Banal simplicity in food

The value of nutrition in bodybuilding huge.Nutrition – the foundation of the success of the training program.The muscles simply do not grow, if calorie daily diet below 3500 – 4000 kcal.Nevertheless, this does not mean.that the ordinary increase in caloric intake will lead to an increase in muscle "mass".No, the main stimulator of muscle growth are exercises.What is more successful method of training, the above result.There should be no confusion!

As for the food.its caloric content should ideally meet the level of intensity of physical effort.Without this condition, success is possible! Well, now you must long have you calculated the energy value of its menu of nutritional directory? That's right! That's why Joe Uayder encourages builders to think about food, day and night.Let go of power to cross out all their hard work in the gym! Not only have many good and in addition.In a feed us lie in wait for danger: lack of vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts.The fact that today no one product does not arrive at our table in a natural state.Dishes made from canned.frozen and fresh frozen.and sometimes simply stockpiled material from.Nutrients, of course, broken up.As a result, as poor reception turns into a dangerous illusion.Imagine.You load up the blade.and the muscle is not received even half of the needed nutrients! to help special additives.

But there is another danger that is particularly difficult to cope.In recent decades, physiologists have made many new discoveries regarding the assimilation of food.It was found that optimal nutrition is subject to certain rules.If the builder does not comply with them, digestion suffers.As a result, recovery is slowed down.

These rules are extremely simple.However, it was simple things, as you know, given the most difficult.You may not have enough strength of character.That's what I call the greatest danger.When an athlete comes to California and in accordance with the contract gets a personal trainer.that puts him in the cruelest regime framework.The basis of this regime are the very simple rules, which I have already mentioned.Competitors are stunned.when they see themselves on the effect of nutrition! Think about it.if ever you rolled forward to laziness and you cast, counting calories.and stop to watch your diet…

So, the first.

Proteins digested only with carbohydrates.It makes no sense, there is one flesh, if there is no fair portion of the garnish.The best sources of carbohydrates – potatoes, rice, pasta, different kinds of…Garnish must be two or even three times more than the meat.

The second.

Different types of meat have different energy value.Nevertheless, not every day is the same chicken.standing in the directory in the first place for its usefulness.In the chicken meat is not all amino acids.Protein sources must constantly vary.Today – chicken, tomorrow – pork or fish, the next day – eggs or legumes, and t.n.

Do not trust Sausages and sausage, and canned meat.Typically, these products are low in protein, and at the same time they have too much fat.

The third.

Science 75 per cent of the daily diet should occur in the daytime.And half of that amount to be learned before the afternoon.The reason is that the rate of metabolism is highest in the morning and in the middle of the day.Then the body's processing of food begins to fall.In this connection should be dining before 7 pm.Otherwise, lie down eaten a lump in the stomach.In addition, some amino acids are able to accelerate the energy metabolism.This means that in a dream after a large table it is possible to gain muscle cells collapse…

The fourth.

Smells in the kitchen – a distress signal.Nutrients are boiled and evaporate with the steam.Make sure that when cooking meat and vegetables, cover the pan tightly covered was.Know what to cook on low heat.The stronger and longer thermal exposure, the higher the chances to lose vitamins.Optimal for a bodybuilder is cooking meat in a microwave oven.Meat, covered with burnt crust, to the same saturated fat burned, should be avoided.

The best indicator of the usefulness of food – freshly made his appearance.Unacceptable cooking meals in reserve and then storing it in the fridge.If you have such an opportunity, prepare themselves independently at least several times a week.To do this, select the products specifically.Such a choice is not simple.All – potatoes, bread and meat – can be good and bad.Do not hesitate to find out what is best.Listen to what others are praised.Remember, you want natural products! Nothing cream and stale!

The fifth.

Bad teeth are often the cause of the slow growth of muscle.They do not give a fully chew food.She enters the stomach in large chunks.Well, it's very difficult for her digestion and assimilation.Food, especially meat, should be thoroughly crush in the mouth.That's when the efficiency of absorption is high.As doctors say, bad teeth, reduce the absorption of food by 30-40%!

The sixth.

Need to teach yourself to drink.No need to wash down a meal! This dilutes the gastric juices and impairs pischevarinie.If you want to drink, the first and only napeytes after 20-25 minutes, sit down.As for the rules, it may be from 1.5 to 3 liters of fluid per day, depending on your weight.At the same time, remember that part of the liquid you get with a liquid meal.In any case, do not limit yourself to drinking.Dehydration leads to thickening of blood.She could hardly move through narrow capillaries, and muscle strength decreases.

Drink only pure water.Coffee and tea are harmful.They lead to a washout from the body of valuable mineral salts.Carbonated drinks contain soda.It neutralizes stomach acid! In addition, these drinks contain a surprising number of sugar.Compare, in a glass of Coca-Cola for at least 3 tablespoons of sugar!


On your table should always be an abundant portion of vegetable salad.No need to chase the exotic.Let it be a cabbage salad with carrots, peas and boiled potatoes.Remember, the salad – it's usually a bodybuilder.Salads are useful in themselves, but they also improve intestinal motility.


Turn food into fun.Do not eat on the run.Eating, try to forget all the problems.Focus on food.Try to eat alone.but not in a noisy campaign.where one has to talk to partners in a common table.

The Ninth.

Eat more often.However, many "stars" success came after they smashed their daily diet for 4 or even 5 meals.As it turned out.frequent meals stimulates the production of hormones! Including the sex! Such a scheme makes the power to sit at the table every 3 hours.If such an opportunity you do not, not a substitute for eating a sandwich.This is not the same.Moreover, with the advent of "fast-fast-food".serving.basically.sandwiches.Western countries suspect an increasing number of patients proctological.especially patients with hemorrhoids.The doctors of the past believed that the hemorrhoid – a disease of nutrition.The old truth was reaffirmed.However, the final issue is not resolved.In any case, "sandwich" food should be avoided.Replace it with the intake of protein drink.However, in this case, you have to carry around for a thermos.But is this a problem?

Banal simplicity in food

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