How do I get Principles Uaydera

Surely you know.What is the Joe Uaydera.and probably read a lot about her training principles.But one thing to read-.and quite another – to make the principle of "their".that is."Fit" it into its training program and get more out of benefits.

Uaydera system – this is a large-scale canvas.and ignorant person finds it difficult to understand such a large amount of useful information.To simplify matters, we divide all the principles of training in three key categories:

1).Principles of planning training cycle.

2).Planning principles of each workout.

3).Principles of exercise.

Sure.Joe Uayder does not purport be the sole discoverer of any and all principles.Many of them existed before him, so to speak, purely as a practical matter.Another thing is that Joe "recognize" them, has made, recorded and summarized.

Of the principles.who invented the personal Joe.the most important and fundamental principle remains split – separate training different body parts.System split.double-and triple-split split – it's.perhaps.the main contribution to the science Uaydera Joe bodybuilding.

So, we divided the principles into three categories Uaydera.Incidentally, one of them, the instinctive principle of the training, you can enter all three categories.Why? It's simple! After all, what is the essence of this principle? Rely on your own experience.the knowledge of his body – and the structure of its training program.listening to yourself.It is clear that it applies to planning cycles, and to training, and individual exercises.

Let's talk about our three categories.


1).The principle of cyclic Training.Share your training year into cycles: one cycle of work-force to.another – the "mass".third – predsorevnovatelnaya training.and so on.This will protect you from injury and increase the body's ability to adapt.

2).Principle of Split.Share your training week in half: one half – for the upper body, the other – for the lower.Let's say you train four times a week.So, two days you will be working over the top of the body, and another two days – over the lower part of his.This will allow you to train in a more intensive mode.

3).The principle of double / triple Split.Instead of once a day train two or three times.breaking a long workout into shorter and intense.

4).The principle of "Konfyuzhn".When you give your muscles a monotonous strain, they eventually get used to it and stop responding.To avoid this.constantly "amaze" their muscles with something new: weight change.exercises.the number of sets and reps.

So it was

In the forties, no one trained in the procedure kulturisticheskoy.because it simply did not exist.We lift heavy weights, and that's it.Once I got to thinking: a.can.based training should be based on some general methodological ideas? Can be.need to expand facilities at the expense of basic movements? Perhaps.they.but not endless curls give hand strength? We started doing short.all develop force.It was natural to look for progress, the first steps forward.

Many bodybuilders from different countries.with whom I had met while.were the same path of trial and error.So it is impossible to figure out who came up with the first one or the other fundamental idea.I never claimed the right of the discoverer, and not claimed.that all the principles Uaydera invented by me.I just always with an open heart made all new.And then quickly tried to bring it up to other new.

5).Principle of Overload.In steadily move have to constantly-increasing workload and make the muscles work harder.than before.

6).The principle of the Comprehensive Training.Different muscle fibers respond differently to different types of loads.To work through all the fibers are must use a different scheme sets and reps.different frequencies and different levels of exercise intensity.

7).The principle of eclecticism.In their training complexes combine exercises for strength, "a lot" and "relief."

8).The principle of instinctive Training.Experiment and closely monitor the results.This will teach you intuitively choose a suitable diet for.the correct level of intensity.the correct number of sets and repetitions.


1).Principle Systems sets.Perform one complaining about every part of the body – is an outdated approach.The essence of this principle do a lot of sets – thus giving you more muscle load and accelerates their growth.

2).The principle of supersets.Superset – two exercises (Setu each) on the muscle-antagonists.performed with a minimum break between sets.

3).Principles of complex sets.Complete sets – two exercises (Setu each) on the same body part.performed with minimal rest between sets.

4).Principle Trisetov.Triset is three exercises (Setu each) for one group of muscles.performed with minimal rest between sets.

5).The principle of the Giant sets.Giant Sets – a 4-6 exercises (in Setu each) on the same muscle group.performed with minimal rest between sets.

6).The principle of alternation sets.Between sets for large muscle groups (for example.on the chest or feet) using sets of small muscles (

7).The principle of "Rest-pause".With a weight of 85-90% of maximum RM make two or three repetitions.Then do 2-3 more repetitions.back rest.2-3 repetitions.back rest – and that further.until you have 08/10 repeats.Short pause between repetitions is the body to restore the level of adenosine triphosphate.and you're ready for the new reps with heavy weights.

8).Principle of priority.Weak, lagging muscle groups to work out in the first place, at the very beginning of your workout, with renewed strength.Begin training by working on large muscles, until you have enough energy.

9).The principle of prior exhaustion.To complex exercises (involving multiple joints) make isolation (with one joint).For example, to perform bench press while lying breeding.

10).The principle of the Pyramid.Elaboration of the body, start with low weights and high reps.then gradually increase the weight and reduces the recurrence.until you reach a weight-.which can do no more than five to eight repetitions.

11).The principle of step sets.Immediately after the "failure" and take a lighter weight again bring the muscle to "failure".

12).The principle of instinctive training (see.category 1).


1).Principle of Isolation.Muscles can act as stabilizers, synergists, antagonistyi protagonists.Causing the muscle to be the main driving force of an "isolate" her.that is.let it load direction.

2).Principle Quality Training.Gradually decrease rest time between sets, not reducing, or even increasing the number of repetitions.

3).The principle of "cheating".At the end of the overcome the most difficult of the movement."Throw" the weight of a jerk.helping themselves all over.

4).The principle of continuous voltages.To maximize the use of muscle fibers.Keep smooth muscle.constant tension throughout the motion (non-stop).

5).The principle of forced reps.At the end of the set, after the "failure", seek the help of a partner to complete the last repetition.

6).The principle of "Evocation" begin to target training any muscle.make 2-3 exercises for the muscles.which is its antagonist.This will ensure that indirect blood flow to the desired muscle or muscle group.

7).The principle of "burning".At the end of the set, make several short movements with reduced amplitude (8-10 cm).

8).Principle of partial repetitions.Instead of full reps do to reduce, within a certain, chosen segment of the amplitude.It helps to load the components of muscles, which at full amplitude remain idle.The concept of "partial repetition" also includes the study of muscle movement disabilities after complete.when you've reached a "failure".

9).The principle of negative reps.The negative phase of the repetition, that is, lowering the weight, better stimulate muscle growth than the actual rise.Indeed, while lowering you can work with a weight of 30-40% heavier than the rise.

10).Principle of Peak Reduction.At the top.peak of the movement for a few moments linger.maintaining or even increasing the tension in the muscle.

11).Principle of Speed ​​Training.Acceleration of movement stimulates the development of "fast" muscle fibers.

12).The principle of isometric contraction.This technique is the basis for posing.Its essence lies in the fact that 6-10 seconds, the maximum strain a muscle without burdening.Make it 30-45 times, taking different positions.

13).The principle of instinctive Training.(See.category 1)

How do I get Principles Uaydera

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