These mysterious Omega-3 fats

Why are they so important? Over the past ten years numerous studies have revealed beneficial effects of these fats.Initially, their value has been found in research in the field of heart.

Then they began to add up nice features like a snowball.At the same to establish.that people consume the majority of these beneficial fats unacceptably the diet of adult fat intake of omega-3 is only 50-80% of vital.It is therefore important to know what products you can find these enigmatic Omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 actually refer to fatty acids, form the basis of fat.There are several types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.Polyunsaturated acids in turn contain two distinct components: the Omega-3 and Omega-6.For a long time learning useful properties of Omega-3 has not been.since they are usually consumed in much smaller quantities.fats than omega-6.Although, as it turned out, their benefits are much more.Although these fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega-6 are essential for the life of the organism.the organism itself is unable to produce them.That is why it is necessary to consume them as food.

As soon as the omega-3 fats into the body.they are introduced directly into our cells.influencing their structure and activity.Hence, such a variety of useful properties: they improve the functioning of the heart.brain.the eyes and joints.reduce the level of bad cholesterol.These fats may have anti-inflammatory effects and are excellent antioxidants.that is, contribute to the excretion of harmful substances and free radicals.Scientific studies have proven.that omega-3 fats prevent and improve the condition of eczema.allergies.Asthma.Alzheimer's disease.depression and neurological diseases.diabetes.hyperactive children.psoriasis.Osteoporosis.arthrosis.cardiovascular well as more serious illnesses.for example.prostate cancer or breast cancer.

What you need is to get the omega-3 fats?

To balance our intake of fatty acids.must provide the body with omega-3 fats and omega-6 ratio at least 1:2 or 1:3.and it is best to use them in equal amounts.Meanwhile, the ratio in the diet of most urban dwellers, at best, looks like a worst, 1:10.In addition, fat intake in such an unfavorable ratio prevents good absorption of Omega-3.

Recommended daily intake of omega-3 fat – 1.6 grams for women and 2 grams for men.It was such a dose is needed for normal functioning of body cells.In terms of food is an art.spoon of rapeseed oil.or 1 teaspoon of flax seed.or 5-10 pieces of raw.not roasted nuts.or 70 grams of fresh salmon.or 90 grams of canned sardines.or 120 grams of canned tuna.or 3 eggs.enriched with Omega-3.Remember also that the omega-3 fats of animal origin digested worse than vegetable.

In addition, to increase your intake of omega-3 fats, you can use a few tips:

For salads, use canola, sesame, peanut or olive oil, at least.

• Regularly enter in the menu of fatty fish and bold varieties (salmon.mackerel.herring.Sardines.trout.tuna, etc..- 3-4 times a week, 100-150 g), as well as seafood and to choose fresh.rather than frozen fish.and caught in the wild.not grown in fish for the maintenance of fish omega-3 fats affect its power fish farms and fish feeds mainly on flour and mixed fodder.rather than plankton.

When smoked and salted fish loses some of the omega-3 fats, and frozen for a year – up 50%.Canned fish – is another matter.Especially as oil well protects the omega-3 fats from collapse during the canning.After eating a jar of sardines in olive oil for 2-3 days, you're almost completely provide yourself with these fats.In fish, canned in own juice or in aqueous solution, fats, Omega-3 is somewhat less.

• Try to get at the pharmacy or health food sections of flaxseed – it is extremely Omega-3 lot.His many and in linseed oil, which is much harder to find.In some countries it is prohibited for sale.since his overdose or nesvezhest lead to food poisoning.

But.If you do not like fish or do not watch their diet especially.Supplements with Omega-3 – a good alternative.
Author: Marina Al Rabac

These mysterious Omega-3 fats

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