Strength training at home

Gyms are big set.But, nevertheless, a lot of people prefer to train at home.Recent polls have shown that those almost as much as attending gyms.

I receive many letters with questions from people conducting training at home.They ask about training programs.allows you to train efficiently and safely with a minimum of equipment.All.who already has some experience in to do it.because they once had to switch to home training.In the past, we are often treated neck and a set of pancakes.Roman chair and bench seemed a luxury.And yet, we became stronger – in part because.they were forced to perform basic exercises and stick to simple programs.Simple and basic training is still the best approach to training for strength gains.

There are several reasons that lead people to opt for private users.First – it saves.Many modern fitness centers – is more than just gyms.There is a swimming courts.Treadmills.rooms for aerobics and dance.countless the even restaurants.

The choice is impressive, however, as the prices that are too high.For many, membership in a club – too expensive.Some do not need all of these courts, basketball or swimming, it is enough barbell and dumbbell.

So often they prefer to buy some equipment that will last them a long time.Sometimes it takes less money than the annual map of the fitness center.

Another factor – this time.Many people are too busy to three times a week to visit the Hall.Someone has a very long time, someone has too many family concerns.

Over the past few years, some of my former students approached me for advice.and all the problems were similar.They worked in the financial market, sitting in the office until late at night.When they left the work room is closed.I advised them to buy some equipment to carry out at least a couple workouts at home."But I live in an apartment" – followed the puzzling question."It does not matter" – I answered.I saw a house with rooms of power frame, benches and blocks.Below, we'll talk more about that.

There are people who basically like to train alone.They do not like noisy companies.I do not like to wait their turn to one or another simulator.listen to loud music

and sit on the bench, then soaked.Maybe they would not go to the gym even if the mass of free time and free club card.In home training many advantages – such as the ability to train at any time of day.My friend Jerry Hardy trains in his garage at six o'clock.But the rest of time he can devote to your business associated with real estate.Another friend of mine, Tommy Suggs, during a busy season of mp

eniruetsya at different times of day depending on work schedule.Sometimes he gets up before sunrise.on another day training may be in the daytime.and in the very busy days he trains late at night.after the close of office.This "flexibility" is not possible in the usual commercial hall.Most of them are open pretty late and closed too early.In addition, Tommy still could not find time on the road there and back.Do not be in his room of his home, he would have refused the training.

The biggest advantage of training at home is that people can do when they want and as much as.Given the shortage of time, you can prepare in advance all the equipment and arrange something like a condensed circuit training.If a lot of time, you can lazily move from one exercise to another, and no it does not bother.

Another advantage – it's an opportunity to experiment.After reading an article to make jerk.people may decide to try it.but the gym – not the best place to experiment.Few who like to try a new activity in the presence of many witnesses.There's a chance that something will be done wrong – people are afraid to appear ridiculous.

But at home you can try out any new exercise or even a whole program.You can make mistakes, do not worry about that, think about the surrounding.

I noticed.that while training alone I'm much more attention to the form of exercise.That's what I heard from other people.In the crowded halls have a tendency to quickly perform a set and release the equipment for the next person.Also, people talk, the music thunders, drives clanks – this prevents all the focus on technology.

If you are one, it is very easy to focus on each iteration and refine the shape of.You can try new techniques – such as.very slow or very fast repetition.or perform sets with no rest.and then evaluate the result.

Quite a lot of people prefer to exercise at home, as there feel much more comfortable.They may at any time to look into the kitchen and sip something from the fridge.take their own bath or shower.No need to pack your gym bag, because everything you need at your fingertips.You can wear an old, tattered T-shirt or not to wear anything at all.No you will not see (except, perhaps, his own dog).By the way, pets are also one of the reasons for the commitment of many home workouts.They like the company pets.

In my case, one of the main advantages of the training alone is able to include this kind of music.I like.Very pleasant to listen to while exercising that annoys you.When I'm alone.I tune in to his favorite country music.install a moderate volume and.that the most important.I can turn off the receiver.when it comes to advertising block.

There are also people.who love to train in the hall with your friends.but still contain their own home gym.There they can do what they failed in a public hall.In enables them to perform any additional work in non-training days – for example.accented to work your biceps or triceps.Parents with their own equipment at home can teach children to perform a particular exercise.Most clubs are not permitted to attend classes of children under 12 years.

Now the drawbacks.Heads the list of their motivation, or rather the lack thereof.When all around you friends, it is easier to enter the training mode, and when you are alone, may lack the motivation.So you have to constantly convince yourself of the need for several approaches to exercise.that you hate.and even in the most need for its implementation.Need to constantly push themselves to improve the balance in such a complex squats or deadlifts.

You must constantly resist the quiet voice that convinces you that today we can slow down a bit.Art samomotivirovaniya comes with practice.You find ways to help you deal with heavy weights.Whenever I switched to a home workout.always went out a prepare themselves for a new atmosphere.But since entering the mode, I enjoyed the solitude and began to progress again.

It is important to set clear goals.otherwise it is difficult to convince yourself of the need to train in any given day.And if you start missing workouts, you can gradually and to opt out of training.

I find it reasonable to set short term goals and periodically change them.No matter what they are, it is important that there is something to strive for.This may be to achieve a certain weight in any exercise.increase and improve the shape of a group of muscles.getting rid of the fat and achieve a relief press.

Seasonal changes in the goals are suitable for most people.Try pure strength training in the cold months of the year.then switch to the approach of spring training with high reps, with a focus on chest and arms.The summer months is the best suited for use in technically complex exercise.such as jumps and well as to increase the overall flexibility of the body.In autumn you can do aerobic exercise and study of lagging muscle.

Do what you want and what you need.The idea is that the changes will make your training more interesting and will add enthusiasm.When training at home is very easy to fall into a routine.You are doing the same thing for months.That's fine, but to a certain point.Our body is always trying to keep his balance, so it is genetically programmed.Therefore, it must be periodically revised to shake a training program.

They need not be dramatic.On the contrary, it can be replaced with pullovers with straight arms to straighten his hands while standing in the slope.Even something as simple as changing the sequence of exercises in training, can be very effective.Change it for a few months and then return to the old routine.

Any changes to benefit.Try to perform deadlifts sumo-style instead of the usual.traction in the slope instead of rods to the and bench presses for chest presses instead of a rack.Doing something new is always interesting.Progress comes faster, and it was he who serves the best motivator.

Security – this is the main concern of those who train alone.Because there is no safety net.Some exercises will be avoided or perform them with reasonable weights.Number one in this category – Bench.The largest number of trainees are injured at home in this exercise.So I advise everyone to get a power frame.Not necessarily great, but just enough to keep those weights, you work with.

Power rack allows you to safely perform a variety of exercises.of sit-ups and bench presses lying to all types of traction movements.However, I know that many households do not have halls of power frames.Well, what do you do with squats and zhimami lying? One option – is to avoid the maximum weights in these exercises.but I know very well the mentality of athletes.If they feel that they are close to the maximum, then be sure to try it.I myself am a.Upon failure, the main thing – is to respond immediately.Once you understand that an attempt in the squat or bench press can not take action.In the squat bar fold.It is not difficult.Stripped from the skin to recover the trapezoidal.

Stop in the bench press – a serious matter.Once you have frozen, do not loiter, even a few seconds you will greatly increase your chances to get caught up quite.If you reach failure at high repetitions with moderate weight (the case of the more common.than you can imagine) or single.then roll the fingerboard to press or bend one end of the barbell to the floor and drop it with the weight.This is not the best treatment with the equipment, but in the end, you can purchase a new.The first hit in this situation is most dangerous.A person is classified as not believing what had happened, instead of actively.And the longer it will linger, the harder it becomes a situation.However, after the first such experience, he knows what to do.

True, there are other ways.One of them – is to perform bench presses when someone is near, and not necessarily an athlete.It could be your spouse or child.Even six-year boy could lose a little weight since the end of the neck.

If you're careful, the Bench can replace it with another exercise m.On an incline bench presses – a good option for the development of the upper body, he is even better and more secure.If you get stuck, you can just stand up to the pole.You can press the dumbbells.Not be a problem, you just drop the floor – and all.

Now the hardware.It does not need a lot of.If you have a large room, and no one – then fine, but you can become stronger and with a minimum of gear.Power rack – ideal.If it is not possible, another option would be to speed squat frame.You will need a bench with adjustable backrest to do bench presses both horizontal and inclined at.Still need the bar, and a pair of wheels collapsible dumbbells.Grief can not be of the highest quality.unless you are going to perform at competitions in powerlifting.I think that it is better to use rubber-coated wheels, so they do not damage the floor.They are essential in any home gym.Most of them should be a 10-kg.

People often consult me ​​about the purchase of sports equipment.advertised on TV or in catalogs.I advise them to go to an exhibition or in the gym and try everything yourself.Make sure it fits you before you lay out money.The same goes for cardio.

For the home gym exercise equipment are not good with ropes or chains.They often break down, and finding suitable parts can be a real headache.

If there is too usually happens in can get stamped.clip.a certain number of disks and a pair of collapsible dumbbells at 10 and 15 kg.This will allow you to perform upgrades on the chest.jerks (if the ceiling is high enough).climbs on his chest and pushes.deadlifts.thrust rods in the slope.deadlifts with straight legs.hack squats.bending forward with a barbell on your shoulders.Front squats.curls.extension of the hands in the slope.French presses, and more.

So, if you do not have the time or you do not want to give big money for a gym, equip your.Call it by its name and, if you will order your T-shirt.

Strength training at home

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