11 Mistakes power

1) Do not eat fat and RAZZHIREESH

If kachok gets out of his daily food menu more calories.What "burns" in training.it must be overgrown with fat.Even if the amount of fat in his diet will be zero.The fact.that other macro-nutrition – carbohydrates and proteins – have tragic for our brother, the ability of a bodybuilder.

They engineered a body only in proportion to needs, and all superfluous "converted" into the subcutaneous fat.As for carbohydrates (potatoes.cereal.Sweets.pasta and flour products).the commandment is all this stuff less.Every bodybuilder knows almost from the cradle.But with the protein is not.Many safely "loaded" into a protein in the "bomb" doses.because it is considered.that's how you can stimulate the growth of mass.Meanwhile, the body can absorb the maximum of well 30-40 grams of protein at a time.And no amount of steroids will not help here.Excess protein must zalyagut under the skin in the form of fat.The longer the "experience" robin with a protein, the more difficult to deal with them.If you go back to fats, they are only good in moderation.The general rule is: 15-20% of total daily calories.In this case, you not only zaplyvete fat, but keep heart healthy.


.But other fats are vital.For example, essential fatty acids that are found in vegetable oil.The body can not produce their own.In the meantime, these fat – "building material" for the anabolic hormones testosterone the same.In addition,.without fat metabolism is disturbed.which in practice means a complete stop "melting" of fat under the influence of training.Here is the paradox: in order to burn fat.Need … fat! The best sources of healthy fats – flaxseed oil and fatty acids omega-3 (contained in fish).Healthy fats are essential to maintaining a high immunity."Deleting" them from the diet, you also deal a blow to your health!


In actual fact, muscle is built from protein.And carbohydrates – the fuel that provides energy for intense workouts, designed to increase mass.How much do you need carbohydrates? About 4-5 grams per kilogram of body weight daily.No more and no less.It will be enough to ensure a high tone muscle and fast recovery.

4) I am amateur, but WHY I DO NOT NEED A PROTEIN

This phrase can be heard from those.who goes to the gym but then.to make the muscles more elastic and visible.And not like Arnold or Dorian Yates.It would seem like the guys protein supplements really do not need.But only at first glance.In any case, the muscle should grow – grow in volume.Well, muscle growth is impossible in principle.if a day per kilogram of the athlete's own weight has less than 2 grams of protein.The problem is.proteins that the body desperately needs for his own life.- For example.hematopoiesis, and hormone synthesis."Nedodadite" eating protein the body – and it will consume your muscle tissue as."Vyluschivaya" from its amino acid protein.What here the gains! The conclusion is that for any type of training, keep the protein in the focus!

5) I eat three times a day AND THIS enough for me

Not so! It is impossible to "cram" all necessary nutrients in three meals.We get downright elephantine portions! But even if you can swallow them, two problems arise.First, large portions of poorly absorbed.In practice this means that in.On some of the food lacks the gastric juice, bile and digestive enzymes, and the rest – no.As a result, surpluses become foul right in your gut.Hence, increasing gas production and symptoms of poisoning food poisons: lethargy and weakness.A second.if there are long hours and rarely."Extra" fats.carbohydrates and proteins have to be "rewarded" you solid fat deposits.Breakfast, lunch and dinner – a tradition based on the social order and fitted a working day.But not all traditions worth observe.For health and optimal absorption of nutrients is much more useful than 5-6 times a day in small portions.

6) To lose weight, eat less NEED

"Hungry" diet to help lose weight just for a while.At the same time with the fat you lose muscle inevitably.In addition, receive less calories your body goes to economy.Well, it means slowing down of all biological processes, including the burning of fat.Hence, a typical effect of starvation diets: first, the weight falls, but then firmly stabilized.In order to secure progress in the dropping of the subcutaneous layers.necessarily need to "connect" to the diet, training with weights.It in itself spur metabolism, and thus will not fade away the process of "burning" of fat.The second condition: aerobics.It accelerates with a guarantee of "melting" of fat.

7) Today overeaten, TOMORROW starve – and everything is normal

Eat at a festive table weekly calories – this is certainly a sin for a bodybuilder.But "to atone for" the next day his hunger strikes there is no sense.Low-calorie diet (even just a day) is necessarily slow down the metabolism.so.you are depriving yourself of energy.required for heavy training.So, if you allowed yourself to Liska, do not rush to the other extreme.Just go back to their normal diet.

8) IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS FORM, skip breakfast

On the morning of the metabolic rate is the highest.This means that the risk is minimal fat.During the day the exchange is slowed down gradually, and by midnight, reaches its lowest point.So it turns out that the evening meal most "dangerous".Meanwhile.many pitching muscles to leave out of fear for the whole night without nutrient material deliberately gorge just before bedtime.This is a mistake! Such tactics lead to obesity and only.Due to the low efficiency of digestion in the evening to eat and not so much.But then one must have the will to stand up to an hour or two in the morning and pour yourself a protein shake.That's when you catabolism night, certainly not threatening! As for breakfast.then for a bodybuilder is the most crucial meal.In the morning the body metabolizes carbohydrates better (to replenish glycogen) and protein (for muscle-building).

9) Chicken better than any other

No, not so.Sirloin.back and fillet contain as little fat.like a chicken without skin.but they are much more iron and vitamin B.Anyway.you need to know.any meat that is easily converted into the "wrong".If frying in butter and fatty sauces water.It is best to bake the meat on the grill or in the oven with lemon and herb seasoning.

10) IF YOU WANT TO BE Slim – Do not eat flour, potatoes and porridge!

It turns out that all the carbohydrates you should only get from fruits, vegetables and milk.But how then would have to eat and drink! If we confine ourselves to feasible portions.then you simply will not have enough calories.But the lack of calories.is known.leads to a general slowing of metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels.A drop in blood sugar, in turn, provokes the breakdown of muscle tissue.So, it is impossible to give up t.n.starch carbohydrates.They are the best sources – potatoes, pasta, whole grains, brown rice and oatmeal.And do not forget – the day you should receive 4.6 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.

11) There's nothing better JUICE

Indeed, in the juices rich in vitamins, but in addition, and a lot of calories.With a glass of apple or grape juice we "pour" a nearly 200 calories – the same is contained in a pair of apples or one large potato.But in the digestion of fruit and potato leaves much more time.The juice, by contrast, is too rapidly absorbed, which leads to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.Following this, usually followed by a powerful release of the hormone insulin.In principle,.He is responsible for the absorption of sugar by muscles.but in addition, and stores carbohydrates in store under the skin in the form of fat.It is clear.with time.if abused juice.abnormally high insulin secretion is sure to cause fouling fat.In addition, insulin provokes a strong appetite.And it ends with chronic overeating, and the same body fat.After training a good substitute for the juice to be a plate of rice.oatmeal or.that much better.legumes (beans.peas.beans).But plain water will satisfy thirst.

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11 Mistakes power

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