Carbohydrate supplements

Now you're back before zarkalom.As most use the mirror as a measuring tape.checking your progress in the pursuit of this tight.muscular figure.the achievement of which you are sure.

You turn right and then vlevonapryagaya, uhvatyvayas for it to evaluate your progress.All your time and efforts in the hall, in conjunction with a strict diet, proved to be beneficial.But you're still not sure where you want to be.

"What else can I do?", You ask.You have done everything.that minimize the fat in your diet: do you prepare yourself your own food.take away from the products of all visible fat.and never use butter or whole milk.You may even have started to remove the skin from chicken breasts!

But this is not something with which it all begins…

It can not be that I did not take enough protein, "you say,.You eat good quality protein, take enough egg whites, chicken and fish.As a understand the relationship between dietary protein and muscle mass.and you follow the total number of grams of.that you eat every day.Well.But this is not something with which it all begins!

Our response to training (which the results in.What we see in the mirror) begins with a stimulus-workout: each set and each rep! But each repetition of carbohydrate feeds! No carbohydrates are meaningless exercise.muscles are empty and not just grow up!

It's so easy to catch on the amount of fat and protein.we poe' seems.forget.carbohydrates that is then.that allows us to perform these that muscle adaptation may occur after this!

"This is undoubtedly"., Said Dr. David Kostill.Director of the Laboratory Performance Rights at the University Ball Steit in Myunsi.Indiana."Carbohydrates, the most important nutrient! They allow you to constantly train hard day after day!".

REMEMBER: Your muscles pull the trigger but the gun is loaded carbohydrate.All this contributes to greater mass and a better addition.Here's how it works:

Carbohydrates to the muscles

The most widely used form of glucose is karbogndratov.which is stored in the muscles in the long.Chains.known as glycogen.If your glycogen reserves are too low before the training session or during it (if you're not eating enough karbogndratov or if you had particularly active day).Your muscles may be affected in the acute (short term).and chronic (of delayed) forms.

You see, we're pretty much used our muscle glycogen, when the train..What we see in our lab, so this is a significant reduction in muscle glycogen reserves as a result of weight training ".Says Kostill.As we continue our training sessions our muscles become more tired.energovysvobozhdayuschy as glycogen becomes "consumed".

Short-term fatigue effect of low glycogen reduces the contractile force of muscle.In other words, we become weaker, doing less reps and lift weights are generally less.This reduction in performance keeps us from achieving a level of muscle stimulation.which leads to an increase!

For a long time, lack of muscle glycogen can lead to a downward spiral of overtraining! In addition.your body is forced to use glucose for energy during training with otyagoschenpyami.If it can not remove it from the reserves of carbohydrates, it forms its stock of protein.Of course, the same protein that your body is preparing for your own muscle tissue.You become less and less.There's nothing funny there, ask any bodybuilder.who ever was on the low-carb diet!

Camaya main additive

"Emptiness".You know that feeling.Take, for example, your quadriceps workout.You feel good at first, powerful squatting in five sets.Then you go to zhimam legs, thighs, and then the traction.Oh, and thighs finished.You feel pretty wrinkled, but you need to work out another body part.This is not because your quads, now weakened, will prevent you from.This is a general feeling of fatigue, which will limit you in the course of several successive sets.Would you like to have a sense of fullness ​​a had during your first few sets of squats.

Yes, with an intelligent carbohydrate supplement you may be able to have his.Least.You can set aside or reduce as to be able to invest more effort in exploring your next body part.This means more reps.greater burden and greater muscle adaptation, this leads to increased muscle mass!

It is quite interesting.that with all these contradictions regarding protein supplements.carbohydrate drinks are so.that is effective in providing fuel for working muscles.Virtually every study.being done with solutions of carbohydrates in repetitive actions.demonstrated a positive effect.carbohydrate supplement works! Yet few bodybuilders use this information to better and more effective workout.


Carbohydrate supplements are solutions.which are designed to maintain blood glucose that your glycogen levels did not have to fall too low to meet the energy needs of your muscles.The following instructions assume carbohydrate supplement.that you are training hard for a minimum of OH minutes.Here's what you need to know about these carbohydrate drinks:

1), commercially available mass of different types of drinks karbogpdratnyh.Of course, those that contain glucose polymers, are the best.These glucose polymers provide large amounts of carbohydrates available at a lower osmotic activity.Since the osmotic activity may interfere in the absorption.-These polymers will provide you with a higher concentration of glucose in the blood.when you need it;

2) You are solely responsible start drinking your carbohydrate drink within 10 minutes of your first set.If you drink it too early (more than 30 minutes or so before training).your body will react to an increase in insulin levels.When you start to exercise and your muscles, and insulin will remove glucose from your blood.Little time is needed to achieve the hypoglycemic condition.Nothing good.Release of insulin.of course.blocked during that a good start to drink your carbohydrate drink right before exercise;

3) Your drink will be absorbed better.when it is cooled to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit (about 5 degrees Celsius);

4) In addition, your gastrointestinal tract can not absorb more than 50-75 g of glucose per hour.Overturning a full bottle at once will cause colic, as well as nausea;

5) You need to drink in small sips one half of a standard 16-ounce bottles in the first hour of your workout and training (of course.You should always drink water.when you exercise).Then mix the remaining half-bottle of water and drink it in the next hour.

If you've never tried carbohydrate drinks, try their.You'll have more energy during your workout.that would result in only more significant additions! You will understand that.that researchers had long known: carbohydrate drinks work! It is a fact.which can be as new.muscular figure in your mirror.

Bob Lpfeypi

Carbohydrate supplements

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