How to keep training when the muscles were told – no more

Well.let's.Let hurts! No pain, nothing will! Win a pain! Something similar can be heard from partners in any room.But is this really true? Can.only entered into the fraud bodybuilders think.pain that they need for this training? The pain is usually a side effect in the life of every bodybuilder.and we all would have been useful to it affects the body-building and how to overcome its negative effects.

It is known.that stress during high-intensity training is strong blood flow to working muscles.That is what is the "pump" to which you aspire, when you go to train.From the pumping of blood and pain depends.

In fact, the more pain you feel, the greater the blood flow.And, realizing this, do you train more aggressively.But first you need to clearly understand that there are two types of pain.Dull, burning pain in the working muscles predominantly associated with fatigue.3 On the other hand.sudden.acute pain in the joints could mean damage of ligaments.tendons, muscles, or even.and in this case, you have to immediately stop the execution of exercises.It is important to overcome the pain.associated with fatigue.and can not be done.when it arises from damage.

The ability to withstand pain

The pain may have different impacts on your training and all the people see it differently.It can also affect the intensity of training, which in turn is displayed on your results.One well-known kulturistka told me: "When my muscles ache.and I feel tired.then try to cheer up and tune in next training.I reduced the load until the pain has passed ".It depends on the pain intensity of your workouts.When the pain becomes unbearable especially, it reduces stress and gets smaller result.Another builder said this: "I feel that all the tired muscles ache.When I really start to feel the pain.I force myself to go further and increase the load with each repetition, and Seth ".He also feels the pain in the muscles during workout.but.regardless of whether.maintains a high level of intensity.

People who do not tolerate the pain, trying to reduce the frequency and duration of training.Referring to the high intensity training.some people can safely skip the next workout or shorten its duration: "The last time I trained so hard.that today we have to relax a bit "or" Training such a grueling.Now that I go to the gym only twice a week "

This is a common reaction of those who train and can not tolerate the pain that accompanies the intensive training.Soon as you start to use pain as a reason for reducing the just do a step back and refuse to fully implement the program.

A necessary evil

Your workout will be more productive.if you change.their perception of pain and understand.that is an integral part of your training.When you recognize.that it can not be avoided.and if you want to achieve real can control the perception of pain and reduce its negative impact.

After 10 days training with the Canadian team of swimmers sports psychologist and consultant and university professor in Edmonton (Canada), John Hough concluded.that consistency is crucial to overcome the pain for athletic performance.An athlete with a greater exposure can achieve better results than one who is less.Athletes.trying to overcome heavy loads.also more satisfied with their results and achievements.Is not it great when you're cool train, reached a record and a huge pump?

But, if you're hard to overcome the pain, there is a psychological strategy can help.After viewing the scientific literature, scientists have discovered.that 85% of the studies confirm the effectiveness of psychological strategies.This technique involves "linking" strategy (1).when you focus on the physiological indices (respiratory rate.working muscles).but "divisive" strategy (2).who turn away attention from the feeling of pain, mental activity.

Later it turned.that pain in the muscles is greatly reduced.and their strength increases.when to use the first strategy.Athletes who use both strategies at the same time, also felt the improvement in results.

Control the pain!

Relax.The first step is to control pain during exercise – is to avoid unnecessary tension in the muscles.especially those.that push the weight.Only you will be able to distinguish relaxed reaction associated with the strength and muscle growth.

At first glance, relaxation and high intensity are incompatible.But for the present isolation of the working muscles.intense intense exercise m.remainder of the body and consciousness should be relaxed and not impede the process of insulating.Relaxation promotes recovery between sets and exhausting workouts.helps to fall asleep quickly and reduces unwanted muscle tension.headache and backache.The ability to relax and need to constantly train.First, it is better not to do it in the hall.and when to really learn.then you can use it during training and competition.After 2-3 weeks of practice already visible results.Technique "muscle-consciousness".Relaxation techniques most suitable for those bodybuilders.that use the imagination to induce mental calm with the appropriate physical relaxation.Benson's technique – one of the most popular series of "muscle-consciousness" (see."A gradual approach to relaxation").This applies to the body's ability to enter into such a state.which is characterized by a reduced heartbeat and blood pressure respectively.slow breathing.brain function and metabolism.These changes are caused by the relaxation, can counteract the unwanted feelings of exhaustion and pain.

Changes in perception.Your thoughts, ideas and expectations can have a significant impact on your mood and behavior.Wrong attitude to pain during exercise can lead to nervousness.concern and.eventually.failure.On the other hand, the correct perception will help to relax, feel confident and reduce pain.Technique with the use of imagination allows discourage unproductive influence of pain and focus on productive things.It is based on imagination and mental alertness and turns attention away from pain (see."The strategy of using the imagination").

His own coach.If you train yourself, you have to learn to run heavy sets as well as with partner.During the training needed to cheer myself and convince you that you'll be able to overcome the pain.Each heavy set can be divided into stages (see."Four Stages of Pain").Based on this training and its positive results connected with each stage.Remember, you have a friendly talk with myself, to be successful.Properly treating the pain, you develop the ability to control it, trying to reassure himself.This is exactly what will make your success even more.Therefore, no matter what – just go to the gym and controls pain!

A gradual approach to relaxation

1) Choose the word or phrase a little about yourself and bodybuilding.The first thing you need for each relaxation techniques is to select a word then ponder over which.If this is the word for you, you will be more easy to train.This should be something easy to remember and short enough to be able to say during exhalation.Something like: strong, powerful, relaxed, and the like.

2) Relax your muscles.Before you start set Relax different muscle groups, starting from the foot and to the stomach.Turning the head in different directions and shrugging his shoulders, relax the shoulders, neck and head.Put your hands, let them hang naturally at the sides.

3) Follow your breath and begin to use the "basic" word.Breathe slowly and naturally, quietly repeating the selected word on each exhale.

4) Keep the coolness.This is another important aspect of relaxation.As soon as you sit down quietly, repeating the selected word, you immediately start to worry for thought.If you might.the pain is too strong.and it soon will distract you from the word.To avoid this, you need to try anything not to respond.No need to struggle with these intrusive thoughts.Remember this does not mean the worst exercises.This is true of consciousness, rather than physical effort.You may think completely relaxed, and at the same time, be persistent and energetic during his set.

5) Train twice a day.As well as strength training, relaxation techniques need to constantly improve.First trains at home twice a day at leisure, and better do it on an empty stomach.

The strategy of using the imagination

Imaginary inattention includes ignoring pain in imaginary situations.incompatible with his sense of.For example, imagination, imagine that you walk on the beach or swim in the blue water of the ocean in Hawaii.

Imaginary change of pain includes her awareness.but the interpretation as for some reason, little or unreal.You may say to yourself, "This pain is nothing," or "Once upon a time I felt even worse pain," and then to overcome it.

Turning away of attention (external) based on its concentration, on the physical characteristics of the environment.For example, you can look at myself in the mirror and carefully considered part of the hall.This will distract your attention from the physical discomfort during the set.Turning away of attention (internal) focus on the fictional imagination ideas.

For example, you can perform arithmetic calculations or make a list of favorite songs.Any mental activity distracts you from the pain and be effective.Somatization is common among bodybuilders, and includes a focus on body parts.which receives the greatest loads.For example.When you perform recovery on the biceps.Analyze the intensive stimulation and you to prepare a report on the biology of.Somatization also includes reflections on the movement of muscles, connective tissue and bone.This technique is perfect for increasing isolation of the muscles.

Four Stages of Pain

Step 1: Preparation.Think what you will soon feel the pain during the workout and get ready for this.Do not consider yourself to be helpless, develop a plan to overcome it.Be calm, do not think about the poor, focusing on a pleasant.Try it yourself to say: "Do not worry about the next Seth.come up with something better instead of this stupid emotion ".or "I'm a little worried.There is nothing in a strange.but that's no reason to reduce the intensity ".Just breathe deeply and relax.

Stage 2: protiborotvo.When you start to feel pain, they used conventional strategies to overcome it.Change strategy.if necessary.encouraging expression and used to guide their strategies: "I feel some pain.which makes me aware of the muscles.I know how to slow, deep breaths…"

Stage 3: The critical points.These are the moments.When you consciously or unconsciously decide to stop training.because you are very sick.Remember, you should expect a real pain and not to exaggerate its.Cope with pain.When you're having unpleasant thoughts and feelings, try to stop it.Try again to tune in to the right path.You can say, "My pain is terrible, but I overcame it.I relax and concentrate on something else and everything is under control "or" I can not throw away this pain from head.I have to stop.No! I've been preparing for this and will use a strategy that will help me overcome the pain.Relax, breathe slowly and deeply ".

Stage 4: Reflections.First, you will not even notice the change in their ability to withstand pain.but remember.what you learn and practice this needs to be.You deserve credit for trying alone.You should be proud of yourself, if a little bit you can control the pain.Gain experience and get ready for the next workout or Setu.

How to keep training when the muscles were told – no more

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