Archive for the ‘Bodybuilding nutrition’ Category

Banal simplicity in food

The value of nutrition in bodybuilding huge.Nutrition – the foundation of the success of the training program.The muscles simply do not grow, if calorie daily diet below 3500 – 4000 kcal.Nevertheless, this does not mean.that the ordinary increase in caloric intake will lead to an increase in muscle "mass".No, the main stimulator of muscle growth are exercises.What is more successful method of training, the above result.There should be no confusion!

As for the food.its caloric content should ideally meet the level of intensity of physical effort.Without this condition, success is possible! Well, now you must long have you calculated the energy value of its menu of nutritional directory? That's right! That's why Joe Uayder encourages builders to think about food, day and night.Let go of power to cross out all their hard work in the gym! Not only have many good and in addition.In a feed us lie in wait for danger: lack of vitamins, amino acids and mineral salts.The fact that today no one product does not arrive at our table in a natural state.Dishes made from canned.frozen and fresh frozen.and sometimes simply stockpiled material from.Nutrients, of course, broken up.As a result, as poor reception turns into a dangerous illusion.Imagine.You load up the blade.and the muscle is not received even half of the needed nutrients! to help special additives.

But there is another danger that is particularly difficult to cope.In recent decades, physiologists have made many new discoveries regarding the assimilation of food.It was found that optimal nutrition is subject to certain rules.If the builder does not comply with them, digestion suffers.As a result, recovery is slowed down.

These rules are extremely simple.However, it was simple things, as you know, given the most difficult.You may not have enough strength of character.That's what I call the greatest danger.When an athlete comes to California and in accordance with the contract gets a personal trainer.that puts him in the cruelest regime framework.The basis of this regime are the very simple rules, which I have already mentioned.Competitors are stunned.when they see themselves on the effect of nutrition! Think about it.if ever you rolled forward to laziness and you cast, counting calories.and stop to watch your diet…

So, the first.

Proteins digested only with carbohydrates.It makes no sense, there is one flesh, if there is no fair portion of the garnish.The best sources of carbohydrates – potatoes, rice, pasta, different kinds of…Garnish must be two or even three times more than the meat.

The second.

Different types of meat have different energy value.Nevertheless, not every day is the same chicken.standing in the directory in the first place for its usefulness.In the chicken meat is not all amino acids.Protein sources must constantly vary.Today – chicken, tomorrow – pork or fish, the next day – eggs or legumes, and t.n.

Do not trust Sausages and sausage, and canned meat.Typically, these products are low in protein, and at the same time they have too much fat.

The third.

Science 75 per cent of the daily diet should occur in the daytime.And half of that amount to be learned before the afternoon.The reason is that the rate of metabolism is highest in the morning and in the middle of the day.Then the body's processing of food begins to fall.In this connection should be dining before 7 pm.Otherwise, lie down eaten a lump in the stomach.In addition, some amino acids are able to accelerate the energy metabolism.This means that in a dream after a large table it is possible to gain muscle cells collapse…

The fourth.

Smells in the kitchen – a distress signal.Nutrients are boiled and evaporate with the steam.Make sure that when cooking meat and vegetables, cover the pan tightly covered was.Know what to cook on low heat.The stronger and longer thermal exposure, the higher the chances to lose vitamins.Optimal for a bodybuilder is cooking meat in a microwave oven.Meat, covered with burnt crust, to the same saturated fat burned, should be avoided.

The best indicator of the usefulness of food – freshly made his appearance.Unacceptable cooking meals in reserve and then storing it in the fridge.If you have such an opportunity, prepare themselves independently at least several times a week.To do this, select the products specifically.Such a choice is not simple.All – potatoes, bread and meat – can be good and bad.Do not hesitate to find out what is best.Listen to what others are praised.Remember, you want natural products! Nothing cream and stale!

The fifth.

Bad teeth are often the cause of the slow growth of muscle.They do not give a fully chew food.She enters the stomach in large chunks.Well, it's very difficult for her digestion and assimilation.Food, especially meat, should be thoroughly crush in the mouth.That's when the efficiency of absorption is high.As doctors say, bad teeth, reduce the absorption of food by 30-40%!

The sixth.

Need to teach yourself to drink.No need to wash down a meal! This dilutes the gastric juices and impairs pischevarinie.If you want to drink, the first and only napeytes after 20-25 minutes, sit down.As for the rules, it may be from 1.5 to 3 liters of fluid per day, depending on your weight.At the same time, remember that part of the liquid you get with a liquid meal.In any case, do not limit yourself to drinking.Dehydration leads to thickening of blood.She could hardly move through narrow capillaries, and muscle strength decreases.

Drink only pure water.Coffee and tea are harmful.They lead to a washout from the body of valuable mineral salts.Carbonated drinks contain soda.It neutralizes stomach acid! In addition, these drinks contain a surprising number of sugar.Compare, in a glass of Coca-Cola for at least 3 tablespoons of sugar!


On your table should always be an abundant portion of vegetable salad.No need to chase the exotic.Let it be a cabbage salad with carrots, peas and boiled potatoes.Remember, the salad – it's usually a bodybuilder.Salads are useful in themselves, but they also improve intestinal motility.


Turn food into fun.Do not eat on the run.Eating, try to forget all the problems.Focus on food.Try to eat alone.but not in a noisy campaign.where one has to talk to partners in a common table.

The Ninth.

Eat more often.However, many "stars" success came after they smashed their daily diet for 4 or even 5 meals.As it turned out.frequent meals stimulates the production of hormones! Including the sex! Such a scheme makes the power to sit at the table every 3 hours.If such an opportunity you do not, not a substitute for eating a sandwich.This is not the same.Moreover, with the advent of "fast-fast-food".serving.basically.sandwiches.Western countries suspect an increasing number of patients proctological.especially patients with hemorrhoids.The doctors of the past believed that the hemorrhoid – a disease of nutrition.The old truth was reaffirmed.However, the final issue is not resolved.In any case, "sandwich" food should be avoided.Replace it with the intake of protein drink.However, in this case, you have to carry around for a thermos.But is this a problem?

Banal simplicity in food

Anabolic effect of amino acid supplements

It is known that intensive training regimes require significant energy cost.In those cases.when the energy requirements of the systems of the body during exercise above the existing glycolytic energy new sources can be used as fat.and proteins.including proteins and muscle tissue.Catabolic processes in muscle tissue significantly reduces the effect of training sessions and may be the reason for the high injury.

Many athletes seeking to improve the anabolic processes in your body use all kinds of available and unavailable funds.Among the banned and would like to be considered inaccessible resources include steroids.Athletes who use anabolic steroids, it's hard to convince that there is an alternative.In most cases, given the fashion.traditions of the recent period of.when athletes could almost legally take steroids and just before the most responsible course of anabolic steroids stop competition.Alternatively, while unconvincing sound and the claims of scientists.amino acid complexes that reach 60 – 80% efficiency of anabolic steroids.But at the amino acid supplements, there is also the advantage addition to safety (although overdose is undesirable), and moral purity in their admission.they have the effect of "the accumulation of".Prolonged use of amino acids.according to some experts is possible to observe the action of anabolic processes in the body, which is higher than that of steroids.Therefore, many athletes use protein and amino acid load to increase protein synthesis in the body and increase the speed of the recovery processes.

Apart from pure amino acids in sports used different protein supplements.Very popular in sports POWER protein supplements used in the form of pure beef.plant.egg.milk-egg of the 90% soy.Hydrolyzed protein.Produced by different firms.specializing in the manufacture of food supplements for athletes.Protein complexes are also popular-power.action which is aimed at stimulating growth hormone production and energy support while training in security types.Recent scientific findings support the assumption that.that amino acids have a pronounced anabolic effect.Increased amino acid levels in the blood by intravenous a rule.does not alter glucose.lactate and growth hormone.However, according to Dr F.Hatfield, many amino acids are potent activators of the release of growth hormone.In this role claimed by 3 – and 4-degidroksifenilalalin and 5-hydroxytryptophan.Other amino acids.for example.arginine.histidine.lysine.ornithine.cysteine ​​and tryptophan.also have an anabolic effect with less pronounced side effects.

Amino acids as stimulants of metabolic processes in the body have their appointment.Their function – a material or building blocks for muscle and other tissues.Scientists believe the most important link in the amino acid chain of physiological.which is associated with anabolic processes and growth of muscle.So.Amino acid supplements are extremely important in the recovery of micro muscle tissue after intense exercise.

As a rule, the anabolic processes in the body associated with growth hormone.Indeed the level of growth hormone affects the natural anabolic.Researchers are wondering about the effectiveness of dietary amino acid supplements in regard to their effect on growth hormone levels.Theory may remain just a theory.unless it is proved that the amino acids is almost really able to increase the level of this hormone in the blood.What are the scientific data? Unfortunately.Researchers from the University of Houston have not yet received encouraging results.The effect of increasing the level of growth hormone when taking amino acids L-arginila and L-lysine was not prolonged.Long-term necessary to enhance anabolic processes in the body were recorded.However, one negative example, it is not a tragedy.Athletes purely subjective feeling benefits from the application of amino acid supplements.Also may be hidden effects of free amino acids.

Specialists, such as the already mentioned M.Colgan.consider.that the free supply of amino acids in muscle tissue is represented by more than half of the glutamine th.The role of this amino acid in the process of adaptation to exercise in more detail below.However, here we mention the most important property of a glutamine – its involvement in the removal of products of nitrogen metabolism of muscle.The second abundant amino acid.occupies one-tenth of the total number of amino alanine.

It is important to maintain a level of amino acids in the blood.An important role in this is the liver.However, apart from the body concentration of amino acids in the bloodstream is controlled by several hormones.These are such as insulin, glucagon, and glucocorticoids.And the very changes in the level of amino acids in the blood stimulates the production of certain hormones.For example.established.that insulin production is stimulated by entering the bloodstream branched chain amino acids.and glucagon-essential amino acids.t.e.those that can be synthesized in the body.So we can confidently assert.essential amino acids that take part in the regulation of protein synthesis, not only being a building material.but also run some hormonal reactions.

Reduce the catabolic destruction of muscle protein after a workout can be achieved by taking a protein supplement.Popular serum mentioned above the most common amino acids and branched-chain amino acids.The value of such claimed by manufacturers is their effect on anabolic processes and is.that their admission is supported by a proper balance of amino acids.involved in other important processes.

Anabolic effect of amino acid supplements

Carbohydrate loading

Immediately after your workout along with the restoration of the water balance of the body is important to restore the glycogen reserves are wasted.After training, the overall energy balance is not reduced.Its main source of carbohydrates are.If they were not enough, the organism switches to other energy sources.They are often the muscle proteins.It is therefore important to immediately compensate for energy expenditure immediately after the load.

The phenomenon of "carbohydrate window, just based on the.that after prolonged exercise glycogen in the muscles recover quickly if.when the supply of carbohydrate significantly reduced.This state is short-lived hour or slightly more than.Intake of carbohydrates immediately after training also assists in the overall recovery of the body.So.within half an hour after a long workout should eat foods.carbohydrate-rich.

Researchers recommend immediately after training to take from 0.7 to 1.5 carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight.but for the most rapid recovery within a day it takes about 8-10 g of carbohydrate per kilogram.One of the conditions for successful carbohydrate loading muscle after exercise is the lack of muscle damage after exercise.

Scientific rationale for these recommendations due to the fact.that glycogen synthesis is most intense during the first 30-50 minutes after exercise.Given the fact.that glycogen is deposited not only in the muscles.but also in the liver.receiving shock volumes of carbohydrates after exercise is very important.Experts recommend different composites of carbohydrates with other nutritional supplements.

Studies show that a combination of carbohydrates with protein supplements are most effective.The mechanism of this effect, according to Dr. J.Brannon.due to the fact.that carbohydrates are the most powerful stimulator of insulin secretion.produced by the pancreas.In turn, insulin is involved in triggering mechanisms of glycogen synthesis.Besides carbohydrates – is the raw material for the synthesis of glycogen.It should be added.that individual amino acids.taken in addition to carbohydrates to fill the windows of the carbohydrate.also stimulate the production of insulin.

Such effects have, in particular, leucine.The conclusion is clear: immediately after exercise, take carbohydrates in combination with amino acids.In this section we shall deal with the problems of carbohydrate loading to product use.are routinely used in food products.taken daily.and.first.bread and pasta.- A source of easily digestible complex carbohydrates.which are used to restore the glycogen.One way out of position.when an athlete for whatever reason have not taken special dietary carbohydrate and protein supplement after a eating food with complex carbohydrates such as pasta and meat protein in the form of.

And with it for a while there was a problem: experts, nutritionists say.that contained in this combination product may reduce the rate of fat synthesis of glycogen.As it turned out, these fears proved groundless.After practical tests in comparative studies with different combinations of food was.that fats do not affect the synthesis of glycogen.So welcome after a workout carbohydrate and protein foods can replace the use of special additives.

Although this issue is still much uncertainty.and supplements effective carbohydrates and free amino acids legkousvaemymi has still more effective action on the regenerative processes.However, in our case, the use of post-workout meals with a carbohydrate side dish should be more or less accurately calculate the amount of carbohydrates.This is important combination with meat products mainly carbohydrate last eaten a few smaller quantities.So in download the necessary amount of carbohydrates (and your need for them can be up to 10 g per kilogram of weight).clearly calculate the calories and the content of carbohydrates.Use these objectives various tables.which can be found in the popular press on nutrition Athlete.

To quickly restore glycogen appropriate use of carbohydrates with a high or middle rate of assimilation.Such lists of products.compiled by makes sense to have on hand plan your diet.Recommendations of experts in the field of sports nutrition can be reduced to increase the proportion of carbohydrates in the foods consumed.It is preferable to the use of sugar and in sugar.for rapid recovery and saturation-carbohydrate.At high energy well as before training and competitions is recommended to choose foods low in fiber and high in carbohydrates.

Effective food security for sports are legumes.Dorian Yates – Mr. "Olympia" of 1992-1995.- Recommends for muscle mass.compliance with basic rules of nutrition: the use of portions 5 times a day b 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.The percentage of fat is limited to 15%.The carbohydrate components of food is recommended to obtain from complex carbohydrates – rice.pasta.oatmeal and bread and fruit.Amino acid supplementation with branched side chains should be taken immediately following a workout with plenty of water.Of course, we should not forget multivitamins and trace elements.But more on that later.The benefits of filling the windows of carbohydrate after exercise evidenced by scientific evidence.Doctor.Roy in collaboration with scientists at Washington University and Makmasterskogo reported on the effect of glucose.applied after exercise.on protein synthesis in muscle.The study involved eight volunteers.In one case, the subjects took the carbohydrates in an amount of 1 gram per kilogram of body weight in time and 1 hour after exercise.Carbohydrate intake caused a significant increase in the levels of glucose and insulin for 2 hours after exercise.Subjects.treated with glucose after exercise.protein synthesis in muscle, on average increased by 33.7% and only 2.2% – in the control group.Carbohydrate loading significantly reduced the level of 3-metilgistidina in urine.that is a testament to reduce the destruction of the myofibrillar proteins.These studies have convincingly demonstrated the positive effect of glucose on protein synthesis.

Japanese scientists from the pharmaceutical company "Otsuka" led by Dr. T.Doi conducted studies to determine the effect of amino acids in combination with carbohydrates on the course of the recovery processes in the body after physical exertion.The experiments were performed on dogs, who performed a running load on the treadmill for 2.5 hours.Immediately after exercise within 4 hours of rest the animals were administered a set of amino acids or amino acids in combination with carbohydrates.As shown by the data.combination of amino acid and carbohydrate supplementation in "filling in" carbohydrate window was better than taking only glucose.In this study, at 3 to 4 o'clock in the recreation level of some metabolites.testifying nedovosstanovlenii body in the urine.animals was lower.and glucose and insulin levels higher in the carbohydrate-amino acid infusions.that speaks to their greater efficiency in stimulating recovery processes after exercise.Many athletes know about carbohydrate window, trying to limit carbs to boot.However, this is not always justified.Not all carbohydrates.taken immediately after exercise.used to synthesize liver glycogen and muscle.Here, apparently, there is no direct relationship.

Mechanism of the effect of carbohydrates on glycogen synthesis is associated with increased insulin secretion.It is believed.that carbohydrate intake over a.5 g per kilogram of body weight does not lead to additional gain in insulin production.Is an effective method of carbohydrate-protein mixture, as mentioned above.When symptoms lack of carbohydrates in the body – the hypoglycemic syndrome – carbohydrate intake (up to 1.4 grams per kilogram of body weight) and protein (not less than 30-50 g) should be repeated.This must be done in about two hours after the first boot after training.Such a regimen of carbohydrates and proteins alter the hormonal balance in favor of anabolic hormones.according to experts.Dr. E.Nizhs colleagues investigated the occurrence of reduction processes in the volunteers after ingestion of carbohydrate or carbohydrate-protein mixtures.10 volunteers took after loading nalitki.containing 152.7 of carbohydrates.or 112 tons of carbs and 40.7 g protein.In this experiment, it was found.that the combination of carbohydrates and proteins have a greater effect for the occurrence of recovery processes. achieve high performance in sport athlete must be a full recovery after each training load.This principle also requires super compensation, which is the basis of adaptation to exercise."Loading" window after a workout carbohydrate blend of carbohydrates and proteins designed to facilitate this.carbohydrate-protein diet with special mixtures immediately after exercise promotes the speedy restoration of body.

Carbohydrate loading

Almost all of the creatine

Creatine is one of the most important discoveries made in recent years in the field of specialized nutrition.This is confirmed by numerous independent research.As a result, their overall conclusion was – Creatine is a great food additive for the ambitious athlete.

This substance plays a key role in energy production and muscular contractions.At present, athletes systematically use creatine as a food improve athletic performance and increase the intensity of training programs.Here are just some of the fantastically useful.According to the of creatine: more powerful muscle contractions.increase the explosive force.more rapid recovery of muscles.less fatigue.enhanced weight gain and an increase in muscle volume.

Creatine in sports nutrition

Until the early 90s know nothing about the use of creatine by athletes.Bright winning British athletes (A.Christie, C.Gannel, K.Jackson) at the Olympic Games 1992 in Barcelona, ​​many connected with the latest developments of British experts in the use of special products creatine in sports nutrition (the so-called "loading creatine".cm.below).

Beginning with the 1992-1993.Among the latest sports nutrition is not a popular nutritional supplement than creatine.Suffice it to say.chtogodovye sales over the past five years, only creatine monohydrate dostitigayut 160 million.USD (not including extremely expensive fokreatina) In fact, from this time and the triumphal procession of creatine across countries and continents in a variety of sports.

Polls.carried out by manufacturers.have shown.that three of the four winners of the Summer Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta used creatine in their preparation.

It is important to note.that creatine is not doping.because in principle impossible to distinguish the source of this substance in the body – food or a synthetic product.So.despite all the regret of the International Olympic Committee.Creatine is legally permissible means to improve performance of athletes.the more.that no serious violations is not taking this matter, even in very large doses.

A little history

Creatine was discovered in 1832 by French scientist Chevreul (Chevreui).and from the very beginning of opening it literally fascinated scientists because of its important role in metabolism in skeletal muscle.

After the discovery of creatine Chevreul in 1832.another scientist – Liberg (Lieberg).- Confirmed.that creatine – a normal component of mammalian flesh.Around the same time, researchers Heinz (Heintz) and Pettenkofer (Pettenkofer) found in the urine of a substance.called "creatinine".

They suggested that creatinine is formed from the accumulated in the muscle creatine.Already in the early 20th century, scientists conducted a series of studies of creatine as a supplement to the diet.It was found that not all creatine, taken orally, appears in the urine.This indicated that some creatine remains in the body.Researchers Folin (Folin) and Dennis (Denis) in 1912 and 1914, respectively, determined.The addition of creatine in the diet increased the content of creatine in muscle cells.In 1923, Hahn (Hahn) and Meyer (Meyer) calculated the total amount of creatine in the male.weighing 70 kg.which turned out to be about 140 grams.Already in 1926, was experimentally proven.that the introduction of creatine in the body stimulates the growth of body weight.causing nitrogen retention in the body.In 1927, researchers Fiske (Fiske) and Sabbarou (Subbarow) found "phosphocreatine".which is a chemically related molecule creatine phosphate and.accumulated in muscle tissue.Free forms of creatine and phosphocreatine as key phosphorylated intermediates of metabolism in skeletal muscle.It has been determined.that phosphocreatine stores in muscle tissue can be increased by more than 20% by food fortification with creatine.After this, creatine for years had been forgotten.and strength training surfaced a couple of years ago through the efforts of well-known expert on steroids, Bill Phillips (William Nathaniel Phillips) and his firm's Experimental and Applied Sciences.

Beginning with the 1992-1993.Among the latest sports nutrition is not a popular nutritional supplement than creatine.Suffice it to say.chtogodovye sales over the past five years, only creatine monohydrate dostitigayut 160 million.USD (not including extremely expensive fokreatina) Polls.carried out by manufacturers.have shown.that three of the four winners of the Summer Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta used creatine in their preparation.

Who needs a creatine?

The main value of creatine.apparently.associated with increased short-term athletic performance.for the women's sprint.cycling sprint.Power sports and weightlifting.Creatine is suitable for sports in which you need to make jumps, speed up or finishing spurts.In a phase leap intensity of the load is so high.that during his creatine (phosphocreatine) is also used as an energy source.Supplement nutrition creatine athletes can also benefit.when high-intensity exercise alternated with lower intensity exercise or rest m.For team sports.such as well as martial arts.Tennis.Athletics and sprint races are also characterized by short explosive muscular contractions.followed by brief periods of rest or recovery periods.

Nutrition creatine supplement can help the athlete to train harder for longer periods of time.In turn, the increased intensity of training, the muscles generate more rapid muscle growth and strength.For a study conducted among fans of the "Iron Sport" by Ernest Conrad (Conrad Earnest) and his colleagues at Southwestern Medical Center and Clinic in Dallas Cooper.Texas.athletes in just one month.Taking extra creatine.increased lean body mass on average by 1.6 pounds.

Most studies have used doses of 20-25 g.It appears that creatine helps to maintain a high level of rapid supply of energy of the body.It also prevents the increase in ammonia content in blood plasma.which would otherwise slow down the physical activity.

There is no evidence that creatine enhances our long-term endurance.

According to observations by a Swedish physiologist, still allows weightlifters to seek to increase muscle mass by 2.1 (or more) kg.Practical pyty showed that increasing the total pool of creatine can increase body weight.Many athletes, supplementing the diet with creatine, marked increase in water retention in muscle cells.This increases the cell volume.Muscle tension, the so-called muscle tone, improves muscle and better train.Power sports athlete weighing 75 kg can increase your weight by 2-4 kg.After the cessation of creatine supplementation.weight gain decreases again.due to increased allocation of water.However, due to better performance during exercise, part of the real growth of muscle mass is.At the same time in the power sports marked improvement "of spring" properties of muscles and their ability to overcome great virtue of this complication!

Since vegetarians do not eat meat.employee's main source of creatine.then it is especially recommended for supplementation of creatine.

Sporsmenam.involved in sports.where endurance plays an important role sportsmen which the weight plays an important role.should take into account weight gain when using creatine.

Biochemistry and Physiology

Creatine – is an indispensable.natural natural substance (methyl-guanido acetic acid).contained in the muscles of humans and animals and is required for energy metabolism.muscle movement and the human condition.In humans, there are about 100 -140 grams of the substance, which acts as an energy source for muscle.Daily consumption of creatine in normal conditions is approximately 2 g.Creatine is also important to life as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.Without creatine people and animals could not live.Creatine deficiency is associated with certain physical and muscular disorders.The human body synthesizes creatine from 3 amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine.These amino acids – components of the protein.In humans, enzymes involved in synthesis of creatine, localized in the liver, pancreas and kidneys.Creatine can be made in any of these bodies and then transported by blood to the muscles.Approximately 95% of the total pool of creatine is stored in the tissues of the skeletal muscles.The remaining 5% are found in heart, brain and testes.Shared pool (stock) of creatine in humans consists of creatine in the free form and in the form of phosphocreatine.In skeletal muscle tissue phosphocreatine two-thirds of the total pool of creatine.and the rest is represented by the free forms of creatine.In the absence of exogenous (derived from the diet), creatine excretion rate it in the form of creatinine in humans is about 1.6% per day. a bodyweight of 70 kg and the total creatine pool of 140 g.the person will lose approximately 2 grams of creatine per day during normal everyday activities.With an increase in physical activity also increases the turnover of creatine.and its supply must be replenished through diet or through the body's own natural production.Dietary creatine is mostly found in meat, fish and other animal products.Plants contain only trace amounts of.The average daily diet of meat and vegetables contains about 1 gram of creatine.Since the daily requirement of creatine can only partially met through diet.the rest had to synthesize the body itself.The resulting creatine enters the bloodstream into muscle.where under influence of the enzyme creatine kinase creatine is converted to.Creatine phosphate accumulates in the cell as a source of chemical energy for adenosine triphosphate (ATP).After removal of phosphate creatine turns into creatinine which slag as shown by the kidneys.

But.daily requirement of creatine vegetarian can be covered only by endogenous (flowing inside the body) synthesis.and this number is sometimes simply starved.

Here are the approximate level of creatine in the product (in grams of creatine per 1000 grams of food source): Shrimp – traces.cod – 3.herring – 6.5.10.Salmon – 4.5.Tuna – 4.beef – 4.5.pork – 5.milk – 0.A.Cranberries – 0.02.Now you can draw a conclusion.that for the synthesis of creatine and get it from food animals are important food sources.

How Does Creatine? Useful practical properties of creatine monohydrate decisive factor for achieving high performance in sport is the body's ability to release large amounts of energy over a short period of time.In principle, our body constantly receives energy by splitting carbohydrates and fat.

The immediate source of energy for the same reduction in skeletal muscle is a molecule.called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).Amount of ATP available in the immediate and is crucial for sports activities.

All sources of fuel – carbohydrates.fats and protein – are first converted through various chemical reactions in the ATP.which then becomes available as a single molecule.which the body uses for energy.Everything must first be converted into ATP before it can be used as fuel.ATP – a simple matter, consisting of one molecule of adenosine and three phosphate molecules.When ATP releases energy.fuel to fuel muscle contraction.phosphate group is cleaved.and form a new molecule.calling ADP (adenosine diphosphate).This reaction is reversible at the expense of phosphocreatine, an energy-rich substances.

Creatine combines with phosphate in the form phosphocreatine.which is the determining factor in energy production in muscle tissue.Phosphocreatine supplies the phosphate group of the substance again in a molecule of ATP and thus making it once again ready to release energy.that allows the fuel to feed the continuous muscle contraction.ATP – energogonesuschy substrate is present in muscle, while phosphocreatine – a precursor of ATP.By reatin free-form stored in the working muscles and then re-phosphorylated.transformed into phosphocreatine.

During high-intensity exercise requirement of ATP in the working muscles increases significantly – hundreds of times higher than its resting.During the first 10 seconds of exercise.which uses the maximum load of one to six repetitions.muscle work going on in fosfagennom range, that is, they use stored ATP and phosphocreatine for energy.High intensity exercise can totally deplete phosphocreatine stores within 10 seconds.Depletion of ATP and phosphocreatine must be constantly replenished in order.that muscle contraction could continue at peak levels of frequency and intensity.By increasing phosphocreatine through creatine monohydrate taking.You can increase your ATP and, thus, the number of repetitions in each exercise.

In addition, users of creatine usually feel dramatic results within only seven days.Frequent addition of lean body mass from 2 to 5 kg.Such progress is consonant with some of the headlines of advertising supplements.but such statements can be confirmed by actually.Recent experiments confirm.that creatine monohydrate can increase the second maximum in the bench press at 10kg.improve sprinting ability and help to increase from 2 to 5 kg dry muscle in less than 30 days.

Not only that creatine increases strength, speed and volume, but it also improves the appearance of muscle.Creatine monohydrate is associated with water, as it is absorbed into the muscle cells.As more creatine is stored, more water is drawn into the muscle cell.This explains the hydrating effect of creatine on muscle cell.which consists of approximately 75 percent of the water.Bodybuilders notice: a well hydrated muscle looks more complete.rounder and more inflated.And more importantly – desirable side effects of creatine backed by its proven safety.

Effects of creatine

The trouble many athletes.colliding with another novelty products on the market – is the lack of scientifically validated information and evidence-based recommendations.In his sincere desire to improve training such consumers can easily become victims of misleading advertising.which each year produces new products, "hits".As a one-day butterflies, these products Dummy soon disappear from the arsenal of athletes.leaving him in a bitter loss (mainly.because of his downright infantile credulity).Recall, vanadium, chromium picolinate, and many other "miracle" supplements.Not so this is the case with creatine.The history of scientific study of the natural substrate has many decades of.accumulated a large pot of serious information on the subject.Briefly summarizing the collected data, we can conclude the following:

food supplement creatine has a positive effect on reducing total plasma cholesterol.triglycerides and VLDL (protection of the cardiovascular system);

creatine may have anti-inflammatory effect in acute inflammation.local irritation and inflammation of chronic conditions (eg.arthritis);

system of creatine / phosphocreatine exerts a protective effect on the central nervous system during ischemia and hypoxic conditions (oxygen deficiency);

food supplement creatine is used to treat diseases.that cause muscle atrophy.depletion of creatine and neuromuscular disorders;

Creatine is investigated in the direction of the possible beneficial properties for suppressing the growth of certain types of tumors in mammals.Some studies suggest.that creatine.possibly.has a certain anti-cancer activity.;

food supplement creatine has a positive effect on athletic performance vegetarians;

with chronic heart failure cardiac creatine levels decreased, food supplement creatine in patients with such symptoms increases the number of energy-rich phosphocreatine in skeletal muscle and.therefore.performance in terms of strength and endurance.In fifty patients.underwent surgery to replace a heart valve.Creatine supplementation reduced the arrhythmia in 75%.People.suffering from chronic heart failure.also used this nutrient in doses of 20 grams per day to improve their ability to physical activity.

reception of a powder or capsules creatine monohydrate at a dose of about 20 g / day leads to an increase in phosphocreatine in the muscles and increase the performance of explosive strength (power-speed).

reception of pure creatine increases the weight by increasing muscle mass indices kaliperometricheskih.(The question of a parallel decrease in fat mass under the action of creatine is not resolved to date.);

creatine phosphate very poorly absorbed in the stomach.The introduction of phosphocreatine in the blood (in the form of the popular sport of the drug "Neoton") helps to improve and restore the contractile function of cardiac muscle.but in fact has little effect on the growth of muscle mass.The fact.because of the exceptionally high sales price Neotona (about 12-17 U.S. dollars per 1 g) fails to produce a full load of muscle creatine;

the most effective method is the use of so-called creatine loading week – 20-30 g / day.divided into 4-6 receptions after eating.Maintenance dose after loading can be reduced to 2-5 g / day;

complexes of creatine monohydrate protein (drug "Fosfogen"), or B vitamins do not have any significant benefit compared with preparations of pure creatine monohydrate;

no side harmful effects from taking sverhfiziologicheskih (t.e.more than 2 g / day) doses of creatine monohydrate is not found.

Safety Factor

Creatine – natural metabolite excreted daily by renal filtration.Numerous scientific experiments have shown its safety, even at high dosages.The British study.conducted by University of Nottingham Medical School.found.that subjects.consume as much as 20 grams of creatine monohydrate daily for five days and after that five grams of creatine daily for six weeks of continuous.showed no adverse effects.The researchers concluded.that "food fortification sharp creatine monohydrate does not present any obvious risk to the health of young adults".

Yet.better to start the program supplement creatine supply from the lower doses and monitor performance improvement.Keep in mind that more – not necessarily better.If creatine is too much, it will simply be excreted in the urine.

Creatine can be regarded as safe until the addition of pure and free from impurities.Various varieties of it are currently available in the market, but some have very poor quality.Creatine is of poor quality will not give the same beneficial properties as pure creatine monohydrate.In fact.if it is replaced with cheap fillers or contaminated by impurities.increases the likelihood of ill health.Creatine – a white crystalline powder, which has no taste.If your creatine has a bad odor or yellowish color, beware!

When buying creatine, stick with companies that guarantee the quality of.If you have a guarantee of high-quality creatine and normally functioning kidneys.toxicity is highly unlikely.even when taking from 15 to 3 0 grams per day.which is a common loading dose.If you notice anything that goes beyond the norm, simply reduce the dosage.

Despite the absence of any contra-.Many researchers do not recommend taking his teens.

Dosage / download

The practice has developed two approaches to nutrition supplement creatine.The first – and supports the boot phase.The initial loading phase – 4 to 6 doses of 5 grams each for 3 days -9 – contributes to a significant increase in the total pool of creatine.But the experiments also showed that there is an upper limit of creatine that can be stored in the muscle.One recent experiment showed.that after 6 days of creatine in the destination number 0.3 grams per day per kilogram of body weight the maximum total creatine level was maintained during the subsequent 4-week period of dose.component of total 0.03 grams per day per kilogram of body weight.

For 70 kg.injecting a dose of 0.3 g per day per kg (21 g of creatine monohydrate) for six days.and then takes all 0.03 g per day per kilogram of body weight (2.1 g of creatine monohydrate) for 4 weeks.can support a maximum total creatine levels in muscle tissue.

Today, a rule.take creatine monohydrate.mixing five grams (or one rounded teaspoon) in a glass of juice.To saturate the muscles with creatine.during the first day's run, many so-called boot phase.taking five grams four times a day for five to nine days.After the loading phase, they reduce the dose to five grams per day.The maximum level of creatine in muscle can be maintained for months just five grams per day.Receiving more than 15 – 3 0 grams per day does not increase the useful properties of creatine.Muscle tissue can hold only about five grams of creatine per kilogram of body weight.The normal level of creatine in muscle nefortifitsirovannoy – from 3.5 to 4.0 grams per kilogram of body weight.Until recently, the method of loading.described above.was the most common way to enjoy the effects of creatine.

In understand.that the addition of creatine supply – is only part of the treatment sessions and meals.not a replacement for proper training and healthy dietary habits.Note also.that.although some experiments used a dose of 30 g per day.the body has limited ability to store creatine in muscle tissue.Therefore, the initial loading phase is used fill the pool of creatine.followed by a maintenance replenish expended during exercise creatine.Athletes of primary and secondary level may after 2 – 5 weeks of taking a break for about 2 to 4 weeks.that the body can brush up on your ability to synthesize creatine and again gratefully took him an extra reception.For experienced athletes the competitive level often recommend tsya as follows: 20 to 30 grams a day for 3 days -9.8.2 grams per day for the next 2-8 weeks.followed by 2-4 weeks without food supplements.then the cycle repeats again.Exceed the recommended dosage should not be.

Another approach – an exception loading phase.At the same time an athlete can take relatively low doses.let us say.about 2 -8 g per day.and within 3-4 weeks, the body goes to the maximum level of creatine in the muscles.Although.that the scientist is not yet clear mechanism for this effect.Creatine intake was higher than the trained muscle.than untrained.that is, a trained muscle has a greater potential for the consumption of creatine.than untrained.Intake of creatine can also be increased when it is taken with a carbohydrate solution.Increase in blood glucose levels cause an insulin reaction.which increases the glucose uptake of muscle tissue.The increased release of insulin may also increase the consumption of creatine muscle tissue in parallel with glucose.All this, of course, immediately be picked up and taken into service power athletes.Food Supplement Creatine enhances the ability to maintain operating capacity during periods of repeated high-intensity training.Athletes in virtually every sport, reported an improvement in athletic performance.

Almost all of the creatine

When the load in a carbohydrate?

Imagine you are trying to open a door key, but he suddenly – again! – And broke.What should I do? Somebody dragged a familiar mechanic.and someone will take.Yes, and climb out the window! The correct solution.I tell you.Especially when it comes to the very "carbohydrate window" that opens immediately after the training.

As you well know, the fuel for exercise are carbohydrates.The organism is not much hope for you and therefore you receive at least carbohydrates sparingly lays them in reserve – in the form of glycogen.It's like a carbohydrate "canned".Just that, and here they are carbohydrates – fresh, gotovenkie for immediate use.Typically, glycogen is deposited in the liver.However, if you get started in bodybuilding.body must assess the usefulness of your efforts and for your own convenience store will glycogen in the muscles directly.Effect? Funky gain strength after the first few months of classes! And weight too! Each gram of glycogen "binds" a few grams of water.It means.that muscle additionally saturate with water and heavier.You stand on the scales – ba! A weight has increased by 5 kg! A week later, at the same rate! Well kayfovo same muscles grow! Meanwhile.only the process of collection of water.However, as this only? Water – the most active component of muscle contraction.

A gift that is about dohlyaka say "dried"! Get into the nail on the head! Without water,.Know.There is no power! By the way.just water rushing back.when you burn through your up! Ceased to perspire? Stop! This is – overtraining! Hormonal system, "the village".Glycogen is not delayed.Let's have a rest! Glycogen is the body accumulates without a break for lunch, even during the training (but very little).A carbohydrate "window" – a brief period immediately after a workout.when glycogen accumulates most rapidly.And then what? And then he, too, is delayed, but much more slowly.Where does this "window" and who needs it? Scientists believe.that the most-most of the first people there is no such "window" was not in sight.It was formed as an adaptive response.Our ancestors in search of food made long passages – aerobic activity.

At times, life has forced them to switch to sprint hard – and this is anaerobic training.Sometimes it came to fisticuffs and landfill – again anaerobic species.And then more and more often had to strain.dragging any severity furnishing homes – the trees.stones…In short, began something like this bodybuilding.So.watching the wild which strongly resembles the existence of our ancestors.scientists saw.that the daily energy consumption far outweigh the resources of glycogen.which could accumulate in a natural way.Rescues carbohydrate "window"! Immediately after the glycogen accumulates fiznagruzok downright fast! Twice as fast.than usual! And it's going somewhere two o'clock.But this is enough to insure a snail's pace of glycogen storage in the remaining time of the day.Eventually the body restores the previous power level for 20-24 hours.whereas without the "window" for the same thing would have to be 34-36 hours.The next day, our ancestors would have seen "is dead".What could be there to search for food! Rather, he would become food for some pterodactyl… a "savvy" I will try to fix kachok: that.I read.carbohydrate that is not the window is open 2:00.and only 45 minutes.The answer is: you read it in the literature kulturisticheskoy.And it is written is right! The fact that the rate of glycogen accumulation proportional to the energy.What they are, the more stored glycogen.And the faster.Two hours – these are average figures.But after the Super Intensive training count more than 45 minutes and, in fact, it is not necessary.Although increasing the digestibility of carbohydrates (relatively weak) will be observed as early as 2 hours.

So.what exactly is a bodybuilder.who took and missed the "window"? The next training day he meets the weakened – this is exactly.The previous weight he no longer will submit.You need it? And if not, then pick out the three rules firmly.

The first.Starts to eat as soon as possible after training.The rate of glycogen accumulation falling by the minute! After a couple of hours, they will fall by half.and another 6 hours back to normal.All of this has been established by rigorous scientific experiment.Scientists have divided the athletes into two groups.The first took carbohydrates immediately after training, and the second – two hours.The rate of accumulation of glycogen in the intervention group was higher by 200%! But the most curious.and that after several hours.after the second meal.The first group still was in the lead! The conclusion? If you eat immediately after training.overall rate of recovery will be accelerated!

The second.How many carbohydrates should be eaten? Scientists recommend 50 grams.But sports Methodists insist on quite a different figure – up to 200 grams! Scientists do not agree.Receiving large amounts of carbohydrates can cause too much insulin.And it will prevent "conversion" of carbohydrates into glycogen.I advise you to stay for 50-80 years.

The third.What to eat? It would seem clear that, simple carbohydrates such as chocolate candies yes.They also absorbed almost instantly.But here's the science: much more effective than complex carbohydrates grain cereals and legumes.Why, nobody knows.

And now the error.There are bodybuilders.that.knowing about the "window".try in the first two hours after the training load in itself only as much as possible – and carbohydrates.and protein.shorter.only.Gorge so that they remember and then disgusted about food.And then starve for the rest of the day.No, this is wrong."Window" in itself does not change the diet.There is a need as usual – in small portions 4-6 times a day.Only we must remember.that during the first two hours after the workout stars are favorable reception of carbohydrates.And if you ignore this fact and instead fill the stomach of carbohydrates in protein.a quick recovery you will not see as their ears.

Next time, going to the gym, grab a thermos with a special rice porridge or boiled beans.Believe me, you will not regret!

When the load in a carbohydrate?

11 Mistakes power

1) Do not eat fat and RAZZHIREESH

If kachok gets out of his daily food menu more calories.What "burns" in must be overgrown with fat.Even if the amount of fat in his diet will be zero.The fact.that other macro-nutrition – carbohydrates and proteins – have tragic for our brother, the ability of a bodybuilder.

They engineered a body only in proportion to needs, and all superfluous "converted" into the subcutaneous fat.As for carbohydrates (potatoes.cereal.Sweets.pasta and flour products).the commandment is all this stuff less.Every bodybuilder knows almost from the cradle.But with the protein is not.Many safely "loaded" into a protein in the "bomb" doses.because it is considered.that's how you can stimulate the growth of mass.Meanwhile, the body can absorb the maximum of well 30-40 grams of protein at a time.And no amount of steroids will not help here.Excess protein must zalyagut under the skin in the form of fat.The longer the "experience" robin with a protein, the more difficult to deal with them.If you go back to fats, they are only good in moderation.The general rule is: 15-20% of total daily calories.In this case, you not only zaplyvete fat, but keep heart healthy.


.But other fats are vital.For example, essential fatty acids that are found in vegetable oil.The body can not produce their own.In the meantime, these fat – "building material" for the anabolic hormones testosterone the same.In addition,.without fat metabolism is disturbed.which in practice means a complete stop "melting" of fat under the influence of training.Here is the paradox: in order to burn fat.Need … fat! The best sources of healthy fats – flaxseed oil and fatty acids omega-3 (contained in fish).Healthy fats are essential to maintaining a high immunity."Deleting" them from the diet, you also deal a blow to your health!


In actual fact, muscle is built from protein.And carbohydrates – the fuel that provides energy for intense workouts, designed to increase mass.How much do you need carbohydrates? About 4-5 grams per kilogram of body weight daily.No more and no less.It will be enough to ensure a high tone muscle and fast recovery.

4) I am amateur, but WHY I DO NOT NEED A PROTEIN

This phrase can be heard from those.who goes to the gym but make the muscles more elastic and visible.And not like Arnold or Dorian Yates.It would seem like the guys protein supplements really do not need.But only at first glance.In any case, the muscle should grow – grow in volume.Well, muscle growth is impossible in principle.if a day per kilogram of the athlete's own weight has less than 2 grams of protein.The problem is.proteins that the body desperately needs for his own life.- For example.hematopoiesis, and hormone synthesis."Nedodadite" eating protein the body – and it will consume your muscle tissue as."Vyluschivaya" from its amino acid protein.What here the gains! The conclusion is that for any type of training, keep the protein in the focus!

5) I eat three times a day AND THIS enough for me

Not so! It is impossible to "cram" all necessary nutrients in three meals.We get downright elephantine portions! But even if you can swallow them, two problems arise.First, large portions of poorly absorbed.In practice this means that in.On some of the food lacks the gastric juice, bile and digestive enzymes, and the rest – no.As a result, surpluses become foul right in your gut.Hence, increasing gas production and symptoms of poisoning food poisons: lethargy and weakness.A second.if there are long hours and rarely."Extra" fats.carbohydrates and proteins have to be "rewarded" you solid fat deposits.Breakfast, lunch and dinner – a tradition based on the social order and fitted a working day.But not all traditions worth observe.For health and optimal absorption of nutrients is much more useful than 5-6 times a day in small portions.

6) To lose weight, eat less NEED

"Hungry" diet to help lose weight just for a while.At the same time with the fat you lose muscle inevitably.In addition, receive less calories your body goes to economy.Well, it means slowing down of all biological processes, including the burning of fat.Hence, a typical effect of starvation diets: first, the weight falls, but then firmly stabilized.In order to secure progress in the dropping of the subcutaneous layers.necessarily need to "connect" to the diet, training with weights.It in itself spur metabolism, and thus will not fade away the process of "burning" of fat.The second condition: aerobics.It accelerates with a guarantee of "melting" of fat.

7) Today overeaten, TOMORROW starve – and everything is normal

Eat at a festive table weekly calories – this is certainly a sin for a bodybuilder.But "to atone for" the next day his hunger strikes there is no sense.Low-calorie diet (even just a day) is necessarily slow down the are depriving yourself of energy.required for heavy training.So, if you allowed yourself to Liska, do not rush to the other extreme.Just go back to their normal diet.

8) IF YOU WANT TO KEEP THIS FORM, skip breakfast

On the morning of the metabolic rate is the highest.This means that the risk is minimal fat.During the day the exchange is slowed down gradually, and by midnight, reaches its lowest point.So it turns out that the evening meal most "dangerous".Meanwhile.many pitching muscles to leave out of fear for the whole night without nutrient material deliberately gorge just before bedtime.This is a mistake! Such tactics lead to obesity and only.Due to the low efficiency of digestion in the evening to eat and not so much.But then one must have the will to stand up to an hour or two in the morning and pour yourself a protein shake.That's when you catabolism night, certainly not threatening! As for breakfast.then for a bodybuilder is the most crucial meal.In the morning the body metabolizes carbohydrates better (to replenish glycogen) and protein (for muscle-building).

9) Chicken better than any other

No, not so.Sirloin.back and fillet contain as little a chicken without skin.but they are much more iron and vitamin need to know.any meat that is easily converted into the "wrong".If frying in butter and fatty sauces water.It is best to bake the meat on the grill or in the oven with lemon and herb seasoning.

10) IF YOU WANT TO BE Slim – Do not eat flour, potatoes and porridge!

It turns out that all the carbohydrates you should only get from fruits, vegetables and milk.But how then would have to eat and drink! If we confine ourselves to feasible portions.then you simply will not have enough calories.But the lack of known.leads to a general slowing of metabolism and reduce blood sugar levels.A drop in blood sugar, in turn, provokes the breakdown of muscle tissue.So, it is impossible to give up t.n.starch carbohydrates.They are the best sources – potatoes, pasta, whole grains, brown rice and oatmeal.And do not forget – the day you should receive 4.6 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight.

11) There's nothing better JUICE

Indeed, in the juices rich in vitamins, but in addition, and a lot of calories.With a glass of apple or grape juice we "pour" a nearly 200 calories – the same is contained in a pair of apples or one large potato.But in the digestion of fruit and potato leaves much more time.The juice, by contrast, is too rapidly absorbed, which leads to a sharp rise in blood sugar levels.Following this, usually followed by a powerful release of the hormone insulin.In principle,.He is responsible for the absorption of sugar by muscles.but in addition, and stores carbohydrates in store under the skin in the form of fat.It is clear.with time.if abused juice.abnormally high insulin secretion is sure to cause fouling fat.In addition, insulin provokes a strong appetite.And it ends with chronic overeating, and the same body fat.After training a good substitute for the juice to be a plate of rice.oatmeal or.that much better.legumes (beans.peas.beans).But plain water will satisfy thirst.

CRIS acetyl

11 Mistakes power

Simple rules of supplementation

It is clear that without supplements for bodybuilding can achieve serious progress.In particular,.the most common cause of slow growth of muscle.and then stopping performance is the lack of protein in the diet.Complete your daily diet intake two or three servings of protein powder.and muscle growth again go up the hill.However, the proteins – that's not all.

To increased muscle size and strength, training intensity should steadily improve.This means that you have to intercede for a side of their normal natural resources.How? With the most powerful (and totally safe!) Stimulant called creatine.But.I have here no place to paint all the I simply offer you a list of additives.without which you can not do well.Stress that we are talking about the "mandatory" for bodybuilding supplements.Yes, here you have no choice: to accept or reject.And if you dare neglect my advice, then they themselves do harm to themselves – the growth is practically no.

Many amateur pitching approach to training handicraft – do not even think about supplements.Like, supplements – is the destiny of the pros.As a result, they are disappointing in bodybuilding yourself and others – an impressive result there is no.Although efforts spent huge.Do not repeat this mistake! Supplements – the last word in the science of bodybuilding.They really spur muscle growth! Supplementation – an integral part of the training process of a bodybuilder! Required for all! Five "mandatory" additives – is:

1) protein powders (whey protein to casein and)
2) Glutamine
3) Creatine
4) multivitamins
5) antioxidants (vitamins E and C, alpha lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10 and bioflavonoids).

Each of the five supplements in our body performs its own specific "job".Creatine is needed to build mass and strength.Glutamine boosts the immune system and protects the muscle from the decay.Whey protein is involved in muscle protein synthesis and enhances immunity.Antioxidants protect the membranes of our cells from the damaging effects of free radicals.multivitamins and regulate metabolism.

Protein Complexes

Whey protein and casein – two of the best protein.Both are derived from milk, but differ in the pattern of action: the first – the "short", the second – "long-playing".That's why the maximal effect of muscle growth technique provides a combination of whey protein with casein.At the time, science has discovered.that whey protein increases faster than any other amino acid levels in the blood.But their abundance in the blood – this is just what you need "starved" muscles.Was believed.that the market for sports nutrition whey protein will soon replace all other forms of protein as the most effective.But here in the ointment a fly found.The effect of whey protein being short – on the strength of an hour and a half.Well, our old friend casein increases the level of amino acids in the blood, though slowly.but keeps it constant for approximately seven hours.

Repeat.Whey protein has a strong.but short-term effect.and milk protein – moderate.but long.If you get into the biochemistry.that molecular chains of whey protein in the stomach almost immediately "fall apart" under the influence of hydrochloric acid to the amino acid fragments.And they immediately fall in blood.But casein is digested in the stomach much longer and longer supplies the blood amino acids.Therefore, the most sensible approach – to take two of these proteins in the complex: serum for an immediate intensification of the anabolic.and milk – to ensure long-term muscle protein.It is best to eat this complex in the most "dangerous" time of day – late at night before bedtime.Think for yourself, because you leave your muscles without food for 8-10 hours.If you do not eat whey protein for a couple with casein, the muscles will "starve".Well, where hunger, weight loss and there.Do you really need?


How best to take creatine? Scientists say that with carbohydrates.True.among the brethren kachkovoy long existed a persistent view.that.mole.All this is nonsense – about carbohydrates.Indeed, the boys regularly washed down with a spoonful of creatine glass of juice, and the effect not seem to be added.But in the end it turned out that the scientists are right, but that's just a lot of carbohydrates should be.More precisely, a lot – 100 grams of creatine per serving.Sure.100 grams of sugar in one sitting can not win.but two or three glasses of juice or a couple of bars of carbohydrate it slightly corrected.Creatine will work better! What to take: monohydrate or phosphate?

It is believed that the best way to take creatine monohydrate.However, recent studies have shown creatine phosphate in the form of acts are not worse.But what about the new-fangled "effervescent" creatine.which are made in the likeness of a soluble tablet of aspirin? The theory sounds good.Creatine monohydrate is mixed with potassium bicarbonate and citric acid – just as aspirin.When dissolved in water, the mixture leads to the formation of "super" ionized forms of creatine.Here's how.The reaction between potassium bicarbonate and citric acid produces the effect of "pop" and at the same time splits creatine salt (monohydrate).turning it into a free ionized creatine.which is also called zwitterion.Here it is necessary to clarify.that the body creatine monohydrate undergoes the same transformation in the zwitterion under the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract.And all because the muscles are able to assimilate creatine only in the form of zwitterionic.True.a natural transformation of creatine accompanied by large losses (according to some.the muscle receives no more than 20% "eaten" creatine).Proponents argue effervescent creatine.that creatine.consumed in the form of ready-zwitterionic.incredibly fast – and with almost no loss! – Absorbed into the part of the splitting of the salt has been done outside the body.It sounds plausible, but, alas, sound scientific research has not yet been.So, praise "effervescent" creatine in the end may well turn out to be fabrications ad.


To begin with note: antioxidants like "work" as a team.When you take them all together (vitamins C and E.glutathione.lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10).they interact.reinforcing effect each other.By the way.what is the general designation of antioxidant supplements? They struggle with the most harmful thing – free radicals (CP).CP – it's oxygen molecules freaks who have lost an electron rotating in the outer orbit.It used to be.that CP enters the body only with breathing.but just recently opened.that the same SR in large quantities are born within us under the influence of physical activity.Well, this is not helpful.Why? Because.that the CP of all the forces striving to regain the missing electron.pulling it out of molecules of biological cells.It is clear.Such cell damage is extremely dangerous.because they can cause cancer cell mutations.For bodybuilders, it is important that the CP active "bombard" all tissues, including muscle.And this leads to the death of muscle cells, T.e.decrease in muscle volume.Antioxidants attack free radicals weaken the muscles.mitigate the possible inflammation in the joints.and.thereby.contribute to the rehabilitation of the body after training stress.In addition, they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

In principle, antioxidants should be ingested with food.But how many foods we eat.containing "live" vitamins? The conclusion is that deficiency of antioxidants need to compensate by using additives."Team" works like antioxidants.Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) increases the level of glutathione, vitamins C and E and coenzyme Q10.Vitamin E reduces risk of heart disease and reduces the likelihood of arthritis and inflammatory.Vitamin C helps the body to regenerate vitamin E.but also necessary for normal functioning of the immune system.Together with vitamin E, it reduces the risk of heart disease.Coenzyme Q10 is involved in the regeneration of vitamin E addition.Again, useful in terms of cardiovascular disease.Glutathione, one of the most important antioxidant and helps the internal reproduction of vitamin C.Now a few words about the various bioflavonoids.Their names are little known, but this does not diminish their importance.Some of these contain antioxidants luteolin.myricetin.quercetin.kaemferol.kvertsitrin.apegenin and quercetin-3-glucoside.In order to provide the body with all these important substances.should be included in the diet of many fruits and vegetables.Tea, onions, red wine, grapes and grape juice, apples – the most important sources of food flavonoinov.Although science is now well-known daily intakes of vitamins C and E.say the same about most of the flavonoids can.But in any case, the abundance of fruit you obviously will not hurt.Just like a glass of red wine every couple of days.


Glutamine – the most valuable to the bodybuilder amino acid.Content in the blood and muscles, it takes the first place and is an essential nutrient for different tissues.Especially a lot (40%) of the "fuel" consumption of gastro-intestinal tract and immune system.If you do not deliver to the organism a sufficient number of glutamine.stomach and immune system will select it from the muscle tissue.Ideally, it is best to take glutamine dipeptide in the form.(Dipeptide – two amino acids joined by peptide bond.) Recent studies have shown.that dipeptides are transported into the body faster.than individual amino acids.Respectively, and they are better absorbed.However, it is that these discoveries are in the walls of research laboratories.And on the shelves of sports nutrition you will not see food supplements with glutamine dipeptide.This is – something for the future.

Multivitamin "insurance"

Although vitamins and not directly bring up the muscles, their presence in your diet is essential.And all because the vitamins determine the course of basic metabolic processes.Simply put, they determine how you absorb proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.Lack of vitamins with a guarantee implies a "failure" of exchange and as a result, problems with training.Take vitamins separately troublesome.therefore preferable for bodybuilding multivitamin complexes.You will find them at any pharmacy.

Why Periodization reception?

Protein Powders.Glutamine.antioxidants and multivitamins – funds.that is."Everyday use".and in the periodization of the reception they did not need.But, for example, creatine simply need to be taken intermittently.Let's say you take a week to 20 grams of creatine per day.Then you go to the "lite" mode – to 5 grams per day.Why not take creatine is constantly in the same amount? The explanation is.Creatine transport into the cells deliver proteins – a protein molecule is "glued" to creatine, and so "leaks" through the cell membrane into the cell.When the body "feels".that of creatine in the cells too reduces the synthesis of transport proteins.Clearly, there is much nerd nor accept, the cells in the same amount he did not get.This explains the fact.when pitching.taking creatine.a few months rapid progress come to a "plateau".How can you be? Give yourself a break.At the very least – four weeks, so the body can restore its natural function.And after a month he will again be ready for the next creatine "round".I propose the following scheme: 2-3 months with creatine, and then – a month vacation.


So, you've already figured out that for maximum effect requires a range of additives.The combination of whey and casein promotes muscle protein synthesis and prevents the protein deficiency.During periods of congestion, when you are weak, it is vital to take glutamine.Antioxidant "cocktail" of vitamins C and E.coenzyme Q10.alpha lipoic acid and flavonoids helps to neutralize free radicals aggression.Creatine in combination with sugar works better than pure creatine.Also, do not forget that when taking creatine requires periodization.And finally, take a multivitamin.And then even after the strongest overload all your muscle, "equipment".including the one.that between the legs.will work perfectly well!

Antioxidant Complex

Daily Values: Vitamin E (400 – 1200 IU).Vitamin C (500-2000 mg).co-enzyme Q10 (100-400 mg).alfalipoidnaya acid (200-500 mg).bioflavonoids (the best source – wine.apples at least once a day).
Periodization.Of necessity.Depending on the load and health status.
Time of receipt.Half of the dose in the morning, half – in the evening, to maintain a constant level of these substances in the body.
Comments.It is better to take vitamin E with the content of the natural alpha-tocopherol.Mixed tocopherols and tokotrinola.Lipoic acid is also known as acid or alfalipoidnaya thioacids.Since vitamin C (ascorbic acid) may irritate the is recommended to take with meals.Drink a day on a small glass of light red wine or grape juice.


Daily Values: 20 g (4 times for 5 d) during the week and then three weeks – to 5 grams per day.
Periodization.We recommend the following schedule: 2-3 months with creatine, a month of respite.
Hours: when it is convenient.There is no medical evidence on this point there is no.It is better to take the sugar.
Comments: If stomach upset from creatine.recommended to reduce the dose.and addiction.increase it to the intended.


Daily rate of 5-15 g
Periodization: no recommendation on this point does not exist higher loads it is recommended to increase the daily dose to 20 g.
Hours: When convenient, no medical data on this point there is no.
Comments: Normal levels of glutamine is particularly important for the working muscles.Do not forget to take glutamine!


Daily Values: Select the complexes.which is guaranteed 100% daily requirement for vitamin B and minerals, one tablet in the morning.another – in the evening.Periodization: Not needed
Hours: When convenient
Note: Remember that a multivitamin – your coverage of overtraining!


Daily rate: Approximately 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight
Periodization: Not needed
Hours: Eat 5-6 times a day.with each receiving 20-40 grams of protein, better taken with carbohydrates (which improves the absorption of protein by the body).
Note: It is considered that the maximum dose of one-off – 40 g, although it is not scientifically justified.Make sure (on the label) that protein powder contains both types of proteins – whey and casein.

Dr. Jose Antonio "The Power and Beauty"

Simple rules of supplementation

Carbohydrate supplements

Now you're back before zarkalom.As most use the mirror as a measuring tape.checking your progress in the pursuit of this tight.muscular figure.the achievement of which you are sure.

You turn right and then vlevonapryagaya, uhvatyvayas for it to evaluate your progress.All your time and efforts in the hall, in conjunction with a strict diet, proved to be beneficial.But you're still not sure where you want to be.

"What else can I do?", You ask.You have done everything.that minimize the fat in your diet: do you prepare yourself your own food.take away from the products of all visible fat.and never use butter or whole milk.You may even have started to remove the skin from chicken breasts!

But this is not something with which it all begins…

It can not be that I did not take enough protein, "you say,.You eat good quality protein, take enough egg whites, chicken and fish.As a understand the relationship between dietary protein and muscle mass.and you follow the total number of grams of.that you eat every day.Well.But this is not something with which it all begins!

Our response to training (which the results in.What we see in the mirror) begins with a stimulus-workout: each set and each rep! But each repetition of carbohydrate feeds! No carbohydrates are meaningless exercise.muscles are empty and not just grow up!

It's so easy to catch on the amount of fat and protein.we poe' seems.forget.carbohydrates that is then.that allows us to perform these that muscle adaptation may occur after this!

"This is undoubtedly"., Said Dr. David Kostill.Director of the Laboratory Performance Rights at the University Ball Steit in Myunsi.Indiana."Carbohydrates, the most important nutrient! They allow you to constantly train hard day after day!".

REMEMBER: Your muscles pull the trigger but the gun is loaded carbohydrate.All this contributes to greater mass and a better addition.Here's how it works:

Carbohydrates to the muscles

The most widely used form of glucose is karbogndratov.which is stored in the muscles in the long.Chains.known as glycogen.If your glycogen reserves are too low before the training session or during it (if you're not eating enough karbogndratov or if you had particularly active day).Your muscles may be affected in the acute (short term).and chronic (of delayed) forms.

You see, we're pretty much used our muscle glycogen, when the train..What we see in our lab, so this is a significant reduction in muscle glycogen reserves as a result of weight training ".Says Kostill.As we continue our training sessions our muscles become more tired.energovysvobozhdayuschy as glycogen becomes "consumed".

Short-term fatigue effect of low glycogen reduces the contractile force of muscle.In other words, we become weaker, doing less reps and lift weights are generally less.This reduction in performance keeps us from achieving a level of muscle stimulation.which leads to an increase!

For a long time, lack of muscle glycogen can lead to a downward spiral of overtraining! In addition.your body is forced to use glucose for energy during training with otyagoschenpyami.If it can not remove it from the reserves of carbohydrates, it forms its stock of protein.Of course, the same protein that your body is preparing for your own muscle tissue.You become less and less.There's nothing funny there, ask any bodybuilder.who ever was on the low-carb diet!

Camaya main additive

"Emptiness".You know that feeling.Take, for example, your quadriceps workout.You feel good at first, powerful squatting in five sets.Then you go to zhimam legs, thighs, and then the traction.Oh, and thighs finished.You feel pretty wrinkled, but you need to work out another body part.This is not because your quads, now weakened, will prevent you from.This is a general feeling of fatigue, which will limit you in the course of several successive sets.Would you like to have a sense of fullness ​​a had during your first few sets of squats.

Yes, with an intelligent carbohydrate supplement you may be able to have his.Least.You can set aside or reduce as to be able to invest more effort in exploring your next body part.This means more reps.greater burden and greater muscle adaptation, this leads to increased muscle mass!

It is quite interesting.that with all these contradictions regarding protein supplements.carbohydrate drinks are so.that is effective in providing fuel for working muscles.Virtually every study.being done with solutions of carbohydrates in repetitive actions.demonstrated a positive effect.carbohydrate supplement works! Yet few bodybuilders use this information to better and more effective workout.


Carbohydrate supplements are solutions.which are designed to maintain blood glucose that your glycogen levels did not have to fall too low to meet the energy needs of your muscles.The following instructions assume carbohydrate supplement.that you are training hard for a minimum of OH minutes.Here's what you need to know about these carbohydrate drinks:

1), commercially available mass of different types of drinks karbogpdratnyh.Of course, those that contain glucose polymers, are the best.These glucose polymers provide large amounts of carbohydrates available at a lower osmotic activity.Since the osmotic activity may interfere in the absorption.-These polymers will provide you with a higher concentration of glucose in the blood.when you need it;

2) You are solely responsible start drinking your carbohydrate drink within 10 minutes of your first set.If you drink it too early (more than 30 minutes or so before training).your body will react to an increase in insulin levels.When you start to exercise and your muscles, and insulin will remove glucose from your blood.Little time is needed to achieve the hypoglycemic condition.Nothing good.Release of insulin.of course.blocked during that a good start to drink your carbohydrate drink right before exercise;

3) Your drink will be absorbed better.when it is cooled to about 40 degrees Fahrenheit (about 5 degrees Celsius);

4) In addition, your gastrointestinal tract can not absorb more than 50-75 g of glucose per hour.Overturning a full bottle at once will cause colic, as well as nausea;

5) You need to drink in small sips one half of a standard 16-ounce bottles in the first hour of your workout and training (of course.You should always drink water.when you exercise).Then mix the remaining half-bottle of water and drink it in the next hour.

If you've never tried carbohydrate drinks, try their.You'll have more energy during your workout.that would result in only more significant additions! You will understand that.that researchers had long known: carbohydrate drinks work! It is a fact.which can be as new.muscular figure in your mirror.

Bob Lpfeypi

Carbohydrate supplements

Time enzymes

Adding enzymes to the diet may not give a bad result in increasing muscle mass.Traditionally, the.enzymes known as an aid in the digestive processes.but studies have shown.that they also play an important role in the restoration of high-intensity exercise.

Time enzymesFormation of enzymes.

Enzymes – proteins.that act as catalysts in the body.enabling the metabolic processes in the body to pass more quickly.First.than protein and carbohydrates can be used to increase muscle.enzymes to break down in their digestive system into smaller molecules for better assimilation.Three major classes of enzymes cleave foods: amylases break down carbohydrates.Lipase breaks down fats.and proteases break down proteins.Although these enzymes are in our body.they can also be obtained from certain foods and dietary supplements.Bodybuilders use supplementation of help your digestive system to handle large amounts of food they should eat to increase muscle.

Since builders are more interested in a larger protein intake.than most other makes sense to consume additional enzymes.because the protease – the most important types of enzymes for our body.Recent research has confirmed the benefits of protease showed.that special blend of enzymes.which added to the whey protein.increased the number of amino acids in the blood several times.than taking a whey protein.Essentially.more protein was digested and adding the enzyme to drink.allows more amino acids enter the blood supply to muscles.

In the blood.

Proteases allow more amino acids to be absorbed.but are themselves enzymes into the blood stream.The study showed.that they do not break down the acid environment of the stomach.and not being destroyed and absorbed by the intestines into the blood protease enzymes into the blood.they take a new role.assisting in muscle growth.

Scientists have begun to discover the beneficial effects of protease even 1960th.Proteases were initially help athletes recover from injuries.sprains and fractures.It is assumed that enzymes reduce the production of molecules that cause inflammation.Excessive inflammation can delay recovery and muscle building muscle so slow.enzymes limit the amount of the ignition.which occurs after injury.and on the regeneration process is faster.Also accelerate the recovery of the protease.increasing the number of amino acids in the blood.needed to repair damaged muscles and joints.

Studies have shown.that the addition of the protease can reduce.recovery time and speed.researchers at the University of North Carolina decided to test the effect of adding a protease to recover from intense workouts.A group of people spent a training session for 30 minutes and took an additional enzymes.The second group performed the same exercises.but took the placebo.Three days later, both groups have been tested.The results? Those who took the extra enzymes recover faster when compared with placebo.It was also verified by an inflammation of the muscle fibers, the first group of indicators were better.It means.that adding enzymes to the diet helps to recover from damage from intense training and.

How to choose?

Choose the formula.which contains several types of enzymes: trypsin.pepsin.pancreatic enzymes.bromelain and papain.Bromelain can also be obtained from fresh pineapple, papain from fresh papaya.Some supplements include amylase and lipase, which helps in the digestion of carbohydrates and fats.

Manufacturers also sell protein powders that include protease enzymes.Look for a protein supplement Tagged with – a patented compound protease enzymes.are added to many protein supplements.


Supplementing with 200-500 mg of protease enzymes before and after exercise helps to restore.increase the amount of protein entering the blood.will help your muscles recover faster.reduces pain.are tested after training.

Len Davis translation

Time enzymes

These mysterious Omega-3 fats

Why are they so important? Over the past ten years numerous studies have revealed beneficial effects of these fats.Initially, their value has been found in research in the field of heart.

Then they began to add up nice features like a snowball.At the same to establish.that people consume the majority of these beneficial fats unacceptably the diet of adult fat intake of omega-3 is only 50-80% of vital.It is therefore important to know what products you can find these enigmatic Omega-3 fats.

Omega-3 actually refer to fatty acids, form the basis of fat.There are several types of fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.Polyunsaturated acids in turn contain two distinct components: the Omega-3 and Omega-6.For a long time learning useful properties of Omega-3 has not been.since they are usually consumed in much smaller quantities.fats than omega-6.Although, as it turned out, their benefits are much more.Although these fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega-6 are essential for the life of the organism.the organism itself is unable to produce them.That is why it is necessary to consume them as food.

As soon as the omega-3 fats into the body.they are introduced directly into our cells.influencing their structure and activity.Hence, such a variety of useful properties: they improve the functioning of the heart.brain.the eyes and joints.reduce the level of bad cholesterol.These fats may have anti-inflammatory effects and are excellent antioxidants.that is, contribute to the excretion of harmful substances and free radicals.Scientific studies have proven.that omega-3 fats prevent and improve the condition of eczema.allergies.Asthma.Alzheimer's disease.depression and neurological diseases.diabetes.hyperactive children.psoriasis.Osteoporosis.arthrosis.cardiovascular well as more serious illnesses.for example.prostate cancer or breast cancer.

What you need is to get the omega-3 fats?

To balance our intake of fatty acids.must provide the body with omega-3 fats and omega-6 ratio at least 1:2 or 1:3.and it is best to use them in equal amounts.Meanwhile, the ratio in the diet of most urban dwellers, at best, looks like a worst, 1:10.In addition, fat intake in such an unfavorable ratio prevents good absorption of Omega-3.

Recommended daily intake of omega-3 fat – 1.6 grams for women and 2 grams for men.It was such a dose is needed for normal functioning of body cells.In terms of food is an art.spoon of rapeseed oil.or 1 teaspoon of flax seed.or 5-10 pieces of raw.not roasted nuts.or 70 grams of fresh salmon.or 90 grams of canned sardines.or 120 grams of canned tuna.or 3 eggs.enriched with Omega-3.Remember also that the omega-3 fats of animal origin digested worse than vegetable.

In addition, to increase your intake of omega-3 fats, you can use a few tips:

For salads, use canola, sesame, peanut or olive oil, at least.

• Regularly enter in the menu of fatty fish and bold varieties (salmon.mackerel.herring.Sardines.trout.tuna, etc..- 3-4 times a week, 100-150 g), as well as seafood and to choose fresh.rather than frozen fish.and caught in the wild.not grown in fish for the maintenance of fish omega-3 fats affect its power fish farms and fish feeds mainly on flour and mixed fodder.rather than plankton.

When smoked and salted fish loses some of the omega-3 fats, and frozen for a year – up 50%.Canned fish – is another matter.Especially as oil well protects the omega-3 fats from collapse during the canning.After eating a jar of sardines in olive oil for 2-3 days, you're almost completely provide yourself with these fats.In fish, canned in own juice or in aqueous solution, fats, Omega-3 is somewhat less.

• Try to get at the pharmacy or health food sections of flaxseed – it is extremely Omega-3 lot.His many and in linseed oil, which is much harder to find.In some countries it is prohibited for sale.since his overdose or nesvezhest lead to food poisoning.

But.If you do not like fish or do not watch their diet especially.Supplements with Omega-3 – a good alternative.
Author: Marina Al Rabac

These mysterious Omega-3 fats


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