Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding workout’ Category

Lee Priest: Shoulders Superchempiona

A few years ago, a popular western Kachkovskii magazine took up conducting a survey to identify the most popular bodybuilding world.lack of forecasts was.but they all boiled down to.that the winner must be a reigning king Ronnie Coleman bodybuilder the worst.its "closure" by Kevin Levrone.Flex Wheeler and Shawn Ray.However, the birthday men are not they, and the Australian Superman Lee Priest.

And in fact rather Priest – minisupermen.How else would call sturdy growth in 163 cm? Shorty Priest repeatedly struggled in the top six in the competitions, "Mr. Olympia".was among the winners in the tournaments of lower rank.but in general, not to set the Thames on fire.What is the phenomenon of his popularity? Can people often do tend to root for small vs. large? Or in the.that in fact there are two Priest – one with a razor relief mighty muscles.when it comes time to enter the competition podium.and the other – with round cheeks and impressive looking belly.when far away to tournaments.Like it or not – we can only guess.In the meantime, use the happy opportunity to learn more about the mighty dwarf from Australia and his training methods.that is.word of mouth.

Can be.I can hardly be called broad-shouldered guy.but my shoulders immediately engage the attention.I should appear somewhere in the t-shirt.It is not only.that on one arm, I tattooed with the symbol of the famous on-screen hero Superman – Man of Steel.I am trying to imitate.and on the other – NASCAR racing which I am obviously not indifferent, or even thinking about becoming a professional racer.Just all my life.much as I can remember.with special zeal coached deltoids and achieved in this field, some success.

Normally, I worked through the shoulders with the chest muscles in the four-day split program.The first day I loaded the chest and shoulders.the second – the third – the fourth – the legs.fifth resting.and on the sixth start all over again.As for the sequence of the exercises, here I have no special system.I believe.that.from each training session with the new movement.I do not give your muscles "miss".shock the their growth and provide.Most of the trainees prefer to start training with shoulder presses.As a result, other movements they move when the muscles are fatigued for several.Thus, the effect of these exercises is reduced.Therefore, from time to time I start work on the delts with dumbbell swings through the side while standing.In the initial position I hold in their hands descended down to the hips.and then gently lift up a hand somewhere to shoulder level.The hands hold a little bent at the elbows.Total out 5 sets of 8-12 reps.

Mahi a part standing accented load side beams deltoid.make your figure visually wider.well as dumbbell swings in the slope of the rear beams are working the developed state giving the shoulders rounded appearance when viewed from the side and rear.I must say.Many sportsmen scorn to the rear deltas.or not training them at all.or doing it as a residual: dumbbells slightly waved at the end of training – and right.Elite athletes.battling for the top titles in bodybuilding.can not afford it.but because I pay back deltas close attention and are often pumped them almost at the very beginning of the training.I do it this way: pick up a dumbbell.strongly lean to the torso parallel to floor.and start to lift weights in hand up.It is extremely important.themselves to the shoulders without moving.otherwise the load from the back of deltas and move to the trapezius muscle rhomboid.Here I am again doing 5 sets of 8-12 reps.

I was always able to lift more weight in presses.Thus, the bench press I could make with a barbell of 220-plus pounds.I used to amuse himself with a 90-pound dumbbells.And speaking of sitting presses.then at a bodyweight of 127 pounds I am able to press the dumbbells to 75 kg, or work in the simulator with the additional load of 160 kg.That's because I have short arms.Due to this, I have to lift weights at a lower height.Of course, the force of arms and shoulders, too, in this case is not the last role.Most often I love prodelyvat presses for the shoulders in a special simulator.If this exercise is to my training plan for the third-fourth.I'm doing 6.5 approaches for 8-12 repetitions with relatively modest weight.If I start training with the regimes.then gazuyu to failure.using a solid weight and reducing the number of repetitions to 6-8.

The final movement in training to go to the delta shrug with dumbbells in hand – an exercise for the trapezius muscles pump.In general, in relation to all bodybuilders trapezoids are divided into two groups.Representatives of the first preferred to work out a trapezoid with shoulders.And the second prefer to load them on the same training.that the back muscles.And for those.and other a trapezoid anatomically intermediate between the shoulders and the latissimus dorsi.Personally, I'm the first group.

Why I prefer Schrage – shrug with the weights in your hands? The reason is simple: no other movements do not build as good a lot of these muscles.I do Schrage, in different variations: with dumbbells, barbell and the simulator.Dumbbells allow you to maximize range of motion.and so often I prefer it to them.I used to.happened.indulged in by 90 kg dumbbells.but now rarely take 60-70 kg heavier.because the main thing – not the weight.a technique.I raise my shoulders as high as possible, literally trying to reach them to ear level.Five sets of 8-12 reps – and it's done.If I want to ask trapezoids put more pressure.then add another two or three approaches to the chin thrust rod.

To be honest.despite its 30 years old – young by the standards of professional bodybuilding age – I'm tired of the order of events.too many of them piled up in my career.So much so, that I was even announced his retirement from professional sport.But as soon loomed on the horizon the next competition, "Mr. Olympia".can all changed drastically.and.who knows.can September, you'll see me again on the podium …"Culture of the Body" № 6-7 '

Lee Priest: Shoulders Superchempiona

Training beyond failure

Forced repetition – one of the fundamental principles of bodybuilding.Just think what a brilliant idea with a partner you have further squeezed 1.3 additional repetitions, t.e.doing the work, which alone is no longer cope.Partner of "forcing" your effort and displays all of your training to a new level of intensity.

No partner is known to set ends at a time when it is full of muscle "failure".Well, this training muscle groups until the limit.This is exactly the type of overload.which, together with proper nutrition and recovery, and makes the muscles grow.Limited load (in terms of intensity) leads to limited results.Conversely, the higher the intensity, the faster and more efficient muscles grow.

Wanted classy partner

The principle of forced repetitions used in bodybuilding for 60 years.Like all successful inventions.principle overgrown with new technical details and gaining depth.
To begin with clear about the basic rules of the game.Forced repetitions can be done only after the natural reach the point of "refusal".Do not ask a partner to help you, unless you shell out completely and to limit their own strength is exhausted.Otherwise you will only do harm to its growth.Or even provoke injury.
So when you get to "refusal" to the forefront of a partner.Its mission – to give you just enough overpowered one additional repetition (or two.or three).It in no case should take the major share of.This is a disservice – the lack of load growth slows.
Six-time "Mr. Olympia" Dorian Yates – a longtime fan of the forced reps." I reach the "refusal".takes over my partner.and with his help I am doing one more least two.and never – three.The guys who make a lot of forced reps, cheating themselves.If the set ends with a powerful high-quality forced repetition.nothing is no longer necessary: ​​the work is done.Depleted forces so that more weight and do not budge an inch.A peck forced one after another without end – it means wasting time.Clearly, in this case the weight of your partner picks up ".

Help you get on the forced reps should be strictly measured with.More than necessary – it's a barrier height, less – risking hurt.For such a fine work you need a good partner who is always on the lookout.He watches over you with the utmost attention, catches a moment of your "failure" and the time comes to the rescue.Some builders, such as Yates, more satisfied with a forced repetition.Others prefer to go pro until two or three.But they all agree that the use of this technique in all sets can not exercise.Finishing set the forced repetition, Dorian goes to the next exercise.The logic is this: the previous nothing and sweet – the muscles totally exhausted.

For starters – it is dangerous!

Beginners (no experience with training more than six to twelve months) should not be forced to threaten a repetition.Yes, and it is better to use the advanced principle of occasionally.
Beginner bodybuilder not make sense to spend time and energy to extremely energetic techniques.It is probably best to concentrate on operating time of equipment and train your body to stress.The path to mastery is long and difficult.Why complicate the already difficult task? With regard to advanced, the situation is somewhat different.Advanced bodybuilders can be gradually introduced into their systems forced repetition and other high-intensity techniques.But hurry, too, do not.Begin to try the technique extremely energetic until the end of the advanced stage, carefully, and from time to time.Excessive playfulness certainly ends overtraining and injury.

Forced repetition.if they abuse might lead you to the strip of stagnation.when growth turns back.And one technical error will be enough to push you on the path to injury.When you train to limit vital ideal technique.
Elite bodybuilders (with experience above 3 years).who are able to skillfully use forced reps.not hurt at first listen Dorian Yates advice: "I get to" refusal ".then do one repetition of the extreme cases – two.So Seth, I conclude each exercise set ».And as usual, Dorian makes to 4 exercises on body.all he set out four killer with the forced reps at the end of.

Now.when you realize.the essence of the reception.and took note of all warnings.I will tell you.what exercises are suitable for forced reps.and what – no.

Exercises for forced reps

ž Bench press with any angle bench

ž Bench sitting over his head

ž Rearing Lateral with dumbbells

ž Bench top to bottom on the block

ž Leg Curl

ž Leg extension

ž The rise of the biceps

ž Most of the exercises at the gym

Exercise is not forced to repeat

ž Squats

ž Deadlift

ž Rearing Lateral with dumbbells

ž Taking the weight on the chest

Let's say you're going to use forced repetitions in the bench press.After a thorough workout you're doing 8-10 reps per set their own.If there is no partner on this, in all likelihood, will end and your set.But if the insurance expert partner you can work on.As soon as he notices.that you "zastoprilo".He takes up the neck and can help you just complete one more repetition.No more, no less – just enough to the bar went up to the full straightening of arms…Sage is moving forward step by step, the same fools climb ahead – and hurt their foreheads.This old truth is the best suited to forced repetition.And if you took note of all the.I told you.I guarantee: this principle will be one of your main trump card!

A good partner – a 100% success!

Art assist in the forced reps – this is an essential term success.You can not walk over the border "failure" without the qualified help from the.Well, that aid to be effective, the partner must skillfully conduct his own party.His first duty – your safety.Goal number two – to provide assistance to accurately metered, so you can just do a repetition.

Over time, the partner will instinctively identify what the measure of assistance you need at any given time.On forced reps can not twitch.spin.bend.turn from side to side – in short.go against the technology.Burden should be directed precisely to the "target" muscle.And you will prevent injuries from strict adherence to technique.All this is possible when you're running a strong, experienced partner.

When help is needed most? If you have at least some training need to know.that for ranyu "failure" in any movement there are "dead".insurmountable points.Once this point is overcome, you can finish the job independently.
By its very nature a biomechanical hand and foot most of all on the upper segment of the movement.and weaker – in the initial.Knowledgeable partner to help more precisely at the start and smikshiruet its participation at the end of recovery.

Thus, your muscles can work for yourself in the natural biomechanical framework: a moment of weakness – less stress and more support from the.with the return of power – more stress and less support.At the top partner.whose hands are not for a moment leave the neck barbell.helps you put a shell on the rack.Here is the perfect repetition of the accelerated.Partner to help you cross the line.You have crossed the border "refusal" and is guaranteed to have entered into the growth zone.

Training beyond failure

Construction of the upper chest

Work on an incline bench to improve the upper chest
The development of the upper part of the breast can be a daunting task.because muscles are relatively small and difficult to contractility.Bodybuilders consider.that exercises.running on an incline bench.stimulate the upper chest.but scientific evidence refutes this opinion.Barne (Barnet) in 1995 found.that "on an incline bench presses do not cause greater activation klavikulyarnoy head of the pectoralis major muscle.than normal Bench ".Glass (Glass) (1997) reported.that "motor units of the upper region of the pectoralis major muscle are activated equally.that presses on an incline.that presses on a bench with a reverse slope ".

Work on an incline bench is not useless to the top of the chest.but these studies have is rather difficult to use these muscles to work in the usual way.In other words.You must first learn how to reduce the upper chest region.before you can notice good results of his training.This is a fairly simple process for most of us.Even among the pros is the development of upper chest like Franco Columbu, a great rarity.

Here, your best assistant to serve as a mirror.I propose to place the biceps in front of the upper chest and cut her.When qualitative reductions without burdening you succeed.repeat the same.but on the block with a slight resistance.In this case, the critical volume, not intensity.You must do so many far as learn how to reduce the upper chest region.In this case it is better to train on a background of muscle soreness.because it sharpens the relationship between brain and muscles.

What is wrong with zhimami bar on sloping?

Klavikulyarnaya head of the pectoral muscle is working at presses on an incline until.while the shoulder-hand units are below parallel to the floor.After this, involvement of the upper parts of the pectoral muscles is reduced.I agree with Barne.when he says."As soon as the humerus is parallel to the floor attachment to her head klavikulyarnoy is above the collarbone.Now klavikulyarnaya head of the pectoralis major muscle is no longer an effective flexors in this phase of the vertical bench press ".On the way up the neck you should try to keep the chest as high as possible, and shoulders as low as possible.For most of us it is a very unnatural position.

Using dumbbells can partially solve the problem for some bodybuilders.They allow you to reduce the share of upper pectoral muscles a little bit better.because with them you can bring your hands closer.than with the stamp.And it will make more efficient to cut the upper sections of the pectoral muscles.Since the amplitude of motion with dumbbells is much wider.than with the stamp.and reduced.and in the stretched position you are doing more work in each iteration.Therefore, in this case the weights may be more useful bodybuilder than a bar.

In addition.Barne says.that a narrower grip the neck may be the best option for a more effective reduction of the upper chest muscles.The main problem with this grip is that the triceps will give up before the top of the pectoral muscles.Another problem is.that banner at the bottom of each repetition of less intense.than with a wide grip.Of course, you can perform sets of narrow, and some – a wide grip.I prefer to take the bar as far as possible a wide grip and perform partial repetitions in the lower position.Your unique anatomical structure will determine what best suits you.

Are Breeding hands on an incline perfect exercise m?

Dilution of hands on top of an incline bench stimulate breast with little involvement of the triceps.or without.Therefore, they are able to specifically weary of the upper lobe of pectoral muscles.This is a very popular exercise, but not the best for the stimulation of the upper chest.Dilution hands on an incline, using blocks are much more efficient.In the case of dumbbells at the top of each repetition is no resistance.If you are seeking to reduce the upper parts of the chest muscles, you have to do it deliberately.Dilution of hands on the blocks – a good choice for less experienced bodybuilders.because they provide resistance at the top of the amplitudes.Moreover, the sign of the cross arms, you can also expand its.To increase the load to work out one arm at a time.

In the upper part of chest muscles share the three main functions.You should try each of determine.some of the exercises best suited to your muscles: 1) they raise their hands in a horizontal position or in the first phase on an incline bench presses, and 2) they reduce his hands together in an inclined in the last phase of dumbbells presses on an incline, and 3) they bring arms forward and toward the center of the body of when performing dilutions of hands on the bench with a reverse slope and pullovers.

Beware of injuries breasts!
Most athletes believe that the gap between the pectoral muscles only occurs in the lower lobe.Yet it happens more often with the upper lobes, as in Kevin Levrone.Why? Look closely at how klavikulyarnaya head of the pectoral muscle is attached to the humerus.In contrast to the tendons of the bottom head, top, as it were wrapped around itself.This puts it in an anatomically weak position particularly in bench press.Therefore, most of these injuries occur precisely at this exercise.not when presses on an incline.although the amplitude of movement in the last exercise greater.

Construction of the upper chest

Smart thinking on the implementation of the dumbbell pull the belt with one hand in the slope

Very sad.When you see a person in the room.even genetically gifted.but with one weak spot – back.Lagging behind is because people do not want to train in more weight.He can do a lot of isolation exercises.working through some places.but the spin – a complex system and its general size and massiveness of such training will not affect.

Train hard and thoroughly

When you reach a certain level of bodybuilding.some muscle groups.such.both hands.shoulders and even is possible to train at the gym.For the legs and back is not is too complex muscle systems and train them to be very heavy basic exercises.And the back – is designed for heavy load all day long.and in need of maximum can only give such an the deadlift.traction in the slope.rod with a T-neck and pull the dumbbell with one hand.

Why can not you train with low birth weight?

People are often too lazy to go and train on machines and simulators.justifying.that "working form".in fact.exercises in the gym simply easier.They are much safer, do not put pressure on the psyche, but ultimately it's just taking care of the comfort.And the head does not even come.that such work you will not develop so much effort and not forced to work as many muscle when performing the basic exercises.

Do not worry about your waist

Argued that the increase of heavy exercise and thicken your waist, butt and lower back.But look at Mr. Olympia.They all just a giant back – with Dorian.Lee Haney.Samir Bannu.Schwarzenegger.Sergio Oliva.Franco Columbus – and everyone hard they trained (or trained at one time).If we are to evaluate Mr. Olympia, the only way.Sure.when training with small weights.waist will narrow.but I (Dave Palumbo) appeared in the category of up to 100 pounds and my waist was small.In the offseason, and I weighed more than a hundred.and my waist was more.but the upper torso was so massive.the waist look even smaller.I noticed an interesting thing – when people advise you not to take on heavy exercise.and you.contrary to their advice.Yet you take on the sly.then eventually they will tell you the same you look cool.


I have always preferred to do the exercises for biceps, triceps, chest and back with one hand.It is easier to achieve balance in your body.If one side is slightly stronger than the other, you need to work accordingly to smooth out the difference.
Work with one hand makes it easier to concentrate.No need to worry about.that both parties have worked equally hard.You can concentrate on one of them and put in the work of all.that is.
Try it, and you pochustvuesh that muscles perform better and increase the effective amplitude.For example, performing a traction bar to his waist in the slope, you can not lift it higher than the lowest point of the abdomen will.Taking the same in the arm thereby eliminates limiter in the form of the neck.and you can pull much more.amplitude of motion increases and reaches a much stronger reduction.When you dotyanesh weight higher than usual, you will feel it's not just average, but the lower part of the latissimus.


Sometimes I do this exercise at the end of training back.sometimes – in the middle.but never do it at the beginning.since the first back to a very good warm up.and then bombard her such a load.

Approaches and times

As it may seem strange, but I do only one approach to this exercise.It is well warmed up.I take the heaviest dumbbell in the gym and do this exercise as I can.typically 8-10 times.I've heard about guys.which is specially made for this exercise dumbbells.I hope and before that'll make it someday.Now I'm missing 120 kg.


Communication "brain-muscle" is just as important for this exercise, as well as for any other.While you will not feel completely this exercise, the good of it will not be.


Most people make the mistake of lifting the weight up, instead of raising it back-up.Remember, the weight should not drag on the line and an arc, using the broadest and other back muscles.Do not pull the delta.Focus on how to bring your elbow to the center of the back.And though it do not end because of the weight and size of the dumbbell should at least try to present it.


Keep your back slightly bent to achieve a greater reduction in endpoint.For this it is useful to control myself in the mirror.


I always put my belt in order to avoid lower back injuries.exercise is done with one hand and with greater the lower back a fair amount of load acting.

Not too unbend

I do exercise a sufficiently large angle.usually based on something higher.than remove the load from the lower back and not to knock the dumbbells on the floor.In addition, it is good stretches the muscle and makes it work better.


I think back to training in general and for this exercise in particular, is very important to use a strap.If you work without them.forearms get a workout.and since they are much weaker back.last works insufficiently intense.The people who say "Nafig strap", with the fingers do not leave traces of rolling dumbbell.

Dave Palumbo, Flex

Smart thinking on the implementation of the dumbbell pull the belt with one hand in the slope

Training the shoulders of Larry Scott

"No, Larry, because you will not work – that by saying I was greeted at the athletic club.- You have a very narrow shoulders ".Hear it was doubly frustrating because I knew myself that my shoulders, really, narrowish.

I gritted my teeth and went to training.I promised myself that no one ever tells me anything like that.In fact, everything is not as easy as in words.Even after several years of training I looked obvious outsider.It is true that in the end I still had his.When I came to the podium first "Olympia" and showed "back double biceps".spectators in the hall roared with delight It was a triumphant moment in my life!

I was ahead of his opponents and won the tournament.And this despite the fact that my shoulders do not become more widely.In fact,.what could I do with my skeleton? I was rescued by a simple trick.of which I am going to tell you.The fact that the narrow nature of the shoulders, I compensated for the huge delta.I will not tell tales that it was a conscious strategy of my training.Quite the contrary all happened quite by accident.

Once I went with friends out of town and there greatly bruised shoulder.It hurt.and for the next workout, I decided to give up exercise for the deltas Everything else was as usual.At the last moment I I read somewhere.if injuries.fractures heal and all that exercise idea was to exercise without weights.
So I decided to still do some bench presses with very light dumbbells to "develop" a sore shoulder.Until then, I "rocked" the delta heavy weight rod, and now first picked up two small dumbbells.And when I raised them above his head, as if I sounded in a voice: "No, Larry, is not so.Come on, spreading your elbows a little wider.Yeah, right, and now tilted slightly inward dumbbells and squeeze them up.That's right, just do not forget about the elbow.Keep them wider.Do a few repetitions of these.."It is clear.that when I was pushing up a heavy barbell.sweating.I.of course.could not hear this prompt own intuition.

Now I heard it and just followed the instructions.Before I gradually realized that redirect the exercise load on the main – medium – pencil deltas."Yes, yes.understood.- I whispered to myself.- Excellent! Excellent! "What has happened has opened my weight.a form of exercise effect on muscle!

With the aid of my movement I have 3 months "pumped" delta phenomenal size.Under such deltas – cannon balls! – My shoulders seemed to be gigantic! I will teach to perform this amazingly effective exercise.

All.what you that the dumbbell.mirror and some support behind him at waist level.make it easier to maintain balance.So, grab a dumbbell and tilt them inward so that little fingers were thumbs above.Remember, you can not change the position of the dumbbells.Therein lies the secret of exercise.When the dumbbells are inclined inwards, triceps "off" from work.In all other presses Delta share the load with triceps.

Lift the dumbbells over your head, but not completely straighten the elbow.When you straighten your arms..Keep the elbows were assigned to the most backward.

If you will reduce your elbows at least slightly.load is moved from the middle to the front beam deltas! The reverse movement should be done slowly when stressed elbows will make a straight line.linger for a moment and try to drop below the stretch the average beam.Then return to starting position and start moving up again.

Let me remind you that the exercise should start with very light weight to learn it.It would be better.if before the exercise you get up in front of a mirror.take a dumbbell in one hand.and the other hand, place your hands directly on the delta.You'll find that the delta "petrifies" only when done correctly, the motion..Even now as I write this, I feel in the deltas of the echoes of past pain.Sweet pain, I must say.

Training the shoulders of Larry Scott

How to keep training when the muscles were told – no more

Well.let's.Let hurts! No pain, nothing will! Win a pain! Something similar can be heard from partners in any room.But is this really true? Can.only entered into the fraud bodybuilders think.pain that they need for this training? The pain is usually a side effect in the life of every bodybuilder.and we all would have been useful to it affects the body-building and how to overcome its negative effects.

It is known.that stress during high-intensity training is strong blood flow to working muscles.That is what is the "pump" to which you aspire, when you go to train.From the pumping of blood and pain depends.

In fact, the more pain you feel, the greater the blood flow.And, realizing this, do you train more aggressively.But first you need to clearly understand that there are two types of pain.Dull, burning pain in the working muscles predominantly associated with fatigue.3 On the other hand.sudden.acute pain in the joints could mean damage of ligaments.tendons, muscles, or even.and in this case, you have to immediately stop the execution of exercises.It is important to overcome the pain.associated with fatigue.and can not be done.when it arises from damage.

The ability to withstand pain

The pain may have different impacts on your training and all the people see it differently.It can also affect the intensity of training, which in turn is displayed on your results.One well-known kulturistka told me: "When my muscles ache.and I feel tired.then try to cheer up and tune in next training.I reduced the load until the pain has passed ".It depends on the pain intensity of your workouts.When the pain becomes unbearable especially, it reduces stress and gets smaller result.Another builder said this: "I feel that all the tired muscles ache.When I really start to feel the pain.I force myself to go further and increase the load with each repetition, and Seth ".He also feels the pain in the muscles during workout.but.regardless of whether.maintains a high level of intensity.

People who do not tolerate the pain, trying to reduce the frequency and duration of training.Referring to the high intensity training.some people can safely skip the next workout or shorten its duration: "The last time I trained so hard.that today we have to relax a bit "or" Training such a grueling.Now that I go to the gym only twice a week "

This is a common reaction of those who train and can not tolerate the pain that accompanies the intensive training.Soon as you start to use pain as a reason for reducing the just do a step back and refuse to fully implement the program.

A necessary evil

Your workout will be more productive.if you change.their perception of pain and understand.that is an integral part of your training.When you recognize.that it can not be avoided.and if you want to achieve real can control the perception of pain and reduce its negative impact.

After 10 days training with the Canadian team of swimmers sports psychologist and consultant and university professor in Edmonton (Canada), John Hough concluded.that consistency is crucial to overcome the pain for athletic performance.An athlete with a greater exposure can achieve better results than one who is less.Athletes.trying to overcome heavy loads.also more satisfied with their results and achievements.Is not it great when you're cool train, reached a record and a huge pump?

But, if you're hard to overcome the pain, there is a psychological strategy can help.After viewing the scientific literature, scientists have discovered.that 85% of the studies confirm the effectiveness of psychological strategies.This technique involves "linking" strategy (1).when you focus on the physiological indices (respiratory rate.working muscles).but "divisive" strategy (2).who turn away attention from the feeling of pain, mental activity.

Later it turned.that pain in the muscles is greatly reduced.and their strength increases.when to use the first strategy.Athletes who use both strategies at the same time, also felt the improvement in results.

Control the pain!

Relax.The first step is to control pain during exercise – is to avoid unnecessary tension in the muscles.especially those.that push the weight.Only you will be able to distinguish relaxed reaction associated with the strength and muscle growth.

At first glance, relaxation and high intensity are incompatible.But for the present isolation of the working muscles.intense intense exercise m.remainder of the body and consciousness should be relaxed and not impede the process of insulating.Relaxation promotes recovery between sets and exhausting workouts.helps to fall asleep quickly and reduces unwanted muscle tension.headache and backache.The ability to relax and need to constantly train.First, it is better not to do it in the hall.and when to really learn.then you can use it during training and competition.After 2-3 weeks of practice already visible results.Technique "muscle-consciousness".Relaxation techniques most suitable for those bodybuilders.that use the imagination to induce mental calm with the appropriate physical relaxation.Benson's technique – one of the most popular series of "muscle-consciousness" (see."A gradual approach to relaxation").This applies to the body's ability to enter into such a state.which is characterized by a reduced heartbeat and blood pressure respectively.slow breathing.brain function and metabolism.These changes are caused by the relaxation, can counteract the unwanted feelings of exhaustion and pain.

Changes in perception.Your thoughts, ideas and expectations can have a significant impact on your mood and behavior.Wrong attitude to pain during exercise can lead to nervousness.concern and.eventually.failure.On the other hand, the correct perception will help to relax, feel confident and reduce pain.Technique with the use of imagination allows discourage unproductive influence of pain and focus on productive things.It is based on imagination and mental alertness and turns attention away from pain (see."The strategy of using the imagination").

His own coach.If you train yourself, you have to learn to run heavy sets as well as with partner.During the training needed to cheer myself and convince you that you'll be able to overcome the pain.Each heavy set can be divided into stages (see."Four Stages of Pain").Based on this training and its positive results connected with each stage.Remember, you have a friendly talk with myself, to be successful.Properly treating the pain, you develop the ability to control it, trying to reassure himself.This is exactly what will make your success even more.Therefore, no matter what – just go to the gym and controls pain!

A gradual approach to relaxation

1) Choose the word or phrase a little about yourself and bodybuilding.The first thing you need for each relaxation techniques is to select a word then ponder over which.If this is the word for you, you will be more easy to train.This should be something easy to remember and short enough to be able to say during exhalation.Something like: strong, powerful, relaxed, and the like.

2) Relax your muscles.Before you start set Relax different muscle groups, starting from the foot and to the stomach.Turning the head in different directions and shrugging his shoulders, relax the shoulders, neck and head.Put your hands, let them hang naturally at the sides.

3) Follow your breath and begin to use the "basic" word.Breathe slowly and naturally, quietly repeating the selected word on each exhale.

4) Keep the coolness.This is another important aspect of relaxation.As soon as you sit down quietly, repeating the selected word, you immediately start to worry for thought.If you might.the pain is too strong.and it soon will distract you from the word.To avoid this, you need to try anything not to respond.No need to struggle with these intrusive thoughts.Remember this does not mean the worst exercises.This is true of consciousness, rather than physical effort.You may think completely relaxed, and at the same time, be persistent and energetic during his set.

5) Train twice a day.As well as strength training, relaxation techniques need to constantly improve.First trains at home twice a day at leisure, and better do it on an empty stomach.

The strategy of using the imagination

Imaginary inattention includes ignoring pain in imaginary situations.incompatible with his sense of.For example, imagination, imagine that you walk on the beach or swim in the blue water of the ocean in Hawaii.

Imaginary change of pain includes her awareness.but the interpretation as for some reason, little or unreal.You may say to yourself, "This pain is nothing," or "Once upon a time I felt even worse pain," and then to overcome it.

Turning away of attention (external) based on its concentration, on the physical characteristics of the environment.For example, you can look at myself in the mirror and carefully considered part of the hall.This will distract your attention from the physical discomfort during the set.Turning away of attention (internal) focus on the fictional imagination ideas.

For example, you can perform arithmetic calculations or make a list of favorite songs.Any mental activity distracts you from the pain and be effective.Somatization is common among bodybuilders, and includes a focus on body parts.which receives the greatest loads.For example.When you perform recovery on the biceps.Analyze the intensive stimulation and you to prepare a report on the biology of.Somatization also includes reflections on the movement of muscles, connective tissue and bone.This technique is perfect for increasing isolation of the muscles.

Four Stages of Pain

Step 1: Preparation.Think what you will soon feel the pain during the workout and get ready for this.Do not consider yourself to be helpless, develop a plan to overcome it.Be calm, do not think about the poor, focusing on a pleasant.Try it yourself to say: "Do not worry about the next Seth.come up with something better instead of this stupid emotion ".or "I'm a little worried.There is nothing in a strange.but that's no reason to reduce the intensity ".Just breathe deeply and relax.

Stage 2: protiborotvo.When you start to feel pain, they used conventional strategies to overcome it.Change strategy.if necessary.encouraging expression and used to guide their strategies: "I feel some pain.which makes me aware of the muscles.I know how to slow, deep breaths…"

Stage 3: The critical points.These are the moments.When you consciously or unconsciously decide to stop training.because you are very sick.Remember, you should expect a real pain and not to exaggerate its.Cope with pain.When you're having unpleasant thoughts and feelings, try to stop it.Try again to tune in to the right path.You can say, "My pain is terrible, but I overcame it.I relax and concentrate on something else and everything is under control "or" I can not throw away this pain from head.I have to stop.No! I've been preparing for this and will use a strategy that will help me overcome the pain.Relax, breathe slowly and deeply ".

Stage 4: Reflections.First, you will not even notice the change in their ability to withstand pain.but remember.what you learn and practice this needs to be.You deserve credit for trying alone.You should be proud of yourself, if a little bit you can control the pain.Gain experience and get ready for the next workout or Setu.

How to keep training when the muscles were told – no more

Periodization for strength


It seems.that will never stop arguing about.what the best theory to use.accounting training plan.I think.that for most people.periodization workout is the best for strength gains and prevent overtraining.Periodization – the gradual cycling of.intensity and volume of training to achieve peak levels of strength.The cycle goes gradually from high volume and low intensity to low volume and high intensity training.The length of the cycle (usually several weeks) is selected, the dates of events.Typical powerlifting cycle consists of three phases – phase of hypertrophy.phase set of strength and power training phase.

Hypertrophy phase.

The first phase of the cycle – the phase of hypertrophy.It usually lasts from one to six weeks.At this time, the approaches of 8-10 repetitions with intensities from 65% to 79% of the maximum RM.Hypertrophy phase is responsible for developing a good muscular and metabolic base for the rest of the cycle.Rest between sets is contained in an interval of forty-five seconds to fifteen minutes: such a short pause can improve the production of primary anabolic hormones.such as testosterone.growth hormone and insulin-like growth the same time minimizing the production of cortisol.

Phase of force.

Phase of the development of force, the second phase of the cycle usually lasts from two to eight weeks.During this process the approaches of 5-8 reps.intensity gradually increased to 80-90% of maximum RM.Obviously this phase of the cycle is designed to increase muscle strength.Rest between sets should be longer – about five minutes to ensure complete recovery of muscle.

Phase of training facilities.

The last phase of the cycle – the phase of training facilities.Here, the approaches of 1-4 reps with intensity.gradually increasing from 90% to 107% of RM.During this phase the athlete reaches peak strength for the competition.Rest between sets should be even longer – 5-10 minutes: muscles must fully recover between sets at maximum intensity.

After the cycle.and competition.if to rest for 1-2 high-intensity work, single repetition is tiring and body and spirit.One to two weeks is fully recover from the tremendous stress.received during the training phase power.This holiday can be both active and passive.

The development cycle for powerlifters.

The following example shows the organization of training for powerlifting cycle.I stress.that this routine – just an example.and by no means is the only program using periodization.

Monday – Squat.

Wednesday – Bench Press.

Friday – Deadlift.

Saturday – Light workout for bench press (optional).

You need to know the maximum can use the approach of the four.three.two or one repetition.Sure.most accurate result can be obtained only from the set of one repetition.but it is possible to calculate the maximum one-time achievement.using the maximum achievement in a set of reps.Here's the formula:

Take your best weight and multiply it by a given number of.

2 reps -? x 1.06

3 reps -? x 1.12

4 reps -? x 1.15

5 reps -? x 1.18

You will receive your maximum single doctizhenie.


Warm up in powerlifting are only to slightly raise the temperature of the body and prepare for some serious work.DO NOT wear during warm-up.Use only 4-5 sets with low repetitions and gradually rising, LIGHT WEIGHT.Here primerrazminki for someone who is squatting over 300 kg.

70 kg – 10 rep.

100 kg – 5 rep.

150 kg – 3 rep.

200 kg – 1 rep.

240 kg – 1 rep.

Working approaches.

In them you will get stronger.It is very important rest between sets.To the energy level back to 100%, you sometimes need three to ten minutes rest.So REST YOUR TIME.I am sure that 2-3 high intensity sets are sufficiently.Remember, intensity – the key to strength, NOT VOLUME.We're not trying to be a bodybuilder in powerlifting.In two sets, we can work at 120%, without having to conserve power on the fifth or sixth approach.

Here is a program.Given percentage of the maximum RM.

Week 1 – 70% x 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Week 2 – 70% x 3 sets of 10 repetitions

Week 3 – 73% x 3 sets of 8 reps

Week 4 – 76% x 3 sets of 8 reps

Week 5 – 79% x 3 sets of 5 reps

Week 6 – 82% x 3 sets of 5 reps

Week 7 – 85% x 3 sets of 5 reps

Week 8 – 88% x 3 sets of 5 reps

Week 9 – 91% x 3 sets of 3 reps

Week 10 – 94% x 3 sets of 3 reps

Week 11 – 97% x 2 sets of 2 reps

Week 12 – 100% x 2 sets of 2 reps

Week 13 – 104% x 1 set of 1 repetition

Week 14 – 107% – 111% x 1 set of 1 repetition

Now you have a maximum one-time achievement for the next round! You can add 7-11% every 12 weeks.If you have a certain persistence.After a while you will achieve very good be patient and persistent.You can add more weight to these quantities, if necessary.I can give you a plan to get stronger, but the loading bar, then you'll.Do not be fooled.

Periodization for strength

Complex for beginners


Before you start repeating a deep breath, the most severe phase of the motion pass on the exhale.At the top again, breathe again and complete the repetition on the exhale.

Rest between sets.

Generally speaking, you can relax as much.How much you need to recuperate after a set.Usually it takes 40-95 seconds.Large muscles are restored sometimes longer.well and sometimes very small and quickly returned to the "workers' state.Full range of motion.

For muscle development across the length and prevent injury to go through the entire "track" the movement – from the top to the lowest point of the amplitude.

Frequency of training.

Let's say on Monday you trained all the muscle groups of the body.Should I repeat this exercise on Tuesday, or better to wait until Wednesday? In fully recover after exercise.body needs a minimum of 48 hours.and sometimes more.The easiest way to remember one rule: if the muscles you have at least a little bit are not ready for the next workout.

Beginner bodybuilder best practice every two to three days.For example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Duration of training.

Do not try to stay in the room more than one hour.It's a waste of time.Is it possible to achieve such a high-intensity "marafoncheskoy" workout in half.and even two hours? The main thing – the quality of training.that is, its intensity.Remember that!


Complex for beginners consists of basic exercises for major muscle groups.Such schemes you'll stick to the first two and a half, three months.Train three times a week by assigning day to rest.


At the beginning of training for about 10 minutes 'ride' on a stationary bike or do any aerobic exercise.Next – light stretching to improve flexibility of joints and the elasticity of muscles and connective tissues.

A.Leg press 2-15,2-8-12

2.Leg extensions 08/03/12

3.Bending the legs 1-15

4.Bench press 1-15,3-8-12

5.The information in the simulator 02/08/12

6.Bench sitting 1-15,2-8-15

7.Traction on the block to the bottom 1-15,2-8-12

8.Giperekstenizm 3-15

9.The rise of EZ-bar 1-15,2-8-12

10.Bench on the block to the bottom 1-15,2-8-12

11.The rise on your toes 4-15

12.Press "Twisting" 3-15

Leg press.

Sit in a simulator for the leg press, firmly press the back to support the back.Uprite feet to the platform shoulder width apart.Slowly bending your legs, lower the weight under control down until your knees touch the chest.Then squeeze the weight force up to the starting position.Note: straightening legs, not unbend your knees fully.

Leg extension.

Sit on the bench for leg extension and move your feet under the rollers.Keep your upper body still, straighten legs.At the top is delayed, then, controlling weight, bend your knees.

Note: In the top of the ascent to the second extra strain the quadriceps.

Lying Leg Curl.

Lie face down on the bench for folding legs.Place the feet under the roller so that they were over the Achilles tendon.Hold your back straight, slowly bend your legs until the roller touches the buttocks.Tighten the muscles and slowly return to starting position.

Bench Press.

Lie face up on the bench for bench press.Take the bar slightly wider than shoulder width grip and remove the bar from the rack.Slowly lower the bar to the bottom of the chest, then up to Squeeze fully extended arms.

Note: Squeeze a projectile up to exhale, do not release your buttocks off the bench, do not bend your back.


Sit up straight, keep your back to the seat back exerciser.Grasp the handle.During the movement of the arm are parallel to the floor, elbows bent angle does not change.Keep the effort of the pectoral muscles in front of the handle so that they touch each other.At this point, linger, then slowly return to starting position.

Note: At the time of peak reduction.when the handle touching.further tighten the chest muscles.

Bench sitting.

Sit up straight on a bench with a vertical back and take a barbell grip slightly wider than shoulder width.Prognuv slightly back and controlling the movement, lower the barbell to the neck upper chest.Squeeze and then straightening up until arms.

Note: This exercise can be done with dumbbells or a simulator.In addition, the bar can not drop to the top of the chest, upper back and on his head.

Thrust to the chin.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.Take a narrow grip barbell bar top.In the initial position with the barbell arm dropped down in front of.From this position, "pull" the bar up to just below the chin.When lifting keep the bar close to your body.Slowly and under control lower the projectile down.

Note: Do not swing the torso during the lift!

Traction on the block to the bottom.

Sit on the bench so that your knees have been a mainstay.Take a neck wide grip.Slightly prognuv back and lifting the chest, slowly lower the bar down to chest.Control the movement and keep your elbows were pulled back.Also, slowly return to starting position.

Note: The draft is not "round" back.This same exercise can be done in the version for "head".


Placed so that the thigh lying on a bench and your feet were under the support.Arms folded across his chest, bend at the waist, then slowly lift the torso up parallel with the floor.Note: During the ascent to "help" tension buttocks.Do not lift the body above the parallel and do not make any sudden "impulsive" movements.

The rise of EZ-bar.

Stand up straight and steady.In the initial position of his hands completely straightened, his elbows on the sides of the body strictly.Bending hands, lift the barbell up to the level just below the chin.In the top of the extra strain the biceps and slowly lower the weight.

Note: For the main burden fell on the biceps, not "throw" projectiles up effort of the whole body.

Bench top to bottom.

Stand at a distance of 15cm from a block device with a V-shaped or "rope" handle.Bend your elbows, take a narrow grip handle.Unbend his arms and lower the handle down slow and controlled movement.At the point of full extension elbows further tighten the triceps and slowly return to starting position.

Note: No jerks!

The rise on your toes while standing.

Stand with your face to the trainer for caviar muscles, move the shoulders of a soft support.Legs straight, toes placed on a stand.From the starting position lower the heels down as low as possible.then rise on your toes as high as possible.straining the muscles of caviar.All movements are slow and controlled.

Note: Alternate sets of socks, turned to the side and inside.


Lie face up on the mat, lift up bent at a right angle legs.Hands keep his head, but not "push" it forward.Effort, the abdominal muscles lift your shoulders off the floor and shoulder.Pause for a moment and return to starting position.

Note: In this exercise, you do not need the full range of motion – in contrast to the boom body lying.

Complex for beginners

7 exercises to help unimportant genetics

Can I use bodybuilding to be born again?

Let's face it – we all have genetic weaknesses are its.Even the greatest champions of bodybuilding had to fix all kinds of "flaws" of Mother Nature.and they successfully coped with this.In Arnold, for example, initially had problems with calves.But the nature of the narrow-shouldered Larry Scott has managed to become the "Mr. Olympia".In other words, bodybuilding can if not all, very much.

At gunpoint – genetic weakness

Before declaring war on its own genes.try to understand.what in the world there are no two people with the same muscle potential.We come into this world in different.And a chance to become like Schwarzenegger, each of us even less than winning a million in a lottery.In the end, everything is decided not muscle volume, and heredity.And most important here – the proportion of congenital skeletal.

Short legs.narrow shoulders.asymmetry of the left and right sides of the body – to fix it much would you not trained.But to disguise these flaws.create a kind of optical illusion of the "perfect" physique – quite doable task.

Take, for example, a bodybuilder with narrow shoulders.This must be hard to shake the delta.but the hand is "hold back" – then the chest will appear wider than."Thick" hands, on the contrary, visually "zazhmut" chest.

The second most important issue: the attachment of muscle tendons to bone.Enough displacement of the point of attachment to 0.4 mm.muscle to become stronger by 200%! In this sense, our source of power potential varies cool.and with it the prospects for recruitment of muscle mass.

The fact that radically change the shape of the muscle is not possible, though, is confirmed by electromyography (EMG).By measuring the strength of the electric field.occurs when muscle contraction.scientists determine the.what percentage of the fibers has been involved in this reduction.This method was used, in particular, to compare the effectiveness of different variants of the biceps.

It was expected that different exercises will stimulate the electrical activity of the different sections of the biceps.In fact, it turned out that all the exercises, "loaded" biceps roughly the same throughout its length.Neither of which "constituency" reducing some part of the biceps and out of the question.In other words.Scott climbs on the bench can influence the shape of the biceps is not more.than.let us say.concentrated curls.

It would seem completely hopeless, but sports psychologists in the EMG does not believe.She did not "notice" that an objective difference which occurs when a muscle contracts from the stretched position.See.flexion of hands on the bench biceps Scott starts from the extended position.but concentrated in elevations that do not.It turns out, and work on your biceps exercises should be different.Here is what about this physiologist.Professor James Tidboll: "By stretching the muscle in length.We thus force it to produce nitric oxide in the place.where the belly goes into the tendon.What is interesting.release of nitric oxide by stretching the muscles leads to the formation of its new ends of sarcomeres – segments of muscle fibers.can shrink, simply.muscle actually grows in length.I – not a bodybuilder.I'm doing the physiology of cells.but I can vouch.that all of the stretch-position exercises change the shape of the working muscles."

Here it would be appropriate to listen to practitioners of bodybuilding.But among them There is a dissenting opinion: everything is possible! In fact,."Dolby" concentrated ups to blue in the face.and your biceps will be matter what science says! However, with a narrow chest.What is the sternum? Ordinary cartilage! Well, cartilage.As we know from yoga.stretch.and how! So.Take a dumbbell in your hands.lie back on the bench and start wiring.First, with a moderate weight, then added, and then another..



A.Purpose: To extend the biceps

Exercise: EZ-bar on the bench Scott

Theory: According to the theoretical efficiency of this unheard-of bodybuilding exercises due to the strong stretching of the biceps at the start.This tension, according to science, making long biceps.The longer the biceps, the greater its potential for growth "thick".In this sense, Larry Scott thought it was the main point of the complex movement of the be followed by "massonabornye" exercises.

Performance: Adjust the seat height the top of the mounting platform came to you just under the armpits.Slowly straighten arms with EZ-bar biceps to high tensile.Starting, in any case, do not try to "disrupt" the bar with a jerk.If you do not have enough strength, it is better to reduce the weight of the rod.Even better, call partner.that every time he helped you with no risk to the ligaments overcome initial "dead" part of the amplitude.High raise the bar does not need.The maximum voltage in the biceps developed in the middle part of the amplitude.Above the biceps force decreases.Slowly return the bar to the starting position.Do the exercise slowly stressed.

2.Purpose: To make the biceps above

Exercise: lifting weights concentrated on the biceps

Theory: The special exercise biomechanics.muscle fibers of the middle of the biceps thicken so much.that stretch the envelope of their connective tissue.It is believed that just "corset" effect of these membranes does not thicken the muscle fibers.Stretching shells absolutely means muscle growth.Stretching of connective tissue requires a hell of patience.The outcome of the exercise is entirely dependent on your will.

Execution: Sit on a horizontal bench and lean forward slightly.Take a dumbbell in your hand and lean your elbow on the inner surface of the knee.Powerful movement to pull the dumbbell chest linger for a moment at the much as possible statically straining biceps and slowly return to starting position.Do not let the "swings" dumbbell.

3.Objective: To improve breast

Exercise: Dumbbell breeding on the horizontal bar

Theory: Exercise has a double effect.On the one hand, it stretches the sternum.and the other stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the field of attachment of the pectoral muscles.Have patience.and over time, this "alchemical" process will significantly increase in the size of your large chest muscles.Breast really become wider.

Implementation: Try to change the traditional neutral grip (palms facing inward) in the grip palms forward.For many it helps remove excess load from the shoulders.In the initial position holding the dumbbells over your head.elbows slightly bent, then arched movement lower them down and sideways.Stop motion.when you feel good stretch in the muscles of the chest, this top of your hand should fall slightly below the bench.For the same "trajectory" lift the dumbbells up.not letting them touch each other – leave between them a distance of several centimeters, and immediately proceed to the next repetition.

4.Purpose: To lengthen the latissimus dorsi

Exercise: Pull on the block with one hand while sitting

Theory: One-sided option helps you to better stretch the muscle at the start of work.And about the effect of such tension already know.However, the main trick in the other.When a limit to tighten the handle to his belt, lock your elbow and rotate the torso slightly to the same side.You feel a strong tension in the bottom of the latissimus.Hold it for a moment and return to starting position.

Execution: Sit on the seat in front of the lower unit.Take the handle with one hand.The other hand can put on the same hip.No breakthrough powerfully pull the handle to the side of the trunk.Feel this position and tighten powerful body in the same direction.Hold the position for a few seconds and slowly return to starting position.

5.Purpose: To make a thicker triceps

Exercise: The extension of the hands in the slope

Theory: Because of the special exercises triceps biomechanics are strongly reduced paradoxical.Due to this tension is the connecting membranes of muscle fibers.Greater weight is not needed.Anatomy does it for you.Another thing that you need patience ocean.Shut this exercise every workout triceps m.

Performance: Take a position on a horizontal bench all the way with his elbow and knee of the same name.In the other hand, take dumbbell.Pressing the elbow to the body, slowly straighten arm.At the top of an additional static strain the triceps and hold your position for a few seconds.Slowly lower the dumbbell.Do not let the "swinging" dumbbell.

6.Purpose: To give the width of the front of the quadriceps

Exercise: alternate leg extension

Theory: The Quadriceps are a band of four very distinct muscles.Tension of the quadriceps – an extremely complex and intricate biomechanical motion.where much depends on the position of the feet.the degree of bending the knee and the magnitude of the load.In connection with this extension of one leg – it's just something special exercise.which puts the emphasis on the bottom of the quadriceps and at the same time on their upper.The method has been tested in a scientific experiment.when the subjects were doing six months extension of one leg.As a result of the quadriceps selectively added mass of the top and bottom.It is worth recalling.The implementation of exercises with both feet shows an increase of the middle of the thigh.

Performance: Arrange a simulator for the extension of the the edge of seat you have found just below the knee.a roller unit touched his feet just above the ankle.Grasp the handles on both sides of the seat.The other leg will go down from the seat to the floor.Powerfully working straighten the leg at the knee.At the top of an additional static quadriceps tighten and hold the position for 1-2 seconds.And only then lower the weight.At the lowest point of the amplitude do not let the weight go on a support.Keep the roller on the weight.

7.Purpose: To increase the visual volume of the calf

Exercise: Lift-to-toe in the slope

Theory: Standing Calf Raises can not give your calves this load.The fact that your "capacity" is limited to a standing force of the back muscles and shoulder girdle.If you bend it back "out of play".Yourself, check in the slope, you can increase the load on the 25-60 kg.Add to this the effect of stretching the calf and you will see that exercise has no equal.Practitioners believe that climbs should be done with one foot in turn.

Executing: "Adjust" pillow block weight so.that she had you below the waist.almost on the buttocks.First to fall to the lower limit position to the strongest stretching calves.Powerful force rise on the toes as high as possible.Scroll down to stretch calves.

M & F

7 exercises to help unimportant genetics

Intensive Training

Ellington Darden (Ellington Darden) – researcher.whose name is synonymous with fitness equipment Nautilus high-intensity training and ideas for over 30 years.made some bold statements.In response to a question.stop on the progress in training.where the problem was that.whether to reduce the amount of.frequency.or both.and other.Ellington responded.different from the usual recommendations for training with high intensity.He now holds the view.that the lack of progress.which is always considered a consequence of fact is a consequence of adaptation.It means.that the program ceases to produce progress, not because of the.that the degree of stress is no longer corresponds to the frequency and volume of training (if we assume.that the program is grounded).but because.the organism is already sick of this program.and he adapted to it.According to Ellington.adaptation can happen even in the case of a permanent increase in the number of repetitions and resistance from workout to workout.In other words, the body adapts to predictable methods of increasing the load.

..number of exercises.the order of exercises, and t.n.These differences seem to require different psychological reaction and, thus, adaptation.His particular choice of words.including such "periods" and "cycles".indicates.that after all these years seems.moves in the opposite direction.

Let me first say.that does not make sense to pursue the consider boring.stick to those points.where is the obvious fact that very little or no progress.and not to experiment with a variety of programs in career training.So, I do not think the craving for variety of inappropriate.But the assertion that.that adaptation has only one dimension.or on.that it is a bad thing.not quite right.

Sports scientists have long recognized.that any new movement (or change its angle and speed) entails a period of "neurological development".It can take anywhere from four to six weeks.and the duration of this period.probably.depends on several factors.including experience in stride and much change the angle and speed of new exercises in comparison with the.that he or she did before.Interestingly.that at the time of neurological adaptations may be a noticeable increase in power.but for the most part they are not accompanied by hypertrophy.or an increase in muscle.After a period of neurological adaptation can occur over a longer period of muscle adaptation.accompanied by hypertrophy.although growth in this very slow.and it inevitably reaches a plateau.So.If at the end of the period of neurological adaptations you quickly switch to another training program.You can miss the most productive part of the training – muscle adaptation.

Possibly.all.with regard to these exercises.You will become familiar.and your performance is at best slow.but stable.But this does not mean you should abandon these exercises or training style.I suggest to change the program if.If you are tired of any exercise.if it causes injury or.If your progress completely stopped.In addition.when the frequency and volume of training may be a significant growth even when performing exactly the same exercise.

There is.but.another warning.expressed Karpinelli Ralph (Ralph Carpinelli).lecturer Faculty of Medicine.Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the University of Adelphia.New York.Accurate picture in the book the various stages of adaptation, with their effects do not always correspond to reality.For example.hypertrophic reported.should occur within 4-6 weeks of the only adaptation.measurable.It means a clinically significant increase in the thickness of muscle or limb growth.Cellular adaptation – for example.increased activity of enzymes and substrates – can happen in a few hours after a workout.In fact, various kinds of adaptation.But not yet clear when they occur, and how they affect the increase in strength and muscle growth.

The point, however, that adaptation is not a bad thing.Creating the need for adaptation is indeed the sole purpose of training.Said Mike Mentzer (Mike Mentzer) about.provided in section Ellington.and the problem of adaptation:

"The body must adapt, it is the purpose of training with resistance.The theory of Selye (Selye) known as the "general adaptation syndrome" (GAS – general adaptation syndrome).In the 10 years of my work I have not seen a coach.that things have gone so far.that the organism is accustomed to a certain number of iterations and execution approaches circuits.During the whole time.until the athlete is training to failure and raises all the heavier weights or doing each time more and more adapts."

Let me describe the problem in the case of switching programs.when it becomes apparent.that there was a neurological adaptation.t.e.organism has learned to do the exercise.I started doing squats, repeat supermedlennye with free weights at the beginning of November 1997.I started with 135 kg x 5 scheme.and it was obvious.that despite the slowing of my reps up to this point the use of repetition supermedlennyh was quite another matter.It took me four weeks to neurological adaptation.During the fourth workout I have done 142.5 kg x 5.Should they stop me at this point and try a different style? Fortunately.I did not do it.and continued to add to 2-3kg per week.By the end of January 1998 I did 160kg x 5.Could this rate gradually increasing muscular adaptation last forever? Of course, there is no.At some point the need to implement change, but.This is not the point.which can be considered exercise disbursed.and in which it ceases to "look new".

Using a variety of exercises solves the problem of adaptation rather than a problem of strength and muscle.In addition.Ralph pointed out.that although similar exercises – for example.squats and leg presses – can activate the same muscle fibers.inclusion model of muscle after various exercises are slightly different from each other.In addition.really.some fibers may be activated by only one specific exercise m.and not some other.Perform a variety of exercises helps you to maximize strength and muscle mass of body parts.

The problem is that.Many bodybuilders recognize the importance of diversity.but include too many exercises in every workout.Introduce training in a variety.consisting in the activation of other circuits "on".possible by performing a similar exercise with alternative exercises (squats in one workout and bench presses down on the other).and by changing the order of the exercises.

Despite the importance of diversity.problem can not be to adapt itself.which we try to avoid.The basic idea was to make a sufficient diversity training to increase strength and muscle development, while maintaining the volume and frequency of training.allowing constantly achieves results.

Intensive Training


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