Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding workout’ Category

How to develop a training plan


It seems.that will never stop arguing about.what the best theory to use.accounting training plan.I think.that for most people.periodization workout is the best for strength gains and prevent overtraining.Periodization – the gradual cycling of.intensity and volume of training to achieve peak levels of strength.The cycle goes gradually from high volume and low intensity to low volume and high intensity training.The length of the cycle (usually several weeks) is selected, the dates of events.Typical powerlifting cycle consists of three phases – phase of hypertrophy.phase set of strength and power training phase.

Hypertrophy phase.

The first phase of the cycle – the phase of hypertrophy.It usually lasts from one to six weeks.At this time, the approaches of 8-10 repetitions with intensities from 65% to 79% of the maximum RM.Hypertrophy phase is responsible for developing a good muscular and metabolic base for the rest of the cycle.Rest between sets is contained in an interval of forty-five seconds to fifteen minutes: such a short pause can improve the production of primary anabolic hormones.such as testosterone.growth hormone and insulin-like growth the same time minimizing the production of cortisol.

Phase of force.

Phase of the development of force, the second phase of the cycle usually lasts from two to eight weeks.During this process the approaches of 5-8 reps.intensity gradually increased to 80-90% of maximum RM.Obviously this phase of the cycle is designed to increase muscle strength.Rest between sets should be longer – about five minutes to ensure complete recovery of muscle.

Phase of training facilities.

The last phase of the cycle – the phase of training facilities.Here, the approaches of 1-4 reps with intensity.gradually increasing from 90% to 107% of RM.During this phase the athlete reaches peak strength for the competition.Rest between sets should be even longer – 5-10 minutes: muscles must fully recover between sets at maximum intensity.After the cycle.and competition.if to rest for 1-2 high-intensity work, single repetition is tiring and body and spirit.One to two weeks is fully recover from the tremendous stress.received during the training phase power.This holiday can be both active and passive.

The development cycle for powerlifters.

The following example shows the organization of training for powerlifting cycle.I stress.that this routine – just an example.and by no means is the only program using periodization.

Monday – Squat.

Wednesday – Bench Press.

Friday – Deadlift.

Saturday – Light workout for bench press (optional).

You need to know the maximum can use the approach of the four.three.two or one repetition.Sure.most accurate result can be obtained only from the set of one repetition.but it is possible to calculate the maximum one-time achievement.using the maximum achievement in a set of reps.Here's the formula:

Take your best weight and multiply it by a given number of.

2 reps -? x 1.06
3 reps -? x 1.12
4 reps -? x 1.15
5 reps -? x 1.18
You will receive your maximum single doctizhenie.


Warm up in powerlifting are only to slightly raise the temperature of the body and prepare for some serious work.DO NOT wear during warm-up.Use only 4-5 sets with low repetitions and gradually rising, LIGHT WEIGHT.Here primerrazminki for someone who is squatting over 300 kg.

70 kg – 10 rep.
100 kg – 5 rep.
150 kg – 3 rep.
200 kg – 1 rep.
240 kg – 1 rep.

Working approaches.

In them you will get stronger.It is very important rest between sets.To the energy level back to 100%, you sometimes need three to ten minutes rest.So REST YOUR TIME.I am sure that 2-3 high intensity sets are sufficiently.Remember, intensity – the key to strength, NOT VOLUME.We're not trying to be a bodybuilder in powerlifting.In two sets, we can work at 120%, without having to conserve power on the fifth or sixth approach.Here is a program.Given percentage of the maximum RM.

Week 1 – 70% x 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Week 2 – 70% x 3 sets of 10 repetitions
Week 3 – 73% x 3 sets of 8 reps
Week 4 – 76% x 3 sets of 8 reps
Week 5 – 79% x 3 sets of 5 reps
Week 6 – 82% x 3 sets of 5 reps
Week 7 – 85% x 3 sets of 5 reps
Week 8 – 88% x 3 sets of 5 reps
Week 9 – 91% x 3 sets of 3 reps
Week 10 – 94% x 3 sets of 3 reps
Week 11 – 97% x 2 sets of 2 reps
Week 12 – 100% x 2 sets of 2 reps
Week 13 – 104% x 1 set of 1 repetition
Week 14 – 107% – 111% x 1 set of 1 repetition

Now you have a maximum one-time achievement for the next round! You can add 7-11% every 12 weeks.If you have a certain persistence.After a while you will achieve very good be patient and persistent.You can add more weight to these quantities, if necessary.I can give you a plan to get stronger, but the loading bar, then you'll.Do not be fooled.

How to develop a training plan

Work your feet

This article is for those who have forgotten the laws of harmony, too little attention paid pumping foundation.Have you seen these? As if hewn out of stone shoulders, powerful arms bloodshot force…and flimsy, thin legs, a disproportionately.Funny? No, it's just not funny.We offer you five "shock" schemes "pumping" of thighs.Instructional techniques belong to the best representatives of our community.whose legs are hoo! With these legs.clear.not born.Like any masterpiece, such foot to build in hellfire.

So tune in for hard work.The only thing that soothes – is just not a good head.Training the legs – this is an attack on the forehead! It all depends on your determination, will power and firmness of character.

Diagram number 1: "A negative attitude"

Word "negative" sort of like a bad.However, there is one place in a world where "negative" has a positive meaning.This is a place – a gym.What is it? On the negative phase of the repetition – lowering the weight."An eccentric or negative phase.- Says Prof. Aaron Madron.- "More" positive in the sense of the pump weight.There is no need to scrimp on weight.The main thing is to give weight slowly and under control to the lowest point.But personally, I invented a special kind of negative repetitions.I call them forced negatives.I usually make them in the extension-flexion of feet before the event.They give an amazing detailing.

So what is it – the forced repetition of the negative? First, you need to choose the right weight.Light weight is sparing no go, remember this is just.You must select such a way that came out 10/12 reps, no more.Here's how it looks.When I raise the weight extension to the upper point, well here mate leans on the simulator stops.Load increases at least twice.I resist with all his might! Weight moves literally centimeter! That's how we both domuchivaem repeat to the bottom.

Aaron recommends that you do 3-4 repetitions of forced negative in the final of the last two sets of leg extension-flexion.

- Of course.reduction potential in humans is different.- Says Aaron.- But I would not be forced to perform negative repetitions each time.When you train your legs.In any case, I myself do not do.Go to the forced negative only during particularly high-tone.

Scheme number 2: Drop-Sets

Today, pro Milos Sartsev tried himself in hypostasis coaching.And all of their wards with anemic legs he prescribes the same medicine – hack squats.There are three sets, but such that the client then removed from the arm exerciser.

- The secret is.that hack squats should be done in infraslow rate.- Milos explains.- What are the benefits ultraslow reps? In the.that they completely eliminate the moment of inertia.Down we "go" for five seconds, a pause and then go up – the same five seconds.And there is no "cheating" case! And the second.Work will have a drop-sets, which means that it is necessary to use pancakes low multiplicity.Advise beginners to start at all with modest weights: first try to hang on six 5-kg weight plates (each side).

- Beginners should do no more than three consecutive repetitions of slow.- Milos advises.- Then the partner must quickly withdraw one pancake from each side.and you immediately do three repeat.Then you need to remove more of pancakes and again three reps – and so on until the end of the set.

As a result of this "torture" is a fantastic incentive to growth are both red and white muscle fibers.In fact,.On the one hand you're doing more than 20 reps.and the other in every third repetition reach the "failure".According to Milos, just need to do three of these drop-sets, although at first you do not get to overpower and a half.And anyway, the system works – customers from Milos more.

Scheme number 3: Before refusing!

In Claude Gruksa, double title holder, "Mr. Canada", has its own system.It combines a drop-sets and partial repetitions.

- You need to choose some one exercise for the legs – says Claude.- Only one.Let's say leg press.So.First comes the warm-up set – 20 reps.then the second – 15.then set a maximum weight – 8-10 reps to absolute "refusal".Now comes the turn of the partial duplication.I'm doing five repetitions of partial.then my partner takes around 20% by weight.and I carry five partial reps.Then I just fall out of the simulator on the floor…

Using this technique.Claude makes three sets of any exercise for the legs m: hack squat.extension and flexion of the feet and t.Dr…He emphasizes that his method can be used only one exercise per workout.Otherwise, you risk inadvertently pass that invisible face behind which begins overtraining.

- Believe me, the results are stunning – the muscles are growing by leaps and bounds – says Claude.- The legs have always been my weak point.I took them over after 33 years.The result – two national titles.

Scheme number 4: "Double" squats

Fitness star Beth Horn has developed its own method of shock effects on his feet: "My version of the squat is very" low ".I descend into a full squat.Then go up by 2-4 inches and, with clenched teeth, withstand static pause – seconds 03/02.Then I straightened a little rest and then begin to squat.It turns out that one of my repetition – it is like a "double" squat."

- Coaching legs I always start with a "double" squats – says Beth – So 3 sets of 8-10 reps.The most important thing in my system – a pause in the output from a deep squat.It is difficult to resist, but all efforts pay off stunning results.

But that's not all.These isometric pause Beth applies and in the next exercise – bench legs.

- Leg extensions, I also do with isometric contractions, – says Beth – Effect – simply stunning!

Diagram number 5: Squats – partial repetition

Let's say you've done all planned sets of squats.You can leave? Certainly not! You are incredibly greater impact squats.if you execute additional partial sets.

Stops at the front, set of five inches below the shoulder level.Put them on the bar and set the weight – 10-20% more of your maximum weight for squats.Stand under the bar in the usual manner for you and slowly straighten your legs (but not to full extension of the joint!).Then, bending his legs, put a bar on supports, and repeat all over again.This is the partial repetition.We guarantee.that one or two sets of four to eight repetitions of partial literally annihilate your quads.

What are advantages of partial sit-ups? Firstly.they "capture" absolutely all muscle fibers – even those.who rested during normal squats.Secondly.because they use more weight with a minimum amplitude.they greatly increase the power capacity of the muscles in the squat.

Michael Berg, "The Power and Beauty"

Work your feet

Preparing for heavy training

Sometimes, in preparation for working with heavy weights, many trainees to forget or ignore the most basic aspects of strength training.Spending much time for long-term planning exercise and diet.they may give too little attention to preparing for the upcoming heavy training session.

When I say this, people think that we are talking about the mental aspect of training.I do not argue, it is the key to success, but it is not the only factor.Preparing for training.during which you are going to beat some of their records.requires attention to many details.This article is not for professionals.have plenty of time and do expected.It is for those.who works.learning.full-time.attending school or even engaged in other sports.

When people are very busy, they may miss some things that are important to their training.I intended to put me remind you of some very important little things.Do not forget about them is not too difficult.just need to realize their significance and account for them has become a habit.

For example, it is important to bear in his gym bag all that may be needed in the hall.Sounds like a not it? Nevertheless.I do not even many times I've seen quite experienced guys.that.coming into the room.began to forgot something important.It could be anything – from chalk or bandages to force belt.The explanation, as a rule, one thing they were in a hurry in the morning and forgot to check a bag.

This may seem a trifle.But.attempts to break its own record in another.not very suitable to you belt or with pain in his knees due to the fact.that you did not take the bandages.will have a negative impact on the entire training.The most common, such as removable T-shirt on a hot day can completely change the to encourage you, after a series of heavy squats in a clean dressing.dry shirt do you go to press lying down! Now compare feelings: you press while lying in a muddy.a sweaty T-shirt.When you concentrate better?

Moreover.Do not forget to put in my bag all food intend to use during the day.and water.I want to emphasize the extent to which the level of force depends on attention to detail.Beginners and advanced bodybuilders.but.may be less scrupulous in this they grow.even just appearing regularly in the gym and working hard.Those can easily borrow someone else's belt or a bandage and it's good practice.because they have not yet reached its limits.But it's better from an early age to develop the habit of preparing for training in advance.It is very useful later.

Well to make a list, because you can not remember all of you.In addition,.He will speak not only as a seems to start the process of preparing for the upcoming training session.And do it better than before the evening and not morning, as can happen a lot of unpredictable things.Slowly gather everything you need, and you still have time to think about the most training.

The fact that you carry in your bag in the hall, of course important, but more importantly, what you carry in your body.It's about food.I'm always amazed.when people come to the gym for a heavy workout or even prikidochnoy and complain to me.that had not eaten anything since yesterday.because they were too busy.I believe in it with difficulty.I've never met a man so busy that he was unable to allocate 10-15 minutes to cook a couple of eggs.This can be done in the morning while you brush up in the bathroom.But if I suspect that in the morning rush will then prepare food the night before.This may be an egg or tuna bank, which I can chew, dressing.

If you go to the gym hungry (we're talking about training.during which you intend to break its own record.rather than on the fitness program).you.properly.going to improve results? We are – beings of flesh and blood.and if the muscles.ligaments, and all other organs do not have enough fuel.they will not operate in the best mode.Of course, you master the workout on an empty stomach, but it then goes around comes around.

Better still, using their knowledge of nutrition, to prepare for the solution of the task.I tell my kids one day before a heavy workout is if they had competition.refers to carbohydrate loading the night before.Carbohydrates are spread throughout the body, and the next day you will be provided with energy.

All this is good, but breakfast on the day of the upcoming heavy workout even more important.It need not be voluminous enough cans of tuna or a few eggs and juice.The first meal of the day should be mostly protein.But.closer to the training.the more carbohydrates you should consume.because they quickly and easily converted into energy.After its completion as soon as possible try to get protein into your system.

Good old milkshake is still the best source of his.Protein mixture can have a drink in the evening, take in the hall, to mix at home after a workout.The sooner you recover proteins damaged training, the quicker the recovery will begin.But to prepare a mixture of easy.I always mix the cocktail morning, pour into a thermos and put in your gym bag with boiled eggs.

Equally important are the vitamins, especially group B.It is better to take them into the finished combination than separately, so do not miss.Powerful B-complex will help better understand the food eaten, and this would positively impact on the energy level.One portion of B vitamins in the morning, take with food, the other – after training.It is important to take vitamins with food, because an empty stomach, they can irritate.It may be a little bit, enough of a fruit or juice.Everything must be procured in advance.

Necessary and minerals, especially in hot weather.Take a few multimineral tablets before exercise and immediately after to make up for losses.If after training you will drink a cocktail with minerals and vitamin C.that considerably speed up the restoration of all body systems.

Needless to say, that all food additives must be in the list of things needed for training.Throw in a bag pack of vitamins – is not more than a second.Keep them in the fridge next to the fact that the plan to eat in the morning, and you never forget to take them with.

As I wrote.Evening training runs to prepare the psychological process of planning the upcoming fight with weights.Over time, this process will begin at the end of the previous training.I noticed a curious thing: it is necessary to tell the guys in advance.a couple of days.that they will do in the next lesson.and then they work much better.So.who have repeatedly running off in my head the numbers.much easier to deal with them.than those.who starts to think about them.only came into the room.

Sure.there are guys.which can be got from half a turn and instantly break its own record.but they – rather.exception.Most have to think about the planned figures for several in the mind of some key technology implementation motions.It is useful at night to refresh their memory.This procedure should not be complicated, time-consuming effort and time.Ten to fifteen minutes is enough for the passage of important points and fixation on the main steps..

Under the "steps" I understand all those little factors that could affect the success of.No need to dwell only on the amount of weight.Think about warm-up.and sets.previous attempt to maximize.

If you learn how to approach the maximum mentally perform each warm-up set in a magnificent technique.your chances will increase significantly.Some trainees underestimate the importance of preliminary approaches.considering them not be so important a matter.Nothing of the sort.Athletes.not having a clear plan to approach a record weight.and thinking only about defeated.Some people prefer to do a lot of preparatory efforts.very closely approaching the maximum.others just a few warmup sets before the 50-pound jump to record.Any method is good if it suits you.But you still have to be very attentive to every warm-Seto.From my own experience I know that if an athlete is very scrupulous in terms of the form.starting with the first approach, with 60 kg.everything is in order and with heavy weight.Conversely, when he "flies" workout, do not follow form, most likely in the end he will lose.

One can not ignore other important factors training.for example.that.What are you planning to have breakfast.lunch and before training.What supplements should be with you and how you intend to sleep.Otherwise, it is safe to say "goodbye" productive workout.Spend 10 hours or more per room per week.constantly watching the diet and necessary additives for food.and then cross out all the only late bedtime – it says something about your motivation or intelligence quotient.

Time itself workout – it's a drop in sea.But if your goal – the continued progress and success.a thorough preparation – not a luxury.but an absolute necessity.True.many vital factors you can not control.although they may largely determine.Development of a force you can achieve.I mean, the genetics and linkage.You have to work that depends on you.And this, among other factors, a careful and complete preparation for a heavy workout.If you are serious, then your life must submit to a particular discipline.In strength training.but as in life in general.if you learn to take care of small details.large take care of themselves.

Preparing for heavy training


Train forearms just need to.They are part of your body.and.being a is your duty to pump any other muscle group.True.that many of the forearm rather stubborn body part.but that's no reason to ignore them in their training.Get them to grow you must be perceived as a challenge.

I train forearms are fairly easy.I knew from the start.that they do not need to invent a lot of different exercises.because they are well pumped and when training other muscle groups of the upper.So I'm just doing one exercise for the forearm flexors and one extensor at.

For the flexor.which is located on the same side.and that your palms.I recommend wrist curls with a barbell.I prefer to do more reps at the forearm compared to other parts of the body.because all day they get a very large amount of load.Given all this pressure on the forearm.required to perform daily activities and work.You should pay special attention to them in training.if you want.these muscles to grow.

Load bar so that you can do 15-20 reps and put it on the floor next to the bench.Now take the rod grip from below by placing your thumbs under the bar.Sit on the edge of the bench and lean his elbows on his knees.Then lift the barbell up and slowly lower until your arms are not hanging.Do not make sudden movements or you might get some stretching of the muscles.Follow this way three or four sets, trying to concentrate on his position, rather than the load.Sometimes, for this exercise, I hang on the Olympic bar only one 25-pound disc on each side.If, after this exercise, I feel the heat in his arms, then I worked correctly.

Next, I suggest to perform reverse wrist flexion.It is basically the reverse movement to that which you have just completed….than the previous.Again, try to make 03.04 set 15-20 reps.

Train your forearms twice a week, but not in the days that are intended to work out the muscles in the arms.You must have enough strength to concentrate on the forearms.If you spend half an hour on the first rotation with a dumbbell.pull down the slopes and the pastor.your forearm is knock out power.Ideally, you should train them in one day with his feet.Thus, they will still be ready for a heavy load to the point where you start their training.

No matter what day you choose to work through the forearm, in any case do not give up.They can be as stubborn as a mule, our, but it does not mean that they will not budge.Please believe me on this.

Training forearms from Lee Haney

Bending the wrist with a barbell-3-4×15-20

Reverse wrist flexion-3-4×15-20

Lee Haney


Massive hip

Many athletes foot noticeably lagging behind in development compared with other parts of the body.Legs are much more difficult to example.chest.and as a result of the head are just a bench press and curl with dumbbells.

For me, coaching has always been a foot tricky.not because I do avoid.but because of my height – I have long muscles.Athletes such as Lee Priest (Lee Priest) or labradite Lee (Lee Labrada) with their short legs are gaining weight on their feet much the same level of development.a long-legged athletes foot massiveness not evident.Accordingly, athletes need to make a large growth much more effort for the equivalent result.But the result is worth it: long legs with well-developed, massive muscles look more beautiful.

To tell the truth.I was an athlete first "trouser" type – only shook his chest and biceps.and legs was not engaged at all.But I soon realized.that to achieve good rezultattov competitions.I love to workout legs nauchtsya.

Many people are afraid to train legs or relate to this with disdain.The excuses are always the same: "Squat – Exercise dangerous" or "my knees hurt from this" or "Genetics I will not do".The last option and I enjoyed some time.At the beginning of my career, I just did not like to shake his legs.It took years to understand – if you want to achieve something, learn to love the pump any muscle group.When the results appear, you'll be glad about that myself.

I'll give some to train your legs more effectively.and therefore – get faster results:

* Take for granted that an effective training brutally hard legs.But do not forget that you should not swing until you drop every time you come to the gym.

* Training the hip should be on the first day after the holiday.Your muscles are full of glycogen and the head of a why not take your weak spot? This is – effective application of the principle of priority to training.

* Identify yourself.what exercises are best for your act.Experiment with the exercises.number of sets and reps.But by defining your training plan, not to dwell on it.Muscles need to constantly shocked by something new, to which they are not used.If we vary the exercise routine, your muscles will not get used to stagnate.

* Do not take literally, and not rushed at once to fulfill everyone's advice at the gym.Check first, as it would affect you.People are all different, someone to fit a lot of reps, someone – a lot of weight.

* Do not Believe.if you hear.that "yon fellow with healthy feet" does not perform squats for leg training.You can not build without a leg squat.Squats with a heavy load it is your duty.If you want to pump up his feet with noticeable size.shape and weight.Squat – the basic exercise for the hips, squatting along the way include the lower back and buttocks.

* Squat – heavy exercise.Find someone who does squat better than you, and do with it.It will push you on to the more hard work and, consequently, better results.

* Squat forces to work the buttocks – the only place that does not seek to develop athletes.To exclude them from work.You can do squats with a barbell on his chest.This exercise involves basically the front of the thigh.

* I'm not sure.that train legs once a do modern pro.suitable for beginners and has already begun.I coached his feet three times a week, varying the intensity of the load.Continuing to train with heavy weights – bad for the ligaments.constantly with the light – do not give the density and the massiveness of the muscles.

* One of my favorite exercises – and one of the most painful – partial leg presses.This exercise is done in the machine for the horizontal leg press.The motion occurs near the middle of the trajectory.that is burdening wring short of a quarter of the amplitude until the end.start back.and does not reach a quarter of the amplitude before.and again.The work is in the middle two quarters ampitudy leg movements.Feet in the process of simply fire burning.This activity fits well after the usual squat.

* When sitting down, feet are shoulder width apart, toes slightly expanded in hand.This eliminates unnecessary stress to the joints and reduces the likelihood of injury.If the legs are trained in machine tools such as Gak-machine or machine for leg press.where the trajectory is fixed.You can experiment with the production and reversal of the feet within reasonable limits.this makes it possible to pump different parts of the hip.

* Once you try to do squat leg extensions on the machine to warm up.Squat after that terribly hard.but the effectiveness of this link is very high and the result does not appear slow.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Massive hip

Power Bench

Bench Press.Most people are much more impressed by the can squeeze out lying.but not the weight with which you squat or deadlift doing.Everyone wants to reap a lot! many times have you asked how much you squat or pull? Enough said! In general, there are three styles of doing this exercise of power.Bench press wide grip is best suited for tall people.Bench Press narrow grip.which is suitable for short last.Assume the reverse grip.which in recent years has been declared admissible at competitions.

Wide grip shortens the path has to pass the bar.Maksimadnaya allowed to compete grip width – 80 cm.Most work the pectoral muscles.

Narrow grip, usually 70 – 75 cm wide, includes more work the triceps and deltoids.

Reverse grip I will not discuss.Now you are able to choose your style based on his physique.

Body Position.

The head, body and buttocks should ybt located on a bench away from her legs.This will prevent the bar during their dvizheniyazadevat.The eyes should be looking straight up at an imaginary point on the ceiling.Try to bend your back as much as possible.keeping the shoulders.head and buttocks on the this position will reduce the trajectory of regime and allow.straining feet.abut the shoulders to the bench for more power.


In any powerlifting, even if barely noticeable, the movement of the feet during benching – a violation of the rules.Necessary.feet firmly to the entire foot flat on the floor under the far as possible from each helps to get a solid foundation and make an explosive start motion.For athletes, low growth is allowed to build a platform under your feet (of pancakes.for example).but be sure to check.Do not slip it in benching.

The position of hands.

Hand position during the bench press – a very controversial issue.Is it better to use a closed grip (thumb around the bar).or open (thumb behind the pole)? World records were set both that it does not provide global rkord.Although.I have seen many athletes.entrained in the hospital with a broken rib cage and internal injuries from the use of open my opinion."False" grip is very dangerous.If the bar roll in your hands during lifting.that it will stop? Surely.Your breasts.but certainly not the thumbs.that's for sure! Use a closed grip.if you do not interfere with any injury.

Bar Placement.

Bench starts with a vertical position with the elbows locked.Lower the bar to the bottom area of ​​the pectoral muscles.linger for a moment and explosive movements squeeze the barbell back.You can easily make sure that the path is much shorter when you bend your back.Do not bend it, if you – bodybuilder, because powerlifting goal – to lift heavy weights.Installing the correct trajectory for this movement – a painstaking process.In general, you should move the bar along the path that you think is the most natural.But a lot of gurus are arguing about the way in which the bar must go.


I'm sure everyone has seen how the wrist bandages bandaging lifters and wondered why.Here is the answer to this question.If an athlete weak wrist or tendon in this area, it is probably worth using bandages.They will not add weight to your bench, but will make it less painful.


Many do not know if they need a belt for bench press.I tried to press and so and so, but did not notice any improvements or the use of belt.Therefore, I do not think it is only necessary if you do not feel cramped inequality.If you bend during bench press, then you definitely should avoid using the belt.

T-shirts for the bench press.

Using T-shirts for the bench not only reduced the number of injuries.associated with the bench press.but also helped to set new world records.Mike for the bench press also a squat suit.that is, adds additional help your muscles when you move the weight.If you use a T-shirt for benching.You will be able to work with heavy weights and.thereby.stimulate more muscle growth.This will undoubtedly lead to new personal records.

Mikey's Pants vary in thickness.Of course, the thicker, the more support.Begin to wear some loose T-shirt.when do the approaches of five repetitions.then gradually move on to competitive.The competition jersey must be not only thicker but also smaller in size to two.Will be uncomfortable, but the result is worth it.Experiment with different brands and types and pick up what you need.


Do not use a damaged gear (even with a slightly divergent sutures).Sooner or later it will explode when you drop a barbell on his chest, and you lose control veom.Chance of injury is not worth the price of a new ekikpirovki.

A bit of training.

I feel.that the principles of periodization – the best for a set of strength and power.although.If you laid out on 120% every time.when it comes to the hall.Any program will give you the result.It is also important to train any weaknesses in the basic exercise.for example.if you press a wide grip.You need to pay attention to the training included less muscle groups: triceps and deltoid.Always train in a hall in the same environment in which you enter the competition.No rights violations in training! Do not let the bar bounce off his chest without miss trenirovkue explosive strength at the bottom of the movement.losing a few pounds.Always supervise the bar throughout the movement.

Tom McCullough

Power Bench

Training of neck muscles and trapezoidal

A side effect of trapezius muscles – the so-called "oblique shoulders" Many bodybuilders to work out the trapezoids are solely Schrage.and do their part-amplitude motions.which leads to the top of the trapezoid redevelopment Hence unsightly "beveled" look.To avoid this.there is a great exercise.on the contrary kinesiologii Schrage – raising the head toward.Moved here only a head, so that you fully protect yourself from the effect of "sloping shoulders".In develop one of the major muscles of the neck – fudino-clavicular-mastoid.which, together with other muscles supporting the cervical spine.


• Lie flat on one side, shoulder to the edge of the the head could move freely up and down in a vertical plane.Burdening the belt should hang from the head down to the floor.
• Slowly bend your head to one side as low as possible in a strictly vertical.At the bottom you should feel the full stretch working muscle.Then lift your head up along the same trajectory to the highest point.During the upward movement did not turn the head.The eyes should look like in front of.
• Concluding the lift, inhale.Having reached the top position, exhale, inhale again and hold your breath during the lowering of the head.At the bottom again exhale.
• All traffic is absolutely under control, the body is always in a fixed position.
• The speed of a slow or average – without the acceleration and jerk.


A.Work on the neck muscles require extremely precise technique.The movement should be strictly in the vertical plane.You can not turn my head left or right, tilt forward or back.This can lead to serious injury of the cervical spine.

2.Sternocleidomastoid muscle is not only tilts his head from side to side.but still it turns left and right and tilts forward and back.It is only natural that she would "try" to fulfill all its functions at the same time.It is necessary to avoid.To protect yourself.sure.that the stabilizing muscles of the flexors and extensors,.are in constant tension and fix the head, allowing it to move only vertically.

3.Because here is vital control does not work with heavyweight weights.Excessive weight will cause you to accelerate the."Twitch" or use the functions of muscles.that are not unnecessary and even harmful.Do not forget.that superheavy weight must include the work of other stabilize the body.better control the movement and to assist in lifting.This in itself is not so bad.But the negative effects still outweigh.Super-heavy weight will make you work part-time amplitude.At the same time reducing the upper trapezoid, sternocleidomastoid and other neck muscles, too, would be incomplete.

.Because this exercise requires an extremely precise technique.always breathe in the beginning of the rise and hold your breath during.Holding your breath will stabilize the torso and head makes it possible to move only in the vertical plane.If you exhale during the ascent.chest to relax.and you can not help shake your head forward or backward.Therefore, you must always hold your breath, especially when working on the neck muscles.

5.At the top.after expiration.Do not give your muscles completely relax.otherwise you may lose control over movement.Keep them in a constant voltage.allow movement of the head in a strictly vertical.

6.The muscles that work in this exercise differently constructed and placed.But they are all important to support the neck and head, and therefore they need to fully consolidate.Trapezium play a crucial role in the movements of the cervical spine.Although few people know about their functions to work together to flexion and extension neck.If you just work through traps and ignore the other neck muscles.trapezoid will "bulge".and the general appearance is unaesthetic.

Flexion of the neck lying

At first glance, this exercise may seem barbaric.But believe me: nothing is more effective for the front of the neck.Lie across a flat bench so.the neck can move freely.but the whole surface of the shoulders rested on the bench.Fold the towel and place the triangle on the bridge.Then a "litter" pancake place (which you afford).Clutching his forehead, tilt your head back up to about 45 degrees below the neutral position.Then lift it until the chin touches the chest.After warming up, make two sets of 12 repetitions.

Training of neck muscles and trapezoidal

Who can be considered hardgainer?

About 15 years ago, Stuart McRobert has created the concept of "hardgainer" – a person with average abilities or genetic abilities below the average.which is not very good at responding with resistance training.The very definition applies to the vast majority of trainees.As in the case of any genetically determined quality.we can describe this relation using normal curve.In other words.about 5% of the people very well respond to training.and only 1%.or less.fall into the category of "genius" in terms of response to training.

The idea that Stewart.that when most people tend to train to train gifted people only.they will inevitably be disappointed.In kulturisticheskih journals rarely publish program.effective for a person of average ability.and great service in Stuart.he created a book.and even a magazine.for people with average and below average abilities.

What I'm talking about in this article does not aim to reduce the contribution of Stuart.I try only to continue his work.My point of view – this is.that there are many reasons.explain.why people do not respond to training.This fact – and then.that all people have different abilities to training – explains the need for various training recommendations.

To facilitate the handling of this issue.I define the purpose of training as a significant increase in strength and muscle mass.Note.that person.being a hardgainer in one area of ​​sport – for example.bodybuilding – may well respond to another type of load – for example.aerobic is difficult given gain strength and muscle mass.can achieve much faster results with a different mode of training – endurance – and can easily run 10 km.

A typical quality of a modern model hardgainer is.that the average person can not tolerate training with resistance to such an extent and with such frequency.and he needs more time to recover.than that.who responds well to training.Thus, the average person should exercise with minimal stress.

It is important to note.that it applies only to a small percentage of people.that are poorly responsive to training with resistance.There is no evidence of this.that the inability to maintain certain training load leads most people to poor response.But there is no real evidence and the.that the solution to the poor response is to reduce the volume and frequency at maximum intensity.Really.You can even talk about.that some people can tolerate greater volume and frequency of training.but either physically.or psychologically unable to tolerate high-intensity work.They can be considered only in relation hardgainer high-intensity training.

In is possible.Some people respond well to relatively high frequency and large amount of training all the they reduce the intensity of.The purpose of this statement – which also has no scientific evidence – is the assumption that.that in the past, we have already developed some very important principles of training.but it is possible.that some people are better suited diametrically opposed principles of training.

What is in the training community is another layer of people.which may well carry a large amount of training.but it can not develop any more mass.In terms of mechanics.force depends on the rigidity of each exercise.a lever – a genetically defined quality.inalterable.Thus, a person may be a good lever for the squat, bench presses and rods, and may not be.And more.ability to develop large muscles.possibly.most dependent on the number and type of muscle the different muscle groups.and this is again due to genetic and can not be changed.In other words.exercise tolerance may be high.but your mechanical apparatus and the number of muscle fibers may not be entirely suitable for this sport.

We know a number of anomalies that exist in powerlifting and bodybuilding.There are several powerlifters.with tremendous which a small muscle the same time there is a very massive not have great strength.Each type of advantages and disadvantages.For example.if a person has a great arm-specific exercises in.possibly.he needs to use a high achieve a substantial increase in strength and muscle mass.Those weights.which are commonly used by most trainees in this exercise.may seem like toys for man.. обладающего очень хорошей рычажностью для данного упражнения.Nevertheless.the need to lift enormous weights continue to progress.may increase the likelihood of serious injury.

We've all heard about the huge bodybuilders with huge ruchischami.that work on the biceps and triceps are used resistance from a light to medium.I never believed it to be true, but this is probably true.Imagine.that man a great lever to curl and Tricep-Extension.but not enough bystrosokraschayuschihsya fibers in your biceps and triceps.In this case, a 35-pound weight in flexion and extension of hands to help build a large amount of.

In addition, there are and neuromuscular factors that affect the ability of training.Some people can be much easier to engage the muscle fibers – as well as synchronize the involvement of muscle fibers – thus.they will produce a very strong reduction.These people can get much more benefit from training at high intensity and a very small number of repetitions.If they concentrate, they can engage in the work of a higher percentage of fibers of this muscle group.Other people may not be able to do so.While it is unknown.whether psychological training to improve neuromuscular efficiency, or.really.different people need different training strategies.In any case,.it seems.that the high efficiency of neuromuscular training will be useful when.providing for close to maximum contractions at short intervals.

Sure.a person may have different inherent nature benefits for training.but try to connect them with the style of life.which is not conducive to progress.Poor sleep and poor eating habits can make a nature respond well to training.looks like a hardgainer.The failure to cope with internal and external stress is very difficult to restore.In this case, the solution will only change habits, behaviors and skills development to cope with stress.and not a training program.Indeed, a person may have great potential for training, but not enough to motivate.

The problem I am interested hardgainer.because I always thought.I myself am somewhere in the middle between the two groups and tyazhelorastuschih legkorastuschih.But recently I have come to somewhat different conclusion.I has all the qualities easily gaining weight: high exercise tolerance.very rapid recovery.good rigidity and high efficiency of neuromuscular.except one-the ability to develop large muscles.For perform the deadlift I do not need any special physical.Psychological or emotional preparation.All my warm-up consists of one repetition with 70% of the weight of the working sets.and general psychological preparation is.that I concentrate on training.But when I perform a deadlift, even at slow repetition, feel like taking off weight from the floor.It seems that I will make a little more effort, I could toss a barbell over your head.And more.I could do the deadlift twice a week – and so the frequency of this exercise, few are able to withstand.Nevertheless.if you look at my hands.trapeze and lower would never have front of you is such a powerful powerlifter.

All.What can we do – this is to analyze our strengths and weaknesses.and then make the necessary changes in the training program and lifestyle.This could result not.that's just another perspective.and.possibly.completely different training program, and quite different results.Some of those.who considers himself a hardgainer.can achieve good results.increasing the volume and frequency of training.but keeping the intensity within certain limits.Those in training.who are used to perform a large number of sets.possibly.more appropriate program with a maximum intensity and with a minimal number of sets.These assumptions are so far unfounded.confirm or refute them only through basic research and real experiments.

Regarding this, I would say.that if the steroids did not win power sport 45 years ago.the notion of hardgainer would not be so widely obsuzhdaemo now.Most people would reasonably exercised 2-3 times a week, with a limited number of sets.This method was the most popular many years ago.and it seems almost ideal for natural bodybuilders.It is this type of training carried out by many legendary bodybuilder – John Grimek most of his long life, trained in much the same way.well trained and Steve Reeves during his competitive career.

If this style of training, continued to dominate the mid 50s to the present day.could be easily seen.that some people it would be better able to.than other.The difference in the results would be associated not with a magic program, but a number of genetic factors.

Who can be considered hardgainer?

Transitional Program of Jay Cutler

So, you're no longer a novice.What's next? Jay gives some basic tips and insights from his personal program.with which it began 6 years ago.

Complex and isolated exercises

You.of course.know.that all exercises are divided into the complex (when the move involves several joints) and isolated (operates one joint).The first great bringing up mass and strength, while the second mainly improves the appearance of muscle.Traditionally regarded as isolated exercises lot of high professional.which.mole.weight is no longer needed.Need a beauty and balance of muscles.But here's the paradox: science has.that the novices' odnosustavnye "exercises grow better strength and mass.rather than "polyarthric".Moreover, the validity of such a program is limited.It is effective only the first 2.5 months of training.It would these days of serious complex exercises with a barbell and dumbbells beginner and do not reflect.No, says Jay Cutler.Then still have to take up the movement of polyarticular.yes only on learning the proper technique you will lose a few weeks.and then a month.So the best thing – from the very beginning try basic exercises under the supervision of a coach.In its first two.5 months you are guaranteed to learn the proper biomechanics of complex exercises and begin a new phase of training without slipping – with impressive weights.

Free weights and exercise machines

"Odnosustavnye" exercise is usually carried out at the gym or with dumbbells.Rod – a tool integrated pump.The logic of training is reduced to a gradual evolution from novice trainers and dumbbells to the bar.Why bar.not comfortable trainer? The fact.- Explains Jay.- That the rod connects seamlessly for you to move a huge array of extra muscle – for the sake of balance.As a result, muscles develop "depth": By increasing the numerous small muscles of the stabilizers of joints.which runs under the external surface layer of large muscle groups.Well, it is crucial to the development of a truly large scale.that just turn you into a true bodybuilder.

The intensity of the load

This term implies a strength training percentage of your work and your weight a single maximum (RM) in a particular exercise.Jay urges beginners to train with a weight of approximately 70% of RM and maintain a sufficiently high rate.Pause, rest between sets should not be longer than a minute.To calculate the one-time high, there is no need to set records.RM is calculated as follows.You specify the weight, which can make a 6 "clean" (t.e.ideal) iterations, and then multiply this weight by a factor of 1.4.This result is your one-time maximum.

Aerobic exercise

I would not recommend to carry out aerobic training more than three times a week – says Jay.- Yes, and the duration of aerobic exercise should be restricted half an hour.Personally, I am of the opinion.that, at first without aerobic quite possible to manage.If you already train with high intensity and rest between sets for no longer than a minute.

Proper nutrition

Jay recommends men consume 3.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day of its own.Women are smaller – 1-2 grams.To gain this amount of protein, it is better to distribute to 5-7 meals a day.Remember the important rule: the assimilation of large amounts of protein requires a lot of water (up to three liters per day.not counting.what you get with liquid dish) and calcium (up to 1.1.5 g per day).


Exercises Approaches Repetition Recreation (min)
The first day
Bench press 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Thrust rod in the slope 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Bench Press narrow grip 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Lifting the bar for biceps 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Twisting on the bench 4 20,20,20,20 A
The second day
Squats 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Lying Leg Curl 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Schrage barbell 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
Bench bar standing 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
The rise on your toes while standing 5 15,10,6,6,6 2
The third day Recreation
The fourth day
Bench press 4 15,10,10,10 A
Bench press at the inclination.bench 3 12,12,12 A
Thrust rod in the slope 4 15,10,10,10 A
Thrust downward 3 12,12,12 A
Bench Press narrow grip 4 15,10,10,10 A
Press down on the block 3 12,12,12 A
Lifting the bar for biceps 4 15,10,10,10 A
The rise on the bench Scott 3 12,12,12 A
Twisting on the bench 4 25,25,25,25 0.5
Lifting your knees in Vis 3 20,20,20 0.5
The fifth day
Squats 4 15,10,10,10 A
Leg press 3 12,12,12 A
Lying Leg Curl 4 15,10,10,10 A
Deadlift 3 12,12,12 A
Schrage barbell 4 15,10,10,10 A
Thrust to the chest while standing 3 12,12,12 A
Bench bar standing 4 15,10,10,10 A
Rise through the party 3 12,12,12 A
The rise on your toes while standing 4 15,10,10,10 A
The rise on your toes while sitting 3 12,12,12 A
The sixth day Recreation
The Seventh Day Recreation

Transitional Program of Jay Cutler

No base!

Serious training possible without the basic exercises.What is the basic exercises? In fact – this is called Compounding.or polyarticular movement.the implementation of which work several muscle groups involved.At the same time operate two or more joint.

Take for example the classical basic exercise.The motion carried in the elbow.and shoulder joints.and rises at the expense of burdening forces the chest muscles.triceps and shoulders.To a lesser extent in the work involved lats and biceps.

Perhaps the main argument of supporters of basic exercises is that.that these movements are like no other to engage the large number of muscle fibers.and therefore.better.than other traffic.contribute to the increase in muscle mass and strength.It would seem.that may oppose this murderous arguments yours truly? An there is! You probably will not once, not twice had occasion to meet people in gyms.are by day.Month after month.year after year, doing a one and the same.long and fairly ostochertevshuyu their job – coaching.composed of the basic exercises.The Achilles heel of the basic exercises – their small size.

In order to grow, the body must constantly feel stress overload.And when you ship it for a long time the same, he does not respond to the load.Worse still getting used to overload the muscles of the psyche.You simply get bored prodelyvat same.and as a result – loss of interest in training in general or overtraining.Generally overtrain.undermine its energy source.engaged in the program of basic exercises – simple.This is – cardinality of motion.those involving a huge amount of muscle work and require a lot of energy.

If you approach the problem from another perspective, it turns out that the basic moves pretty traumatic.They must be able to perform technically competent.In fact, you have no room for error – too high is the price.That's why I would not recommend to get involved in basic beginner well as older fans of fitness.

In short.Whatever else where.and leaves.basic exercises that sometimes may not be the best remedy for muscle development.especially since the problem is extreme fitness is not a set of "mass".Willy-nilly, mind begins to thrash around in search of a remedy.Thus we come to an isolation exercise.

If you do not know, I will explain.Insulating called exercises that involve the work of just one muscle group.In this case, when you do exercise itself, the motion occurs only in one joint.Take, for example, straightening the legs while sitting in the simulator.Extension is loaded accented front of the thigh (quadriceps).and movement occurs in the knee joint.When dilutions are loaded with dumbbells lying pectoral muscles, and movement occurs in the shoulder joint.It is believed.that the insulating (or they are called) exercises are not meant for recruitment of muscle mass.but rather to improve the shape of the muscles and work on the relief.However, if this were the case.then isolating exercises would have been anathema representatives of power sports.but it is well known.that they are part of the arsenal as powerlifters.and bodybuilders.not only at the stage of The bidding diet.Hence, these movements are still build muscle!

This conclusion is very important.because of serious athletes have developed a persistent belief.that isolation exercises – a pathetic parody of the real workout.pampering for the lazy.that's all.Go to any fitness facility: the majority of its inhabitants stubbornly overlaps odnosustavnye exercises.such as the reduction of arms on the block in front of chest.reduction of arms in the simulator.leg extension in the simulator and other.Given the above, we begin to understand that not everything is so simple, and glue labels – generally the last thing.

Take a simple example.Let's say that you – a rather tall man.Do you have long arms and legs, and so as not to appear lanky, you set out to build a certain number of muscles.What is the best exercise in the weight gain? That's right, sit-ups.But.poprisedav with the heavy suddenly find.that after this is done, you do not hurts quadriceps.and the lower back and glutes.How to get out of this difficult situation? The answer is simple: to include brain.You have to realize once and for have to do the wrong exercises.who make all.and those.that suits you.Take this exercise, sit-ups as a hack machine.Many fans of fitness.especially those.who likes to squat with a heavy barbell.regard it as extremely abrasive movement.and therefore if and remember him.then just before the beach season.

But if you load the hack machine decent weight.with whom you can "to failure" to do 8-12 reps.and even before this approach to perform leg extensions in the simulator.achieving pre-exhaustion of the muscles of the thigh front.we can achieve truly amazing results.With this you can avoid the negative impacts.that can occur when too close friendship with squats.I mean hypertrophied buttocks and shredded waist.

We now turn to the muscles of the chest.Almost everyone starts to work on these muscles with barbell bench press while lying.regardless of whether.Is it growing on his chest or not.But in fact.many of those.who have strong shoulders and triceps.from such therapy beams swell front deltoids and extensors of the hand.but not the chest muscles.What's the point in this much-vaunted exercise? Think about you will be much more effective.for example.breeding dumbbell lying upside down.

The same can be said of the biceps.Amateurs compete iron for this particular muscle group ratio, I would even say – the quivering.Ask any of them.What exercise is best build biceps.and you answer.that barbell curls standing.Though in fact these can bend properly load the shoulders.forearm.lower a word.anything.and at the last moment – biceps.At the same time, somehow, we forget about these great curl with a barbell and dumbbells on the desk or curl with dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench.

This list could go.Only now is it necessary? The meaning of this article is not.anathema to the basic exercises.but teach you to think and make decisions.Suits you bench press – click on health, no – look for other ways, leading to improved.Remember that the goal may be one, and how to achieve it – a lot.

Body Culture Yefim Berezner

No base!


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