Alcohol use in sports

Alcohol use in sports

Too much alcohol has a negative effect on the process of building muscle.Alcohol is much more harmful.than most people think and it's very important that you does this affect your progress.We value you are serious about doing physical exercises for the development of the must know about the five factors that slow down your progress.

1) Alcohol affects the synthesis of proteins – Protein synthesis is a process in which amino acids link form a complete protein.Excessive alcohol consumption slows this process up to one of the major components of muscle.a can count how much less you build muscle with the use of alcoholic beverages.

2) It lowers testosterone and increases estrogen – testosterone is the most important hormones in the body to build muscle.One of the factors.that determine how much muscle mass can dial a specific determining the level of testosterone in the body.

3) It causes dehydration – With alcohol kidneys should recycle large amounts of water to decompose into harmless compounds alcohol and this can lead to severe dehydration.Water plays a crucial role in building muscle mass.slight dehydration can slow down your progress.muscles are 70% water.

4) It displays the body of vitamins and minerals – When used from the body very rapidly eliminated vitamin well as the minerals calcium.zinc and phosphorus.Each of the vitamins and minerals involved in the operation of the body and many of these processes are associated with an increase in muscle.

5) It increases the accumulation of adipose tissue – Alcohol contains seven empty calories and excessive use can lead to excess fat.Alcohol also disrupts the Krebs cycle, which plays an important role in fat burning.

It is important to have fun spending time did not become your brakes to reach your perfection.If you are serious about achieving good results in building muscle mass you have to control the consumption of alcohol and make sure that you consume in moderation.A small amount will not be a problem.but if you spend every weekend for the use of alcoholic can certainly be forgiven with a maximum gain in muscle mass.

I urge you to forget everything except the training of do not be afraid to go out and have a good time.The optimal option not to use alcohol more than once a month and try to reduce the consequences of its use.As long as you have a desire to improve, you can achieve impressive results in training and public life.

Source bodybuilding portal

Alcohol use in sports

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