Natural steroids

You know that the addition of a beneficial effect on the body, but only when you are dieting.In principle, the additives are as follows – they change your diet.Products that you eat can also be considered as a supplement.Practically, most professional bodybuilders perceive food as a nutritional supplement.They eat foods.not because they are pleasant to the taste.but because they contribute to a better metabolism.We offer several products to consider, in terms of their natural anabolic qualities.Add them to their primary products.that you eat.that all possible valuable quality of food digested by you.Most of these products do not provide you with a large set of nutrients.than a food additive.but their advantage is.they are natural in nature and within the constituent substances they have a higher biological value.We advise you to add these 14 foods to your menu and set the standard of food additives..


Unless you are a native of have never included in the menu of a bodybuilder is the most useful product for you.herring.Regardless herring cooked (smoked.pickled or salted).it contains more creatine.than any other product on the planet.Creatine is one of the most important nutrients for a bodybuilder.because it increases muscle volume and.eventually.makes you stronger.Moreover.Creatine helps deliver nutrients to the muscles.that accelerates the process of recovery and growth..

Dosage: 200 g of herring eat 1-2 hours before exercise.that will provide your body with 40 grams of quality protein.12 grams of healthy fats.more than 3 grams of leucine.stimulating muscle growth, and about 2 grams of creatine..


Eat more grapefruit, when you work on pelvic muscles.Citrus fruits help burn fat.A recent 12-week study up extra polgreypfruta or drank 250 g of grapefruit juice a day and does not alter its standard nutrient diet.lose an average of 2 kg.many of them lost weight at 4.5 kg.Perhaps the reason for this effect lies in the fact.that has the properties of grapefruit reduce the blood levels of insulin and glucose.that has been proven in research projects.The manifestation of this effect is due to the soluble fiber pectin in grapefruit.Pectin prevents the entry of carbohydrates into the bloodstream, which leads to lower insulin levels in the blood..

Another possible reason for the properties of grapefruit reduce weight.related to the content of naringenin in grapefruit complex.This reduces the effect of flavonol natural detoxification and metabolism of some drugs.It also slows the process of dissolution of caffeine in the blood.that promotes weight loss.because so prolonged thermogenic effect of caffeine.which leads to burning fat.If you are taking prescription drugs antihistamine.soothing srestva.calcium.cholesterol-lowering pills or immunosuppressinye funds.before turning on the grapefruit into your diet.Check with your doctor..

Dosage: 1 grapefruit (2-3 times per day) contains about 130 g of naringenin.only 90 calories.more than 2 grams of fiber.half of which is pectin.20 g carbohydrate.2 g protein and 90 grams of vitamin C.Since there is a possibility.that grapefruit reduces insulin levels in the blood.should not take it in food for at least 2 hours after exercise..


Yogurt is made by adding certain cultures of bacteria in milk.which convert lactose (milk sugar) into lactic acid.that makes yogurt sour and thick.Live cultures to help maintain long anabolic state.maintaining balance in the gastrointestinal tract by restoring their microflora (which many sought through intensified and supplementation).Yogurt helps to improve absorption of protein.what a positive effect on the immune system..

Yogurt is also a good source of calcium.which.According to modern scholars.helps fight fat by inhibiting the hormone secretion.producing fat.And of course, yogurt is a source of milk protein.Buy yogurt with live cultures, which is written on the package Lactobacillus bulgaricus or Streptococcus thermophilis.We do not recommend buying yogurt, which is added sugar..

Dosage: Yorgut can be eaten any time of day, just not immediately before or after exercise.One cup of yogurt, low fat contains 156 calories.13 g protein.17 g carbohydrates.4 grams of fat.about 500 mg calcium, about 1 g of each type of amino acids and more than 1 g of glutamine.When buying yogurt.look for the label printing of the National Association of live and active yogurt be sure.that you selected yoghurt least.100 million cultures per 1 g of the period specified expiration date..

Green tea

Green tea has a myriad of useful features.including contributes to weight loss.restoration of the joints.improvement of liver.and prevents cancer.cardio – vascular disease.and even.the results of recent help fight AIDS.Active material.possessing these useful properties are flavonoids called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).EGCG has antioxidant properties.which leads in most cases to the appearance of beneficial effects on the health of the body.Substance accelerates the metabolism, thus preventing dissolution norepinerfina.Green tea may also accelerate the absorption of fats.In the joints EGCG destroys the enzymes that break down cartilage..

Dosage: One large cup of green tea provides the body with 200 mg of EGCG.Drink 2-3 cups per day.and you will have the perfect metabolism.your joints ache and stop your whole body will be an excellent form of..


Coffee once recognized adverse health.but recent research has uncovered many useful qualities of this drink for body builders.In addition to improving efficiency of coffee has a thermogenic effect on the fat in the body.Caffeine also increases the effectiveness of thermogenic substances in coffee.If you drink coffee in about 1 hour before training, the effect of caffeine is much more noticeable.Coffee to strength training is also accordance with the results of a recent is more effective.than aspirin in relieving pain in muscles.It means.that you wash your practice more efficiently.and the pain in your muscles will not bother you..

You may not know about it, but coffee also has properties beneficial to the health of your body.Recent studies have shown.that drinking coffee is not more than three times per protect yourself from the danger of contamination of the second group with diabetes.occurrence of liver disease gallstones..

Dosage: Drink a day for 1-2 large cups of brewed coffee, each of which contains 100-200 mg of caffeine.(In instant coffee generally contains less than 100 mg of caffeine.Larger cup of caffeine some networks may contain up to 500 mg of caffeine.).


Broccoli contains a large amount of indole – 3 – carbinol (I 3 C) and is closely related to the derivative diindolulmetanom.phytochemicals, naturally occurring.which reduces the effect of the hormone estrogen.making it a weaker version of it in the liver.This reduces the level of involvement of estrogen in the process of fat accumulation and dehydration.In addition, this substance increases the anabolic effects of testosterone.According to a recent study, it also neutralizes the harmful effects of DHT.that ultimately leads to increased levels of "useful" testosterone.and dehydration and fat accumulation does not occur.Dosage: Consume a day or a few cups of fresh or boiled broccoli.This volume will that your body has more than 100 mg I 3 C.120-4000 micrograms of sulforaphane (a potential means to fight cancer).more than 80 milligrams of vitamin C and above 40 mg calcium.


In spinach contain large amounts of glutamine.amino acids.which promotes muscle growth and enhance immune.Since the spinach for 90% of the water, you need to eat it in large quantities of fresh.Thus it remains all glutamine.Spinach also contains octacosanol.This component has a large number of healthy substances (in particular for the cardio – vascular system).But the most useful for bodybuilders his property, that is what makes your muscles oktakoanol more.You can not get it in the right quantity.eating a salad with spinach.but in the salad contained in its natural form.Try to use a dietary supplement with octacosanol and still have regular spinach.So, you really will become a much stronger.

Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin.korotenoidy.protect the body from free radicals and preserve your vision – you want to continue to admire your physique and in the future.

Dosage: For salad use fully all the spinach leaves from a large package 300sotgrammovoy.This volume will provide your body with 1 g of glutamine.only 65 calories.8 grams of protein.6 g fiber.almost 300 mg of calcium.8 g of iron.80 mg of vitamin C.16 mg beta-carotene and 35 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin.Do not eat spinach before training, because it contains fiber slows the digestive process.


Tomatoes contain two valuable phytochemicals – lycopene and flavonoid katrenoid quercetin.Lycopene is a complex antioxidant.which protects the body against heart disease.cancer and especially of prostate.Lycopene is more active in the products.made from tomatoes (ketchup.tomato sauce.tomato paste).themselves than in fresh tomatoes.

Quercetin also has antioxidant properties and prevents clogging of the arteries.It also acts as an other words, helps the body recover faster after an exhausting workout.which had been damaged as a result of some muscle groups and appeared pain.

Dosage: According to recent studies to develop the necessary protective reaction of the body need to eat per day 6 and a half of tomatoes, or 10 servings of tomato-based products.One cup of tomato soup provides the body with more than 25 mg of medium-sized tomato contains 3 mg of the substance.and in one glass of tomato juice – 22 mg.


In the red pulp of the watermelon and.especially in his white obodochke contains large amounts of amino acids tsitrulina.Tsitrulin – an amino acid.which the body turns into arginine.producing nitric oxide.which helps to pump up your muscles with blood.nutrients.hormones and oxygen.making them bigger and stronger.

Red meat is an excellent source (the best.than tomato) of lycopene.antioxidant.responsible for the functioning of the heart.which also prevents many types of cancers.If you want to be in great shape and live long, add watermelon to your diet.

Dosage: One hour prior to workout on Eat 2350-gram piece of watermelon, eating him up to the green cover.This volume will provide your body with 3 g of producing nitric oxide citrulline.and also give 50 g of carbohydrate energy.In addition your body will be filled with 600 g of water.which will provide you with the necessary moisture and will help increase the muscle cells.


Garlic – is another vegetable that helps your muscles to grow and for which costs extra time to rinse your mouth.This is akin to an onion in allicin.diallilom disulfide.dialilom trisulfide and other sulfur-rich components.that help the body fight disease.But the most important property of garlic for bodybuilders is its ability to stimulate testosterone production and prevent the formation of cortisol.So.Garlic is most useful in a number of products for bodybuilders.which should be used before exercise.provided.that you notify about your partner.Allicin is also regarded as a useful agent in the fight against cancer.heart disease, and even the common cold.

Dosage: One clove of garlic contains more than 4 mg of allicin.Eat it before a workout.


Onions and garlic are related plants.and both are rich in sulfur-containing components.who betrayed them and such a sharp odor and is filled with many useful substances.One of these components – allyl propyl disulphide (APDS).which increases insulin release and prevents it from deactivating liver.In both cases, the level of insulin in the body increases.This property makes the onion strange, but useful choice for a snack after a workout.

If you combine the onion with a cocktail of whey protein.carbohydrates and helps the body to better absorb the nutrients they.Salad onions are almost as sweet as apple.Try to grab one bulb as anything on your training.If you can quickly get to the kitchen after a workout.Prepare yourself scrambled egg whites with chopped onions in a tomato and.In the bow also provides a large amount of quercetin.

Dosage: Eat one small onion after a workout.

Sunflower seed

Sunflower seed brim full of arginine and glutamine, contributing to an increase in muscle.It also contains a beatin, which includes the methyl.And he, in turn, the body uses to repair joints and protect the liver from a variety of harmful chemicals.including alcohol and steroids.If you take a dietary supplement in the form of Glycocyamine (precursor of creatine).then you should take in food and sunflower beatinom.which helps to recycle Glycocyamine in creatine.Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of mono-and polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E.

Dosage: Eat half a cup of sunflower seed during the day.In this volume contains 12 grams of protein.15 g carbohydrate.more than 7 grams of fiber (for which you should not eat this product before training).about 3 grams of glutamine and? g of arginine.


Parsley accelerates the digestive process and reduces the level of estrogen.Among the more useful properties of parsley can distinguish its ability to neutralize your breath after garlic or onion.

Flavone apigenin.found in parsley in small quantities.produces an effect similar to I 3 other words, it protects the body from the estrogen.Parsley prevents the accumulation of fat.dehydration and suppression of testosterone.produced by the hormone estrogen.

Apigenin is also a powerful antioxidant.It has been proven.that it protects cells from oxidation of DNA.thereby.maintaining healthy skin cells as.and muscle.

Dosage: Three beam or tablespoon chopped fresh parsley contains about 10 mg of apigenin (which in some dietary supplements is presented in a similar dosage).


Every bodybuilder is recommended to eat more blueberries.Scientists at the University in Medford (Massachusetts) analyzed several varieties of fruits and vegetables for the presence of antioxidant properties in them and came to the conclusion that.that the blueberry has the stronger property fight against free radicals.In blueberries contain the highest possible amount of anthocyanin.This powerful antioxidant helps to protect the structure of blood vessels.including capillary.that saturate the muscles with blood.nutrients and oxygen.The stronger and healthier is your structure of blood vessels, the larger and stronger your muscles are.

Anthocyanins also helps to work your brain cells.It has been proven.blueberry that helps to improve memory.recovery of brain cells and prevents dementia.

Dosage: Add a half cup of blueberries into your protein shake before bed.Berries provide your body with more than 70 mg of anthocyanin.activating the brain.only 40 calories and 10 grams of carbohydrates.and 2 grams of fiber and 3 grams of fructose.

Natural steroids

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