The diet of the novice athlete

So.if you really decided to start construction of its need to know exactly.what and how it needs to do.The process of forming body includes three basic components – a nutrition.exercise and lifestyle.Today we talk about food.If you want to successfully meet the challenges of building your just need to gradually build the very beginning of your diet.In this process must be consistent, gradual and persistent.The revolutionary adjustment are not needed here – and even harmful.

* During the first 5-6 weeks of regular workouts gradually give up the unhealthy food – confectionery.fatty foods.animal fats.white bread and rolls.all kinds of cola.Eliminate from your diet sausages and smoked meats, canned and semi-.Make a list of products for.that you will use to meet the nutrient requirements and maintain good health and performance.Sources of dietary protein should be lean.Fish and Seafood.eggs.bird.milk and low-fat dairy products.Legumes.

* Strive to.that during the first three months of regular weight training to get the natural products of about 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight per day.The best natural sources of carbohydrates – a cereal.except semolina and polished rice.dark varieties of pasta.muesli.potatoes.better baked.Vegetables and fruit.Do not lean on juices – they are a lot of sugar.Bread with bran or better grain, unleavened.The sources of fat have proved themselves vegetable oils.fatty fish.Nuts.can be a bit of butter and (!) lard.Fat should be at 20-22 percent of daily calories.

* Teach yourself to a fractional power supply within the required number of calories.If you ate three times a day, then arrange for a lunch.After 2-3 weeks, add another meal an hour before bedtime – for example, some low fat cottage cheese and nuts.Do not try to form a habit of not eating after 6 pm.It is ignorant archaism, it is harmful for both muscle and for fat loss!

* Answering your questions online.I very often see such statements….."The first 2-3 months of training you do not need any supplements.but good vitamin-mineral complex! Above need to adjust the usual food for flawless functioning of your body and a rational mode of the day.After 2-3 months organize your pre and post exercise meals in accordance with the objectives.that you are putting yourself.It may be small (15-25 g) serving of whey protein 30-45 minutes before training and after training portion of the gainer.- Is if you are trying to increase muscle mass.And if you're working on fat burning program, 5.8 tablets BCAA and / or 1-2 teaspoons of glutamine.By the way.when working on a lot of these supplements can combine.and training for fat burning – add 3.1 grams of L-carnitine before exercise.After another 3-4 weeks you can enter morning portion of whey protein.and a month later, add a portion of the protein complex or in tablets at bedtime.bringing the total daily dose of 2-3 grams of protein.depending on your goals.

The overall percentage of calories.obtained from dietary supplements should not exceed 20-25% of the total daily caloric intake.Six months after the beginning of regular exercise you can already experimenting with the whole range of food additives.depending on the like to achieve.The principle of gradualism in the formation of an optimal diet is very important.A sharp change in the usual diet not only effectively.but also potentially dangerous to health.primarily the digestive system.Very often, the gastro-intestinal disorders.that arise when taking a particular product due to sports nutrition is not the low quality of the product.and intake of a large number of substances.which previously had not received.Who rarely comes to mind during the first visit to the gym to put myself 100 kilograms on the bar for bench press.but taking the standard dose for experienced athletes, protein (or something stronger), many are trying to.barely touching the hardware! Do not make the mistakes of others – there will be other people's problems.

* And one more thing.Modern food additives – it's hi-tech products of high biological value.and they can very significantly improve the progress in your lessons.- With the rational use! But we must not forget two things: first.almost all of them are derived from conventional products.And with this magic powder sonorous name "protein" – it's just a concentrated protein food.neither more nor less.Therefore, questions like "how many pounds of muscle I incremented.By using 2 packs of whey protein Tvinlab company? "to say the least.incorrect.And, secondly, it supplements.As I said.the number of calories.obtained from different types of proteins and other sports nutrition products.should not be greater than 20-25% of the daily amount of calories you consume.It seems to be little.But.on the other can in this situation.half of the protein necessary for you to get out of proteins.and this is very important.especially if you want to restrict caloric intake, or taking large amounts of protein in a large muscle mass.So.with the help of sports nutrition, we can solve the problem.practically unachievable with conventional products!

Sports Nutrition Products.with the rational use of.will have a significant help in solving any of your training objectives.Good luck!Michael Klestov

The diet of the novice athlete

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