Anatomic types of

Each athlete.bodybuilders.knows from experience.that different people react to the same exercise in different ways.
One of the best ways to fit a variety of exercises to the physical structure of the individual – is to use the system.which divides the structure of the human body into three distinct categories (ectomorph.Mesomorph.Endomorph).

Of course strict compliance with only one category did not actually meet.Everyone especially the perfect balance of all three types of physical.therefore choose the type of.that is closest to your own.Try to find out features of your structure in accordance with the data types.before you start developing your own training program.
Each athlete should strive to develop your body in the correct it is important to record changes in the body with tape ernoy.If measurements are carried out regularly.monitor progress will be relatively easy.that will osonovoy for uniform physical development in accordance with the characteristics of your building.

Ectomorph is characterized by a relatively short upper body.long arms and legs.narrow feet and wrists.and a small body and relatively narrow shoulders.Ectomorphs typically have long.thin muscle.have built up very slowly.and very limited reserves of fat.
The main purpose of training for ectomorphs is the increase in body weight.Consequently ectomorph.need to consume more calories.than average build fat reserves.
Calorie intake of calories can be improved by good nutrition.but it should be remembered.that calorie.necessary for building muscle.should not be spent during sports (eg.jogging or swimming).Ectomorph is usually lacking in strength and endurance for long workouts.therefore, should first carry out a major exercise.You have to do an adequate rest break, the body does not overtax.To ensure the ectomorph to build muscle should place special emphasis on strength training.
TRAINING FOR ectomorph ectomorph For a typical main goal gain weight, preferably in the form of quality muscle mass.Even with the strength and stamina for marathon running.ectomorph finds.that his muscles are growing very slowly.and he often has to force himself to eat more than ensure that weight gain.Therefore, for ectomorphs I recommend:
A.Include a lot of intense weight training in a program for maximum muscle building.Your program should be based primarily on work with heavy weights and low reps (6-8 reps after a good workout).
2.Learn to train intensively, so that each series was at the expense of.This way you can make your workout is relatively short, without sacrificing quality (14 to 16 series on one of the main parts of the body instead of 16-20 episodes).How should rest between the series and give your body enough recuperate between workouts.
3.Pay close attention to their nutrition.Consume more calories.than you're used to, if necessary.drink protein replenish the body's energy resources.
4.Remember that you are trying to convert food energy into body weight.So do not burn a lot of energy.too carried away by such and other active sports.Cardiovascular training is desirable and necessary for the health.but that.who spends several hours a day in aerobic exercise outside the gym.will be much harder to build muscle in training.

Mesomorph mesomorph has a strong body.a long upper body.developed muscular system and greater physical strength.Mesomorph can build muscle without too much difficulty.but it should try to keep the right proportions.This is best achieved by a combination of weight training and exercises to tone povyshayuschik.The more varied training program, the better developed muscles in the right proportions.Training can last a long time and include short rest breaks.
With regard to food.mesomorph should ensure that.not to increase the weight at the expense of too many calories.The food should be balanced and rich in protein.
TRAINING FOR A mesomorph mesomorph can relatively easily build muscle mass.but he must be a fairly diverse program of develop his muscles in proportion and have a nice shape.and not just dense and massive.That's what I recommend for mesomorph:
A.Emphasis on quality.detailed training with the isolation of individual muscle groups along with the basic exercises to increase muscle mass and strength.You can easily increase the amount of muscle, so you can work from the very beginning of their shape and clarity.
2.Mesomorph so rapidly gaining weight that they do not have to worry about saving energy or overtraining.Standard training (16 to 20 episodes per body part) is well suited, and you can adjust the rest periods between series, in its sole discretion.
3.A balanced diet with plenty of protein.allows you to maintain a level of which the maximum deviation of the weight of the tournament form of no more than 10-15 pounds during the year.It is not necessary to gain 30-40 pounds, and then with great effort to get rid of this weight before a competition.

Endomorph endomorph is characterized by a flexible muscular system.a round face.short-necked.wide hips and large reserves of fat.
Endomorph as easy as muscle mass and mesomorph.Endomorphism sludet try to reduce fat stores.therefore, training should include a variety of exercises and a lot of reps with short breaks to rest.
Endomorph should pay special attention to diet to reduce body fat and do not accumulate new.Endomorph must adhere not only nizkokalariynoy diet, but the balance of power.Food should provide the necessary body proteins.fat.carbohydrates.vitamins and minerals in sufficient quantities to avoid them difitsita.
TRAINING FOR endomorph endomorph is usually not too difficult to build up muscle.First of all, it should focus get rid of fat.and then the special diet.Therefore, endomorph, I recommend the following:
A.The increased volume of high-speed train with more reps (at least 10-12 before MTBF).with very short rest burn as much fat.Whenever possible, perform a few extra episodes: it helps to lose weight faster.
2.Additional aerobic exercise.for example.cycling.jogging and other activities with high physical activity.Workout in the gym too burns calories.but not so a daily cardiovascular exercise for 35-40 minutes.
3.Low-calorie diet with a properly chosen balance of nutrients (see.section "Power").No need to exclude anything, but consume a minimum amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats.Vitamin and mineral supplements are necessary compensate for possible deficits of important minerals.

Anatomic types of

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