Anabolic effect of amino acid supplements

It is known that intensive training regimes require significant energy cost.In those cases.when the energy requirements of the systems of the body during exercise above the existing glycolytic energy new sources can be used as fat.and proteins.including proteins and muscle tissue.Catabolic processes in muscle tissue significantly reduces the effect of training sessions and may be the reason for the high injury.

Many athletes seeking to improve the anabolic processes in your body use all kinds of available and unavailable funds.Among the banned and would like to be considered inaccessible resources include steroids.Athletes who use anabolic steroids, it's hard to convince that there is an alternative.In most cases, given the fashion.traditions of the recent period of.when athletes could almost legally take steroids and just before the most responsible course of anabolic steroids stop competition.Alternatively, while unconvincing sound and the claims of scientists.amino acid complexes that reach 60 – 80% efficiency of anabolic steroids.But at the amino acid supplements, there is also the advantage addition to safety (although overdose is undesirable), and moral purity in their admission.they have the effect of "the accumulation of".Prolonged use of amino acids.according to some experts is possible to observe the action of anabolic processes in the body, which is higher than that of steroids.Therefore, many athletes use protein and amino acid load to increase protein synthesis in the body and increase the speed of the recovery processes.

Apart from pure amino acids in sports used different protein supplements.Very popular in sports POWER protein supplements used in the form of pure beef.plant.egg.milk-egg of the 90% soy.Hydrolyzed protein.Produced by different firms.specializing in the manufacture of food supplements for athletes.Protein complexes are also popular-power.action which is aimed at stimulating growth hormone production and energy support while training in security types.Recent scientific findings support the assumption that.that amino acids have a pronounced anabolic effect.Increased amino acid levels in the blood by intravenous a rule.does not alter glucose.lactate and growth hormone.However, according to Dr F.Hatfield, many amino acids are potent activators of the release of growth hormone.In this role claimed by 3 – and 4-degidroksifenilalalin and 5-hydroxytryptophan.Other amino acids.for example.arginine.histidine.lysine.ornithine.cysteine ​​and tryptophan.also have an anabolic effect with less pronounced side effects.

Amino acids as stimulants of metabolic processes in the body have their appointment.Their function – a material or building blocks for muscle and other tissues.Scientists believe the most important link in the amino acid chain of physiological.which is associated with anabolic processes and growth of muscle.So.Amino acid supplements are extremely important in the recovery of micro muscle tissue after intense exercise.

As a rule, the anabolic processes in the body associated with growth hormone.Indeed the level of growth hormone affects the natural anabolic.Researchers are wondering about the effectiveness of dietary amino acid supplements in regard to their effect on growth hormone levels.Theory may remain just a theory.unless it is proved that the amino acids is almost really able to increase the level of this hormone in the blood.What are the scientific data? Unfortunately.Researchers from the University of Houston have not yet received encouraging results.The effect of increasing the level of growth hormone when taking amino acids L-arginila and L-lysine was not prolonged.Long-term necessary to enhance anabolic processes in the body were recorded.However, one negative example, it is not a tragedy.Athletes purely subjective feeling benefits from the application of amino acid supplements.Also may be hidden effects of free amino acids.

Specialists, such as the already mentioned M.Colgan.consider.that the free supply of amino acids in muscle tissue is represented by more than half of the glutamine th.The role of this amino acid in the process of adaptation to exercise in more detail below.However, here we mention the most important property of a glutamine – its involvement in the removal of products of nitrogen metabolism of muscle.The second abundant amino acid.occupies one-tenth of the total number of amino alanine.

It is important to maintain a level of amino acids in the blood.An important role in this is the liver.However, apart from the body concentration of amino acids in the bloodstream is controlled by several hormones.These are such as insulin, glucagon, and glucocorticoids.And the very changes in the level of amino acids in the blood stimulates the production of certain hormones.For example.established.that insulin production is stimulated by entering the bloodstream branched chain amino acids.and glucagon-essential amino acids.t.e.those that can be synthesized in the body.So we can confidently assert.essential amino acids that take part in the regulation of protein synthesis, not only being a building material.but also run some hormonal reactions.

Reduce the catabolic destruction of muscle protein after a workout can be achieved by taking a protein supplement.Popular serum mentioned above the most common amino acids and branched-chain amino acids.The value of such claimed by manufacturers is their effect on anabolic processes and is.that their admission is supported by a proper balance of amino acids.involved in other important processes.

Anabolic effect of amino acid supplements

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