Tom Platz

Many professional bodybuilders glorified some part of the body, he developed beyond measure.Strictly's such an incredible muscle size and pushing the horizons of bodybuilding.demonstrating the limitless possibilities of human will.The great champions made history with his "crown" muscle groups: Larry and his monstrous biceps.Arnold with his immense chest.Dorian with unprecedented broadest …

Tom PlatzIf we talk about the feet.then the memory comes immediately athlete.outliers even among his great contemporaries.Although the last time he was seen on the dais, "Olympia" as much in 1986.the mere mention of his phenomenal "props" leads in awe of the true fans of bodybuilding.The name of this titan – Tom Platz.And rivals.and fans alike admired his extraordinary artistry.ability to endure the injuries and.of course.breadth of the soul.wide open for everyone – friends and acquaintances.

- When did you first thought of becoming a professional bodybuilder?

Tom:Believe it or not, but my choice was a matter of pure chance.In the 60 years.when I was a kid.I came across a magazine with pictures of the famous champion Dave Drappera.and it turned my life.Drapper then starred in some movie in the role of a hefty jerk – in those years were not given other roles.So the very first bodybuilder, whom I saw was Drapper at the photo, and it has decided my fate.

- In the future you have met up with Dave?

Tom:If you want to succeed in professional bodybuilding, we should move to California.It is home to the stars, here is a big policy.When I got home in California, found that Drapper lives very close, about three hours.We often trained together.

- And what have you learned from him?

Tom:For all the buzz in bodybuilding Dave was in the process of training Although he often appeared in films.By nature he was a lone wolf and he did not like to appear on the public.Even while training for selected early, at 6 am, when the hall is not just the people.When it came to participate in competitions, to Dave sent a deputation of the whole – to persuade.He once told me that he was supposedly embarrassed to be a "Mr. America".Mole.and so he has some money to shoot a movie.and therefore it would be better to give the title to some cash-strapped young guy.In this sense, Dave was the exact opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger.who also happened to me like an apprentice.

- What impressed you, Arnold?

Tom:It seems that visitors see America differently than we do, Native Americans.I remember that Arnold enthusiastically told me that America – a country of vast opportunities.Like, here, if you want, you can be anyone – even a movie star, although the Minister.Frankly, I thought that he is not all right with the head.Well, when he really became a Hollywood star.and then headed the sports ministry in the Reagan.I myself just went crazy.Today, when I went to fifth decade, I understand that it's not in America.All the barriers within us.Even before we will take to do something, we often say to myself: no, we did not get.But why.because we have not even tried! The secret of Arnold in the.that he never played himself in roulette: try.maybe get.Any thing he had planned, as the battle masshtabist.First – this is to properly assess the enemy.Second – the right to place its forces.Well, after that is cleared and the will to attack mobilizovt.Outcome of the battle will depend on your strength of mind, and this is the main prerequisite for victory.By the way, I've never seen that Arnold played in gambling.He did what he did not like to depend on the circumstances of the Blind.

Extreme training

- Tell me about your "extreme" system of training the legs.

Tom:I started with the maximum weight – six 20-kilogram "pancakes" on each side plus locks.He did about 20 reps before muscle "failure".Note that this was the classic sit-ups – I was doing with their full range of motion, dropping to the floor.I then return the bar to the rack.immediately cleaned one at a time "pancake" on each side and then crouched until the muscle "failure".Then I went on set with four "pancake", then three and finally two.Again, each time to "failure".In general, I performed a set of 150 reps and exhausting to the limit.I remember I was lying on the floor, and is ready to howl with pain bl.It hurt everything – from the calves to the buttocks and back.Today I am reminded of this as a nightmare.But such is the professional body-building: Health poboku.Do you think only beat rivals.

- What else can remember from those years?

Tom:Squats have been for us a sort of self-sport.We are constantly talking about the results of each other.Time and a half to two months, we had a special day when we did some squats.This was considered something of a competition.Everyone had to show his record.Around the racks assembled bodybuilders usually 10-15 professionals, and everyone was trying to "pereprisedat" other.

- You certainly have been among them champions?

Tom:To be honest, in my life I have met only one guy himself abruptly.It was in college years.No matter how many sit-ups I did not, he is always "overtaking" I repeat for the extra 3.2.But he did not go to California.And I was so "lucky" that the first day caught the eye of Joe Uayderu.

- You did not have a sense of being part of the training for the legs you ahead of its time?

Tom:Yes, today my feet are nothing new.But in the 70 years I've been told that I had too much leg, I broke the proportions and pr.I remember in Goldz Jim approached me the pros and bewilderment asked me why such large amounts of foot.I really look like a sore thumb.

- I wonder where you bought yourself pants?

Tom:With the trousers was quite a problem.Then the jeans were in fashion, but to me they are decidedly not nalezali.His first pair of jeans I bought when thrown to compete, at thirty-five years.Steep-pros guys sewed pants for his order, but for me, a novice, every dollar was counted.And so I walked everywhere in "trenikah".Imagine.go to a restaurant.and for you "treniki"! But.I became well-known figure.I also got their own tailor.He sewed me a jacket and pants.And I did not look like a potato.

- Can you have a child were "nonstandard" feet?

Tom:No, they were perfectly normal, like all teenagers.It all began with the introduction of a powerlifter.It was he who told me that squats – the main exercise for a set of overall muscle mass.I liked the squat, like a sense of enormous weight on my "trapeze".Intensive training has increased rapidly in size feet, but again, there exists no wonder.Love any exercise.and the results will start to grow like a weed! Another thing.that squats are very few people in mind.Sometimes I am asked to recount in detail the technique of pumping the legs, and every time I refuse.The point is not in the order of exercises or number of Seton.Love squats.and will not notice.the legs will be huge! By the love squats.Throw all the other exercises – leg press.hack squats.squats.leg extension…Year or two, do some squats.But in full force!

My Past and Thoughts

- What do you think of today's bodybuilding?

Tom:At one time we could not imagine.that ever going to see guys on the platform under the weight of one and a half hundredweight with 5% fat.Muscles from these monsters downright inhumane.In 1998, Coleman specifically for me, took off his shirt behind the scenes "Olympia" and pose little, my jaw dropped as much as.Even when Arnold was on top form, I have never seen such perfect triceps and biceps.Personally, I look at the current elite in awe.For example, Lee Priest.Compare, in the offseason, it weighs almost 150 kg, and this at a growth of 165 cm!

- Who else do you remember?

Tom:In the mid-90s I played in England with seminars.Then I spent about 20 workshops.And every once in a seminar in Liverpool came to a humble guy and sat quietly in the back row.Every two hours, he pulled out of the bag box with food and snack.It seems.He was very shy.but sometimes it still raised his hand and said, "Excuse.I would like to ask you a question ".And then, years later, I saw this guy on the "Olympia" and you know who it was? Dorian Yates!

- Bodybuilding has changed a lot since you left the dais?

Tom:The impression is that it became less enthusiasm, fanaticism.Just recently I talked to one of the leading "pro".And then said he did not like bodybuilding and kachatesya just for the money.At my age this was not.We are all united love for our sport.We felt like-minded people, and therefore lived as one happy family.We trained together, went together to the beach, had lunch, and organized a party.If you come across an unknown bodybuilder, it was decided to greet, exchange phone.The competition was an occasion for communication, then the guys went to each other at home.Well, I just turned to the old grandfather in our years…And in fact, bodybuilding sdela a big step forward.Professionals complain – you just look at their profits!

Tom Platz today

- What did you do all these years, after parting with bodybuilding?

Tom:I acted in films.Played gangsters and detectives.It was the role of the second row, but my appearance does not have to wait another.In addition, my wife opened a fitness club.I had to help her on the part of bodybuilding.To retain customers, we must teach them to practice.I give lectures, and from time to time take under his own advanced care stubborn children.The last eight years I have been working on the International Association of Sports Sciences.rukovozhu Department of bodybuilding.teach bodybuilding science.Here I helped to cool a university degree.I remember, for the sake of bodybuilding I was planning to leave school, but her father stood up against the mountain.He said that bodybuilding sooner or later I will end, and I will have nothing to feed my family.To me these words seemed nonsense that exists – in my 20 years I was going to train forever.I was ready to quarrel with him dead, drop everything and go to California the next day.

- What brings you joy in your life?

Tom:Life itself.Get up in the see the sunrise – it's so cool! In his youth, it seemed to me.the main thing in life – this title.But then I realized that the main thing – it's love women, children, respect for others when you give them the experience…In fact, happiness – is when you're doing something.If you want you to have more happiness in life, let them have those I would loved more cases.

- And one of such cases has been your favorite bodybuilding for you?

Tom:Bodybuilding has given me a lot.Thanks to him, I experienced the glory.I have become much wiser, as the glory of teaching responsibility.Your fans are waiting for that and everything else you'll have to sample.Glory sooner or later makes one answer to the eternal question whether he is worthy of this glory? And what made it different? For example.where I was.if once Uayder Joe did not say a Dare.podzovite me out of the guy with healthy feet…

Tom Platz

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