Body Types

To define the type, so do half the work towards a model figure.Themselves think can different "types" to train the same way? Of! Why hudyshku pitch in aerobics? She's even more of their "to dry"! No.they need to pump up the muscles! A total endomorph? They even have to sleep in the arms of benefit to aerobics! Their main task – to lose fat.And the athletic type – it is generally something particularly rare.People with different types of body will react differently to the same system of training.That which is suitable for one person may not act on another.In short, each type needs its own, highly individual program.Just give it a quick and effective return.
If you take a train on some "popular" sports Benefit.then you have to perform at least 5-6 such exercise.that you personally do not need.Sure.nothing wrong with that will not be – all the exercises anyway helpful.but how much did you lose time.before you reach up to.that you need their exercise!
However, you can answer this question precisely, about a year and a half.In any much for bodybuilders typically spend empty training on general schemes.until finally they find in the sea and methods that.that suits their individual genetics.
Incidentally, the loss of time – this is not the worst.Worst of all, ineffective training destroy faith in the sport, deprived of enthusiasm.
Your type figuryA-shaped shoulders are narrow.pelvis a little wider, the impression of "hard" lower body – full of legs and buttocks, the tendency to deposit fat below the waist (top of the body may even seem to be thin), low metabolic rate (if not specifically follow the diet.weight quickly arrives).
H-shaped or wide average backbone, a small chest full of feet, the visual impression about the same width of the shoulders.waist and hips, the tendency to formation of fatty deposits in the abdomen and thighs, moderate metabolic rate.
I-shaped thin bones; gauntness, weak muscles, and almost no fat, high metabolic rate (no matter how much you not get fat).
.wider pelvis, fat is deposited.basically.on the trunk (back.chest.side), the average rate of metabolism (polneesh only.If you start to have too many).
X-shaped bones of medium-sized, shoulder width is approximately equal to the width of the hips, narrow waist, full breasts, fat deposits are formed on the buttocks and thighs, the average rate of metabolism (polneesh only.If you start to have too many).
Take a closer look into the mirror, and then compare what you see, as described above.Well, after that pull the train.
Based on materials from P.Kennedy and M.Greenwood-Robinson

Body Types

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