Tips natural bodybuilder

Do not believe the advertising and are looking for elusive goal
All professional bodybuilding organizations pursue their main goal – for commercial profit.How? It's easy! With the help of an unattainable goal!

An unattainable goal – a goal that you obviously do not reach.In our case, this volume, unnatural huge muscle mass.You can build big muscles, but you will never be Dorian Yatsom.Let's look at.Do you know.that the commercial benefits derived from professional organizations, bodybuilding for major competitions (such as "Mr. Universe").of a vast proportion of the market of food supplements.from the sale of which.among other things.alleged "irreconcilable" position in relation to steroid.and so on.In fact, all the elite bodybuilders are literally permeated with steroids.They use more steroids, and pharmaceuticals, as a small hospital.What is all this necessary? To create an unattainable goal! What happens? Amateur bodybuilder watches competitions.buying all these magazines.videos.strictly followed the recommendations of a training.spends a lot of money on a variety of supplements.and the results have more than modest.And he.naturally.begins to think.that his training program is ineffective.that it lacks nutrients.dietary supplement is not suitable and t.Dr….. Ultimately, all these considerations lead to the.that he begins to look more and more new training history of bodybuilding and newly minted star pays ….pays.pays…Bottom line: if you're straight, you can build only natural mass.Do not chase elusive goal!
Nutritional Supplements
If you want to build huge muscles – you need supplements.Is this true? Wrong! At all times there were people with a powerful, beautiful physique.And you thought.that such people have appeared only after 1970? any country's largest and strongest man was a smith.What do you think.why? Because he daily ate an additional portion of the protein and took creatine or because the whole day working with iron?..The answer is obvious.All you need to build your muscles in a natural food.Nutritional supplements can actually be useful, but in principle they are not needed.And you just brainwashed when you begin to doubt.Here is a good protein shake (all natural), who used Schwarzenegger in 1970:

  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 / 2 cup skim milk powder
  • 1 egg
  • 1 / 2 cup ice cream

Gym – a place to train, rather than club, "Who the …" often in the gym you meet people.that after a single approach are beginning to aimlessly wander around the room or start with someone stupid chatter? Passes.least.5 minutes.before they again take up the bar.Serious athletes will train in the gym.rather than discuss the latest news … It is very much time you spend on a break between sets.The most that you can afford – 2 minutes.

Frequency of training
When working on a lot no need to visit Hall for more than 3 times a week and spend it more than 1 hour.You can even run two times a week, and it will also give good results.How is this possible? Work with heavy weights.Medium and light days for us there is no.Use basic exercises (bench presses, pull, sit-ups).Avoid isolation exercises, such as breeding, broaches and t.n.You must understand that your body is a big load and he needs a rest.What do you think, why it is always advised to take a week break to overcome stagnation?
Very often we hear: "What if I only once a week to work out your biceps? They will grow?" Of course! By the way.Remember.Biceps are involved in such exercises as pull rod to the belt in the slope (exercise on your back muscles).and Delta operate in the bench press.
You already know that the basis of weight gain – it exercises with heavy weights.You have to work with heavy weights at the beginning of training, while still in good shape.But.if you press on the bench 50 pounds more than his usual weight.and at the same bar.the ball.bounces off his chest.and bend back into the wrestling not wait.that this technique will help to achieve your goals.Maybe you and make an impression on someone who does not know these tricks, but we will not deceive you."Chitinguya".you turn to the work of the auxiliary muscles.and instead of quality to work major muscle are wasting energy on futile exercise performance.

Be a man, not a smug, self-centered
You can always identify this athlete.As a rule, he is engaged in old shorts and a T-shirt soaked and then.He is not one of those.who walks down the hall.touching others with his elbows is not 100 – dollar sneakers.he does not cut sleeve training t-shirt and says with an air of importance can squeeze lying.Do not be ridiculous ….Naturalness, ease of communication, friendship – that's what causes this respect in the room.

Free weights – it's not all
Can I build a lot.using simulators? "Yes! Supporters say free weights.that the mass grows only on the free weights.It's not quite true.Your muscles react to the intense pressures that can come from various sources.Muscles not matter if you're using free weights or exercise machines.They just react to the load.Good to load the muscle, and it will respond to its growth.Of course, we should not completely abandon the use of free weights.Just remember that free weight – this is not the only way to mass.
But not all trainers, as they say, are created equal.For example, to work out the muscles of the shoulders and chest, it is best to use"Hammer"Because this machine is designed with a view of the natural trajectory of human motion.
At least 5.000 calories a day.It seems so?
If you consume to 4.000-5.000 calories a day, there's really a lot of weight GROW.Fat mass.You often experienced bodybuilders talk about.what exercises they feed and t.Dr..But you can never tell about the pills they take.Steroids accelerate muscle biosynthesis, and it requires a lot of calories.So if you consume as much food as they, then quickly turn into a "Kolobok".

Progress is progress
You have not missed a single training.gradually increase the number of repetitions.carefully add 2 1 / 2 pounds to the bar.but the last two months your biceps increased by only 1 / 8 inch.And it's all your progress … And you think.that only the constant growth of muscle is the only sign of progress? Do not despair.your muscles just happens slowly.Be patient, focus on details, and all will come to you in due time.To build quality muscle mass requires a long, hard work.

The main reason for failure – your negative attitude
Before 1970, people did not believe in the possibility of overcoming the 500-pound abroad.But in 1970, during the Olympics, it finally happened.And over the next few months, the record was repeated by many athletes.Why? Mental barriers! If one person is able to overcome a certain threshold.others begin to believe in their capabilities.Your mind – a very powerful factor in training.Get together, focus, believe in yourself and success will come to you!
Increasing the intensity of the workout intensity is easy to solve two problems: overcoming stagnation and increase muscle mass.There are many ways to increase the intensity.Use one of them, or a combination of several.
So, you can:

  • reduce pauses between sets;
  • diversify the range of exercises;
  • increase the number of repetitions;
  • reduce the number of reps while increasing weight and number of sets (for a few weeks);
  • to include more exercise in their industry;
  • perform exercises, applying the principle of the "pyramid";

Be sure to revise your diet and make sure that you have enough time to rest.
Increasing the power of the results is not growing strength results? Try to make a further auxiliary muscles.involved in the movement.For example.By increasing the automatically increase your results in the bench press.strengthening the long back will increase the results of the squat.This theory is suitable for almost any exercise.

Tips natural bodybuilder

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