Training beyond failure

Forced repetition – one of the fundamental principles of bodybuilding.Just think what a brilliant idea with a partner you have further squeezed 1.3 additional repetitions, t.e.doing the work, which alone is no longer cope.Partner of "forcing" your effort and displays all of your training to a new level of intensity.

No partner is known to set ends at a time when it is full of muscle "failure".Well, this training muscle groups until the limit.This is exactly the type of overload.which, together with proper nutrition and recovery, and makes the muscles grow.Limited load (in terms of intensity) leads to limited results.Conversely, the higher the intensity, the faster and more efficient muscles grow.

Wanted classy partner

The principle of forced repetitions used in bodybuilding for 60 years.Like all successful inventions.principle overgrown with new technical details and gaining depth.
To begin with clear about the basic rules of the game.Forced repetitions can be done only after the natural reach the point of "refusal".Do not ask a partner to help you, unless you shell out completely and to limit their own strength is exhausted.Otherwise you will only do harm to its growth.Or even provoke injury.
So when you get to "refusal" to the forefront of a partner.Its mission – to give you just enough overpowered one additional repetition (or two.or three).It in no case should take the major share of.This is a disservice – the lack of load growth slows.
Six-time "Mr. Olympia" Dorian Yates – a longtime fan of the forced reps." I reach the "refusal".takes over my partner.and with his help I am doing one more least two.and never – three.The guys who make a lot of forced reps, cheating themselves.If the set ends with a powerful high-quality forced repetition.nothing is no longer necessary: ​​the work is done.Depleted forces so that more weight and do not budge an inch.A peck forced one after another without end – it means wasting time.Clearly, in this case the weight of your partner picks up ".

Help you get on the forced reps should be strictly measured with.More than necessary – it's a barrier height, less – risking hurt.For such a fine work you need a good partner who is always on the lookout.He watches over you with the utmost attention, catches a moment of your "failure" and the time comes to the rescue.Some builders, such as Yates, more satisfied with a forced repetition.Others prefer to go pro until two or three.But they all agree that the use of this technique in all sets can not exercise.Finishing set the forced repetition, Dorian goes to the next exercise.The logic is this: the previous nothing and sweet – the muscles totally exhausted.

For starters – it is dangerous!

Beginners (no experience with training more than six to twelve months) should not be forced to threaten a repetition.Yes, and it is better to use the advanced principle of occasionally.
Beginner bodybuilder not make sense to spend time and energy to extremely energetic techniques.It is probably best to concentrate on operating time of equipment and train your body to stress.The path to mastery is long and difficult.Why complicate the already difficult task? With regard to advanced, the situation is somewhat different.Advanced bodybuilders can be gradually introduced into their systems forced repetition and other high-intensity techniques.But hurry, too, do not.Begin to try the technique extremely energetic until the end of the advanced stage, carefully, and from time to time.Excessive playfulness certainly ends overtraining and injury.

Forced repetition.if they abuse might lead you to the strip of stagnation.when growth turns back.And one technical error will be enough to push you on the path to injury.When you train to limit vital ideal technique.
Elite bodybuilders (with experience above 3 years).who are able to skillfully use forced reps.not hurt at first listen Dorian Yates advice: "I get to" refusal ".then do one repetition of the extreme cases – two.So Seth, I conclude each exercise set ».And as usual, Dorian makes to 4 exercises on body.all he set out four killer with the forced reps at the end of.

Now.when you realize.the essence of the reception.and took note of all warnings.I will tell you.what exercises are suitable for forced reps.and what – no.

Exercises for forced reps

ž Bench press with any angle bench

ž Bench sitting over his head

ž Rearing Lateral with dumbbells

ž Bench top to bottom on the block

ž Leg Curl

ž Leg extension

ž The rise of the biceps

ž Most of the exercises at the gym

Exercise is not forced to repeat

ž Squats

ž Deadlift

ž Rearing Lateral with dumbbells

ž Taking the weight on the chest

Let's say you're going to use forced repetitions in the bench press.After a thorough workout you're doing 8-10 reps per set their own.If there is no partner on this, in all likelihood, will end and your set.But if the insurance expert partner you can work on.As soon as he notices.that you "zastoprilo".He takes up the neck and can help you just complete one more repetition.No more, no less – just enough to the bar went up to the full straightening of arms…Sage is moving forward step by step, the same fools climb ahead – and hurt their foreheads.This old truth is the best suited to forced repetition.And if you took note of all the.I told you.I guarantee: this principle will be one of your main trump card!

A good partner – a 100% success!

Art assist in the forced reps – this is an essential term success.You can not walk over the border "failure" without the qualified help from the.Well, that aid to be effective, the partner must skillfully conduct his own party.His first duty – your safety.Goal number two – to provide assistance to accurately metered, so you can just do a repetition.

Over time, the partner will instinctively identify what the measure of assistance you need at any given time.On forced reps can not twitch.spin.bend.turn from side to side – in short.go against the technology.Burden should be directed precisely to the "target" muscle.And you will prevent injuries from strict adherence to technique.All this is possible when you're running a strong, experienced partner.

When help is needed most? If you have at least some training need to know.that for ranyu "failure" in any movement there are "dead".insurmountable points.Once this point is overcome, you can finish the job independently.
By its very nature a biomechanical hand and foot most of all on the upper segment of the movement.and weaker – in the initial.Knowledgeable partner to help more precisely at the start and smikshiruet its participation at the end of recovery.

Thus, your muscles can work for yourself in the natural biomechanical framework: a moment of weakness – less stress and more support from the.with the return of power – more stress and less support.At the top partner.whose hands are not for a moment leave the neck barbell.helps you put a shell on the rack.Here is the perfect repetition of the accelerated.Partner to help you cross the line.You have crossed the border "refusal" and is guaranteed to have entered into the growth zone.

Training beyond failure

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