The benefits of coffee.

Benefits of Coffee

Since they began studying the relationship between coffee and high blood pressure.morning cup of coffee has a bad reputation.In recent years, but studies have shown that coffee has a positive effect on the body until you start to consume it in excess of.

Joe A.Vaynson.Professor of Chemistry at the University of Scranton conducted in 2005 in a high content of antioxidants in the average of 1299 milligrams of polyphenols.that influences positively on the health of the average person.We compare these figures with the nearest source of polyphenols.namely contains about 294 milligrams.This is one of the benefits of drinking coffee in reasonable amounts.

Studies have also is good for protecting the blood-brain barrier.which protects the brain from potentially harmful elements.such as toxins.cholesterol and other.Other studies have shown that drinking coffee reduces the risk of breast cancer in women.liver cancer in men.and the risk of cardiovascular disease.With the usual coffee and decaffeinated coffee at the Harvard School of Public Health.scientists have conducted research.which states.that regular coffee consumption may reduce the risk of type II diabetes and 50%.

The relationship between coffee consumption and good health.could potentially occur due to other substances and lifestyle of participants in various studies.

How much coffee should you drink a day – question assumptions.But a team of Japanese researchers from the National Cancer Institute found.that three to four cups of coffee per day provide greater protection against liver cancer.than one or two cups.

We probably do not need to be reminded about another positive property of coffee for sports – it increases energy properties.200 gram cup of coffee contains an average of 65-95 mg of caffeine (the concentration depends on the type of coffee and method of preparation) is start training even in the days when you have low energy and no desire to exercise.

Tip – use coffee from one to four cups of coffee a day.Of course if you are sensitive to caffeine.can drink decaffeinated coffee.studies have shown.What is also great coffee supplies the body with antioxidants.So drink coffee, just do not get carried away and reduce the consumption of sugar.

Source bodybuilding portal

The benefits of coffee.

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