sun.

Ekdisten one of many herbal drugs with anabolic properties.Ekdisten derived from herbs and plant roots bolshegolovnika carthamoides (synonym Leuzea carthamoides).bolshegolovnika tselnolistnogo of the family Compositae.Alas.Like all other similar drugs.it can not compare in strength with anabolic / androgenic steroids.

Yet the use Ekdistena can bring many benefits to the athlete.

Ekdisten the molecular mechanisms of action similar to that of anabolic steroids (binds to receptors on the membranes of muscle cells.transferred from the cytoplasmic receptors to the cell nucleus.where controls the synthesis of nucleic acids.in turn, control the biosynthesis of protein).

Therefore Ekdisten may be an acceptable substitute for anabolic steroids and correct application leads to significant acceleration of recruitment of muscle mass.

In addition Ekdistena in Russia and other sterols are made.for example: add "Leveton".which in addition to vitamins C and E.contains an extract of the roots of Rhaponticum (this gives about 2.5 mg in each tablet ekdistena).Recently, the drug has been extended Tribusponin "(Tablets of 100 mg) produced Georgia.This drug contains saponins, made on the basis of other vegetable – Licorice.In recent times a strong distribution among athletes received the drug Tribestan because of its high quality.

The most appropriate use of ecdysterone on the stages of aerobic power loads relatively low intensity.but significant in terms of.as well as the transition to the stress of high intensity.approaching a critical.In the first case of reception of these drugs contributes to muscle gain in the second version – stabilizes the muscle.preventing decay by accelerating the synthesis of essential proteins.

It should be remembered.that ecdysterone is a matter of so-called cumulative group B (in the first place – B1.B2, B6 and folic acid).Such a surplus is created by the additional intake of specific vitamin B complex (such as "Bevipleksa").or by the use of multivitamin complexes.


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