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The top line in the "hit parade" took supplements: whey protein powder, glutamine, creatine, vitamin C, multimineral supplements containing magnesium.of potassium.calcium and zinc.

Train with "iron" at most 3-4 times a week.If you are "swing" intensely and powerfully.as befits a serious bodybuilder.then the more intense mode of training muscles simply will not have time to recover normal.

Remember the symmetry! Mountains muscle is, of course, great.But even better when they are where they should.Assessing the physical form.the human eye (including judges) completely unconsciously slipping from the shoulders to the waist.and then to the calves.Pay attention to these three points.

Many professianaly advise before you go to bed, prinyat5-7 grams of glutamine.It has anti-catabolic effect.that is.reduces the breakdown of muscle tissue.which is especially important during an eight-night break in the diet.

If you are a vegetarian, keep in mind: with every meal you should receive 2-3 grams of amino acid supplements.Thus you will provide a high quality protein and insure against a lack of any specific amino acid.

What to eat after a workout? Product with the ideal ratio of simple and complex carbohydrates and moderate amounts of protein.What do you think.that best fits this description? Baby food! preferred rice or oat mixture in banochkak.Of course, you ponadobtsya 3.2 banks, not just one as an infant.Each jar contains approximately 20 grams carbohydrates, 1 gram of protein and 0 grams of fat.

The hands refuse to grow? Try to load one workout and biceps.and triceps: after such a pump will begin to crack the sleeves! And if this welcome to you, past stage.Refer to tip nomer37.

Always carry a couple of bags of powder for nutrient cocktail.If you can not eat high-grade.buy a half-liter bottle of mineral water without gas and Overturn there one or two packages.Such food for a time ensures that you will catabolism.

About the depth of squats there are different opinions.Some advise to not fall below parallel, others stay even higher than this.But Tom Platz.owner of the most powerful legs in the history of bodybuilding.gives different advice: "Just go down until it stops and then rise.and the rest will follow! "

Device simulators for many shoulders to squeeze forcing weight not directly overhead, and up and back.To remedy the situation.turn in the simulator to 180 degrees lean back for support breast.rather than back.This small adjustment will make a defective exercise of the shock means "pump" deltas.

Does it make sense to train to complete "a pass"? Golden words to that effect said eight-time "Mr..Olympia "Lee Haney" Muscles need to bomb, but do not kill! "Simply put, do not go too far.

The monotony of training, the worst enemy of muscle and mind.To make each workout at least one change in the complex group of muscles.For example, the last time you did the biceps lifting barbells and concentrated rise.Then replace the now concentrated lifting dumbbells while sitting rise.

Sleep is important for the development of muscles as much as nutrition.Eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, at least for a bodybuilder!

Do not rely entirely on supplements.No need to buy all that the market offers.It is much wiser to spend money only on necessary, creatine, glutamine and whey protein.Remember, the main source of nutrients, organic foods.

Bodybuilders need to think about how to take nootropics, the so-called additive "to mind".Of course, direct effects on muscle growth, they do not have.However, stimulating the brain, increase the ability to concentrate.And it plays a key role in the intensive training.

Do not forget to take vitamin C! In this inexpensive supplement heap virtues.First, a powerful antioxidant-askorbinki.Secondly, it is involved in the synthesis of tissue insulin sensitivity and increases.Moreover, as recently discovered, scientists, Vitamin C regulates the ratio of cortisol and testosterone.The optimal dose :2000-3000mg per day.

Performing a set, try as far as possible to experience muscle biomechanics of movement.If this so you "turn off" that they forgot to count repetitions, excellent! Consider a kazhny can.But talent is absolutely focused, very rare among bullies.Meanwhile, on-the foundation of success in the "pumping".

Water is, one might say, the fourth major nutrient.Make drinking the same schedule as for food.Remember, the bodybuilder should drink about 2 liters of water per day.
Useful if high-fat diet? On this topic is now much discussion.But, frankly, very few people went in store fatty foods.So stick to the proven system: a measure of protein, carbohydrates and low in fat.

By studying the techniques of "stars" in search of ideas for their own training.looking for a champion is not "proprietary tricks".and common to all methods.That they lead to success.

If you have a hard time, practice twice a week, but work out all muscle groups.To make large sets of 4-5, the small-2-3.

How to choose a protein supplement? It depends on what purpose you stvite front.If the problem is to increase musulatury.best additive-hydrolyzed whey protein.containing not less than 60% of di-and tripeptides.

Research has shown that the ideal time to practice with "iron"-in the afternoon.At this time the muscles of the highest temperature, and warmer than they are, the more.

How many sets do on uprzhnenie: one to the "failure", or more? Of course, some.With so vydom agree not only to sport scientists.None of the "Olympia" is not confined to one muscle group at Seth.

"Jam" creatine with carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (simple sugars).Evolved to deliver insulin to help the creatine into the muscle cells.From drinks for this purpose is best grape juice.

No matter how contrived trendy trainers for the widest.most professionals still rely powered T-bar.To properly perform this movement.monitors the position of the handles: When tightening the neck to the abdomen, they should be 5-10 inches above the navel.

If possible, prepare yourself! Control the quality of the starting materials and the number of major food ingredients in the dish can only be independent, "cooking".So roll up your sleeves and go to the kitchen!
Bench for a head to make a normal flat bench without back support.Many folded back.turning the exercise into a version of the inclined bench press.which is really only the front of the delta loads.But when lean not on that, the body remains in an upright position.Weight then inevitably have to squeeze vvertikalno overhead.and all three beams are delta equivalent load.

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