Almost all of the creatine

Creatine is one of the most important discoveries made in recent years in the field of specialized nutrition.This is confirmed by numerous independent research.As a result, their overall conclusion was – Creatine is a great food additive for the ambitious athlete.

This substance plays a key role in energy production and muscular contractions.At present, athletes systematically use creatine as a food improve athletic performance and increase the intensity of training programs.Here are just some of the fantastically useful.According to the of creatine: more powerful muscle contractions.increase the explosive force.more rapid recovery of muscles.less fatigue.enhanced weight gain and an increase in muscle volume.

Creatine in sports nutrition

Until the early 90s know nothing about the use of creatine by athletes.Bright winning British athletes (A.Christie, C.Gannel, K.Jackson) at the Olympic Games 1992 in Barcelona, ​​many connected with the latest developments of British experts in the use of special products creatine in sports nutrition (the so-called "loading creatine".cm.below).

Beginning with the 1992-1993.Among the latest sports nutrition is not a popular nutritional supplement than creatine.Suffice it to say.chtogodovye sales over the past five years, only creatine monohydrate dostitigayut 160 million.USD (not including extremely expensive fokreatina) In fact, from this time and the triumphal procession of creatine across countries and continents in a variety of sports.

Polls.carried out by manufacturers.have shown.that three of the four winners of the Summer Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta used creatine in their preparation.

It is important to note.that creatine is not doping.because in principle impossible to distinguish the source of this substance in the body – food or a synthetic product.So.despite all the regret of the International Olympic Committee.Creatine is legally permissible means to improve performance of athletes.the more.that no serious violations is not taking this matter, even in very large doses.

A little history

Creatine was discovered in 1832 by French scientist Chevreul (Chevreui).and from the very beginning of opening it literally fascinated scientists because of its important role in metabolism in skeletal muscle.

After the discovery of creatine Chevreul in 1832.another scientist – Liberg (Lieberg).- Confirmed.that creatine – a normal component of mammalian flesh.Around the same time, researchers Heinz (Heintz) and Pettenkofer (Pettenkofer) found in the urine of a substance.called "creatinine".

They suggested that creatinine is formed from the accumulated in the muscle creatine.Already in the early 20th century, scientists conducted a series of studies of creatine as a supplement to the diet.It was found that not all creatine, taken orally, appears in the urine.This indicated that some creatine remains in the body.Researchers Folin (Folin) and Dennis (Denis) in 1912 and 1914, respectively, determined.The addition of creatine in the diet increased the content of creatine in muscle cells.In 1923, Hahn (Hahn) and Meyer (Meyer) calculated the total amount of creatine in the male.weighing 70 kg.which turned out to be about 140 grams.Already in 1926, was experimentally proven.that the introduction of creatine in the body stimulates the growth of body weight.causing nitrogen retention in the body.In 1927, researchers Fiske (Fiske) and Sabbarou (Subbarow) found "phosphocreatine".which is a chemically related molecule creatine phosphate and.accumulated in muscle tissue.Free forms of creatine and phosphocreatine as key phosphorylated intermediates of metabolism in skeletal muscle.It has been determined.that phosphocreatine stores in muscle tissue can be increased by more than 20% by food fortification with creatine.After this, creatine for years had been forgotten.and strength training surfaced a couple of years ago through the efforts of well-known expert on steroids, Bill Phillips (William Nathaniel Phillips) and his firm's Experimental and Applied Sciences.

Beginning with the 1992-1993.Among the latest sports nutrition is not a popular nutritional supplement than creatine.Suffice it to say.chtogodovye sales over the past five years, only creatine monohydrate dostitigayut 160 million.USD (not including extremely expensive fokreatina) Polls.carried out by manufacturers.have shown.that three of the four winners of the Summer Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta used creatine in their preparation.

Who needs a creatine?

The main value of creatine.apparently.associated with increased short-term athletic performance.for the women's sprint.cycling sprint.Power sports and weightlifting.Creatine is suitable for sports in which you need to make jumps, speed up or finishing spurts.In a phase leap intensity of the load is so high.that during his creatine (phosphocreatine) is also used as an energy source.Supplement nutrition creatine athletes can also benefit.when high-intensity exercise alternated with lower intensity exercise or rest m.For team sports.such as well as martial arts.Tennis.Athletics and sprint races are also characterized by short explosive muscular contractions.followed by brief periods of rest or recovery periods.

Nutrition creatine supplement can help the athlete to train harder for longer periods of time.In turn, the increased intensity of training, the muscles generate more rapid muscle growth and strength.For a study conducted among fans of the "Iron Sport" by Ernest Conrad (Conrad Earnest) and his colleagues at Southwestern Medical Center and Clinic in Dallas Cooper.Texas.athletes in just one month.Taking extra creatine.increased lean body mass on average by 1.6 pounds.

Most studies have used doses of 20-25 g.It appears that creatine helps to maintain a high level of rapid supply of energy of the body.It also prevents the increase in ammonia content in blood plasma.which would otherwise slow down the physical activity.

There is no evidence that creatine enhances our long-term endurance.

According to observations by a Swedish physiologist, still allows weightlifters to seek to increase muscle mass by 2.1 (or more) kg.Practical pyty showed that increasing the total pool of creatine can increase body weight.Many athletes, supplementing the diet with creatine, marked increase in water retention in muscle cells.This increases the cell volume.Muscle tension, the so-called muscle tone, improves muscle and better train.Power sports athlete weighing 75 kg can increase your weight by 2-4 kg.After the cessation of creatine supplementation.weight gain decreases again.due to increased allocation of water.However, due to better performance during exercise, part of the real growth of muscle mass is.At the same time in the power sports marked improvement "of spring" properties of muscles and their ability to overcome great virtue of this complication!

Since vegetarians do not eat meat.employee's main source of creatine.then it is especially recommended for supplementation of creatine.

Sporsmenam.involved in sports.where endurance plays an important role sportsmen which the weight plays an important role.should take into account weight gain when using creatine.

Biochemistry and Physiology

Creatine – is an indispensable.natural natural substance (methyl-guanido acetic acid).contained in the muscles of humans and animals and is required for energy metabolism.muscle movement and the human condition.In humans, there are about 100 -140 grams of the substance, which acts as an energy source for muscle.Daily consumption of creatine in normal conditions is approximately 2 g.Creatine is also important to life as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.Without creatine people and animals could not live.Creatine deficiency is associated with certain physical and muscular disorders.The human body synthesizes creatine from 3 amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine.These amino acids – components of the protein.In humans, enzymes involved in synthesis of creatine, localized in the liver, pancreas and kidneys.Creatine can be made in any of these bodies and then transported by blood to the muscles.Approximately 95% of the total pool of creatine is stored in the tissues of the skeletal muscles.The remaining 5% are found in heart, brain and testes.Shared pool (stock) of creatine in humans consists of creatine in the free form and in the form of phosphocreatine.In skeletal muscle tissue phosphocreatine two-thirds of the total pool of creatine.and the rest is represented by the free forms of creatine.In the absence of exogenous (derived from the diet), creatine excretion rate it in the form of creatinine in humans is about 1.6% per day. a bodyweight of 70 kg and the total creatine pool of 140 g.the person will lose approximately 2 grams of creatine per day during normal everyday activities.With an increase in physical activity also increases the turnover of creatine.and its supply must be replenished through diet or through the body's own natural production.Dietary creatine is mostly found in meat, fish and other animal products.Plants contain only trace amounts of.The average daily diet of meat and vegetables contains about 1 gram of creatine.Since the daily requirement of creatine can only partially met through diet.the rest had to synthesize the body itself.The resulting creatine enters the bloodstream into muscle.where under influence of the enzyme creatine kinase creatine is converted to.Creatine phosphate accumulates in the cell as a source of chemical energy for adenosine triphosphate (ATP).After removal of phosphate creatine turns into creatinine which slag as shown by the kidneys.

But.daily requirement of creatine vegetarian can be covered only by endogenous (flowing inside the body) synthesis.and this number is sometimes simply starved.

Here are the approximate level of creatine in the product (in grams of creatine per 1000 grams of food source): Shrimp – traces.cod – 3.herring – 6.5.10.Salmon – 4.5.Tuna – 4.beef – 4.5.pork – 5.milk – 0.A.Cranberries – 0.02.Now you can draw a conclusion.that for the synthesis of creatine and get it from food animals are important food sources.

How Does Creatine? Useful practical properties of creatine monohydrate decisive factor for achieving high performance in sport is the body's ability to release large amounts of energy over a short period of time.In principle, our body constantly receives energy by splitting carbohydrates and fat.

The immediate source of energy for the same reduction in skeletal muscle is a molecule.called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).Amount of ATP available in the immediate and is crucial for sports activities.

All sources of fuel – carbohydrates.fats and protein – are first converted through various chemical reactions in the ATP.which then becomes available as a single molecule.which the body uses for energy.Everything must first be converted into ATP before it can be used as fuel.ATP – a simple matter, consisting of one molecule of adenosine and three phosphate molecules.When ATP releases energy.fuel to fuel muscle contraction.phosphate group is cleaved.and form a new molecule.calling ADP (adenosine diphosphate).This reaction is reversible at the expense of phosphocreatine, an energy-rich substances.

Creatine combines with phosphate in the form phosphocreatine.which is the determining factor in energy production in muscle tissue.Phosphocreatine supplies the phosphate group of the substance again in a molecule of ATP and thus making it once again ready to release energy.that allows the fuel to feed the continuous muscle contraction.ATP – energogonesuschy substrate is present in muscle, while phosphocreatine – a precursor of ATP.By reatin free-form stored in the working muscles and then re-phosphorylated.transformed into phosphocreatine.

During high-intensity exercise requirement of ATP in the working muscles increases significantly – hundreds of times higher than its resting.During the first 10 seconds of exercise.which uses the maximum load of one to six repetitions.muscle work going on in fosfagennom range, that is, they use stored ATP and phosphocreatine for energy.High intensity exercise can totally deplete phosphocreatine stores within 10 seconds.Depletion of ATP and phosphocreatine must be constantly replenished in order.that muscle contraction could continue at peak levels of frequency and intensity.By increasing phosphocreatine through creatine monohydrate taking.You can increase your ATP and, thus, the number of repetitions in each exercise.

In addition, users of creatine usually feel dramatic results within only seven days.Frequent addition of lean body mass from 2 to 5 kg.Such progress is consonant with some of the headlines of advertising supplements.but such statements can be confirmed by actually.Recent experiments confirm.that creatine monohydrate can increase the second maximum in the bench press at 10kg.improve sprinting ability and help to increase from 2 to 5 kg dry muscle in less than 30 days.

Not only that creatine increases strength, speed and volume, but it also improves the appearance of muscle.Creatine monohydrate is associated with water, as it is absorbed into the muscle cells.As more creatine is stored, more water is drawn into the muscle cell.This explains the hydrating effect of creatine on muscle cell.which consists of approximately 75 percent of the water.Bodybuilders notice: a well hydrated muscle looks more complete.rounder and more inflated.And more importantly – desirable side effects of creatine backed by its proven safety.

Effects of creatine

The trouble many athletes.colliding with another novelty products on the market – is the lack of scientifically validated information and evidence-based recommendations.In his sincere desire to improve training such consumers can easily become victims of misleading advertising.which each year produces new products, "hits".As a one-day butterflies, these products Dummy soon disappear from the arsenal of athletes.leaving him in a bitter loss (mainly.because of his downright infantile credulity).Recall, vanadium, chromium picolinate, and many other "miracle" supplements.Not so this is the case with creatine.The history of scientific study of the natural substrate has many decades of.accumulated a large pot of serious information on the subject.Briefly summarizing the collected data, we can conclude the following:

food supplement creatine has a positive effect on reducing total plasma cholesterol.triglycerides and VLDL (protection of the cardiovascular system);

creatine may have anti-inflammatory effect in acute inflammation.local irritation and inflammation of chronic conditions (eg.arthritis);

system of creatine / phosphocreatine exerts a protective effect on the central nervous system during ischemia and hypoxic conditions (oxygen deficiency);

food supplement creatine is used to treat diseases.that cause muscle atrophy.depletion of creatine and neuromuscular disorders;

Creatine is investigated in the direction of the possible beneficial properties for suppressing the growth of certain types of tumors in mammals.Some studies suggest.that creatine.possibly.has a certain anti-cancer activity.;

food supplement creatine has a positive effect on athletic performance vegetarians;

with chronic heart failure cardiac creatine levels decreased, food supplement creatine in patients with such symptoms increases the number of energy-rich phosphocreatine in skeletal muscle and.therefore.performance in terms of strength and endurance.In fifty patients.underwent surgery to replace a heart valve.Creatine supplementation reduced the arrhythmia in 75%.People.suffering from chronic heart failure.also used this nutrient in doses of 20 grams per day to improve their ability to physical activity.

reception of a powder or capsules creatine monohydrate at a dose of about 20 g / day leads to an increase in phosphocreatine in the muscles and increase the performance of explosive strength (power-speed).

reception of pure creatine increases the weight by increasing muscle mass indices kaliperometricheskih.(The question of a parallel decrease in fat mass under the action of creatine is not resolved to date.);

creatine phosphate very poorly absorbed in the stomach.The introduction of phosphocreatine in the blood (in the form of the popular sport of the drug "Neoton") helps to improve and restore the contractile function of cardiac muscle.but in fact has little effect on the growth of muscle mass.The fact.because of the exceptionally high sales price Neotona (about 12-17 U.S. dollars per 1 g) fails to produce a full load of muscle creatine;

the most effective method is the use of so-called creatine loading week – 20-30 g / day.divided into 4-6 receptions after eating.Maintenance dose after loading can be reduced to 2-5 g / day;

complexes of creatine monohydrate protein (drug "Fosfogen"), or B vitamins do not have any significant benefit compared with preparations of pure creatine monohydrate;

no side harmful effects from taking sverhfiziologicheskih (t.e.more than 2 g / day) doses of creatine monohydrate is not found.

Safety Factor

Creatine – natural metabolite excreted daily by renal filtration.Numerous scientific experiments have shown its safety, even at high dosages.The British study.conducted by University of Nottingham Medical School.found.that subjects.consume as much as 20 grams of creatine monohydrate daily for five days and after that five grams of creatine daily for six weeks of continuous.showed no adverse effects.The researchers concluded.that "food fortification sharp creatine monohydrate does not present any obvious risk to the health of young adults".

Yet.better to start the program supplement creatine supply from the lower doses and monitor performance improvement.Keep in mind that more – not necessarily better.If creatine is too much, it will simply be excreted in the urine.

Creatine can be regarded as safe until the addition of pure and free from impurities.Various varieties of it are currently available in the market, but some have very poor quality.Creatine is of poor quality will not give the same beneficial properties as pure creatine monohydrate.In fact.if it is replaced with cheap fillers or contaminated by impurities.increases the likelihood of ill health.Creatine – a white crystalline powder, which has no taste.If your creatine has a bad odor or yellowish color, beware!

When buying creatine, stick with companies that guarantee the quality of.If you have a guarantee of high-quality creatine and normally functioning kidneys.toxicity is highly unlikely.even when taking from 15 to 3 0 grams per day.which is a common loading dose.If you notice anything that goes beyond the norm, simply reduce the dosage.

Despite the absence of any contra-.Many researchers do not recommend taking his teens.

Dosage / download

The practice has developed two approaches to nutrition supplement creatine.The first – and supports the boot phase.The initial loading phase – 4 to 6 doses of 5 grams each for 3 days -9 – contributes to a significant increase in the total pool of creatine.But the experiments also showed that there is an upper limit of creatine that can be stored in the muscle.One recent experiment showed.that after 6 days of creatine in the destination number 0.3 grams per day per kilogram of body weight the maximum total creatine level was maintained during the subsequent 4-week period of dose.component of total 0.03 grams per day per kilogram of body weight.

For 70 kg.injecting a dose of 0.3 g per day per kg (21 g of creatine monohydrate) for six days.and then takes all 0.03 g per day per kilogram of body weight (2.1 g of creatine monohydrate) for 4 weeks.can support a maximum total creatine levels in muscle tissue.

Today, a rule.take creatine monohydrate.mixing five grams (or one rounded teaspoon) in a glass of juice.To saturate the muscles with creatine.during the first day's run, many so-called boot phase.taking five grams four times a day for five to nine days.After the loading phase, they reduce the dose to five grams per day.The maximum level of creatine in muscle can be maintained for months just five grams per day.Receiving more than 15 – 3 0 grams per day does not increase the useful properties of creatine.Muscle tissue can hold only about five grams of creatine per kilogram of body weight.The normal level of creatine in muscle nefortifitsirovannoy – from 3.5 to 4.0 grams per kilogram of body weight.Until recently, the method of loading.described above.was the most common way to enjoy the effects of creatine.

In understand.that the addition of creatine supply – is only part of the treatment sessions and meals.not a replacement for proper training and healthy dietary habits.Note also.that.although some experiments used a dose of 30 g per day.the body has limited ability to store creatine in muscle tissue.Therefore, the initial loading phase is used fill the pool of creatine.followed by a maintenance replenish expended during exercise creatine.Athletes of primary and secondary level may after 2 – 5 weeks of taking a break for about 2 to 4 weeks.that the body can brush up on your ability to synthesize creatine and again gratefully took him an extra reception.For experienced athletes the competitive level often recommend tsya as follows: 20 to 30 grams a day for 3 days -9.8.2 grams per day for the next 2-8 weeks.followed by 2-4 weeks without food supplements.then the cycle repeats again.Exceed the recommended dosage should not be.

Another approach – an exception loading phase.At the same time an athlete can take relatively low doses.let us say.about 2 -8 g per day.and within 3-4 weeks, the body goes to the maximum level of creatine in the muscles.Although.that the scientist is not yet clear mechanism for this effect.Creatine intake was higher than the trained muscle.than untrained.that is, a trained muscle has a greater potential for the consumption of creatine.than untrained.Intake of creatine can also be increased when it is taken with a carbohydrate solution.Increase in blood glucose levels cause an insulin reaction.which increases the glucose uptake of muscle tissue.The increased release of insulin may also increase the consumption of creatine muscle tissue in parallel with glucose.All this, of course, immediately be picked up and taken into service power athletes.Food Supplement Creatine enhances the ability to maintain operating capacity during periods of repeated high-intensity training.Athletes in virtually every sport, reported an improvement in athletic performance.

Almost all of the creatine

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