
Minerals in our body operates multiple functions.As structural elements, they are part of the bone.found in many enzymes.catalyzing the metabolism.Minerals found in hormones (eg, iodine in the thyroid gland).Is well-known role of iron, a component of hemoglobin.With his participation is transport of oxygen.Minerals activate certain processes.involved in the regulation of acid-base balance in blood and other organs.Sodium and potassium are involved in the transport of various substances into the cell.ensuring that its operation.Important is the role of minerals (potassium.calcium.sodium and magnesium) in the regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle.
Sufficiently high and constant content of salts in biological fluids.especially potassium and sodium salts.contributes to the conservation of water in the cell.which is important for its proper functioning and preservation of the form.
Needs of the organism in various minerals varies widely.The highest demand in sodium.Part of this element comes from the food: salt in the daily bread ration for healthy males are 3.5 g and 3-5 g is added to food during its preparation.Thus, a day consumed 10-15 g of salt.This quantity is sufficient for the needs of the organism in sodium.Typically, sodium chloride (table salt) consumed more than necessary.Salt is added in order to whet.widely used products.canned with salt.Increased consumption of salt is not desirable.since this leads to a thirst.increased water consumption and water retention in the body.A systematic excess in the diet of salt.as shown by research.contributes to the incidence of hypertension.
Another mineral element.potassium.contains almost all the products.the need for it is estimated at about 4-6 grams per day.In the usual range of products contains 5-6 g of potassium.More than half of which comes from vegetables and fruits.including potatoes, about 2 g.Suppliers of potassium are the bread and cereals, and foods of animal origin.Potassium – an important element of the cell, in contrast to sodium it does not contribute to water retention in the body.Potassium is an essential function of his involvement in the regulation of excitability of the muscles.primarily of cardiac muscle.Lack of potassium may lead to convulsive contractions of skeletal muscles.reduction in contractility of the heart muscle and cardiac rhythm disturbance.
In justifying a higher potassium content in the range of products to take into account the specific features of its metabolism in the body.Under the influence of neuro-emotional stress and specific hormonal changes in athletes is an increased output of potassium from the cells in the blood and its loss in the urine.If you regularly recurring periods of neuro-emotional stress in the body can cause potassium deficiency.Vegetables – the main source of potassium, so the inclusion of vegetables in the daily diet is mandatory for all.Sometimes, to compensate for the deficiency of potassium salts are used to.
Calcium – a key part of our body.The need for this element is relatively small – about 0.8 grams per day.Calcium plays a role in regulating the excitability of the nervous system.in the mechanism of muscle contraction.Clotting.The standard range of products for cooking provided by the content of about 1.2 g of calcium.mainly in foods of animal origin.Calcium salts contain a lot of dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese.They account for more than 60% of calcium from the set of products.Contained in dairy products calcium is well absorbed from other foods to digest it worse.With an increased content of fat in the diet reduces the absorption of calcium.Some other food substances (oxalic acid, phytin) also violated its exchange.
Of great importance is the content of phosphorus in the diet and its relation to calcium.The optimum ratio between calcium and phosphorus – 1: (1.5-2.0), in which both elements are assimilated better.The main body contains the amount of phosphorus in the bones.The most important high-energy compounds (ATP, creatine phosphate, etc..), Is the battery energy for all body functions, contain phosphorus.He is also a member of many other substances – proteins, catalysts, nucleic acids, etc..Need an adult to phosphorus is 1.2 g per day.Phosphorus is found in almost all foods.Of products of animal origin phosphorus is absorbed better.than from plant foods.but its content is quite high in the past.so grains and vegetables are good suppliers of phosphorus.With bread and dough comes around 0.6 g of phosphorus.with cereals and pasta – 0.25 g; vegetables standard diet contained about 0.33 g of phosphorus.
Of the total amount of phosphorus, more than half comes from animal products.High intake of organic phosphorus (mainly in the form of lecithin) is one of the factors.preventing the occurrence of significant violations of lipid metabolism and normalizes cholesterol metabolism.
Mineral metabolism and the need for minerals are interrelated.Especially clearly it is established with respect to calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.Magnesium is involved in regulating the excitability of the nervous system, muscle contraction.Magnesium is required is less than the calcium in their diet optimum ratio is 0.6:1.Need for magnesium an adult is about 0.4 grams per day.The main sources of this element are the bread and cereals.which accounted for half of the magnesium.cereals and bread, so in certain amounts included in the daily diet.In vegetables contain 0.14 g of magnesium [Hereinafter, the content of elements contained in 100 g of edible part of the product].In animal products less magnesium (0.12 g).
Trace elements – a large group of chemicals.which are present in humans and animals in low concentrations.expressed in micrograms per 1 g of tissue mass.These concentrations are in the tens or hundreds of times lower than the concentrations of so-called macronutrients (calcium.phosphorus.potassium.sodium.magnesium.chlorine.sulfur).Trace elements have expressed a mutual influence.associated with their interaction at the level of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.Transport and participate in various metabolic reactions.In particular, an excess of one micronutrient can cause a deficiency of another.In this connection special importance is the careful balance of food rations for their microelement composition.and any deviation from the optimum ratio between the individual trace elements can lead to serious pathological changes in the body.
If insufficient intake of mineral components in the body can compensate for some time, created the deficit by raising them from the tissue depots.and with excess revenues – increased excretion.
Fabric Depot have strong body reserves macroelements (calcium.Magnesium – the bone.Potassium – the muscle.Sodium – skin and subcutaneous tissue).while the reserves of trace elements in tissues of small.This explains the low adaptive capacity of an organism to a deficiency of micronutrients.
The most studied of the micronutrients iron is.Need it the body is low: 10 mg per day for men and 18 milligrams for women.Iron is found in bread (10.0 mg), vegetables (10.5 mg), meat, fish, poultry (by 7.4 mg).On the other products (cereals, milk, cheese, cottage cheese) iron goes low (about 1.3 mg).The norm is taken from the absorption of iron intake to 10%.Although animal products contain less iron is absorbed, it is better.Elevated levels of iron in the diet can guarantee against unwanted dysfunction blood-forming organs.Excess iron is easily excreted from the body.
Issues related to body iron occupy a central place in the general problem of adequate nutrition.due to the.on the one hand.the specific role of iron.on the other – the fact.that iron-status – one of the most common nutritional deficiencies, even in highly developed countries.
The results of research..have greatly expanded our understanding of the importance of iron.that makes for many of the new address practical issues such.as evaluation of athletes ferrostatusa.Organization of preventive and therapeutic measures in detecting iron deficiency.development of new high-dosage forms of iron, etc..
Of particular interest, this problem is to sports practice.between the level of security since the body of iron and physical performance was a direct relationship.It is determined the participation of iron.above all.aerobic metabolism at the level of at least four of its units:

  • Blood oxygen transport by hemoglobin
  • transport and deposition of oxygen in muscle myoglobin
  • electron transport in the respiratory chain cytochromes and cytochrome oxidase,
  • activity of a number of NAD-dependent dehydrogenases and succinate dehydrogenase.

In the case of iron deficiency affects all stages of aerobic metabolism.but in the first place – a system of tissue respiration.due to a very high renewal rate gemosoderzhaschih enzymes.in particular cytochrome.This fact gives grounds to argue.that metabolic.due to iron deficiency at tissue level.mogug have more severe biochemical and physiological consequences for the manifestation of maximal exercise performance.than hematologic.
The risk of developing iron deficiency states in active athletes trainees is high enough.that for reasons as exogenous.and the endogenous nature.Against the backdrop of a very large physical and neuro-emotional stress.firstly.significantly increases the natural loss of iron from the body through the gastrointestinal tract.kidneys, and especially through the skin and then.secondly.increased synthesis of adaptive iron-containing proteins – hemoglobin.myoglobin.cytochromes.zhelezozavisimyh dehydrogenases.
Increased demand for iron is not always possible to satisfy the expense of food iron.In such situations the only way to ensure a high level of functioning systems zhelezozavisimyh aerobic metabolism is the redistribution of the total pool of iron.In the first place.by backing.and then – of tissue iron zhelezozavisimyh other systems.Among the latter are currently in the immune system.system kollagenoobrazovaniya.detoxification of xenobiotics (including drugs).inactivation of biologically active substances.and lipid metabolism of neurotransmitters and.
In close connection with the exchange of iron in the human body is the other trace elements – copper.content of which is an average of 75-150 mg.Copper is found in many organs, its highest concentration in the liver, brain, heart and kidney.The basic amount of copper (50%) found, however, in muscle and bone tissues.The liver contains 10% of the total amount of copper in the body.
Copper is involved in the construction of a number of enzymes and proteins.Great is the role of copper in the provision of physiological and biochemical processes during exercise.It is associated with this element in the regulation of biological oxidation and the generation of ATP.in the synthesis of the major connective tissue proteins (collagen and elastin) and in iron metabolism.
Copper – a trace element hemopoietic.actively involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the formation of other ferroprotoporphyrin.The function of copper in hemoglobin synthesis is closely related to the function of iron.Copper is necessary for the conversion of dietary iron in organically bound form.as well as to stimulate the maturation of reticulocytes and red blood cells to turn them into.In addition, it promotes the transport of iron in the bone marrow.
Daily demand for copper is about 80 mg / kg for infants.40 mg / kg – for older children, and 30 mg / kg – for adults.Among the foods most high copper content in the liver.as well as in seafood.leguminous.buckwheat and oatmeal.nuts and very low in milk and milk products.
An adult's body contains a large amount (2-3 grams) of zinc.The bulk of zinc concentrate in the bones and skin.The level of zinc was highest in semen and prostate.It is high enough concentration in the bones and hair, internal organs, it is much less.Zinc is found in organs and tissues predominantly in organically bound form in the form of easily dissociating compounds with protein.
The biological role of zinc is determined by the need for normal growth.development and maturation.maintenance of reproductive function.for blood.vkusovospriyatiya and smell.normal course of wound healing processes, etc..Zinc is essential for normal function of the pituitary, pancreas, prostate and seminal.
Zinc influences the activity of pituitary hormones, adrenal and pancreatic.Under the influence of its compounds increased the activity of pituitary gonadotropin-releasing hormone.Participation of zinc in the implementation of the biological action of insulin: there is evidence.evidence.that the hypoglycemic effect of insulin depends on the zinc.which is always present in insulin.Zinc has lipotropic properties.normalizing fat metabolism.increasing the intensity of the breakdown of fat in the body and preventing the fatty liver.
This active role of zinc in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and fat determines its high importance in the diet of athletes and sportsmen.especially with loads of aerobic nature.and individuals.Overweight and Diabetes.
With food grown man should receive 10-22 mg of zinc per day.Pregnant women – 10-30 mg.lactating women – 13-54 mg.The greatest need in the zinc appears in a period of intense growth and sexual maturation.as well as during exercise.The main dietary sources of zinc are meat, poultry, hard cheeses, as well as legumes and grains, some.High zinc levels in shrimp and nuts.Milk and dairy products are poor in zinc.
An adult human body contains 12-20 mg of manganese.His level is particularly high in brain, liver, kidney, pancreas.
Manganese is essential for normal growth.maintenance of reproductive function.processes of bone formation.normal metabolism of connective tissue.He is also involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, stimulates the biosynthesis of cholesterol.The introduction of manganese has a hypoglycemic effect.In the blood and tissues of patients with diabetes reduced the concentration of manganese.Suggest that manganese is involved in the synthesis or metabolism of insulin.
An important aspect of biological effects of manganese are its lipotropic properties.He warns the fatty liver and contributes to the overall utilization of body fat.Manganese is also closely associated with the processes of synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids.The connection between this element with the function of the endocrine system.its effect on the sex glands.sexual development and reproduction.
Reliable information about the physiological needs of the person absent in manganese.It is believed.that the minimum daily requirement for manganese in adults is 2-3 mg.and the recommended level of consumption – 5.10 mg.The most characteristic symptom is a severe shortage of manganese gipoholesterinemiya.as well as weight loss.dermatitis.nausea.vomiting.Manganese stimulates the growth of.Manganese deficiency is a manifestation of growth retardation.Thus it becomes clear.that needs adequate amounts of manganese in the diet is very important for power.developing physical activity.especially in boys.
The manganese content in meat.fish.seafood.dairy products.eggs is low.whereas cereals.legumes contain it anymore.
The chromium content in an adult is less than.than many other trace elements.and is only 6-12 mg.Significant (up to 2 mg) of chromium is concentrated in the skin, as well as in bones and muscles.With age, the chromium content in the body in contrast to other trace elements progressively decreases.
Chromium is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.in maintaining normal glucose tolerance.Its apparent role in the regulation of cholesterol metabolism.The introduction of chromium patients, in some cases causes a marked reduction of blood cholesterol.
Chromium is an activator of several enzymes (fosfoglyukomutazy, trypsin, etc..).Very high levels of chromium detected in some nucleoprotein fractions.however, the role of chromium in the metabolism of nucleic acids remains unclear.
Chromium is found in foods in very low concentrations.In a typical mixed diet, he comes into contact with a number of.only slightly above the lower limit of the physiological needs of adults in the trace elements.When constructing an unbalanced diets.monotonous diet fairly quickly there is a relative deficiency of chromium.With the food a person should receive 200-250 mcg of chromium per day.The chromium content is highest in beef liver.in meat.bird.leguminous.pearl barley.rye flour wallpaper.The highest biological activity of chromium differ baker's yeast.liver.Wheat meal.
Along with zinc.manganese.copper and iron chromium is the most valuable micronutrient athletes during prolonged aerobic exercise.when the role of carbohydrates and fats in the body's energy supply increases substantially.especially in the competition period.
An adult human body contains 20-50 mg of iodine.of which about 8 mg concentrated in the thyroid gland.Iodine is contained in water and food in the form of inorganic iodide, rapidly absorbed from the intestine.
Iodine – the only currently known trace elements.playing an active role in the biosynthesis of hormones.He participates in the formation of thyroid hormone – thyroxine.Up to 90% of the circulating blood organic iodine accounted for thyroxine.This hormone controls the status of energy metabolism.the intensity of the basal metabolic heat production and the level of.It actively affects the physical and mental development.differentiation and maturation of tissues.involved in the regulation of the functional state of the central nervous system and the emotional tone of human.effect on the cardiovascular system and liver.Thyroxine interacts with other endocrine glands (especially the pituitary and gonads).has a marked effect on the water-salt metabolism.exchange of proteins.lipids and carbohydrates.increasing the metabolic function.
Iodine deficiency in humans leads to the development of endemic goiter.what constitutes a violation of the synthesis of thyroxine and inhibition of thyroid function.This disease is endemic and typically occurs only in those areas (biogeochemical provinces).where the iodine content in soil.water and local foods significantly reduced.
According to some studies.occurrence of the disease is associated with the level of content in the soil and local food manganese.Fluorine.cobalt and other minerals.as well as calcium and phosphorus.Of great importance in the overall prevalence of goitre have poor nutrition and lack of dietary protein.fat, etc..
In areas where iodine deficiency is endemic goiter in the most affected school-age children.boys and girls at puberty.which is a reorganization of the endocrine system.
In the current socio-economic conditions.when the use of complex.expensive fertilizer.containing trace elements and iodine, including.drastically reduced.dropped and the iodine content in foods.especially in continental regions.
Iodine is unevenly distributed in nature.The greatest number of its concentrated in sea water.in air and soil in coastal areas.where indicated and the highest content of iodine in the local vegetable products (cereals.vegetables.potatoes.fruit) and products of animal origin (meat.milk.eggs).As the distance from the sea iodine content in the external environment is gradually reduced.The lowest content of iodine in the environment are different mountain areas.where the water.soil.air and local food is very poor in iodine.The physiological requirement of iodine is 100-150 mg per day.
The iodine content in the same product varies considerably depending on its concentration in soil and water in the area.Exceptionally high content of iodine in marine algae (up to 160-800 mg/100 g of dry kelp.200-220 mg/100 g of dry seaweed).A large amount of iodine found in marine fish and seafood.The iodine content in meat, dairy products averaged around 7-16 mkg/100 g edible portion.
Storing and cooking food processing lead to a significant loss (65%) of iodine.If you use iodized salt for cooking loss during thermal treatment are 22-60%.
The physiological role of fluoride in bone formation and significant processes of formation of dentin and enamel.Sufficient human consumption of fluoride needed to prevent dental caries and osteoporosis.
Fluoride is unevenly distributed in the body.Its concentration in the teeth of 246-560 mg / kg, in the bones – 200-490 mg / kg, and the muscles do not exceed 2-3 mg / kg.Fluoride also plays an important role in bone formation and normalize calcium and phosphorus metabolism.With age, the amount of fluoride in the body (mainly in the bones) increases.Deposition of fluorine in tooth enamel occurs mainly in childhood in the formation and growth of permanent teeth.
Daily demand in fluorine is not certain.For the body is equally unfavorable as the excess.and lack of income fluorine.optimum fluoride intake is very limited.Excessive intake of fluoride causes fluorosis development.manifested mottling of tooth enamel.Fluorosis – endemic.occurring in those areas.where the fluoride content in water is greater than 2 mg / l..The content of fluoride in such water can be reduced by using a special ion exchange water treatment in.providing its defluorination.Insufficient intake of fluoride in the body leads to the defeat of the teeth.manifests itself in the intensive development of dental caries.
Cobalt – one of the most important trace element involved in hematopoiesis.He is involved in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin and stimulates hematopoiesis in such a way.Cobalt is the basic source material for the synthesis of endogenous vitamin B12 in the body.In the largest amount of cobalt contained in the pancreas.Apparently, it is associated with the function of this gland and is involved in the formation of insulin.Addressing the need for vitamin B12 is in addition to entering in the composition of its food is also due to the synthesis of intestinal microflora of cobalt.and dietary.
Cobalt is distributed in the natural foods in small amounts.but in the mixed diet of it is enough.to meet the needs of the organism.This trace mineral found in water (river.lake.Maritime).in marine plants.in fish and animals.Body's need for cobalt has not been established (approximately 100-200 mg / day).
The biological role of nickel is not enough elucidated.In its biological effects observed much in common with the promotion of cobalt in the processes of hematopoiesis.Nickel is found in large amounts in plant foods.growing in soils "nickel" areas.in sea.river and lake water.the body surface and the majority of marine animals and fish.Especially a lot of it in the liver, pancreas and pituitary.The demand for nickel has not been established.
The main biological significance of strontium is to build bone.in which the content is 0.024% in terms of ash.


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