Carbohydrate loading

Immediately after your workout along with the restoration of the water balance of the body is important to restore the glycogen reserves are wasted.After training, the overall energy balance is not reduced.Its main source of carbohydrates are.If they were not enough, the organism switches to other energy sources.They are often the muscle proteins.It is therefore important to immediately compensate for energy expenditure immediately after the load.

The phenomenon of "carbohydrate window, just based on the.that after prolonged exercise glycogen in the muscles recover quickly if.when the supply of carbohydrate significantly reduced.This state is short-lived hour or slightly more than.Intake of carbohydrates immediately after training also assists in the overall recovery of the body.So.within half an hour after a long workout should eat foods.carbohydrate-rich.

Researchers recommend immediately after training to take from 0.7 to 1.5 carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.but for the most rapid recovery within a day it takes about 8-10 g of carbohydrate per kilogram.One of the conditions for successful carbohydrate loading muscle after exercise is the lack of muscle damage after exercise.

Scientific rationale for these recommendations due to the fact.that glycogen synthesis is most intense during the first 30-50 minutes after exercise.Given the fact.that glycogen is deposited not only in the muscles.but also in the liver.receiving shock volumes of carbohydrates after exercise is very important.Experts recommend different composites of carbohydrates with other nutritional supplements.

Studies show that a combination of carbohydrates with protein supplements are most effective.The mechanism of this effect, according to Dr. J.Brannon.due to the fact.that carbohydrates are the most powerful stimulator of insulin secretion.produced by the pancreas.In turn, insulin is involved in triggering mechanisms of glycogen synthesis.Besides carbohydrates – is the raw material for the synthesis of glycogen.It should be added.that individual amino acids.taken in addition to carbohydrates to fill the windows of the carbohydrate.also stimulate the production of insulin.

Such effects have, in particular, leucine.The conclusion is clear: immediately after exercise, take carbohydrates in combination with amino acids.In this section we shall deal with the problems of carbohydrate loading to product use.are routinely used in food products.taken daily.and.first.bread and pasta.- A source of easily digestible complex carbohydrates.which are used to restore the glycogen.One way out of position.when an athlete for whatever reason have not taken special dietary carbohydrate and protein supplement after a eating food with complex carbohydrates such as pasta and meat protein in the form of.

And with it for a while there was a problem: experts, nutritionists say.that contained in this combination product may reduce the rate of fat synthesis of glycogen.As it turned out, these fears proved groundless.After practical tests in comparative studies with different combinations of food was.that fats do not affect the synthesis of glycogen.So welcome after a workout carbohydrate and protein foods can replace the use of special additives.

Although this issue is still much uncertainty.and supplements effective carbohydrates and free amino acids legkousvaemymi has still more effective action on the regenerative processes.However, in our case, the use of post-workout meals with a carbohydrate side dish should be more or less accurately calculate the amount of carbohydrates.This is important combination with meat products mainly carbohydrate last eaten a few smaller quantities.So in download the necessary amount of carbohydrates (and your need for them can be up to 10 g per kilogram of weight).clearly calculate the calories and the content of carbohydrates.Use these objectives various tables.which can be found in the popular press on nutrition Athlete.

To quickly restore glycogen appropriate use of carbohydrates with a high or middle rate of assimilation.Such lists of products.compiled by makes sense to have on hand plan your diet.Recommendations of experts in the field of sports nutrition can be reduced to increase the proportion of carbohydrates in the foods consumed.It is preferable to the use of sugar and in sugar.for rapid recovery and saturation-carbohydrate.At high energy well as before training and competitions is recommended to choose foods low in fiber and high in carbohydrates.

Effective food security for sports are legumes.Dorian Yates – Mr. "Olympia" of 1992-1995.- Recommends for muscle mass.compliance with basic rules of nutrition: the use of portions 5 times a day b 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.The percentage of fat is limited to 15%.The carbohydrate components of food is recommended to obtain from complex carbohydrates – rice.pasta.oatmeal and bread and fruit.Amino acid supplementation with branched side chains should be taken immediately following a workout with plenty of water.Of course, we should not forget multivitamins and trace elements.But more on that later.The benefits of filling the windows of carbohydrate after exercise evidenced by scientific evidence.Doctor.Roy in collaboration with scientists at Washington University and Makmasterskogo reported on the effect of glucose.applied after exercise.on protein synthesis in muscle.The study involved eight volunteers.In one case, the subjects took the carbohydrates in an amount of 1 gram per kilogram of body weight in time and 1 hour after exercise.Carbohydrate intake caused a significant increase in the levels of glucose and insulin for 2 hours after exercise.Subjects.treated with glucose after exercise.protein synthesis in muscle, on average increased by 33.7% and only 2.2% – in the control group.Carbohydrate loading significantly reduced the level of 3-metilgistidina in urine.that is a testament to reduce the destruction of the myofibrillar proteins.These studies have convincingly demonstrated the positive effect of glucose on protein synthesis.

Japanese scientists from the pharmaceutical company "Otsuka" led by Dr. T.Doi conducted studies to determine the effect of amino acids in combination with carbohydrates on the course of the recovery processes in the body after physical exertion.The experiments were performed on dogs, who performed a running load on the treadmill for 2.5 hours.Immediately after exercise within 4 hours of rest the animals were administered a set of amino acids or amino acids in combination with carbohydrates.As shown by the data.combination of amino acid and carbohydrate supplementation in "filling in" carbohydrate window was better than taking only glucose.In this study, at 3 to 4 o'clock in the recreation level of some metabolites.testifying nedovosstanovlenii body in the urine.animals was lower.and glucose and insulin levels higher in the carbohydrate-amino acid infusions.that speaks to their greater efficiency in stimulating recovery processes after exercise.Many athletes know about carbohydrate window, trying to limit carbs to boot.However, this is not always justified.Not all carbohydrates.taken immediately after exercise.used to synthesize liver glycogen and muscle.Here, apparently, there is no direct relationship.

Mechanism of the effect of carbohydrates on glycogen synthesis is associated with increased insulin secretion.It is believed.that carbohydrate intake over a.5 g per kilogram of body weight does not lead to additional gain in insulin production.Is an effective method of carbohydrate-protein mixture, as mentioned above.When symptoms lack of carbohydrates in the body – the hypoglycemic syndrome – carbohydrate intake (up to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight) and protein (not less than 30-50 g) should be repeated.This must be done in about two hours after the first boot after training.Such a regimen of carbohydrates and proteins alter the hormonal balance in favor of anabolic hormones.according to experts.Dr. E.Nizhs colleagues investigated the occurrence of reduction processes in the volunteers after ingestion of carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein mixtures.10 volunteers took after loading nalitki.containing 152.7 of carbohydrates.or 112 tons of carbs and 40.7 g protein.In this experiment, it was found.that the combination of carbohydrates and proteins have a greater effect for the occurrence of recovery processes. achieve high performance in sport athlete must be a full recovery after each training load.This principle also requires super compensation, which is the basis of adaptation to exercise."Loading" window after a workout carbohydrate blend of carbohydrates and proteins designed to facilitate this.carbohydrate-protein diet with special mixtures immediately after exercise promotes the speedy restoration of body.

Carbohydrate loading

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